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Found 18 results

  1. HI guys, I’m currently assisting my mother with a PPI complaint with Barclaycard (formerly an egg card taken out Online in Q1 of 2004). I would really appreciate if someone could categorically tell me that EGG had the PPI box pre-ticked during Q1 of 2004 i.e. they have been successful in calming miss-sold PPI with egg. I would be especially over the moon if someone could tell me that it was not possible to proceed with the application if this box was not ticked as that seems of a complete own goal by egg. Barclaycard have offered us quite a chunk of a refund due to Plevin, but my mother believes she did not knowingly apply of the PPI insurance, which would be the case if the box was pre-ticked. We are is still the early stages i.e. we stated that we believed we have been miss-sold to Barclays and the 1st letter had was this Plevin offer, but we still have not sent our evidence nor our full reasons of the miss-selling to Barclaycard as of yet. Note: Barclaycard have stated the application was made online, I have no way to confirm this, but I have a paper copy of the 15 year old agreement from egg which I found filed away. The card is still active and has PPI premiums ongoing although I have made her paid off the balance of the card (+£2000). Any Help is much appreciated.
  2. Hi all, Starting a thread for my new claim for my very old mortgage insurance claim with Countrywide Assured. Having looked around the site I see they are resistant to paying out, especially old claims. They tend to claim it's too old, not covered by regulation and the FOS can't touch them. Nice. Luckily I have old bank statements and tracked down all the monthly payments to the policies. Going to send a SAR tomorrow to see if they have any information on my accounts.
  3. Good Morning, I'm seeking some advice/direction from you for my mother following my fathers death in 2014. Her mortgage started in 2002 and was called a Natwest Foundations Mortgage, it was effectively an arranged credit line that allowed you to borrow up to the value of the property and pay off extra amounts when suited. Natwest withdrew this product and started locking peoples money in, there was widespread complaint online about this. At this time from research, many customers moved to other products offered by the bank however my father insisted he was staying on the product. Still to this day that mortgage is in place, it reached the 14 year term in 2015 and has rolled on a SVR extension for 3.5 years... I have drafted for my mother with her consent, the issues that she has with her mortgage. Some advice and direction would be greatly appreciated. Issue 1 - Natwest Payment Protector sold as Life Insurance with Mortgage Foundations Mortgage Account taken in 2002 – This was done 100% at home by an Natwest advisor called XXXXXX XXXXX. We have hand written letters that were included in the SAR that show this. Natwest say that they have no records to indicate he ever worked within the company. I feel this is crucial to my complaint as XXXXX XXXXX completed the mortgage with myself and husband at home and advised us on everything. We were advised we had to take a life insurance product called ‘Natwest Payment Protector’ in order for the mortgage to go ahead. From the beginning of the mortgage up until my husband’s death in July 2014, we were led to believe that the Natwest Payment Protector was Life Insurance on the house. It is proven that this is what we believed as when my husband had his first heart attack in May 2008, he contacted Natwest to try and freeze the account. At no point did he use the Natwest Payment Protector whilst sick, which is apparently what it was for! We both were led to believe this was Life Insurance. At this point, I am upset that Natwest did not inform us what this product actually did - If they had, it would have covered the payments whilst he was sick and also would have made us aware of the product they had mis-sold at a time when we could have done something about it. This has had a huge financial effect on myself. Natwest have produced after many letters to the bank, a document with my husbands signature agreeing to the costs and benefit of the NatWest Payment Protector… This was not signed by myself nor do I believe my husband signed this understanding what it was he was signing – I stress, the Natwest advisor forcibly made us take this product as part of the ‘deal’ and this product was ‘Life Insurance.’ Issue 2 - Failing to supply information under SAR My initial SAR request was handled carelessly and was to say the least, incomplete. It was missing huge amounts of information and the majority of what was sent was not legible. I complained about this and specifically requested it to be resent as well as information pertinent to the mortgage to be sent. Following this second request – there is still clearly information missing. Issue 3 - The original mortgage agreement/contract and terms and conditions Despite two subject access requests being submitted a Natwest complaints handler has informed me that – quote ‘A further search has been completed by the Mortgage Operations Centre and they have been unable to locate a copy of your original mortgage offer’. I find this un-acceptable and ask on what grounds this mortgage is enforceable under the CCA between 2006 and 2016? Further to this, despite two subject access requests and specifically asking via letter to the Chief Exec’s office on more than one occasion Natwest have failed to supply the original ‘Terms & Conditions’ of the mortgage. Nor have I been supplied a reason as to why these are not available. In fact, since asking for this information shortly after my husband passed away in July 2014 I have not seen any paperwork produced by Natwest that form an ‘agreed mortgage contract’ nor an ‘agreed credit arrangement’. Issue 4 - Status of mortgage agreement during the years 2002 to 2018 leading to issues surrounding compliance of the CCA in 2006 and FCA Regulations at the ‘supposed’ end of term. My understanding from recent research is that this mortgage is a pre-2004 First Charge Mortgage that was unregulated when put in to place in 2002. 2002 – 2006 Between these years the mortgage should have complied with the CCA, however from research it seems like the £25,000 barrier stops this from being required… In the Natwest supplied SAR upon opening the loan, I find it very convenient that there is a column entitled CCA (Consumer Credit Act) – marked with ‘NO’. I would like this explained to me as the bank deemed this important information to record however I was never informed of a regulatory body nor law that would be/become important… Is this a fair relationship? 2006-2016 Between these years the CCA was amended significantly and as this loan is a pre-2004 first charge mortgage, from my understanding it was subject to compliance with the CCA between 30th March 2006 and 21st March 2016 when the mortgage becomes regulated by the FCA – see PS17/6. During this period, several compliance failings occurred however two of which I feel are significantly important: Failure to send NOSIA – At no point was a specified notice of sums in arrears sent, by trawling through statements I can see that this should have happened several times. The first of which took within the 2006 onwards period is May 2008. Failure to do this would make the agreement 'unenforceable' until notice is given. Failure to send Annual Statements – None sent. Failure to do this would make the agreement 'unenforceable' until notice is given. During this period of time, my husband had passed away and I was completely unaware that the bank had these obligations to me. Further to this, I made several complaints via telephone and in branch as I didn’t even have access to my mortgage account online. Furthermore – I still don’t have access to this online now! (August 2018) Issue 5 - Product Extension Concerns June 2015 – August 2018 (Taking into account FCA Regulations enforced on 21st March 2016) It is my understanding that the verbally agreed extensions following the ‘supposed’ end of term mortgage are subject to the rules and regulations of the FCA now. This loan extension and all monies paid on this ‘extension’ should have been a ‘Regulated Mortgage Contract’ and there should be certain paperwork in place, such as a Loan Contract, Terms & Conditions, Key Facts, Annual Statements etc. There have been serious failings by the bank to comply with FCA regulations during this period. ----------------------------------- Thank you for any advice and direction in advance.
  4. I got letter from solicitors, on behalf of Robinsons Way acting as agents for HPH (ex Barclaycard) on a debt they say originates from a legal agreement from 2004. This I believe relates to an old Egg debt, but BCard bought my Egg debt in 2011/12. I was paying Egg card small amount monthly, Egg stopped taking payments (not me defaulting) when BCard bought debt. Bcard wrote to me said I needed to change SO to their details and quote my Bcard as a reference!!! I didnt have BCard, it was an Egg card. I wrote and told them, they didnt reply, I didnt resume payments (Never made any payments to Bcard). That was in 2011/2012 not too sure of last payment date - have to scroll thru old bank statements, but never made any payments to BCard. Had various letters from Bcard, Robinson Way and other companies over the ensuing years, debt been passed off from one co to another. Now just received a Letter of Claim from solicitors saying they have legal agreement between me and original creditor (who they seem to be implying was BCard as no mention of Egg), and the date of that agreement. Said their "client" (think they mean BCard) purchased the account and it was legally assigned in July 17, Notice of Assignment sent to me - I not received! I have drafted a letter asking for a copy of the CCA, a full breakdown of the costs involved in the debt, and a copy of the Notice of Assignment. Will send recorded delivery tomorrow. I know they have 14 days to supply a legible true copy of the CCA -. My main thought is why has it taken them so long to initiate legal action if they have a good case? Any thoughts or advice please on what else I can do, Sorry for War and Peace!!
  5. I needed to contact my university to get some transcripts. They told me that I have over £2k+ of fees that I still owe them. This is the first time that I heard about it. I've never received any letters from them. My home address did not change for at least 5-6 years after I graduated and I don't recall seeing any of the letters from them. I don't remember owing them any money at all. Do they automatically expire after a certain amount of time? I've asked for evidence for this. I don't think I've got any receipts for this and my bank statement won't go that far back. I do need the transcript for my next job.... so wonder whether paying 2k for it is worth it.
  6. hello all I wonder if anyone can help me. I took out a loan with Blackhorse in 2002 and it had PPI on it. I was in fulltime employment and had no need for PPi, but was told it was needed. with this being the first loan I had ever taken out, I didn't know any better. I tried to make a mis-sold PPi claim. problem is, I don't have any paperwork with account details. my own bank - HSBC - tell me they cannot go back to 2004 when I finished paying for the loan to help me get the account details. Black horse cannot find me on their system, and therefore reject my claim. I approached FOS who came back to say that Blackhorse had sent screen shots of their attempts to find me on their system, and they were satisfied Blackhorse had done all they could. My question to the more experienced folk on here is: is there any more I can do to make a claim, or do I just accept defeat hear. BTW: the loan was £6k repaid over 18 months. so I'm not even sure how much PPi I paid and if it would be worth chasing. thanks in advance for any help
  7. Hello All I am currently involved in a legal dispute with UKAR regarding a property mortgaged with MX. In order to defend the case, I need an original copy of their Terms and conditions 2004 booklet. I have several "Manipulated" copies that have been sent to be by UKAR however, each copy varies in detail. If anyone has a copy I could borrow/purchase it would be very much appreciated. Thanks
  8. One of the kids has a 2004 Vectra 2.2 SRI dti, of which the fuel gauge has decided to have an intermittent [and now terminal] fault. Did the usual tests on the circuit and all appeared to indicate the sender, replaced the sender with a tested used one and now nothing at the terminals. Have tried the usual check to earth etc but nothing at the gauge and wiring now appears to be open circuit. Sort of indicates this was the original problem and the jiggling around under the back seat has now killed the thing entirely and shown up the original wiring problem. Anyone know the route of the wiring or where I can find a diagram? Don't have access to ramps and really don't don't fancy wedging my 20st frame under the arse end of the car without knowing where to start looking. Thanks
  9. The clutch pedal went without warning on my 2004 Mondeo. I called the AA, they sent a very helpful mechanic who, after trying the clutch, confirmed it had gone and needed to go to a garage. He towed me to Mr Clutch, gave them my details and collected a courtesy car. When the garage phoned me they said the Duel Mass Flywheel had gone, this had damaged the slave cylinder and soaked the clutch plate with oil. Mr Clutch then told me they had been in contact with the AA and had been told this was wear and tear so would not be covering this under my breakdown cover. I was, to say the least, baffled by the decision of the AA, as to how they can make this assumption without seeing the faulty parts. I asked the garage to strip down the flywheel to see if the springs were intact but on inspection the spring was found to have broken, which is failure not wear and tear. I asked the AA to send out an engineer to inspect the broken item which they did, but still came to the same conclusion. I then went through the complaints procedure, and have just heard back to say they think it is down to wear and tear. To my mind if a clutch goes all of a sudden and is due to the springs in the Duel Mass Flywheel breaking causing the slave cylinder to break up and soaking the clutch plate with oil, this is breakage, not wear and tear. I do not know where to go from here, I still have the clutch parts. Any suggestions?
  10. Hi, with the probability that my student loans will be sold on in the near future, I'm after a bit of advice on my position. I'm self employed and have been since 2004, never earning 15000 which I believe is the threshold for repayment on my loans. I've had no statements or other correspondence from SLC since 2008 which is the year I declared bankruptcy. (I know my loan couldn't be included) What I'm concerned about is the possibility that any private company can affect my credit file should they decide to pursue me for repayment. In November this year I'll once again have a 'clean' file and don't want anything to mess that up! Should I be concerned? Is it true that the debt can never become statute barred? I suppose that's not really relevant as I'm not in the PAYE system. Would it be a bad idea to contact SLC to check everything's ok and they haven't been adding charges etc? Not sure what for..... maybe just to flag up that they haven't sent statements etc for 6 years. Or should I just leave well alone considering I don't earn enough to repay? Thanks
  11. Hi, I took out a £15K Barclays Masterloan in early 2004 and made monthly repayments of £342 for 12 months then missed some payments and agreed to reduced payments after hitting some financial problems. Then I stopped making payments despite being chased by Barclays around 2006, I requested bank statement which went as far as Jan 2007, and no payments are showing to Barclays. My CRA records show the loan as up to date with payments made on time for the last 12 months, the balance is just over £15K. There has been no default issued and I believe that the debt is now statute barred. Should Barclays have issued a default within a certain time period? I am loathed to contact them now, as I don't want a default placed on my CRA records which takes another 6 six years to fall off. Thanks in advance for any advice!
  12. Hi can anyone help me in 2004 I did a online application for a egg credit card the ppi box was pre ticked and wouldn't let you proceed unless you left it ticked i clicked and got card. I then phoned egg to say that there was an error and I didn't want ppi they said ok we will cancel in dec 2012 I got a Barclays app and while checking my accounts found ppi had been taken out I called new owners barckays told them them said we will cancel it then I claimed they twice said no now gone to FOS what are my chances I did tell Barclays and FOS that reason I didn't want ppi was I was covered by my employers fully been with them since 2002 sent Barclays a letter from my employer showing this need to know if anyone has been successful regards
  13. During my fight with Arrow and Carter ref Halifax loan account etc my SAR docs showed on a computer screen shot from Halifax the following which may be interesting for all Caggers who have had old Halifax loans and problems etc This screen shot had been generated in relation to my CPR requests and SAR request (although Halifax did not highlight the fact there was no Default notice available) The below is a summary of the information only the rest of the shot was ref no's, date etc Category: MEM COLLECTION MEMOS Date actioned: **/03/2012 Description - email received from risk ops Comments dfn In 2004 we were on old version of CACS and the notes weren't archived for these loans DFN not available just for Caggers information it may help?
  14. Morning all, I had a letter saying they had reviewed my council tax, and found that I owed money as regards overpayment in 204/2005 and 2005/2006......totalling £181 and some pence I called to resolve it, they wanted to much, so I paid the odd 31 over the period of a 7 weeks, then get letter been summoned to court, I email ceo, and explain that i tried to resolve with the contact centre, gave name and time, He had it withdrawn.. Said they would send out Income and Expenditure form, still not received, anyway, i get the summons again!! Had a call from them yesterday, to try and get things in place with the other issues I had with them, I did mention, why was this not found out before? Also I asked "Is It statue barred" as it's clearly over 6 years old, and there was no liability order or arrangement in place... Admittedly i have paid 31...but that was taken off the debt for 2004/2005..... So can I argue the point of it been statue barred? Further more, can Council Tax Debt be included in Bankruptcy?
  15. Hi Just wondered if anyone could advise on best course of action to possibly reclaim PPI. I had a loan from Barclays in 2004 which I paid back in full later on that year. I know I had PPI but I have since closed the account and no longer bank with Barclays. Is it worth pursuing a PPI claim ? What's the 1st step ? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks. I also had a Barclaycard in 2004 which is also closed and wondered how I would find out if I had PPI ? I have no statements relating to this card but do know there is an outstanding balance largely due to exhorbitant late payment charges. I have received letters from various DC companies over the years which I ignored. Again any advice would be very much appreciated.
  16. hi could anyone help please i took a car loan out with car craft back in 2003/2004 for an astra at a cost of £5000 i came into some money at the end of 2004 and asked for a settlement fee which came to £14000 i paid this off as i wanted to be debt free looking back now i realize that this was an extortionate amount to have to pay for a £5000 car but i was young i remember being bullied into taking several extra things with the car but cant remember what they were i am assuming this included ppi is there i could now get a copy of sale agreement as i have moved and cannot find original and woulsd i still be able to claim back any ppi after all this time if i was mis sold it?
  17. Can't make head nor tail of this PPI stuff and am hoping people can point me in the right direction. I took out an Egg loan in 2000 that I have now paid off. I had PPI but I no longer have any of the details. My first issue is whether 2000 is too long ago to count as claimable? If I can, can anyone give any advice as to how I go about getting things moving? I have messaged Egg to ask for some of the basic details of the loan some time ago but have never received a reply! Thanks
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