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Found 13 results

  1. Lousy Service, possible Breach of Contract? I phoned them and asked them if they could repair a tilt and turn window in a rental property They said that they could and quoted three prices (depending on what work needed to be done) which I agreed and furnished my credit card details. An appointment was made for a few days later. On the morning of the appointment the engineer telephoned me and when leaning it is a tilt and turn, said he could not do it. I complained to the company and Mr R**** sent me, (to the wrong address), an insulting reply saying they are not charging me and offering 15% discount on future work (as if). I have asked for reasonable compensation and if I do not get it will take them to court. A complete bunch of cowboys. I see that the company have complained to Trust Pilot about my naming one of their employee sin a scathing review. I have therefore removed his name. It is a pity that Able Group have not dealt with the problem rather than their petty attempts to have it removed.
  2. Me and my wife as regular customers of Curry's Pc World went to this store with the intention of buying the ipad air for our daughter as a birthday present. We arrived around noon the store was really quiet at the time, we went to the ipad section and asked for help, one lady approached us few minutes after and we start our enquiries about product, she was very helpful and explained to us the prices and we were happy to purchase the ipad air. She also asked us if we would be interested in customers care plan as we immediately responded NO, she insisted that if something goes wrong with the product or if in the future any damage happen it will be covered by the plan for only £5.50 monthly, again we said NO we already have two tablets and we have our own insurance so we saw no point of getting this deal. Although she mention to us that was not her department and asked us to wait few minutes as she was getting the sector responsible to finalize the sale. We waited few minutes and she came back saying that she could not find anyone so she will finalize the transaction herself. As an O2 customer I received a promotion code to use on your stores when spending more that £200 in-store I would get £25.00 discount, I asked if I could use the promotion but the lady was very confused and told us that she would ask this to one of her colleagues. We went to the till and she started to look for a colleague to help her as it seemed no one was interested to help. Finally one colleague came by and she asked for help regarding the promotional code and the gentleman explained it was possible to use, and again the gentleman also asked us if we were interested on the care plan, again we said NO, the gentleman insisted and told us: "don't say no yet give it a month, you can try for FREE and then if you decided to cancel you can do it just with the simple phone call". After such persistence from both sellers and thinking I had nothing to lose as it was free for the first month I said ok. The lady proceed the bill and I paid for it this included the promotional discount of £25.00. As soon as the lady give me my receipt I noticed that I have been charged for an extra £5.50 which I immediately questioned about it to the lady. She also looked confused and could not explain to me why I had been charged for the care plan as her colleague had said that the first month would be for free. She called him back and I asked him why I had been charged for £5.50 on the care plan? He said because I had used the O2 promotional code the first month would not be for free and I would have to pay for it. I explained to the gentleman that I was not interested to pay for any care plan and the only reason that I have had accepted was because of the fact he told me the first month would be for free. At this point the gentleman said I must misunderstood him he never said the first month would be for free but even his colleague did not support him in this affirmation. At this point he was giving the impression that I was lying. I asked if it would be possible to have a refund of the £5.50 care plan, the gentleman said he would have to make a refund of everything and re-charge me for the price of the ipad and I would have to get another promotional code as this one was no longer valid, or I would have to pay the full amount of the ipad price without the £25.00 discount from my promotional code. At this point I felt deceived and I believe this is a really unfair customer service. As I could not get another code I decided to request my full refund and I was told that I would get my money back in 3 working days. The staff involved seemed to have very little knowledge of customer service and no team work at all as all of them tried to escape from the situation instead of trying to help. After all of this we came out of the store with less money on my bank account, lost my promotional code as well as empty handed with no ipad for my daughter. This whole situation ruined our special day, specially my daughter who could no get her birthday present on time. really frustrating experience.
  3. This is my story . I had a £16 a month sim only contract with tmobile for 2gb of data ,1000mins and unlimited text. My contract was due to end on October 28th. In september i got a bill from tmobile saying i had to pay about £158 for internet usage , which they promptly took by direct debit. With this incident I decided I would leave t-mobile > I called in to cancel my contract as i knew October was the last month, they refused to cancel and said I had to give them a months notice and since I was telling them to cancel in October , I will have to wait another month till November to cancel. I said fine and they gave me a date in November and sent me my PAC codes. I now signed up with another provider O2 and O2 advised that on November 12 they would transfer my t-mobile number to their network. today i received a bill from t-mobile charging me Over £3000 for internet use on the day I was transfered to O2. They are charging £7 per mb for 483mb which they claim was outside my 2gb allowance resulting to £3088. I was shaking. I called them and they said the internet was on the 12th of November the same day O2 transfered my number. I complained to them on the phone that this cannot be and complained. They said they will investigate in 3 to 2weeks. Meanwhile they plan to take the money from my account on the 30th. Now if they dont get the money they will default my credit rating. Please what can i do. I have a nagging feeling that this charge was to punish me for leaving them. I also read that the EU had capped the charge of internet charging on any phone in the EU to 50euros....£42 how come t-mobile if this bill was indeed true can charge me £3000. How come they did not inform me that the cost of out of allowance charges was £7 a mb. How come they did send an alert to say i have exceed my limit. I also read that the amount for data usage is about 0.20 euros...as stated by EU regulations. .how come tmobile is charging £7.....is this correct . I am worried that they will mess up my credit file if they dont get this money .. ...what can i do . ..i dont earn enough to pay that kind of money for anything. Should i take a loan to pay them to stop them messing up my credit file. Please some one help me. I cant sleep now....i have to go to work tomorrow and with this shock i cant
  4. Footage of a woman in Greater Manchester getting dragged along as a man attempts to steal her car is "utterly shocking", police have said. It shows a man running into Deb Smythe's Audi as she opened a car park barrier at Green Pest Control, Ripponden Road, Oldham on Friday. The 52-year-old from Oldham struggled with the suspect and was dragged along with the car as it was reversed back into Ripponden Road. The offender then fled on foot. 'Extremely lucky' He ran off towards Littlemoor Road after the 90-second struggle. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-29399804
  5. This thread is technically in the wrong forum - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-26725929 A pensioner from Greater Manchester claims he is being evicted after complaining about the solicitor who handled his father's will. Paul Cowdrey from Rochdale said his home, part of his late father's inheritance, is being sold to pay a £130,000 legal debt owed to a solicitor. He said he complained to the Law Society about the amount of hours he was being billed for by solicitor Michael Sandler. Mr Cowdrey said he was then billed by him for investigating the complaint. Two High Court judges have ruled Mr Sandler was right but the Solicitors Regulatory Authority described his behaviour as "morally reprehensible".
  6. - really fed up - paid premium delivery price for a silver fridge freezer to be delivered on a Sunday - to receive a phone call this morning (sunday) saying their warehouse had managed to deliver a white one so they'd have to reorder!!!!!!! No confidence it'll turn up when they said as its not on their normal delivery schedule day - ir even on their tracking yet - and I dont expect a response either!
  7. Hi, Sorry if this has already been posted on this site but I have just read a shocking story that was published yesturday in a newspaper. To read more here is the link: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/tenant-slits-wrist-housing-office-2237582 This is so shocking and to be honest, would anyone pay rent in that flat with the state of he's walls.
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2188437/The-Dandy--Desperate-news-Dans-eaten-cow-pie.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  9. Police probing the disappearance of missing schoolgirl Tia Sharp have launched a murder inquiry, people are asking why did it take so long to find a body in the house at the centre of the inquiry? And how did police lose track of one of the key figures in the disappearance? here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2185939/Tia-Sharp-missing-Murder-inquiry-launched-police-body-grandmothers-home.html This beggars belief, what exactly do we pay the police for?
  10. Good Afternoon We purchased a 3 piece leather suite from SCS (Clydebank) store in August 2008, we took delivery in December 2008. Total cost excluding insurance £1795. We've had no real reason to complain until now 4 years later we've discovered an issue with one of the cushions, the leather appears to be stretching/peeling away and has now resulted in a 2cm hole. We are dog owners and the dogs do get to sit on them, however are very well behaved and never damaged the leather in anyway, we thought perhaps one of them had however been rubbing this particular cushion. As we had the Guardsman insurance which cost a whopping £427 for 5 years cover, we decided to claim pet damage. The upholsterer visited and claimed the leather on this particular cushion to have been overly processed during manufacturer and that this would not be covered. He did note that there was 2 minor scratches that could be covered, one on each of the 2 sofas and he'd submit the report on this basis. Guardsman have accepted the claim and even agreed to cover the cost of re-upholstering the 5 cushions to ensure a colour match - great I thought ! 4 months since we've received word that the leather can't be souced from the manufacturer, so a cash settlement will be made but we've to wait 7 weeks for this to be reviewed and confirmed in writing. The written confirmation is now in hand for a whopping £187 which is what Guarsman claim the repair would have cost if it could have gone ahead. At the point of purchase we were informed that the Guardsman insurance covered replacement in the event repair was not possible. Having just discussed this with their claims handlers, I'm told that this is discretionary, a blemished seat cushion would not consitute them paying out for a replacement suite. Now forgive my ignorance, but how can companies get away with this ? What are my next steps ? , I could obtain a copy of the report and claim from SCS for manufacturer defect, it just seems ridiculous that I have to go these lengths. Any advice greatfully received - I feel conned by both SCS and Guardsman !
  11. Hello, I have just recently taken out an insurance policy with Hastings and, for reasons unknown, my first direct debit payment has (according to hastings) been cancelled. I have never seen the instruction on my account, and had not thought any more of it, until I received a letter from Hastings yesterday informing me of a missing payment; the letter stated that I had until 4/1 to pay £40+. I have just called to resolve the problem and been told that I had to pay the £40+ PLUS a £20 fee. I was shocked at the cost and was just told "well, do you want to or not?" How can that be right? A £20 fee!? I wish I had researched this company on here before taking out insurance with them-if anyone has any advice on these charges I'd be grateful. Thank you
  12. As English fans cheer securing a victory over their Ukrainian hosts on Tuesday night,any fans making a late decision to fly out and follow England will have little to cheer when they see the prices of flights which have increased massively from usual fares. I decided to take a look at 4 leading carriers with regular routes to Kiev from London. Boryspil is still the biggest airport and is serviced by all the majors except Wizz Air,who have made the smaller Zhulani their Ukraine hub. Boryspil is approximately 40 minutes ride from the centre of Kiev,whils Zhulani is only around 15 minutes. A typical return flight from London Luton to Kiev at this time of the year can usually be booked for between £140-£180 including 32kg baggage.In fact holders of a Wizz Air membership which costs £24.99 can get up to 20% discount on flights booked online. So here is the online price found after England secured their victory,based on staying for the duration of the tournament. Going Out London Luton (LTN) >> Kyiv Zhulyany (IEV) 06/22/12 W6 6001 Depart LTN 4:30 PM Return Flight Coming Back Kyiv Zhulyany (IEV) >> London Luton (LTN) 07/02/12 W6 6002 Depart IEV 10:10 PM Price Summary Service fees Going Out LTN >> IEV (Web) 1 Adult @ 319.49 319.49 GBP Taxes / Fees [details] 20.50 GBP Coming Back IEV >> LTN (Web) 1 Adult @ 329.32 329.32 GBP Taxes / Fees [details] 10.67 GBP Services and Fees Baggage fee 42.00 GBP Taxes 0.00 GBP price excluding booking fee 721.98 GBP Booking fee 14 GBP total price 735.98 GBP
  13. Hello, I moved property 3 months ago. When I chose this location, there were several factors which were very important to me. 1) A NTL connection had to be available, which the estate agent told me was available, and they even showed me the NTL connection. 2) That there was CCTV around the entire property, which there appears to be by various cameras placed around the property. Since I have moved there, I have found out that: 1) The NTL connection is infact a dummy and does not work. I approached the letting agent about this and got the following response: ********** Response: With regards to the NTL. This is the first ive heard about it. And as far as i am aware if you are in a non serviceable area then NTL would'nt install a connection point. If there is a connection point Joseph would assume like anybody else would, that NTL would supply a connection there. ********** 2) The CCTV camera's are ALSO dummies... I also approached them about this and they came back with the following: ********** Response: With regard to the CCTV this would be down to the Managment Company (SLM) TEL: 01482 328068. ********** Now why do I feel like I'm being fobbed off here and that the buck is being passed on. What options do I have to sort this out? Also in light of this, can I dispute the £120.00 administration cost which they said was for 'administration and credit checking'? Thanks and Regards Adrian
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