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Found 15 results

  1. Hi I'm posting this on behalf of a friend who is at the end of her tether regarding the treatment she is receiving from the local Council. Long story short, she has been placed in temporary accomodation along with her 5 kids aged 2-14, having had to leave the emergency accomodation she was put in after her senile old father threw her and the kids out on the street one night. The house has the bog standard set up of front door, back door from lounge to the garden and a side door. She has only been given keys to the front door meaning she has very difficult access to the garden, but what worries her most is if there was a fire or they had to get out the property quickly the only way out is the front door which wouldn't be much use if that was blocked by a fire. She spoke to a woman at the council this morning who in a nutshell said "oh well we try not to give keys out to the back doors you'll just have to manage and if you had to escape you'd just have to try and get out the window instead"!!!! Surely this can't be right? If she's paying rent to stay in a property surely she has the right to access and exit it through all it doors? Any advice appreciated as they talk to her as though she's some kind of ****** chavvy single Mum which she's far from being. Thanks
  2. i have just been given power of attorney over my father , his grandson is 45 and been living with my father rent free bill free all his life, my father has been in a home for over a year and the grandson has been using my fathers bank card, there is a police investigation due to over 10 thousand pound being stolen from my fathers account the outcome of this investigation is near , but my question is , i have asked the grandson for the spare set of keys for the house as i need access to the house paper work ect but he has refused to hand the keys over to me , i want to do this the correct way , what can i do ?
  3. Hi all, I live in a property rented from a housing trust under a licence rather than a tenancy agreement. When I took on the tenancy about 7 years ago I was informed that the clerk to the trustees would hold a set of keys to my home and it would be stored in a locked safe. I have recently discovered that keys have been used to enter properties owned by the trust by workers employed by them without the tenant's permission or presence. One particular maintenance worker often calls unnanounced to carry out small jobs and has been asked on numerous occasions by various tenants to make an appointment but he refuses to do so. He often works until 8pm making this awkward for people coming home from work or with children to get meals etc. This person has entered a neighbour's home without her permission. He also entered another person's home without her permission and moved personal items which I assume was to enable him to carry out a repair job. He has also questioned me because my daughter has fitted a secondary lock to her door saying he's reported her to the trust clerk as he checked that she hasn't provided a spare key. My questions are: a) has the clerk to the trustees got legal rights to hold a spare key b) does the male maintenance worker have legal rights to use this key without permission of the tenant (all mainly female living alone) c) can tenants have secondary locks fitted (leaving the original lock in place), without having to pass a key on to the clerk to the trustees as some of the tenants have been told. As you probably gather most of the tenants are females living alone and are very nervous that the male maintenance worker rocks up at any time without an appointment and seems to be able to access keys to gain entrance when the tenant isn't present. Unfortunately any complaints to the trust clerk about this man seem to fall on deaf ears and he seems to be very highly thought of by the trustees. Any legal advice welcome with pointers towards legislation to quote if possible. Thanks in anticipation.
  4. Hi, Wonder if anyone can help me with some advice. Me and my partner at the time took out a mortgage for 100k back in 2004. In 2006 my partner walked out on me and left me paying the mortgage. We came to the agreement that she would pay £100 a month and I would pay the remaining £500 until we found a buyer. Unfortunately we ended up in arrears as I was foolishly paying her the money and she wasn't passing this on to the lender. I then said enough was enough and we handed the keys back as I couldn't get her to pay anything towards our joint mortgage. She seemed to think I lived there so I should pay all. Accord had the property for sale for six months and then sold cheap leaving us a 58k shortfall. 9 years later we still owe 58k. I offered a final settlement of 5K originally that was rejected and since have just made small payments per month as I've been out of work more than I've been in work. My ex on the other hand has become a qualified accountant and earns good money in a perm job. Part of my reluctance to pay back was that she wasn't making payments. Latest letter from Accord is saying they want to split the debt 50/50. I've asked for details of all payments made by both me and the ex as I'm not too happy with being given a figure without seeing what payments were made. They are saying they cannot tell me what the other party has been paying. I must be entitled to see this given its a joint debt? I'm currently working, but due to be out of work come March. The most I could offer against the 29k debt is 2.5k and I don't really have that as would be borrowing off family. I don't have any assets. Best they are going to get out of me monthly is £5 Any advice?
  5. Security researchers have put a pompous computer criminal in their rightful place after releasing the decryption keys for their ransomware. Lawrence Abrams of Bleeping Computer writes that the ransomware, which was released last week, encrypts users' files using AES encryption, appends the .LOCKED extension to all files, and demands that victims pay a fee of 0.5 BTC (approximately US $210) in exchange for the decryption key. All things considered, a pretty standard piece of malware... "You'll never be able to find me. Police will never be able to find me. Go ahead and try them if you like, but don't expect your data back. They will be concerned about helping the community, not with helping you meet your deadline. If they say they need to keep your desktop for a few days, well lol, you probably won't be seeing your machine again soon, let alone your data. I've been doing this for five years now and haven't been caught yet." "...Just be thankful that it wasn't worse. I could have asked for more money. I could have been working for ISIS and saving that money to behead children. I could have been a mean SOB and just destroyed your data outright. Am I those things? No. I just need the money to live off of (true story) and don't care at all about the hacker 'community'. So there isn't anyone you will be protecting by sacrificing yourself. I'll just encrypt more people's data to make up for the loss." Full article
  6. Pretty much as the title states, new policy in the handbook states we are no longer allowed keys, money, jackets (even worn) etc on the call floor and have been supplied with small lockers with repeating keys, no one is assigned a locker and its based on a trust system. The company is not accepting any liability for lost/damaged property and are sending people home AWOL if they don't take off their Jackets or putting Keys in the locker. Is this acceptable for the company to do this? It's a call centre Btw Cheers -EDIT- Right so apparently some guy got told to put his medicine in the locker downstairs or to leave and go home which caused a ruckus, policy has now been reviewed and some obvious conclusions came to (sick people need medicine and storing your house/car keys in a locker to then have a locker key on your person is a bit redundant) Only the jacket policy now- which I actually understand so all good:)
  7. High Street retailer PerfectHome has been fined for making some customers hand over their house keys before it delivered their purchases. PerfectHome is a rent-to-own business and has 67 stores across the UK. Hull magistrates court convicted the company of aggressive and misleading trading practices after more than 50 sets of house keys were found at the firm's store in the city. PerfectHome said it disagreed with the verdict and planned to appeal. It blamed a previous store manager for a "rogue practice" that was not company policy. Misled customers Under the rent-to-own model, customers take out an agreement to buy a product, and then pay weekly instalments until they own it - similar to hire purchase agreements. Hull city council's trading standards team launched an investigation into PerfectHome after a customer complained that she had been pressured into giving her house key to them before they delivered her television. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-31440752
  8. Asking a couple of questions on behalf of a friend. She is disabled and rents a privately owned studio flat in a block owned by a private landlord. She has been on the waiting list with maximum points due to her disability for social housing for years but nothing suitable for her disabilities has come up and there are no other private rental properties suitable under the LHA where she lives. Currently she has two main problems. One is a current tenant in the block leaves her pushchair up in the downstairs hallway and refuses to fold it down. My friend is unable to get by it due to her disabilities and is unable to move it, this means she is trapped in her flat and can't get to the main door to the building to let people in when they call for her (her carer or friend for example) When asked to fold up the buggy the owner just says that having a child is a disability and refuses to do so. The property owner has written several letters to the buggy owner asking her to fold it up to no avail and the property owner says that is all he can do. On occasion this has left my friend unable to get out to collect medication and buy food. Secondly, when unwell or blocked in by pushchair she cannot get out of her flat to the main door of the building to let people in who are coming to help her. This is because the type of key to the main entrance is one that a key cutter is not allowed to copy without the owners permission. The owner says that his phone number is on the outside of the property and any carer can phone him and he would come over and let people in so has refused to give this permission for the key cutting but my friend needs regular support at all hours and it would be so much easier for there to be a second key to the main door so help could be available at all times. Does she have a right under the Equality Act to gain permission for a second key to be cut due to her disability, or does the property owner have a right to decline her request? This is the main question she has at the moment because if trapped in by the buggy, someone could pop round and move it for her so she could leave the building. Thank you for your advice in advance.
  9. Hello I wonder if anyone can give me some advice. My car was hit by someone unknown they did some damage to the top of the wheel arch which needed filling and spraying. The local garage quoted me £350.00 which was agreed, after 8 weeks I started to ring them as I wanted my car back. I finally picked it up in one evening and paid the money. The next day looking closely at it, I noticed the paint was pale grey in patches and it stretched all the way across both the front and back doors. Now the color of my car is Gold, so grey paint does not match. I took it back and was promised it would be done properly. After 3 more weeks of waiting and being told it would be done, I have been calling but they only answer by text if you're lucky. After being promised it was going somewhere else to be sprayed, I asked where but they avoided the question. I then said I wanted to pick it up and when my husband spoke to the garage owner he gave him a name of a garage about 10 miles away and said it was being done Wednesday 15th January, So on Saturday 25th Jan, we went to check on the work, and it still has not been done. We told the owner we wanted the car back, he looked around and then said he cannot find the keys for it! We had to use our spare set, and the car battery was absolutely flat. I have text the owner repeatedly asking for my car keys, and he is not answering me back. I have rang a dealership to inquire about the cost of replacing the missing keys, I have been quoted £305.00. Can anyone advise me what I can do please, I don't have a lot of money and I have already paid for a job that was not done properly and now it looks like I have the cost of the keys on top. I am very uncomfortable with the fact that they may still have a set of keys for my car. Do I need to report this incident to the police or insurance about my keys???
  10. I jointly bought a house in 2007 with my partner at the time. We both got it into arrears although he blames me entirely (he ignores the fact that he didn't give me his half each month) anyway long story short! Acenden took us to court, was granted an order and we arranged a payment plan... Then in July 2011 I had to get an occupation order out against my ex, this was granted and he was removed from the property. The order was then dropped a month later with attachments due to me finding out I was pregnant and him making me believe that he would change. Then in March 2012 he threatened me with burning the house down if I didn't leave. I had to think of my 12year old daughter so we left. He then subsequently moved in 5 months later and changed the locks. I have not been paying towards the mortgage as I have struggled to find another home for myself and my daughter. I also am living in England now instead of Northern Ireland due to my ex. My question is, do I still have rights to a set of keys to the property and can my ex refuse entry to the property as I fear he may have turned it into a growing factory as he always said he would... Please help! Ps I'm sorry if this thread is in the wrong place, couldn't find a relevant section!
  11. Hi my wife and I are moving abroad in around 6 months. We have been trying to sell the house for the last 18 months to no avail. We have had the house since 2007 and have come to the end of the fixed rate period. We have a NRAM together mortgage total £127k (£112k secured £14k unsecured) the house is on the market for £114950 we have had viewing but no offers. We cant rent the house out as the rent would not cover the mortgage payment. Our credit history is already shot to bits from when my wife was redundant. We are sending money out to the "new" country to set up life out there however we are running out of time to sell the house over here. Once we move we will not be moving back here (other than the odd holiday to see family) We have contacted NRAM regarding voluntary repossession. they say no matter what we are still liable for any short fall - which there will be, and we will have to sign paperwork to say we agree to this. We may not be able to afford repayments to NRAM as well as the mortgage in the new country, however we don't want to go Bankrupt as we will have to declare assets in the new country and therefore put our future life at risk. Please could we get some advice as to what to do? should we give the house back to NRAM sign the forms and negotiate an affordable repayment, or do we just post the keys back on the way to the airport with no forwarding address?
  12. Hello, A debtor who had a charging order/preliminary OFS hearing against them from a 2nd creditor, have now handed back the keys of the property to their 1st mortgage lender. The mortgage lender is now trying to sell the property without the 2nd creditor being involved. Can the mortgage lender simply sell the property for any price they want just to cover their own debt and simply ignore the 2nd creditors charging order or do they need the 2nd creditors permission to sell. Anyone with any advice would be greatly appreciated....
  13. Hi, I gave in my notice to quit my flat, as required, two months prior to leaving. My landlord has now advertised the property with various letting agents. However, the landlords have also given out keys to the property to these letting agents, and when asked how many people now have keys to the property, they replied that they don't know, as many of the letting agents are subcontracting advertising of the property over which they have no control. Now letting agents are calling up (mostly with an hour's notice) asking to show people round and saying that they don't mind if we can't be at home, as they have keys. I know that I have the right to refuse if not given 24 hours' notice, but it's more the principle that they have given out keys to unknown people without my permission. Is this against the law? It seems a bit much to change the locks with only 3 weeks on the contract left. Thanks. Franklin
  14. I am really needing some help. I have a house valued at £110,000 and a mortgage of £105,000 which I may need to sell. The only problem is I have a secured loan of £34,000 on my home through Picture (or whoever they are now) which has arreas of £650 and they will only get bigger as I am no longer able to afford the loan. What I am wanting to know is am I allowed to sell my home even though the secured loan won't get paid off. I am intending to rent if I can sell my home. Any advice would be much appreciated. I don't want to sell if I don't have to but will Picture?? take my home even if they won't get any proceeds from the sale.
  15. Hello, I moved property 3 months ago. When I chose this location, there were several factors which were very important to me. 1) A NTL connection had to be available, which the estate agent told me was available, and they even showed me the NTL connection. 2) That there was CCTV around the entire property, which there appears to be by various cameras placed around the property. Since I have moved there, I have found out that: 1) The NTL connection is infact a dummy and does not work. I approached the letting agent about this and got the following response: ********** Response: With regards to the NTL. This is the first ive heard about it. And as far as i am aware if you are in a non serviceable area then NTL would'nt install a connection point. If there is a connection point Joseph would assume like anybody else would, that NTL would supply a connection there. ********** 2) The CCTV camera's are ALSO dummies... I also approached them about this and they came back with the following: ********** Response: With regard to the CCTV this would be down to the Managment Company (SLM) TEL: 01482 328068. ********** Now why do I feel like I'm being fobbed off here and that the buck is being passed on. What options do I have to sort this out? Also in light of this, can I dispute the £120.00 administration cost which they said was for 'administration and credit checking'? Thanks and Regards Adrian
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