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  1. Hi all. Long story short - I had an accident at work, they admitted liability. I have been off on long term sick with PTSD and now called in for interview by HR. They want me to finish due to long absence. OH doctor has put on one report that the disabilty act may apply to my case. I've made a claim via my union which is ongoing. I really don't want to lose my job, but I'm not well enough to go back. I'm trying to claim sick benefits but it's very hard going and haven't received anything yet. SSP and pay have now finished so I'm starting to panic. I've finally been seen by a CPN this last month who is putting a care plan together for me. It is a large organisation so I'm not being missed as such. I accept they can no longer pay me but can they dismiss me? I'm concerned as it's a great job plus now, with my sick record and mental health problem I'm never going to find a good job again. Can anyone help please?
  2. Hi Redroy. Any luck with obtaining these hire costs back yet? Am asking as it seems I am in the exact same position as you are right now. Ive been told by OCL solicitors that third party are Hi Redroy, any luck with this yet? I am in exact same position as you was last year. Have been told by OCL solicitors that third party are disputing the excessive car hire amount and want to know why i chose to take an expensive car out of hire. I feel trapped as i explained to OCL that One Call insurance deferred me to the hire company and made it seem all seemingless and painless. Now its been 7 months and I am dealing with a court mitigation with third party regarding costs for car hire and injury. This was a 100 percent non fault claim.
  3. Hi, With ref to : https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?483974-ADVICE-required-Defendant-insurer-refusing-to-pay-for-credit-hire-vehicle I was just reading up on hire company car issues and have found myself in a similar situation described earlier this year in the forum. I had a car accident a few weeks ago and I was not at fault and my insurance company have referred me on to the solicitors and they offered to repair my car and give me a hire car to use, which I accepted as I believed this was something I was entitled to since I was not at fault. I am now being asked to provide all my bank details and find this very bizarre. I have called the solicitors and they say that they plan to get all costs covered by the other person's car insurance, which brings me back to why am I providing my bank details?? I came across this forum and began reading your posts on the forum to get advice and see if other people have been in this situation. May I ask what happened with your situation? Did the solicitors manage to claim back costs from the other insurance company? Did you encounter any other further problems/costs? and were you happy to pass on your bank statements? I have never dealt with an insurance claim before and thought this was going to be a simple to ensure my car is repaired, but have realised there is a lot more to this. I read in the forum that you did pass on you bank details to the solicitors. Did you find this was a safe thing to do or did they make you pay for anything? Is this all a normal process??? Many Thanks.
  4. Hi all, I am new to this forum and apologise if this is the wrong section to post this. I live in London and was involved in an accident yesterday. As I was leaving the bus, a man ran to get on the bus and collided into me, giving me an ankle injury. I didn't know if it was broken or just sprained, but figured it may have been broken as I almost fainted moments after. Do I have any rights to receive compensation i.e. from the man? Thanks.
  5. I was involved in a non fault accident one call insurance put me on to a company to give me a hire car and reclaim everything from the 3rd party . i had a hire car for 8 weeks i tried to return but wasnt allowed .now after 9 months i have received a.letter saying they havent recovered costs from the third party and are using OCL solicitors to reclaim the debt by court action using my name . has anyone being in this situation . they are asking me to sign forms to authorise this . please help Thanks in advance
  6. I had this - cars were following some big truck at about 40mph in 60 zone and then just ahead is the first possibility to overtake straight into 70 zone. everyone is taking right lane. I usually have a solid distance to preceding car and when I was doing it - just along the white line - guy behind used painted area to try to get in front of me and we brushed sides. He has damage to back side of his car around back wheel arch, I have damage to side at front between door and front lights. INsurance advisor was only suggesting that as I was changing lanes I could be at found fault too. I'm kind of not ready to take hit on that [costs - car is important to get me to work far away], but there is no witness, and guy can claim he has overtook but never went over painted area. The Only thing supporting my case is that there is junction in 200m and we have still managed to get it and stop round a corner - crawling slowly for most of the distance after accident. Road is busy and too dangerous to walk onto plus it was dark to get any evidence photographed. Only debris from side indicator could poss be found. 1. I'm not feeling at fault should I go already with letters in STICKY [more like messages as only phone number ready] 1a. When to send letter if only in few weeks I will know full extent of uninsured costs? 2. If I neglect that can he do the same? claiming I was at fault and what is worst case scenario? It is right thing to claim expenses, but now I just feel 'how I did not see it coming in a side mirror' but remember only it went fast and he had to well accelerate to be in front of me that fast :
  7. Some time ago I was involved in an accident i was a passenger a car 5 in total The claim was handled by a firm of solicitors and was suspected of fraud by the other side solicitors due to no witnesses and the car driver claiming for alot of stuff , IE car recovery loss of earnings storage fees My version of events were different from the driver i remember him driving me home after the car was rear ended , he had said the car was so badly damaged it had to be recovered which was untrue I had many awkward questions from our solicitors , it was said if i agreed with the others in the car case would be so much easier I got took off the court directions the driver disappeared 1 other passenger went to court and was awarded compensation (won his case) Now I’ve been sent a bill by the defendants solicitors for £29k Any ideas what i can do ?
  8. I booked disability assistance in Stansted Airport. The driver and his colleague of the disability vehicle taking disabled passengers from the plane to the airport building acted unprofessional and reckless. When the car started driving (and speeding!), the driver left the door opened right next to where an elderly passenger sat, she was petrified. After some commotion the car stopped and they closed the door. Then the car started speeding again and then suddenly braked throwing me to the floor, I was wearing a spinal brace at the time. They were saying they drove into a chain that was supposed to have a sign on it and it didn’t, trying to justify that it wasn’t the driver’s fault (although, had they not been speeding, I believe they would've seen the chain and even if they had to break I would not have fallen). Despite the incident, I was not allowed a doctor, any medical help, not even a first aid box for a plaster, etc. When I asked to speak to a manager, I was told the manager wasn’t there. I wanted to log a complaint, but they wouldn’t allow me in any way to record the incident, for various reasons they made up. Absolutely everything was refused, apart from a glass of water. I was travelling alone, and I remember severely shaking at one point. All of this should be on CCTVs. I had refused to leave the airport until a complaint/incident was logged and a first aid box was given. The guy said there were no first aid boxes around, or to that effect, and there was nowhere to log the incident or complaint. As I refused to leave, he then paraded me around the airport in the wheelchair while he (non-enthusiastically) kept asking random employees for a plaster and how to log this incident, this took a long time and it was obvious he was trying to get me tired of this so I would drop everything and leave. It was a humiliation of the first order and I can’t begin to express how stressful this was. In the end, I wasn’t’ going to leave the airport, so he had no choice but to get me a plaster, which he found on a colleague, and apparently logged a report on their computer in the disability office. Still, I wasn’t allowed a copy of the report or a reference number. I was assured that someone would contact me about this. No one ever contacted me. As the result of this incident and how I was dragged around the airport my prebooked transport was already gone. This was not a difficult hour of the night and the airport would not help me with getting home. I had money for a bus that went to Victoria station in London, so I got that, but I have a huge memory blank of how I got home that night, I think I was so stressed or in shock I have a memory loss. For many months I was so stressed about this incident that I couldn’t even fly to my cousin’s wedding in Europe. I couldn’t face contacting Stansted airport to chase up this incident either as when I would think about it I would go breathless and my heart would go into palpitations and out of rhythm (I have a medical heart condition). Some months later, when I could get myself to do it, I wrote to Stansted airport to find out about that complaint someone was supposed to get back to me about. I learnt I was mislead in the airport and there was no complaint on the system. Then I sent them a fresh complaint by email, they accepted everything that happened, but blamed me for it as apparently it was my fault I didn’t put a seat belt on in the disability vehicle. (Note: as a result of my heart condition I often feel dizzy and faint so I can easily overlook things like seatbelts. I book special assistance in the airport to help me physically with basic things like mobility and seatbelts. I don’t understand why this is my fault). The complaint was also not accepted properly because I emailed them just over 6 months after the incident (-apparently what I logged in Stansted airport was an incident not a complaint – a technicality I didn't know about, and apparently I had 6 months to log a complaint – another technicality no one told me about). I felt like I was a victim of some sort of Stansted airport mafia. I found it impossible to complaint to Stansted airport. What can I do about this please? Is there anywhere else I can take my complaint to? Or is this all at the discretion of the airport? I feel the incidents that happened in Stansted airport, how they were handled, and how passengers like me are presented with barriers to complain about such events makes Stansted airport a very dangerous place for disabled passengers. Any advise or feedback is most welcome.
  9. Hello. Early last year I suffered an accident at work when a large object fell on me. What followed was a pretty unpleasant 6-9 months but I am almost back to normal now. The accident was reported and I completed an accident report verbally which was recorded. Before Christmas last year I verbally asked to see the CCTV footage of the incident and was told that I could but then I never got around to it again due to the Christmas break. Last week I asked the head of Health and Safety if I could see the footage and he told me that he was 99% it had been lost. I asked how this happened and he said that there was a mix up between him and a Director of the company. I asked him if he could make 100% sure and he attempted to fob me off by saying he was busy this week and on holiday next week but I reassured him that I would remind him upon his return. He stated that if I were to make a claim then the CCTV wouldn't make any difference because the company were totally to blame for the accident. Obviously I'm not happy with this but I would like some advice as to whether a Subject Access Request would be the best option here or start with an email / letter? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
  10. morning all travelling back from holiday and have had a bit of a bump, stopped and swapped details of course but not sure how its likely to go. came off M60 on slip road and theres two lanes to go around onto M67, i was in left hand side of the two (video shows markings on road) went to go around the lane (stayed in lane) and unfortunately someones come from the 3rd lane and tried to go straight on - straight into side of the car not sure how insurance is likely to view it to be honest (especially as its wife insurance as named driver) the only other detail is that although its dented his wing its has actually done very little to our car, most a scratch and a tiny dent so really not sure if its worth claiming http://tinyurl.com/y7geetg7
  11. Please bear with me first accident in well over 10 years. Coming out of a junction last night saw a moped with no lights at last moment, so stopped. The moped skidded and fell over. The rider stated if it hadn't been raining he would have stopped okay. He said he was okay, but we exchanged telephone numbers and parted ways, and he said he would call as it only looked superficial. I'm not sure if he wants to pursue a claim, do I report it to my insurance now, or wait until he contacts to see what he wants to do. Realised today that even though there was no contact and he fell due braking sharply in the rain, could be seen as a non contact accident.
  12. Hi All, my mother had a tripping accident in a major supermarket last week. A piece of plastic cabling that is used to hold boxes together was left on the floor, my mother didn't see it, got her foot caught up in it and ended up on the floor on her right side. The plastic cabling was picked up and remove whilst my mother was on the floor. The store staff were very good, but no details were taken and through embarrassment she was desperate to leave the store. The store's first aider was called but my mother said she was fine and refused to allow them to call an ambulance. However, she had great difficulty driving home and was very upset about the situation when reaching home. My sister insisted she attended the Infirmary Hospital near to us - she has fractured her shoulder which is very painful and she has to wear a sling. My mother is currently caring for my father which is proving very difficult as a result of this accident and is unable to drive for 8 weeks. Whilst two members of the public ran to assist her no details were taken. We have been advised that each aisle has CCTV and the accident would have been caught on camera, can I ask to see the store CCTV? Any advice or guidance on what to do now would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Hi, hope you can help. On the 10th October 2017 I took out car insurance with GA and paid in full. They asked me to send them proof of no claims bonus, so I called them to establish I would email them a copy of the letter sent to me by my previous insurer stating how many no claims bonus I had and that’s exactly what I then did. On Wednesday 15th November 2017 I received an email saying my car insurance has been cancelled due to them not receiving my proof of no claims bonus. I was put into quite a predicament because under duress I then had to buy some more car insurance. Do insurance companies have the right to do this? My car is parked on the road side so apart from the risk involved while I was searching for a new insurance company I was unable to drive my car until I was able to reinsure my car. They refunded my insurance less £90. Thanks
  14. Hi. My father in law was shopping last Wednesday in Manchester City Centre and visited a book store. He was with his wife. They are both in their late 70's. During the visit, then went down 3 flights of stairs in store to the book section, but after the 3 flights of stairs, there were 2 steps that you couldn't see. My FIL fell and as he was going down, he tried to grab a stand and cut his hand open. He also smashed his face into the floor and was bleeding heavily from his nose. Staff came to help and my MIL was furious about no signs for the 2 small steps, and the staff were saying 'yeah, I know, we should have a sign'. They weren't bothered in the slightest. My MIL asked for a first aider. The store never had one! They called security who didn't really know what to do. They were trying to stop the bleeding from his hand and face with toilet roll. Then someone produced a small first aid bag and the security were arguing about what they could and couldn't apply to his injuries. The staff wrote the incident down in the accident book. They gave him a bottle of water then sent him on his way! They never once offered to call an ambulance! He left the store with his wife and both were in shock. My MIL said she was shaking like a leaf and didn't know what was going on. So he left the store with his face covered in blood, and his hand bleeding and got a bus home! He never went to hospital as he is 'old school' and everything will be okay. They never told me about this until last night. I am livid that the store let him leave like this and there was no first aider to help. I asked about photographs and they said they think someone took one of the steps but not sure. They don't have camera phones. I asked to see my FIL's hand but my MIL had just put fresh bandages on. She said she thinks it needs stitches as the cut is wide open, but he won't go to the hospital. So what can we do about this? I am disgusted in how he was treated and fobbed off. I was wondering if I could go to the store today and see the accident book. Also I'd like to take a few photos myself of the area and see if there are any warnings in place yet. I'd also like to see where CCTV is situated in store and how I can get a copy. Please advise if possible, I'm so angry right now how he was treated! Thanks
  15. I had a non fault accident in July 2011. Stupidly i entered into a credit car hire agreement and should have done my homework first. eventually the other insurer admitted liability and thought everything was settled as i got a letter saying this. A few days ago i got a letter from a solicitor saying that payment for their services have not been paid (Car hire), and they will be raising court action within 14 days against other party. Also states that they will not seek payment from me as long as i co operate etc. ... Had this same letter in 2013. Have read on here about statute barred and see that in Scotland its 5 years. Im in Scotland but the company is in England. Any advice you could offer? I done all my worrying in 2011 after reading horror stories so no point me getting all stressed again. I'll go with the flow Thanks
  16. Long story slightly shorter. We had a other party fault accident last year, which is been sort of resolved, although I do have a complaint in with the Legal Ombudsman regarding this. However for the past 3 weeks I am constantly being bombarded by calls from supposedly different companies all with a Manchester selection of phone numbers, all want to talk to me about last years accident. Today I had enough so I questioned the company of the day, as with the others I give no information out and I confirm or deny nothing BUT this guy knows whre the accident happened, who was involved, the street, the other party's name and everything. He said my insurance company can legally sell on my details on this accident for TWO years. He also said we are due a payment between £2500-3000, I assume that's a pile of poo, although I'd love for one of you to confirm otherwise! So to confirm my question - is the true, that they are selling my details on and is there anyway of stopping them?
  17. PLease move this to a different forum if need be - ty I had a car accident today - briefly i was on a min roundabout turning right and the guy coming the opposite way (i was on his right) didnt stop and i went into the side of him. Ive no dash cam, but i did film everything after i got out of the car but he doesnt admit responsibility on that. Anyway- my insurance seem keen on making my old car a write off due to its high mileage and its age - thats ok but i want to make sure that he admits responsibility first, as if he doesnt and ive got no witnesses they told me it MIGHT go 50/50 which would mean another claim on my insurance = more money next time i renew which i dont want, as i had al ittle bang last year and even with protected NCB my insurance shot up in price. But my underwriters told me today, that its now standard to write my car off first, then they have X amount to claim back off his insurance. This doesnt make sense to me, surely they would want to see who is responsible first?? My main question is: why are they pushing me to write my car off? they seem in a real hurry to do so, its Budget insurance so not a fly by night company or anything Im just wondering what im missing? i dont want to shoot myself in the foot and have my premium go up next time around if i can help it - does anyone have any recent experience of making claims like this? thanks
  18. Hey guys Apologies if I am in the wrong section, but I am new here! I recently had an accident with another driver where our cars collided. The third party was 100% in the wrong in regards to the accident however she is not claiming liability considering that it was her fault. I'm not here to get advice on the accident details, I am here to ask a question about court statements. When in contact with the solicitors dealing with my case for me, i've obviously given them my statement of what happened and I know i've been completely honest with this because not only is this my first ever court appearance, it's my first time dealing with something like this so I wanted to ensure 100% truthfulness. I've been sent her statement in regards to what happened that night, reading through it she has completely lied about what was said in the conversation between us after the accident. Before I go into what was said, I just want to say that this third party (defendant) is of Polish decent and spoke broken English... When I got out of the car, I said to her that she was in the wrong lane and cut into me causing the accident, to which she replied "I was in the right lane, you were in the wrong lane" to which I replied "Ok thats fine, if you want to argue this i'll call a police officer myself and get them to see who was in the wrong lane" and that was that... In her statement, she has wrote - 'he got out of his car, I told him he was in the wrong and he said "I am a police officer I know what lane I should've been in' My question to you guys is what exactly happens at this point there has clearly been a mis-communication due to a language barrier? I am slightly concerned as the last thing I want to get branded with is impersonation of a police officer when it did not happen at all. I hope this is enough information in regards to the question I would like answered Many thanks Sam
  19. Car Issues Post Accident Repairs. Car is a Vauxhall Corsa SRI less than 1 year old with just over 5100 miles (post accident) They were the middle car of the 3 cars involved, middle car & front car were only just moving off from traffic light being on red and changed to green, middle car was hit by car from rear with such force shunted into car in front. Rear Car that caused the accident has admitted full liability so no issue there. Car came back from the Insurers Approved Repairer looking all shiny and new except in pitch darkness so they were unable to view car. So they take it to local petrol station forecourt which is like Blackpool illuminations and that's where all the issues were picked up and complained to Insurer: 1. Front bonnet you can fit your hand under (that's without using the bonnet release lever). 2. Battery Terminals covers were not fitted and lying loose. 3. Oil warning light as Oil Low. 4. No Screen wash. 5. Intermittent display on the dashboard. 6. ECU at side of battery connecting clips broken and hanging loose. 7. Constant clicking noise from engine. 8. Hand Brake to be on is almost vertical. 9. Using the foot brake completely spongy with foot on floor. 10. Due to recent cold spell having to scrap ice of all inside windows of car and seat feel wet. 11. when engine started petrol fumes coming through the cars ventilation system. 12. A lot of fuel missing from car from collection. 13. Numerous mileage added while in Approved Repairer care. 14 Both Left & Right front wings where they join the window area to roof a slight touch with one finger and you can move the wing out. There is more but will stop at that as it gives an idea of the issue with the repairs. All the above has been made a formal complaint to the insurer I have told then that they also need to not ask but tell the insurers they want the following: 1. Copy of the Post Accident Inspection Report. 2. Copy of the Repairs carried out by the Approved Repairer. 3. They wish an Independent Inspection of the car carried out before sent to there Approved Repairer. (same lot different garage) 4. They refuse the Car going back to rectify the above issue to the same Approved Repairer but a different garage. 5. They invoke there right to chose which Approved Repairer these repairs are carried out (note: this individual has a pacemaker & went through the DVLA Medical process to drive and the Insurers are fully aware of this Now as this isn't my are I would be grateful for our motor guru's advice on this
  20. May not be in the correct forum, Mods it needs an idea of both legal and more importantly, DWP. 1. I have DLA awarded since 2008, Mob - High, Care - Low. 2. In 2015 I was run over by a car driver unhappy in having to wait for me to cross the road (slowly) on my crutches. 3. I sued the driver who was convicted of a host of offences. 4. I wasn't awarded anything under CICB payments, I had to sue him myself. 5. The Drivers Insurers have now offered a take it or leave it sum. 6. I know my Solicitor will have to complete a CRU 7. I have searched the net for days for the rulings, appeals etc and have not found the answer which differs from my Solicitors (who I do not believe knows the subject) opinion that the CRU will deduct 38 months of my DLA. 8. Had the accident not happened, I would still have claimed DLA as my disability/qualification was assessed nearly 8 years before on a separate matter. 9. I am on operation 38 for my disability, I will never get better and will die with the same problem. Deduction of my DLA under the CRU would be unjust, wouldn't it? 10. Can I prevent the deduction, using case law, or the rule with respect to my circumstances, or do I have to swallow the loss of money that could have really help me buy new items, not cast-offs to help my disability? Any authoritative response would be most welcome. Thank you
  21. Hi, Unsure if this is the correct area? Need some help / advice please. A relative has been involved in a accident where a car has gone into the back of his scooter at an island. The driver admitted causing the accident (noted by a passing officer) so my uncle has perused a claim against the drivers insurance company axa (uncle ins, is 3rd Party) Axa, have sent out their guy to view the bike, and has confirmed that the bike is a write-off.. (Garage purchased bike from has provided a report which details over £3k of damage - bike is worth £2400 at today price on auto trader) Now despite any correspondence from Axa, my Uncle has now received a cheque "without prejudice"for £1,495. He rang (yep i told him to email/write) and was informed that this value was less the scrap amount, of which uncle will have to scrap the bike. The bike had passed service/mot two days before the accident with glowing colours & was in excellent condition (2015). Should we send the cheque back to axa with copies of the garage reports & proofs of similar scooters from auto trader? (If so is there a template letter) Or is the offer fair? I'm not that clued up on the world of insurance. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  22. Hi all. I suspect that this is no big deal but I had a head injury whilst at work last Friday, attempted to work today but realised that I was suffering from concussion. Before I left, the health and safety manager wanted to interview me about the accident and just as we were starting, he took me by surprise and took his phone out and began to audio record the conversation and asked quickly if I was okay with this, to which I replied that I was. Obviously I am not complaining about this because I did agree that it was okay, but I am curious as to whether this is the norm?
  23. Would appreciate opinion on this: A car went into the back of mine on a busy rush hour road and the driver admitted their guilt. All going through insurers okay but as my car is only 8 months old, is a limited edition model, and was perfect before the accident (which caused an indent/mark where the other car hit mine, and put the rear panel out of alignment with the left-hand side panel) I expected the garage to just order a new back panel and replace it, thus putting my car back into the position it was prior to the accident and guaranteeing no loss to its value. However, they did a repair only. Furthermore, just after they brought my car back, I noticed the the two panels were still not perfectly aligned so I immediately notified them and my insurers. My insurers said it was up to the garage if they replaced the panel or just repaired it. The engineer is coming to see my car early next week to assess the situation. My question is, am I within my rights to demand a new panel be ordered and fitted as opposed to just having the existing panel repaired?
  24. I had a car accident last week where someone drove at the back of my car while I was stationary at traffic lights and reported the accident to my insurance who called me on Friday offered me repair at their approved user once I paid Excess. They said once they have the other party accept liablity I would receive my Excess back and this would not be marked as FAULT accident on my claim. I asked them to wait until Monday as I wanted to send all the evidence about liablity to my insurance first. (Excess is Only £100 so its not a big deal at all). Then on Saturday I received a phone call from Third Party's insurance who said their client has admitted the liablity and therefore they are willing to repair my car at their approved garages and happy to provide me a courtesy car and if I chose to go ahead I wont even have to pay EXCESS. I said to them I will need to discuss this with my insurance first then give them an answer on Monday. Third party advised me to inform my insurance they have admitted liablity. I need to ask few questions if someone can kindly help: 1) Is this something normal for third party to call and offer repairs and courtesy car as it sounds very fishy? 2) Who should I choose to repair my car i.e. my insurance or third party insurers (EXCESS is not an issue as its only £100) 3) By looking at damage I took quoatation from few local repair garages and it is in Excess of more than 75% of my car's value. In this case will my car be written off? I would prefer my car not to be written off as its a perfect runner and I've always looked after it. 4) Which insurance is least likely to write my car off? Third Party or My insurance? 5) Because It will now be recorded as an accident on my insurance it is likely to affect my future premiums as some insurance companies think once in accident is more than likely to be in another accident regardless of fault or no fault. Can I in this case claim for increase in my car insurance premium from the 3rd party insurance? (I know this sounds very wierd question but I see increase in premium as a direct consequential loss of the accident caused by the 3rd party insured). I am therefore very confused and any help in this matter will be highly appreciated.
  25. Hi, I need some advice about an insurance claim via Hastings Direct. My sister was involved in an accident in the middle of November. She was waiting at a roundabout on the left lane when an adjacent truck in the right lane pulled across her stationary car damaging the driver side door, wing mirror front wing and pulling the bumper off. They third party are disputing the claim which is annoying, as all my sister did was sit in her car on the left lane while the other driver pulled across her car. Hastings Direct repairers have said the car is a Cat C as it has suspension damage, though from the pictures the damage seems minor. My sisters car is a 12 year old Peugeot she has had from new. She has serviced and maintained the car at a main dealer throughout its life and car was in excellent pre-accident condition. My sister has put me on the Hastings Direct file as the contact to deal with the claim, as she is currently going through an adoption process abroad and she is not in the right frame of mind to deal with the stress of this claim and to boot she now abroad going through the process to adopt a baby. Hastings Direct initially took the car after the accident by telling my sister they wanted to take the car in to be inspected for evidence to back up her claim, my sister agreed on this basis for the car to be collected. She subsequently was sent a letter saying the car was a total write off and to send in her documents, spare key and service history, plus to remove her personal number plate. This when she asked me to deal with the claim. I called Hastings Direct to ask about the letter and said why are they asking for these documents when they have not even offered her a figure for her car. I also said we wanted the option to buy the car back at the salvage value as we might be able to repair it mechanically and leave the cosmetic damage, as my sister he not have enough money to buy a replacement at current time due to adoption process she was going through. The customer representative said it was in the policy document that they do not sell cars back as salvage to customers. I said we would not be sending the documents back until we had a figure for the value of her car, he said fair enough and that we can keep the documents until the Engineers come back with a figure. My sister was sent a letter a couple of weeks ago offering £1725 for her car. I called up Hastings Direct and said this figure was not acceptable and also mentioned that I had read the policy document and could find nowhere within the document about not selling the car back at the salvage value to the customer. The customer representative said oh, it’s not in the policy document, it’s just their internal policy not to sell cars back to the customer. This contradicts what the first customer representative said! They gave me the email address for the company dealing with the valuation and to send in three adverts with cars in similar condition at a higher price. My sister bought the car from a main dealer brand new and has serviced the car at a dealership. She is not the person that can buy privately or through some small garage as she does not have the experience. I called a couple of Peugeot dealers to get the retail value of the car, they said they wouldn’t normally sell of this age, but the retail value of the car if they were to sell one would be between £3000 and £3500. I emailed the valuation company with this information. They called me to discuss the claim and agreed that the retails value of the car is £3300, however the values are set by Hastings Direct valuers, which places the maximum value on the car at £1725 which is based on a trade guide. The valuer said he would contact Hastings Direct to speak to them. It was a couple of weeks since the call and my sister has since gone abroad to start the adoption process, so I called Hastings Direct last Friday; after being put through to two wrong departments, I finally got through to the correct team. The total loss team said that the values are based on the trade values buying a car privately and not from a dealer as they give warranties on cars and prices will be higher. I said my sister would not be able to buy a car privately based on the figure offered and she would not be sure what she would get, hence the reason for wanting to buy a car from a dealer. The representative suggested we could do a HPI check would give us some cover! The representative said they could put the case through to another independent team who would consider the value based on the current market and get back to me, but this will take 7 to 14 days. I said this would be ok as it my sister is only due back in December if all goes well. After this I asked to put through to the team dealing with the claim so that I could check on progress. The claims team said they are stilling waiting on details from the third party in regards to their damage and in these type of cases it may go to split liability. I said this is really unfair considering my sisters car was hit while stationary and the damage to her vehicle and the position on the road should clearly indicate who is at fault. If it is split liability, then with a £500 excess, this would leave my sister £1225 to buy a replacement car which really isn’t enough to replace her low mileage one owner car. Is it normally the trade values that an insurance company offers for a car? When my partners car was written off about 8 years ago the insurance company offered the retail value of the car. Can we buy the car back at salvage? If I can repair the suspension damage and make the car safe, then my sister can live with the cosmetic damage. This will give my sister a reliable car she knows the history of, until she has money to replace it. What pressure can I apply to Hastings Direct to pursue the claim rather than possibly settle for split liability. It should be quite clear from the evidence of the damage to the vehicles to see who hit who. I would like to add Hastings Direct on the phone have been very friendly and nice, unfortunately they have not been able to supply the answers that would be acceptable. This whole affair has made me realise that it pays to research the company when buying car insurance, my sister chose Hastings Direct because she thought she would be safe with a big name company. Thanks in advance for help/advice Brian
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