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  1. Hi All, I have a BTL property. I was in arrears of months. Today I have recd a letter for formal demand to pay full mortgage in 1 week. I have cleared the arrrears as of this morning. I am bit surprise no notice or anything during this 4 months except letter of arrears. I was wondering what are my options? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Bill
  2. We have a de-linked unsecured loan (part of together mortgage, but we moved mortgage) from 2006 for £29k, we have never missed a payment, the past few years we have had agreed, reduced means tested payments NRAM passed it to a solicitor who have managed to issue a CCJ against us after saying we missed six months payments..we didn't. We called the solicitor from the CAB on the morning of the court date (October 2017) and CAB manager explained we hadn't missed any payments. They agreed to stop the court action that day (in an unrecorded phone call!) CAB manager then asked them shall we fax the court form in and of course they said no, it's ok. Well they didn't stop the court action and got the CCJ.. We went back to CAB in February and the manager called them again, they had an interim charging order by now.. we sent a letter on my insistence to the court with proof of all payments and got the court transferred to our local court 2 weeks ago. We thought this was to appeal the process but the judge explained it was to make it into a final charging order. Unfortunately we have had really poor advice from our local CAB debt manager and didn't apply straight away to stop it or set it aside straight after. The judge seemed sympathetic and said we have been poorly advised, adjourned until early September as we said we cannot be certain we still owe £29k as we have paid off over £17k and now the debt is back to where it started. I assume NRAM have whacked on a load of interest and charges when we were on reduced payments. We hope we can prove we owe significantly less than the £29,500 they say. I am about to send off a SAR today using your template as we haven't had statements since 2011, which I now know to be because our regulated loan was in fact unregulated... and isn't covered by CCA. It's a living nightmare, I'm convinced they will then go for an order of sale, even though they say they won't. NRAM have spoken to us as though they have no control over the solicitor's actions and are being vague. I don't want them having control over this, I have a 12 year old at home who is settled and doing so well at school.. we had every intention of settling when we sell in 11 years at the end of our mortgage and have never missed a payment. I hope I can get the statements back in time to look through them and they don't delay the SAR process too much with delaying tactics. Any advice would be appreciated! And do we send one SAR with both our names, signatures etc on it, and do we ask for just the statements since 2011 or everything? Many thanks.
  3. savannah2009


    I have read your valuable information with interest and would gratefully accept some advice if possible please? My brother and his wife are getting divorced after 25 years of marriage. During their marriage they fell into severe financial difficulties with their debts and then started offering lower instalments which has continued Nram have been the most difficult to deal with and never stopped charging interest on the loan which I regularly asked them to do but they stated they weren't obligated to do. In June 2018 we sold his house which only left £15k which I have separated and offered all his debtors a settlement figure which they all accepted except of course NRam. They have become increasingly aggressive insisting on knowing all the information from the debtors how much he owed and how much their final settlement figures were. They are also insisting on knowing why his marriage fell apart as now he has to rents to pay on two houses instead of one mortgage payment. brother is heading for a nervous breakdown and they are making it worse with their aggressive attitude. Can they insist on the full settlement after all this time even though if they had stopped the interest it would more than likely already have been fully settled? I have offered them just over two thirds of the debt as full and final settlement but still have no conclusion. Thanks
  4. Hi Last year I separated from my husband, as a joint debt we had an unsecured loan of £30k from NRAM which we had for years, my ex then decided to go bankrupt leaving me liable for the loan. I paid my half of the monthly amount due for a few months and then just couldn't continue to pay anymore. I wrote to them in December 2016 offering them a full and final settlement figure, which they ignored (this was quite low). The first time I have heard from them since me contacting them in December 2016 was last month they wrote to me to say I still owe £28k. (even though through interest this has been paid back and more!) They are now threatening: *instructing a field agent to review my position *Debt collectors *CCJ *Bankruptcy They have given a time limit for me to get in touch with them. I don't know what to do, I haven't paid in over 1 year now, I live in rented accommodation, I don't own any assets, I have a limited company am worried if they do make me bankrupt then I wont be able to carry on with this. Do I offer them again a full and final settlement offer? I don't have any savings I would be offering this via a third party. Has anyone been sent a similar letter? Does anyone know of NRAM accepting and Full and Final settlement offer? I've heard that when a company sells a debt its usually at 20% - 25% of the amount, is this correct? Should I offer at this % of the balance? As I don't want for it to be rejected again. Any advice gratefully appreciated. Thanks
  5. Hi I've got an large outstanding balance (£25,000+) with NRAM that I am now being chased for. It is for the unsecured part for the dodgy Together mortgage, the house was sold Feb 2008 so the paperwork I signed will be a CCA that is post 2007. I was paying up till July 2012, however I was overpaying the so there was a surplus that serviced the debt was until May 2013 (first missed payment according to Noodle). Got the first letter from them today, really surprised it has taken them this long. Wondering what to do next? I can offer to pay something and ironically if I pay them what my minimum payment was set at (not the overpayment rate I was paying). I will pay off the outstanding amount 6 years earlier than if I had just payed them normally without the risk of interest rates going up impacting the balance. I would also assume from credit reference file point of view, that once the default has dropped off on that account it would also look like a normal loan that is being payed by then there would have been 12 months of payment history. The letter is very tame and states it has now been passed to Loss Recoveries and no interest or charges will be applied if I make payments or I keep them informed. The letter also states they may consider passing on to a 3rd party DCA etc, etc. I knew this was coming and thankfully I'm in a position now where I can do something about it. BUT they screwed me over when I went for an IVA back in 2006 and a lot of the financial problems I had would have been done and dusted by the end of 2012. I've seen about claiming about charges and fees and if this can get the balance down a bit then I will take that as a win. Also does anyone know what it is like to deal with them compared to the other DCA's?
  6. Good morning. This is my first post on here . not sure if this is the right section. Basically received a letter form ukar NRAM on 19/12/18 account has moved to loss recoveries loan gone In to default and a formal demand was issued outstanding balance of 17083.51 is now sought . Now this is the first letter I have received from NRAM . not had any contact with them for over 12 years me and my ex had a mortgage with nothren rock back in 2006 100 pct and a loan attached I am sure so long ago can't remember . now we split up in 2008 and her dad bought me out my name was taken off everything with northern rock . i moved away I now have a new family . why are NRAM SENDING me a letter like this saying I owe them money surely it's her they should be going after . How have they got my address and what's all this default and formal demand stuff . i have had no contact with northern rock for ove r 12 years . Now do u suggest I send a SAR TO THEM . or do I ignore it as surely it's statue bared ???? Regards kevin Ohhh I can also add this is not on my credit file ??? Does not showe up .
  7. hi, I bought a BTL in Glasgow in 2005 at a value of £175,000. The mortgage was £155,000 and fast forward 12 years it was still in neg equity after the crash in 2008. with a host of tenant and service charge issues. in the end i let it get repossessed and it was sold for £139,000 in less than a week. the arrears were £7,000 and im sure there were costs involved in the sale such as estate agents and sols etc which we expected we were expecting s shortfall of circa £30,000. we received a letter with stating a shortfall of just under £45,000?! There was no breakdown of costs or the account just the amount to pay? this seems excessively high and totals with the sales price £184,000 which is nearly £10,000 over the original market value? has anyone else had shortfall surprises with lenders such as NRAM as this is new waters for us and we want to be up to speed on any fees and costs we should be aware of before we move forward with an action plan. thanks in advance for any help!
  8. Hi I currently have a together mortgage with NRAM, got this back in 2006. I took this mortgage on with my now ex girlfriend. For the last 4 years I've been trying to get her off the mortgage and she is happy for this to be done. I have 3 defaults on credit cards, which are due to expire in 2016, when I asked NRAM to do a change of parties, they want to do a affordability check, which then stalls due to the defaults. They won't even go any further with the application as soon as they hear the word default. I have paid the mortgage without any missed payments for the last 4 years and find it frustrating, that NRAM simply can't remove my ex who doesn't work and hasn't contributed in those last 4 years. Surely they should look at the payment history on the mortgage to see there aren't any issues. I know the affordability checks are to stop people overspending, but they aren't supposed to use this with existing customers. Has anyone been in a similar position with NRAM and actually managed to get their ex removed from the mortgage? Thanks in advance Chris
  9. Hey Folks, Today I noticed on my credit file that NRAM have decided to finally add a "default" after 5+ Years. This was an on going dispute with NRAM and my now eX Wife....... they wouldn't remove her from the mortgage even tho we had been separated 5 years prior and she had never made a payment towards it.... anyway.. Can they add a default this late on? the last payment they had was July 2010 and I would assume a realistic default date would be 2, 3 or maybe 6 months after no further payments? Cheers, Flappy
  10. Following a long hard battle with NRAM they have finally admitted that my claim from recompense due to their error regards the CCA is correct HOWEVER I was made bankrupt in 2012, I was discharged a year later. NRAM have sent me a letter stating that customers who are bankrupt or in an IVA will not receive remediation.. Is this correct? They state that remediation would be an asset in the bankruptcy. The fact of the matter is that during the period in which they cocked up I was paying off my loan etc ( I was not bankrupt at this time!) I am discharged They state there is no monies owing because of this Advice greatly received Thanks
  11. Hi, I have one of the infamous NRAM Together mortgages with the separate unsecured loan, now a few years back following a relationship breakup I was struggling to pay the mortgage on my own so came to an agreement to pay the full mortgage amount but drop the unsecured element to a token payment of a couple of pounds a month. Now fast forward to today I'm still paying the token amount but NRAM haven't ever defaulted the unsecured loan and just report it to the CRA as sustained arrears, I've been working hard to clean up my Credit record following mess from the split and this is the only thing left, is there anything I can do to request NRAM to default it so it will eventually drop off, otherwise it will be harming my Credit forever which seems very unfair?
  12. Hi Guy's, I'm not sure how to play this one, I bought a property with my ex back in 2007 for around 95K (In Scotland) To cut a long story short we separated, she left and went into a "trust deed" Nram wouldn't remove her from the property and I was basically left to pay the arrears at the time and the mortgage while i wasn't living in it. I tried and tried to take the property in my name, my only chance was to then rent the property out pay the arrears.... moving on the house was repossessed about a year ago and they undersold it at 80K, no payments have been made for exactly 6 years! They only actually defaulted the account about a year ago! NRAm are after 105K - yes 105K which is probably about what we borrowed originally, I don't have a breakdown of the fees / costs / interest but I will request this tomorrow. They only just started to chase the balance today, and they are now telling me that they will now pass to a debt collector if I don't reply within 60 days I have no assets, and I am just out of work this week - so they are not going to get anything. I have tried to make arrangments in the past but they have always declined, they wanted to repossess. Facts The property was empty for 5 years No payment been made in 6 years I can't get hold of the ex to see what she thinks credit file should have been defaulted long before it was? Cheers
  13. Hi everyone, not been on the forum for a long time, mainly due to the help and advice I received at the time! I have a quick question, but first a bit of history. 6 years ago my wife was made redundant. She was earning a great salary at the time, so we were hit quite hard. Had to make arrangements with all creditors, most of whom hit us with defaults from every angle!! We have a Together mortgage with NRAM. The secured element has always been kept up to date, but 3 years ago we made an arrangement to make reduced payments. Should have been paying £140, but been paying £40. They agreed 0% interest too. Well, life has moved on and thankfully now the defaults have started to disappear from the CRA files, and by this time next year they will all have gone. Hallelujah!! Unfortunately (if thats the right word?), NRAM didn't default us on the unsecured loan, so it shows as LATE PAYMENT on the CRA file, with arrears of £4000. I want to pay them more now, but I'm not sure of how to do it in the most cost effective way, but as importantly, I want to get the CRA file cleared up. We're currently paying £40. We should have been paying £140. I can only afford to pay £140 now, so not in a position to clear the arrears & can't imagine we will ever be. My ideas were:- Divide the total outstanding balance by the remaining term of the mortgage = £80 a month. I pay this every month, they amend the CRA file to show no arrears. Obviously they'd have to keep the interest rate at 0% for this to work. I know thats a big ask, but they'd be getting double what they are now. The alternative is I stop paying, they default me, I provide a budget planner to show I can only pay £85 a month, interest is frozen and the default disappears in 6 years. If they won't agree to my idea above, this is probably preferrable for me... Alternatively (and probably more realistically), they agree to capitalise the arrears and I repay the new balance at the original interest rate over the remaining term of the mortgage. This would be about £125 a month. I'd be happy with that too. One thing that's strange is that I'm CERTAIN we took the unsecured loan out over the same period as the mortgage, but it seems to have 10 years less to run now??!! Maybe the old grey matter isn't what it once was! Anyone any thoughts on this situation? Are they likely to agree to my 0% suggestion? Might they go for the capitalisation of arrears idea? One final word for anyone going through what we've experienced over the last few years. Don't Worry! A few years ago we thought our world was ending, sleepless nights, arguments, and lots of letters to various DCA's, solicitors etc. .. 6 years flies by, life goes on, and there IS light at the end of the tunnel. Once thing we have learned is that credit is evil, and creditors are not nice. If we haven't got the cash, we don't have it. A lesson our grandparents tried to teach us, but we knew better didn't we?
  14. I know absolutely nothing about mortgages so they really have me by the short & curlies! I wonder if anyone can help please. My husband and I have had a mortgage with Northern Rock which then changed to NRAM since 2005 We took a 105% loan, so part was secured and part unsecured In 2009 we requested a 1 month payment holiday which was agreed by Northern Rock (part of our mortgage deal) we'd never taken a holiday before or since and have never been in arrears We're just in the process of selling and buying a new property and have asked for a redemption statement They sent this giving the full amount of both secured and unsecured so I queried it. We have now been told that due to us being in arrears in 2009, they obtained a court order to secure the unsecured loan to the secured and now expect the amount in full on redemption. We had no idea they had done this and had only budgeted to pay back the secured loan. This now leaves us short. I raised a complaint with them as soon as we found out which has taken since February for them to come back to me stating 'Having reviewed your complaint, I can confirm an interim charging Order was granted against your property in May 2009 and this was because both your secured and unsecured loan were in arrears. The arrears on your unsecured loan were higher than your secured loan but were sufficient to obtain a Final Charging Order. Having considered all the information available I cannot agree we have acted incorrectly and unable to uphold your complaint. The decision is final.' My solicitor has received 2 redemption statements, 1 statement says -secured only and gives the figure of £107k which is what we had budgeted for and the other states - full redemption (includes all secured and unsecured lending) £115k I asked my solicitor before I received the letter quoted above what we'd have to pay and she said it is our choice. Can someone tell me if she is right please:?:??
  15. I got divorced around 5 years ago and agreed to take over the house we both owned and move back in as it was too small for the ex wife and the children to live in. Around 4 years ago I took full custody of our 3 children but the house was only 2 bedrooms so I had to make some small alterations to split a bedroom to increase capacity. During this process I missed a mortgage payment as I was financially stretched with taking the children on full time unexpectedly. At the same time I had put in a PPI claim for £2500 with NRAM because of miss sold sickness insurance. NRAM admitted that it was miss sold but explained that as it was a joint mortgage they would only send me a cheque for half the money, I was not happy about this as this was my claim as 'I' was holding them fully accountable for the money I had paid for this insurance. It was not a claim from me and my ex wife it was a claim from me, I believed that they should pay me and if my ex wife ever decided to make a claim then that would be for her and the bank to argue but this was my claim. They refused to budge and sent a cheque for half the money owed and said that they would keep the rest or send it to the ex if she asked. At the same time they were demanding the missed payment from me so I asked them to pay themselves out of the other half of the money they owed me but again they refused so the missed payment remains. I have explained to them numerous times over the last 4 years that my money is that tight with raising my family alone that I can not afford to make any payment toward the arrears but that I was trying to decorate the house so that I could sell or be able to remortgage as at the moment there is not enough equity in the property for me to to anything with it but once I could sell or remortgage the arrears would be cleared unless they took it out of my PPI money. I paid £10 off my arreas in order for the outstanding amount to be slighty less than 1 month so that it would not be marked on my credit file. I assured them that I would never miss another payment which they were happy with and I have carried on paying every payment for the last 4 years without a problem. Around 9 months ago I had a letter stating that they were goingt to send a field agent to my home at a charge of £50 to discuss my account, I rang and explained that I did not need to see a field agent as I had explained the situation to them and that I had made every payment for the last 4 years. They told me they were sending a field agent whether I wanted one or not, they did not arrange a time and I was at work when he visited so I missed the visit and got charged £50 for the pleasure, this has continued every few months where they send me a letter stating another agent will visit, no mention of a day or time and another £50 being added each time. This has been causing me a great deal of stress as money is already tight and I have been doing all I can to make my mortgage payments every month so I should not be classed as a high risk customer, missing 1 payment in 11 years of being with them is not someone who i feel should be having field agent and field agent sent out to me adding unnecessary expense onto my already tight situation. So far NRAM have laughed off my complaints of their bullying and sneaky tactics of taking more money from me. This has had me so stressed and concerned that I wrote my last letter to them on the 2nd March complaining about the unecessary field agent visits and charges and followed that letter with a phone call complaining that I do not need anyone visiting my home and explaining that the arrears would be paid when I sold my home which I have been trying to do for a while. Following that conversation I suffered a sudden stroke on the 5th March (bearing in mind I am only 35 and healthy) that they believe could have resulted from being overly stressed, this being the only thing that I have been stressed about. Am I within my rights to take my complaint further and actually seek compensation for the unecessary stress that they have been putting me under due to the fact that they very nearly killed me because of the stress that their actions caused me? Any advice or opinions on the above would be appreciated. Sorry for it being so long...
  16. Hi,I recently just paid off my IVA six months early and I'm coming off my interest only period with NRAM who to be fair have been good enough to stick to it but in three months I go back to repayment increasing payments by £300 will NRAM extend my mortgage term to help reduce the payment. Cheers nafjor
  17. Hi everyone, Is anyone in the same situation or maybe I can get an advice? In 2007 I took together mortgage( interest only) with Northern Rock for £162.000 For the first two years we were paying interest only £865.30 at 6.35% After that in 2009 the interest dropped to SVR 4.78% so they recalculates our payment to £663.30.(interest only) We decided to keep paying the same original amount, and start overpaying the mortgage. Over months/years our outstanding balance was decreasing. In November 2013 I realised that the amount of interest charged has been the same since 2009 despite overpaying by nearly £15k by then. our outstanding balance decreast by around 15k but the interest has been charged from £162k that we originally borrowed. I have contacted NRAM and they told me that the interest has been the same because I haven't instructed them to recalculate it. And if the overpayments where over £500 a month it would be done automatically. they told me I have to call them each time I overpay over £500 and ask to recalculate my monthly payments. Is this legal?? In my mortgage documents it says that my interest is charged daily. Re overpayments ''Following receipt of a regular overpayment or a lump sum repayment, the amount that you owe and the amount of interest that you pay will be recalculated with effect from the following day'' When I checked my statement back only with two statements in 2009 there has been a note under overpayments that "If you make your monthly payments by Direct Debit and the overpayment is £500 or more your monthly payment will be changed automatically. You have the option to leave your monthly payment unchanged, which will have the effect of setting up a regular overpayment and further reduce your outstanding mortgage balance..." Is there something I missed here, or NRAM is taking a chance? In original morthage documents there was no mention that i have to phone them and ask to recalculate and no one has told me that when i was setting up overpayments which them. I would really appreciate your opinion, thank you.
  18. Marlin acquired NR's loan portfolio last year. I am going to send requests into NR for copies of the original paperwork as I smell a rat. I took a personal loan (unsecured) in 2005 and defaulted on this and 3 credit cards in 2009 when I went DMP. The default wasn't recorded by NR, just an ATP until early 2013 when it dropped off of my credit history. I have 4 defaults from 2009 which expire next yr and I will make F&F on these are they are valid (I have CCA's them). I'm worried about the Marlin loan, I am desperate to avoid a CCJ or something I want a plan as to whether continue paying them £60 a month, F&F or test the validity.... Long rambling post (sorry) - my question is do I CCA/SAR or both? And to NR or Marlin?
  19. Hi there, I have recently sold a property which was mortgaged on the well known Together product. I financial advisor advised that I delink and retain the surplus as a deposit towards the purchase of a new property (currently renting at present due to relocation). The apr on the unsecured element has jumped to over 12%. While this was not unexpected, this is a huge amount, and with the remaining term of 25 years, I will be paying in excess of £100k on an original £30k unsecured element. To me, there must be a case of mis-selling here. I know there have been moves to challenge all this, with nram actions groups etc, but it seems to have gound to a halt. Question is - has anyone successfully challenged the crippling t's &c's of this hike in apr? Is this something worth pursuing. Its late at night, so I can elaborate more on my specific circumstances during the wekl. However, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  20. My Northern Rock/NRAM mortgage has been reviewed. Letter 1 says they have overcharged me, and have knocked £940 off the unsecured part of the Together Loan. Letter 2 says I have underpaid the unsecured part of my Together Loan, and they want £153.15. 1) I have never missed a payment. 2) WTF?
  21. In 2002, we took out a mortgage with Northern Rock and whilst, my husband and I were both working paid our monthly capital repayment quite happily. In 2009, after our mortgage had been ported to NRAM, we applied for a temporary interest only period when I had my daughter. We renewed this on a yearly basis and but experienced a few glitches in 2010 which accrued us a small amount of arrears. In 2012, we made a capital repayment of around £32,000 and asked for this to be used against the arrears. Except it wasn't...In 2012, we also renegotiated an interest only period and due to human error on our part, and having made a verbal and written agreement with NRAM, forgot to send some forms back with our signatures on it. And then the proverbial hit the fan... In October 2013, when we were refused an extension of our interest only agreement out of the blue, we realised that we were £3700 in arrears. And our credit rating was shot to pieces. We started to investigate what had happened and interestingly, NRAM had not allocated our capital repayment from 2012 towards earlier arrears. And now our account has been registered as delinquent with a legacy of 6 years, making remortgaging impossible. And so I went to town with NRAM. I registered a complaint in October 2013 and despite involving the FOS who did uphold part of our complaint but not the second part I believe unfairly, it is still not resolved. NRAM have been instructed by the FOS to report their mistake to the credit agencies, but we are still showing a delinquent account on our credit files which is giving us a one star rating. I cannot tell you the trials and tribulations we have been through to get to this point. I have involved not only the FOS but our local MP. Their systems are completely labyrinthine, mismanaged and corrupt. In dealing with my complaint I have spoken to 40 different staff members. The only way I have had any kind of redress with them was by involving their Chief Executive's office. We have spent 9 months getting a result that should have been resolved in one month and as a consequence of this, I have set up an action group on Facebook. If you would like to club with me and some others affected by NRAMs corrupt system, then please contact me. I believe there is a wider story to tell about NRAM and think the wider public need to know about it. It has been described by other posters, but I think this now needs cohesion from those affected to see it through. Our credit rating is shot to pieces by an error on NRAM's part and they see no need to feel concerned about this. Even yesterday, I received 4 pieces of documentation from them that made no sense and conflicted with each other. If we are getting this, what other mistakes have been made by them, what lives have been ruined by their mismanagement?
  22. We have an unsecured loan with NRAM, which was part of a together mortgage. Our fixed term came to an end just as the recession hit and they would not/could not offer us a new mortgage. This of course meant we needed to remortgage and the interest rate on our loan soared to 12.79%. During this time we accrued arrears on the loan. Around 2 years ago, I agreed a new payment arrangement with their arrears department (a chap named Les who was a senior payment advisor). The minimum payment required was £320 on the initial sum borrowed, but as we had arrears I agreed a repayment of £380 per month. We have continued to make this payment every month, on time. In May this year I received our annual statement. Concerned that the closing balance on the loan did not seem to be going down I checked through the statement more thoroughly. I discovered that the £380 monthly payment agreed with Les did not cover the interest being added to the loan each month. As a result our loan balance was going up, not down. That very same day I received a phone call from Les at NRAM telling me they needed to agree a new monthly repayment (according to him there wasn’t an agreement in place). I stopped him short and told him what I had discovered on our statement. At this point he seemed to drop his ‘I am superior to you attitude’ and quietly say he would look at our account – I am staggered he wasn’t looking at this already, considering why he was calling in the first place. He went on to give me some convoluted and totally pointless explanation of how the repayments are calculated according to the interest added on the initial loan balance. Again I stopped him short telling him we had been overpaying (or so we thought) and that the payment amount had been agreed with him, over a year ago. At the time of that conversation it was never mentioned that the repayment amount would not cover the interest charged. Indeed to my mind, this repayment amount should never have been agreed with us. I went on to tell him how unhappy we were. For over a year we have been paying this loan only to discover we have not cleared any of it. We would have been better keeping the money in our pockets! I then asked him to tell me how much the monthly repayment should be to ensure the loan was paid off within the remaining term. My own calculations suggested a repayment of £450/m (different calculators gave slightly different amounts) and his calculations were around this figure. I told him I would need to talk with my husband at that point and that I would call back to complete an income and expenditure form and to set the payment in place. When I called back I came through to someone different and went through the income and expenditure form with her. As I wasn’t sure on a couple of figures I said I would ring back. On the third time of calling I came through to someone else again. I explained to her that I needed to complete the form and set up a new payment arrangement. After completing the form, she went on to tell me that she couldn’t put a new payment plan in place as the account was under investigation by head office because of the previous payment agreement and the interest charges (as explained above). She told to me to expect to hear from them within 7 days. That was over 1 month ago. As the end of May approached I made a payment of £400, despite not hearing back from them. A few days later I receive a letter from NRAM telling me the account had been passed to the Loss and Recoveries Department because a formal notice had been issued – we have never received a formal notice. The letter went on to ask us to call them to complete an income and expenditure form (!?!) I then receive another letter thanking me for the last payment and telling me they will not be taking any action against us for the next 31 days! To date I have still not heard from their head office. So now I am wondering what to do next. I could call the loss and recoveries department, but feel I will just be going around in circles. I have a feeling no-one is properly reviewing our account or looking at the notes on it. The letter from this department implies we have not been paying each month, but we have made every monthly payment for the last couple of years and have been overpaying them. Any advice would be much appreciated. I feel it is time to go straight to the organ-grinder (or even the FOS) and begin to get everything down in writing. On a side note, I thought it was a legal requirement for statements to include the original sum borrowed? Ours do not. The opening and closing balance is there, but not the original loan amount.
  23. Hi all. Just wanted to share my story and gather any opinions or similar stories. So I have a dreaded "Together Mortgage" (interest only) which I took in Feb 2007. Like many other people I went through some financial hardship in 2008/9 when the GFC bit. I couldn't afford my monthly payments and so Northern Rock offered me a "mortgage concession agreement" for 12 months where as I was only required to pay a certain percentage of my interest only payments. I don't remember the exact amounts but let's say my payments went down from around £550 per month to around £250 per month. The agreement was that the £300 that I wasn't paying would accumulate in arrears until the arrangement ended (I extended it after 12 months for another year) at which point the arrears would be capitalised/put back into my mortgage for me to pay off over the remainder of my mortgage term. Great. This was a big help at the time. However...... When the 2 year period was up NRAM decided that as they no longer offer that same agreement I had to pay back all of the arrears (over £6k) immediately.!!! I argued this and they basically told me that as I had no proof of the agreement then they would take me to court and repossess the house unless I come to an arrangement with them to pay back the money ASAP. The agreement they came up with would increase my monthly mortgage payments from £400 to over £1000 per month...! I now live overseas and so don't have any paperwork to help argue my case, the judge wouldn't postpone the hearing so that I could be present and ruled in NRAMs favour. They won a suspended repossession order that would only be enforceable if i don't meet my new payments. (I managed to get them don't to £850 per month). I laid all of the money back early but the order still stands for a few years. I recently asked the for consent to let the property out while I'm away. The max rent I will get is £450, my payments are £670 and they want £750 to give me permission. They also told me that The £750 fee will be added to my mortgage balance... How can they do that if the no longer borrow money? This really annoyed me as they wouldn't/couldn't add my arrears to the mortgage as per their agreement...! Well lately I've been reading about the CCA issues with loans over £25k and I'm wondering if I may have a case for them to answer. Like I say, I don't have all my paperwork with me at the moment but I'm in the process of having it sent to me and I'm also going to apply for SAR. I'd be really interested to hear from anyone who has a similar story or even from anyone who could offer any advice. Cheers all.
  24. Hello, Excuse my attention grabbing title, im in a bit of a panic. I had an original loan with Northern Rock for £9k. This defaulted in June 2009 with around £5k remaining. This was registered on my credit file under NRAM but is now under Marlin. Since 2009 I have been making payments of £30 per month to NRAM who have never contacted me after I set up the initial direct debit amount with them and have never sent me any letters saying they have passed along the loan to someone else. I did check the NRAM webpage which said a number of loans had been sold onto other debt collection companies so assume Marlin have bought this. Friday, I received a letter from Marlin offering a 50% reduction on the amount of £4332 if I paid in 7 days. Saturday I received a letter from Marlin saying I had to contact them to arrange a payment plan, they also sent a form asking for my mortgage amount, employment status and bank details! I'm a little panicky over how to proceed, as I can barely afford my month to month living now. Please any advice would be great!
  25. I'm having on going issues with NRAM, it's been going on for over a year now and it's still not resolved, there is no communications between staff and departments, no one knows what they are doing, I have spoken over 45 differently members of staff, wrote over 2 dozen letters to them and still it's goes on. I have had the complaint upheld with by the FOS, NRAM even sent me £250, but have still failed to deal with the complaint. Every time I call them they say we will raise it as a complaint, currently I'm on my 8th compliant now and still no resolution, I have emailed the CEO and nothing happened with that, had one reply to acknowledge the email and that's it. They were told to deal with the credit reference agency because of the damage they did to my credit rating, they failed to do that even when the FOS told them too. I'm no further forward over a year on, it appears there a law to themselves, they employ and bunch of clueless unprofessional, uneducated incompetent fools who can not communicate with human beings. What can I do next?
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