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Found 3 results

  1. Caggers, do any of you have a copy of Mortgage Express' (now UKAR) 2004 Terms & Conditions Booklet for mortgages, please?
  2. Good morning. This is my first post on here . not sure if this is the right section. Basically received a letter form ukar NRAM on 19/12/18 account has moved to loss recoveries loan gone In to default and a formal demand was issued outstanding balance of 17083.51 is now sought . Now this is the first letter I have received from NRAM . not had any contact with them for over 12 years me and my ex had a mortgage with nothren rock back in 2006 100 pct and a loan attached I am sure so long ago can't remember . now we split up in 2008 and her dad bought me out my name was taken off everything with northern rock . i moved away I now have a new family . why are NRAM SENDING me a letter like this saying I owe them money surely it's her they should be going after . How have they got my address and what's all this default and formal demand stuff . i have had no contact with northern rock for ove r 12 years . Now do u suggest I send a SAR TO THEM . or do I ignore it as surely it's statue bared ???? Regards kevin Ohhh I can also add this is not on my credit file ??? Does not showe up .
  3. Hello All I am currently involved in a legal dispute with UKAR regarding a property mortgaged with MX. In order to defend the case, I need an original copy of their Terms and conditions 2004 booklet. I have several "Manipulated" copies that have been sent to be by UKAR however, each copy varies in detail. If anyone has a copy I could borrow/purchase it would be very much appreciated. Thanks
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