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  1. Hi guys, On the 12th of september I had just had a mis-carriage and been discharged from hospital. I also had a flight that evening at 9pm to a family wedding in spain. I rushed to primark to gather last minute things; whilst grabbing clothes i was struggling to hold all my shopping and couldn't see any shopping bags near me so i places a PJ set and a bra into my actual handbag. Through the stress and rush I went to the cashier and paid for everything in my hand which was (£40+) and did not pay for the two items in my handbag - which is a huge oversight on my half (but i was very stressed and under a time deadline.) I was approached by security staff who told me i had not paid for items in my bag which i instantly gasped at and offered to pay. However, at this point I can not recall if I had technically left the store as I do feel as if the security had approached me just by the exit. I was very cooperative as I was trying to catch my flight - however one of the security officers was making me feel very uncomfortable telling me how pretty i look and asking me loads of personal questions (which i refused to reply to as I did not see the relevance to the issue at hand.) He then began getting rather rude with me and I asked to see the cctv footage to see if i had actually left the store without paying. They refused to show me the cctv and threatened with police. Which on a normal day I would fight but I had a flight to catch and just wanted the day to be over. I have now received the infamous letter from RLP asking for £150.00!! Just wanted to know what steps I could take forward? Do I send an appeal? I actually am moving to NYC and dont want debt collectors coming to my family home whilst away. Thank you!
  2. Hello. My employer tried to make a thing about how I performed my duties whilst working on the shop floor. Whilst going over the footage with them (nothing found), I seen that the CCTV showed footage of me getting changed down to my underwear (as there are no changing rooms). HR and my supervisor have both seen this footage. The employer hasn't registered with the ICO to use the CCTV but also hasn't put up signage, etc in the workplace to say that CCTV will be used and watched. Is there a legal position on this or am I getting needlessly upset?
  3. I have CCTV pointing to three external walls and I'm planning a house move. If you saw a house with CCTV on it for sale, would you still consider it? I am in a quandary over will CCTV prevent my house sale and should I risk taking it down? H
  4. I picked up on this very useful link from another thread: https://www.gov.uk/request-cctv-footage-of-yourself Does anyone know if this applies to domestic CCTV systems as well?
  5. Hello. Early last year I suffered an accident at work when a large object fell on me. What followed was a pretty unpleasant 6-9 months but I am almost back to normal now. The accident was reported and I completed an accident report verbally which was recorded. Before Christmas last year I verbally asked to see the CCTV footage of the incident and was told that I could but then I never got around to it again due to the Christmas break. Last week I asked the head of Health and Safety if I could see the footage and he told me that he was 99% it had been lost. I asked how this happened and he said that there was a mix up between him and a Director of the company. I asked him if he could make 100% sure and he attempted to fob me off by saying he was busy this week and on holiday next week but I reassured him that I would remind him upon his return. He stated that if I were to make a claim then the CCTV wouldn't make any difference because the company were totally to blame for the accident. Obviously I'm not happy with this but I would like some advice as to whether a Subject Access Request would be the best option here or start with an email / letter? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
  6. Hi all. I've started work in a new place......well 5 months ago. I'm in an office of 18 people. We have 6 cameras. No signs. No Policy. No information. And I know that our Site manager is using them to watch us coming and going and to see if we are on our mobiles during working time. I feel very uneasy about this and have been told stories whereby the knowledge of a person's particular activity could only have come from monitoring the cameras. There is nothing valuable, confidential, sensitive or anything worth stealing. We have no problem with any type of petty crime and Security is most definately not an issue. We have a swipe card system on our door which is 200 yards inside our gate. What should I do.
  7. My friend works in a nightclub, she was asked by her boss to download 15 hrs (3 cameras @ 5hrs each) of CCTV footage and post to a customer - the customers bag went missing, it was so she could view to see if she could identify who took her bag. My friend feels because of data protection she should not have sent this footage - none of the footage was obscured. Her boss asked her to do it but she fears repercussions. What is the law re CCTV and what could happen to my friend or her boss?
  8. Hi. My father in law was shopping last Wednesday in Manchester City Centre and visited a book store. He was with his wife. They are both in their late 70's. During the visit, then went down 3 flights of stairs in store to the book section, but after the 3 flights of stairs, there were 2 steps that you couldn't see. My FIL fell and as he was going down, he tried to grab a stand and cut his hand open. He also smashed his face into the floor and was bleeding heavily from his nose. Staff came to help and my MIL was furious about no signs for the 2 small steps, and the staff were saying 'yeah, I know, we should have a sign'. They weren't bothered in the slightest. My MIL asked for a first aider. The store never had one! They called security who didn't really know what to do. They were trying to stop the bleeding from his hand and face with toilet roll. Then someone produced a small first aid bag and the security were arguing about what they could and couldn't apply to his injuries. The staff wrote the incident down in the accident book. They gave him a bottle of water then sent him on his way! They never once offered to call an ambulance! He left the store with his wife and both were in shock. My MIL said she was shaking like a leaf and didn't know what was going on. So he left the store with his face covered in blood, and his hand bleeding and got a bus home! He never went to hospital as he is 'old school' and everything will be okay. They never told me about this until last night. I am livid that the store let him leave like this and there was no first aider to help. I asked about photographs and they said they think someone took one of the steps but not sure. They don't have camera phones. I asked to see my FIL's hand but my MIL had just put fresh bandages on. She said she thinks it needs stitches as the cut is wide open, but he won't go to the hospital. So what can we do about this? I am disgusted in how he was treated and fobbed off. I was wondering if I could go to the store today and see the accident book. Also I'd like to take a few photos myself of the area and see if there are any warnings in place yet. I'd also like to see where CCTV is situated in store and how I can get a copy. Please advise if possible, I'm so angry right now how he was treated! Thanks
  9. Hi Guys, Need your advice on this unusual problem. Sorry story is a bit long. I’ll spilt it by bullet point to make it easier to read: 1. 23 Dec 2016 – went to the store made small purchase requested £50 cashback. Was deep in my thoughts. Felt a bit awkward at the end of interaction with cashier who started behaving strangely by completely ignoring me and started chatting with colleague. After packing few purchased items I was waiting patiently not realising what for. Felt as something did not finish - no eye contact from cashier, no thanks / goodbye. I’ve felt a bit strange and waited for much longer that socially acceptable in such situation and then left the store without exchanging a word with cashier. 2. Few day later realised I did not had my cash. As I was not out of the house since visiting store I could not have spent it or lost somewhere. 3. Waited for store to open again and went to speak with manager on 27 Dec 16 to ask them for my cashback and checking CCTV to confirm it was not given. Duty manager said he cannot view CCTV but checked till for that day and there was no extra cash in the till. He also found small receipt with my signature that confirms I’ve received cash. Signature seemed to be mine but I do not remember signing it nor receiving cash. 4. I’ve got my receipt with cashback on it. I am guessing I was asked to sign small slip confirming I was given cash and then was given my store receipt. That triggered me into thinking I got what I needed and made to forget about my cash by cashier starting to completely ignoring me. 5. I’ve spoken to customer services and same manger again who were pointing at each other saying I need to request CCTV footage and pay for it and that only store manager / area manager can view CCTV. 6. 6 Jan 16 spoke to customer services who then spoke to store manager who then checked till records again stating no extra cash was reported on that day. 7. Managed to speak to store manager in person on 6 Jan 16. Did not get much was just fobbed off making it sound it was my fault and I should have checked cash in store and they conducted their investigation. This person was quite elusive did not wanted to talk. Said nothing I can do. Both managers felt a bit arrogant almost as if they were saying good luck with that! If you know what I mean. 8. 6 Jan 16 stated electronic communication with customer services sending all above information via web form. Starting message with I am making formal request for CCTV footage under Data Protection Act 1998 confirming I am happy to pay for it. Providing all relevant details timing till number etc. 9. 18 Jan 17 sent them all above information in registered letter. 10. Did not get any response for around 10 calendar days and called them again to chase up for reply. 11. Received reply on evening of 20 Jan 17 (Friday) stating they passed for investigation to area manager. Provided instructions for requesting CCTV and how payment should be made. Advised that I need to contact police if I felt there was theft. 12. 20 Jan 17 I replied via e-mail and asked to place hold on the footage to ensure it is not overwritten as I’ve read somewhere that their retention period is 30 days. 13. 21 Jan 17 (Saturday) send request for footage as per their instructions. 14. 26 Jan 17 received letter stating request is outside of system storage capacity. 15. Chased them up for finial outcome of area manager investigation knowing what they will say. 16. 16 Feb 2016 Received response stating CCTV has now been overwritten they conducted till review and no extra cash was found. Nothing else they can do and I can contact the police. My view on that is that they ignored my initial request under Data protection act sent to them on 6 Jan 17. Purposely delayed providing instruction for requesting footage and timed it so that I have 0% chances of making it successfully and that it reaches them before 30 days retention period to cover up for their employees. I’ve seem to exhausted my option to get this resolved with the company and looking for advice on taking this further. I feel up to taking them to small court claiming for postage, petrol cost for number of trips inconvenience and original cashback. Just wanted to get your views on chance for success and some help with small court procedures if will be going that way. Thanks for reading!
  10. Hi everyone, I was driving last night, i needed to take right turn but stupidly i jumped the red light. I realized when i i came in the middle of the road n then i stoped my car there . I carried on when signal became green . There was cctv camera in the front of the pool which was i m asuming monitoring yellow box junction of the other lane. I have attached some pics of that junction which shows the location of the camera . I m wondering can that cctv camera catch redlight offence or not? Thx Sorry pic is attached here ...
  11. My neighbour and I are having problems with anti social behaviour from the school we live next to. We both appreciate that children will be naughty sometimes but due to the complete lack of supervision by the school during play periods they run riot. The main problem is stone throwing into our gardens which has already resulted in two broken windows but the school deny it has anything to do with them. My neighbour wants to install a CCTV camera at the bottom of his garden pointing directly at the play area but I am saying he cannot do this. Is he correct in thinking he can do this please?
  12. As an enquirers thread was being diverted I have kicked off this thread to discuss CCTV and BWC. As E Munch has highlighted ICO concerns and DPA on this thread at post# 8 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?457929-Bristow-and-Sutor-%28Council-Tax%29-threatened-ARREST-if-not-pay-NOW...%282-Viewing%29-nbspdress happens to be right number wrong street I will kick off with the other side of the coin as in an aggressive EA is captured on a debtor's doorstep CCTV trying to intimidate a 14 year old daughter who looks 18, with no other adult present. DPA issues? and as it is a private house EA cannot demand footage destroyed and apparently no DPA issue especially if warning that CCTV is recording all visitors being displayed. Compare and contrast with DPA implications for BWC on EA capturing the same incident. Discuss
  13. Yellow Box Junctions are, in general terms, a good thing. They allow traffic from minor roads access to main roads in heavy traffic. The problem that we have had in London for some years, and coming soon to the rest of the country, is where the council uses them as ‘money boxes’ to raise revenue thru CCTV. One west London junction raised £2.7m a year, and there are many others I would like an amendment to the "Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002" requiring councils to put up signs advising drivers of CCTV monitoring of yellow box junctions – if the aim of the yellow box junction is to ensure that drivers from the monor roads can access the main road they should have no objection to this. Please click on the link below to sign the petition https://you.38degrees.org.uk/p/ycb
  14. Please only read this if you can provide useful help. I am just a small cog, in a huge manufacturing plant that has its own site security who man the gates checking lorries leaving. This morning I had to leave night shift early due to a private hospital appointment. This was pre-planned, and accepted by my boss, and I also had the proof letter. There are 2 lanes to exit, with retractable bollards, and safety barriers that can also be raised. As there was a long que of lorries in the left hand lane, I chose to use the open right hand lane as the first set of bollards & barriers were open. This is something we always do when usually leaving after a shift. As I approached, the security lady waved her right arm backward and forwards as if to indicate me to move forwards. She then turned around and started shouting to my surprise. I was by now past the first lowered bollards, and in the 'security box'. Ahead the 2nd barriers were raised, but the 2nd bollards up. She shouted, " I told you to stop, you need to reverse and go to the back" I told her don't be stupid it is dark and raining, and would she open the barriers. She got the hump and made threats to 'report' me for calling her stupid. I said, do whatever you need to, but can I just get home now as I have permission for my appointment, and I am in my own time. She refused, and then took my name & reg, and asked for my company ID, which I gave her. I told her again I needed to go and moved the car an inch. She stood in front of my car and stopped me there while she shouted to the other guard to close the other barrier preventing my exit. She now has my reg, ID and name, and still is refusing to let me go home. I said, and I quote "Look, you have my details, lets just deal with this Monday" She said "You wont have a job on Monday" I said "Well we'll see won't we" ...she carried on the radio for a few minutes when I just told her "look, I have permission to leave this site for a medical reason for which I will hold you responsible" She lowered the bollard and I left. Now this was 5 mins of my time I won't get back, and I do not appreciate being threatened by a hitler security guard on my way out of a very physical job. There are 2 lanes to exit. I did not think it was unreasonable as the left hand lane was full of commercial lorries being checked, for me as an employee who works hard, to use the right hand lane which was open. I did not appreciate having my ID taken, and kept against my will. I did not commit a criminal offence. This is all on CCTV as she told me. Great, I would like to see that as everything I have said happened they will see. Can I SAR them for the footage of me by any chance? It is data, and do they have to comply? What I would also like help with please is if any, is what workplace offences she, or I may have committed, as my workplace uses a kangaroo court style justice system where they trump up charges to boost their own ego. I have been through a tribunal myself, which I won, and I know that there has to be proof of EVERYTHING for things to stick legally. They cannot take one side over the other, which is what they will do anyway, as they like to get one over us on the shop floor by 'doing someone' regularly to show their superiority. Also, was I falsely imprisoned, threatened unfairly etc.. It is now 7am, 2 hours after I left work, and I cannot sleep due to this stressing me out, and I have to be up for the hospital at 12pm. Thanks for reading.
  15. I know this has been posted on Local authority & Traffic offences thread but big implications for private land enforcement - CCTV cameras who catch and send out automatic tickets to 'offenders' are to be banned. Interesting. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2981794/10-minute-let-avoid-parking-ticket-month-new-law-let-overstay-meter-without-fine.html People power works!!!!
  16. HI everyone I work in field sales, and my manager audited me and was viewing cctv of my visit to a store which they then used to say i wasn't doing my job correctly I'm just wondering if this is legal for them to do that
  17. Hello Everyone. Please advise me in relation to the PCN with following details: Date of alleged contravention: 16/03/2014 Date of PCN: 25/03/2014 Contravention: Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle (code 23L) in a loading place for goods vehicle only I made a number of requests to view video recording of the evidence. This was not made available. Instead a charge certificate was sent. I then made the representation without seeing the evidence and without ascertaining whether the contravention occurred or not on grounds of procedural impropriety. Please see the attached representation letter for further details of the case. Now I have received the letter from the council stating that my appeal is out of time. I don’t even have the option of going to the adjudication. In a similar situation for the same code, I was allowed to go into adjudication and my appeal was allowed. Please see details of the other PCN on this link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?423738-PCN-through-CCTV-camera-for-parking-in-a-loading-place-for-goods-vehicle-only-%28Code-23L%29-**PATAS-Appeal-Allowed** Any advice please.
  18. Hi there As mentioned in the subject line - the PCN i received yesterday gives me 14 days for the discounted period but according to law introduced in 2008 any PCN issued on private land by CCTV should have 21 days as the discount period Would this give me grounds for appeal to invalidate the ticket? Ticket was received in a Currys car park in stockport if there are differences by region Any help greatly appreciated Cheers Ross
  19. A few weeks ago my car was parked on a residential road overnight, during the night the car was severely scratched with keys on all 4 sides (bonnet, boot, drivers and passenger sides) causing approximately £2000 of damage. I reported the incident to the police, who sent officers out to take a look and log the incident. 4 days later I received a call to let me know they would be making enquiries, knocking on doors, looking for witnesses and for any cctv. The following day I received a letter (dated 2 days prior to the call) saying there was very little that could be done so the case would be closed. I called them back to ask what had actually been done, apparently they had made the enquiries and found nothing so closed the case. I decided to take a walk round the area and knock on some doors myself, in doing so found a local business with infrared CCTV cameras, pointing in the direction of the space my car had been parked. Having spoken with the company they kindly reviewed the tapes, verified my identity as owner of the vehicle and found very clear, detailed video of the incident taking place and the face of the criminal. They offered the CCTV to the police to follow up but are unable to let me view the videos myself, apparently due to DPA. I've since spoken with the Police who have been unable to identify the perpetrator as yet but are circulating this internally to see if anyone recognises them. They have however said that if no-one does they will close the case and not take the matter further. If the police are unable to identify the criminal, how can I get the image to confirm whether or not I recognise them, was it personal??, was it a random drunk??, and further to circulate it more widely to bring the offender to justice? Additionally, i'm told there is a strong possibility that if they do manage to identify him then unless they are a persistent offender there is a strong possibility of a 'police caution' I have read through the DPA as posted on the ICO and there doesn't seem to be any reason why I should not view this video, does anyone have any view on this, or otherwise how I might go about persuading the private company to release a copy to me without risk to themselves? If the criminal is actually identified, through whatever means, how could I go about bringing a private prosecution to recover my losses for the damage, rather than them getting off with a 'caution' ? Many thanks in advance for your advice. Sorry for the long post but - 'Extremely annoyed at being so out of pocket and potentially Mr Scott-free strolling around without a care in the world for their actions'
  20. Footage of a woman in Greater Manchester getting dragged along as a man attempts to steal her car is "utterly shocking", police have said. It shows a man running into Deb Smythe's Audi as she opened a car park barrier at Green Pest Control, Ripponden Road, Oldham on Friday. The 52-year-old from Oldham struggled with the suspect and was dragged along with the car as it was reversed back into Ripponden Road. The offender then fled on foot. 'Extremely lucky' He ran off towards Littlemoor Road after the 90-second struggle. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-29399804
  21. Hi Guy's Was hoping someone could give a little advice. My Partner and i took my disabled grandmother food shopping and were dropping her home. (She lives on a busy main road (main bus route) which recently has had CCTV and double yellow lines put outside her house and the nearby shops.) My grandmother cannot walk unaided and therefore when i pick her up or drop her off i usually park outside her house and mount the kerb (two wheels). This is for two reasons, the first because this is the closest point to her front door and secondly, due to it being a busy bus route i do not want to obstruct the traffic and buses as this would be unsafe. I should also add that everyone on this road parks their cars on the pavement everyday and have been doing so for over 30 years. We received the PCN through the post and my wife appealed attaching my grandmothers disabled badge and a proof of address in the form of a utility bill. The appeal was rejected and we were given the option of a further appeal to an independent adjudicator which my wife did again as she is the registered owner of the vehicle. We received a letter on 19th March stating that our appeal would be heard on Monday 14th April and that any additional evidence should be received by Tuesday 8th April. Today we received a 25 page double sided document from the council stating their case which included pictures and the Legal Acts we had broken. They also stated that what my wife said was not as it seems. The letter also included a DVD of the incident. My wife in her letter stated that the reason we parked on the kerb is because of my grandmothers disability and that she requires a wheelchair and that because she is pregnant she could not unload the wheelchair etc. The fact is that my wife had confused this with another time we took my nan shopping (as i said we have parked here many times before with no problem). The DVD does not show me escorting my nan to her house (she can walk short distances aided hence the reason for parking so close to her house) or unloading the bulk of the shopping. It just shows me getting the last of the shopping from the rear seats of the car. Also in the 25 page letter they state that the fine is £110?! Is this right? we appealed well within the two weeks! My understanding was that if you are appealing the fine stays at the reduced £50? What should i do now? Should i write to the adjudicator explaining what i have above and ask for the council to provide the full video evidence? I have time to compile something this weekend so some help would be greatly appreciated.
  22. Hi Everyone, I got a PCN from TFL, I felt something was wrong with the ticket so I made a Freedom Of Information for the maintenance of the CCTV camera used. I got a response from TFL and the CCTV camera had NOT been serviced as and when due. I made a defence based on that fact. TFL turned down my appeal claiming that "CCTV cameras are not individually subject to "Type Approval" . I would have just believed that but they went on further to say that the responsibility of maintaining the cameras lies with the supplier. It seems to me they are trying to shift the blame to the supplier. My question is this: is there any legal requirement that each camera should be regularly serviced? If there is, please could you highlight the relevant Act of parliament. Thanks a lot
  23. I'm asking for advice on behalf of a friend who has received a PCN in lovely, loony Lambeth. He only has 4 days to deal with this at the discounted rate. I have lots of pics to post but my post count is too low! Aaaarrrggghh!
  24. Not sure if this is the correct thread to post this question. A relative took money out at the bank, which was put in an envelope but forgot to take from the bank tiller's draw as they exited the bank. Realising their mistake a short while later returned to the bank spoke to the original till person, who could only say that it should be reported to the police. This is now a police matter, as the money might have been taken by another customer. Police have said that the CCTV footage viewed could be better. I am interested in additional footage of where the bank teller does their transactions which would give a better view. Would there be any way of finding out this information as a consumer? As when the police was asked they stated due to data protection they could not reveal this information. Thank you.
  25. CCTV code of practice - revised http://ico.org.uk/about_us/consultations/our_consultations Responses to this consultation must be submitted by 1 July 2014.
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