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  1. Hi all, Just a bit of a background, I called Blackhorse on the 23rd December 2018 to check whether I had any PPI on loans that I took out many years ago. The first and most relevant was taken out in 1987 as I recently found out from them. They found I had three within 87 and 91. They didn’t indicate or tell me whether or not there was PPI on any of my agreements and instead sent out a complaint form and explain to them why I was misold any of the policies attached to each loan. I had no paperwork at the time of calling. A week later I sent back the form and gave the reasons why each were misold. Before doing this I called Blackhorse again and requested a copy each credit agreement agreement they hold on file which they said ok but still fill out the form and send it back which I did. 2 weeks after sending of the form, instead of receiving credit agreements, I was sent each loans running Statements from the opening payments right up until the last. 2 do not show an indication of PPI. But the largest and earliest loan clearly stated PPI £1637.11 included in a total amount of £15,387.78 to repay back. This is on the first page of the statement. Ive keep asking them to comfirm and they keep saying that there is a strong indication and a final response would be provided The Final response date I was given was 18th February. But I received a letter today stating they need at least another 8 weeks to fully respond to the complaint. It’s quite frustrating that they are not providing a final response. I understand there busy and that’s why they have such sufficient time provided to them under their regulations. The reason they have provided for this responses is that they are busy and it hasn’t gone to the relevant departments yet. It funny because I’ve spoken to 3 different people so far during the weeks that have gone by and they have each stated completely contradictory stages as to where the complaint currently is positioned. 2 weeks ago someone told me it’s half way, a week later someone said it’s not even been seen yet by the case handlers and now they have decided to extend for another 8 weeks. I don’t know what to believe. I’ve mentioned to them that I’m going through hardship at the moment as I’m now disabled and require funds for a needed private operation and the money would come in very handy at the right time. Is this common practice or is there something more to it? Would it be wise to take the complaint to the ombudsman? What’s the best thing to do going forward? Given that there is records of each loan, whats the hold up? Could they be passing liability onto someone else, and would have they not of done that already to address the matter ASAP? Any advice or experience anyone has with dealing with Blackhorse PPI dpt is very welcome and I look forward to receiving everyone’s responses on how to best get a reasonable response in a reasonable time. Thank you
  2. Hello, We recently rejected a motorhome which was on finance with Barclays Partner Finance, as part of the rejection the dealership reversed the deal back to the part exchange vehicle and reopened the Blackhorse finance on the part ex vehicle without contest or confirmation from ourselves. They also reopened a direct debit in my name. Can Blackhorse do this even if I have not agreed to it, as soon as the account was reopened (we had a settlement letter from them) we were put straight into arrears which affected my credit rating. We are told the dealership told Blackhorse we had simply changed our minds however this was not the case. Is it legal, moral, right for them to act in this way ?
  3. I bought a caravan in August 2016, during the process was somewhat misled with the purchase and how beneficial it could be. I can afford the repayments, but unfortunately the information we was given on purchase wasn't 100% accurate and our homework wasn't as thorough as it could be, so now we are in a position where we cannot afford the site fees for the caravan and are now looking at the caravan being evicted off the park. This however leaves us in a bad spot as there is nowhere else for thee caravan to go, and moving it off site is expensive. The whole game is wrapped right up. I purchased the caravan for £11995. I paid a cash deposit of £5691. I took out a HP agreement on the remaining balance of £6304. Looking at my HP agreement for options, there is an option to "Terminate the HP Agreement" which for us would probably be the best solution. The text reads as follows: Reading this, the amount payable is exactly 50% of the total amount of the van. The cost of the HP, including the interest at 12.9% is £7997.28. £7997.28 + the cash deposit of £5691.00 = £13688.28 50% of £13688.28 = £6844.14 Reading this, then the agreement includes the cash deposit. Therefore, in order to make the total of £6844.14 I would need to make 7 monthly payments on top of the deposit to have the ability to terminate. However, speaking to the HP company, it appears that the total that should be in the Termination section is incorrect. I don't really want my credit report to be destroyed over this mistake as I am looking to be buying a house in the next 3 years. Please can you help? My main issue is that the balance for the VT is wrong. The balance for VT should be 50% of the amount on finance, not the total amount of the entire purchase. When I phoned the creditor, they confirmed that it was wrong. Basically, the amount to VT should be 50% of the finance, which including interest is 50% of £7997.28 = £3998.64. However, they have taken the full balance including the cash deposit into consideration. My question is, where do I stand now. If the entire balance, including the cash deposit is taken into consideration, then I have paid more than 50% of that agreement as my cash deposit and the 7 payments made to date exceeds the 50% mark. If they do not take the cash deposit into consideration, then there is an outstanding balance, but the agreement I have in front of me is wrong. My issue is that if the latter is applicable, the caravan will need to be put somewhere until the 50% is paid unless the creditor will take the van off me and agree for me to continue making payments until the 50% is reached (but that doesn't change the fact that the agreement is wrong). Please can you advise me on this. Several people, including myself, believe that the policy is incorrect and therefore void. What's your input? Please note: I have also posted this query on another site (Money Saving Expert), but am looking for solid advice so looking here too. Apologies to any member who has read this on there too.
  4. Hi just wondering can anyone assist or have had similar issue: I purchased a hp car after 6 months and faults i returned the car and wanted to upgrade to a bigger car. However i could not obtain finance was advised that if i got another family member they could try that. my sister went with me and they obtained what we were told was finance and that there was £2000 negative equity from the car i had returned and that this would be added onto the monthly payments. We also purchased gap insurance and were advised that everything was the same only difference was the amount. We were even advised that we could come back half way or in a few years and upgrade again. I have never received a letter, email statement at all in the 30 months i have had the car. To my shock i decided to trade up as i had been told i could so i contacted blackhorse who said yes this could be done as long as i paid 1400. After one week and getting the money i again contacted them only to be told this was a PERSONAL FIXED SUM LOAN!!! This was not what i had agreed to. I brought back a hire purchase car and was told that everything was the same. O and blackhorse said they sent 2 statements of which i have yet to see. I would never have taken a loan for a second hand car and did not know that it was even possible to go into a showroom and get a loan. They were fully aware of my circumstances and wishes given that i was returning a car on hp which was not suitable! They never advises us off the change, yes we signed paperwork but on the basis of the sale team telling us everything was the same. My understanding also was that GAP insurance only covered for the fall in car value not for a personal loan? To add during this time i have since taken another car out and it is hp with the same dealer with the same instructions as before. I truly believed and was advised that they all were the same until now obviously. Any help would be great
  5. I have recently embarked on a mission to clear the debt I ran up when I ran into financial difficulties in 2013. I was struggling in my job at the time and had trouble keeping up with my bills and ended up losing my house and car. I have since recovered and now in a position where I can clear all of outstanding debts. One of the debts that I hadn't got around to yet was around £1500 to Black Horse for the finance on my car. I missed three months payments of £407 and ended up giving them the keys back in December 2013. When I took the agreement out I lived at address 1 and then moved (informed them of the address change) and when they collected the car they collected from address no.2. I now live at a different address over the last 12 months have received numerous letters from Reston's solicitors in relation to the debt. The last letter I received from them was to inform me that I have successfully registered a CCJ against my name and against address no.1. Even though they know I have since moved from address 1 to address 2 where they collected the car and then to address 3 where they have sent me letters. If I had received the paperwork though about the CCJ I would have paid it in full because all of my other CCJs are satisfied and for the last 3 years I haven't missed a payment on any accounts I have and wouldn't want to reset the 6 years of being screwed on a mortgage clock. Is there anyway of me getting this judgement set aside if I have to pay in full? the downside is that I can't find any of the letters they sent me previously, I do have the letter that they sent to my current address to inform me after the CCJ was granted dated 5 weeks from the CCJ date) If I can't get it set aside what action should I take to look into making sure the 1500 is an accurate figure? any help/advice/guidance would be really appreciated
  6. Hello I am new here and desperate for some advice. It's complicated but will try and keep it brief but below is a summary. In August 2006 myself and my now ex husband needed to refinance an existing loan with GE Money a broker referred us to Blackhorse and we were offered a secured loan of £40k. We were categorically told that we could only take the loan if we had the PPI as well even though we said the repayments were way to high to afford. We were convinced by the Blackhorse rep that this was our only option like idiots we signed. The loan agreement states Regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Total amount of loan with PPI was £52,075.05 (we did query this as we were told absolute max allowed to borrow was £39,000 the balance is cost of PPI). 10 year repayment period. Interest rate of 11.9%. A year on and we realised that the PPI should not of been sold to us as we had our own insurance through our employers (we had told the Blackhorse rep this before signing)! After a bit of a fight £10,373.35 was credited (so it shows on my statement). Another year down the line and a divorce. I got into payment difficulties and missed a few payments (I always made Blackhorse aware of when and why). PPI came to light again as when Blackhorse credited the original amount they had failed to refund the payments we had made and the interest. In 2009 Blackhorse finally credit the account again with a refund of £3,561.31 only after I had refused to pay anything until they did! I carried on paying reduced payments to Blackhorse as I was struggling on my own with the loan and main mortgage but had accrued arrears made up of missed payments and charges of £23,435.47 Blackhorse went for a SPO in November 2012. Blackhorse wrote to me the same month to say they were charging me 11.292%. I have carried on paying the court agreed sum however on occasions I have not been able to pay the whole amount on the due dates and payments have either been split, late or not the full amount. I always called Blackhorse and made them aware if paying extra when I could and for once they were helpful! In October 2014 I received my annual statement and was shocked to see that even after paying over £7K the balance of my loan had only gone down by £145! I queried this and put in a complaint to the FOS. Within in 4 days Blackhorse rang me and said "good news - no more interest, when I queried why all of a sudden they said "good will gesture"! Roll on to May 2015 when I receive letters from Blackhorse and Skye to say loan was sold on. I rang Blackhorse and asked why they said no longer "allowed" to operate those loans" however everything with my loan would remain the same. I then called Skye when my first payment was due 1st July 2015). Made the first payment via debit card however the rep entered the wrong post code so had to do again. Again was reassured smooth running of account by Skye. Checked bank account later that day to find I missing two lots of large payments! Rang Skye oops sorry a mistake we don't have the money it's in limbo, called my bank who confirmed the wrong payment was in limbo and would have to wait until it wasn't collected to recredit my account. My bank then blocked my cards as believed it was fraudulent due to high amount twice! This took almost two weeks which meant I incurred bounced direct debits bank charges and £253 liability order for non payment of council tax! Skye just said oh we didn't have the money physically so tough, On making my next payment the lady I was speaking to said about setting up the payment plan by direct debit. I explained I was unable to do that as sometimes I have to make split payments as money was very tight. She said send in your pay slips, statements and expenditure and income and we can see if we can get you a more comfortable payment. She asked was was comfortable now I said the amount but what about SPO. She said well it's a fresh start with us and took the reduced payment. She confirmed to make the reduced payment until they had reviewed my finances. I made the reduced payment (split) this month on 29th. Thence stepdad I received a call from a rep who told me she had reviewed my finances and the history of the account from Blackhorse and as there are still £9,315 owing on the arrears and as my finances clearly show I ve no extra finances to clear these - they suggest I sell my house to clear the whole balance on my loan otherwise they will possess. I was shocked! She said they are no ,onger able to help me and I have until Monday to respond. Sorry this is so long but thought the whole history would be helpful. Sorry I forgot to mention I have paid £45,102.41 to date and the balance on this loan is ......... £42,676.88, the lady who called from Skye in Friday also said the the original term of the loan was up last month and that I had breached the SPO as when it sent to court a new agreement was put in place (news to me as I never signed any new agreement) that the loan would be extended by 4 years to allow for all arrears and payments to clear however I would need to be paying over £900 a month to do this - I currently pay £700 which is £80 more than agreed by court.
  7. Just had a lovely chat with someone at Mortimer Clark. I'll call him Matthew, for that was what he called himself. He declined to give me his mobile number, employment status or value of rent or mortgage - but I guess that's only fair since I declined the same information. He was very keen to discuss a loan that "their client" apparently bought from BlackHorse some time ago, but since I knew nothing about them and have had a dispute running on it for so long that I'd forgotten it ever existed, we didn't get very far. Hit stalemate regarding the dispute as I wasn't prepared to divulge any information not knowing who he was (I mean, not even giving me his mobile number - could be anyone!) and he had no information from "their client" or BlackHorse about it either. He did stop to share his concerns at one point though, and suggested I contacted the Police if I thought it was fraudulent, so I took his name and address down again (still no mobile number) so I could report his fraud, but apparently I misunderstood him and he was suggesting I report the initial alleged loan as fraud. Silly me! He very helpfully offered to get a copy of the loan agreement and associated information, and kindly confessed eventually that they were indeed threatening court action without sight of any agreement. All he could tell me was that the loan started in March 2005 and terminated in September 2010, with the last payment in August 2008. I left it that they would address all the previous concerns once they had the proper paperwork, at which time they'll also see how many other agencies have tried to pursue this alleged debt and swiftly passed it back when realising they had no right to. We almost parted on good terms, and I tried to save them a lot of unnecessary work and money by pointing out August 2008 was a long time ago now - more than 6 years I hasten to add. However, it seems for them the usual rules no longer apply and they can continue to do what the hell they like until 6 years after the formal termination/sale rather than 6 years after the last payment or acknowledgement of debt. If he'd given me his mobile number I could have text a link to the relevant laws! On a serious note though.... has the law changed here?
  8. Hi all I've received a rather threatening letter from Restons Solicitors, I'm hoping you can assist me with my problem. Resotns solicitors been instructed by their Client Hillesden securities limited. I have received an n30 Judgement for claimant Resotns solicitors been. I believe it relates to a car finance agreement I had with Black Horse back in 2000 the Car price was £12000 to be paid over a period of 48 month. After few month later in year 2000 due to financial problem I wasn’t able to keep my payment of the monthly instalment to Black Horse. Black Horse decided to take back the vehicle and sell it at an auction for £5000. Black Horse put a default on my credit file (I do not know if that CCJ or not) but I wasn’t able to take any credit for six years and they started to charge me £20.00 a month until year 2010. Black Horse sold the debt to Hillesden securities limited with some advice from the Citizen advice centre I start paying them £1.00 a month as a token payment. In year 2012 for unknown reason I stopped the standing order by mistake. I didn’t receive any correspondents from Hillesden securities limited from year 2012 until November 2015 I received the court letter from there form Restons solicitors. They are demanding £1540 I wrote back to them asking to make a token payment of £1.00 but they didn’t reply back to me and when I phoned them they denied my offer letter. I received N1SDT from the court and they asked me to pay the £1725 court fee included. I offered the court £1.00 every month for six month until my financial status improved but they refused the offer and now I have N30 from the court asking me to pay instalment of £226 a month which I will not be able to afford. I do not know what action to take as I don’t own a property; I am currently in a renting accommodation and already have family financial problems. Do I consider this as a statute barred? I need your help guys.
  9. Hello, I was wondering if dx or someone could offer some urgent assistance. Hillesden Ltd via Mortimer Clarke Solicitors are taking me to court for a debt. I believe this to be statue barred. Details are below. I should mention that I sent through the AOS to allow for an extra 14 days. Just to let you know that this debt does not appear on my credit file. Name of the Claimant - Hillesden Securities Ltd Date of issue – top right hand corner of the claim form – this in order to establish the time line you need to adhere to – 14 DEC 2015 ( by my calculations 33 days is up tomorrow) – What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? By agreement between Black Horse Ltd & the Defendant on or around 07/11/2006 (‘the Agreement’) BLACK HORSE lTD agreed to loan the Defendant monies. The Defendant did not pay the instalments as they fell due & the Agreement was terminated. The Agreement was aa signed to the Claimant. The Claimant therefore claims 5500 What is the value of the claim? £6000 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? LOAN When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? BEFORE 2007 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. DEBT SOLD TO DLC/HILLESDEN. THEY ARE THE CLAIMANT. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? I DO NOT RECALL. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? I DO NOT RECALL Have you been receiving statutory notices headed "Notice of Default sums" – at least once a year ? I DO NOT RECALL THIS. Why did you cease payments? LOW SALARY – I WAS NOT ABLE TO AFFORD PAYMENTS. AT ONE POINT I WAS OUT OF WORK. What was the date of your last payment? APPROX 2007. I MADE A PAYMENT OF £10 FOR A SAR TO BLACKHORSE – WHICH I MADE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR WAS FOR ACCESS TO MY RECORDS. I DID RECEIVE MY RECORDS. THIS DEBT AT SOME POINT WAS PASSED / SOLD TO ZINC WHO CHASED ME FOR THE DEBT. AT THE TIME I SENT THROUGH £1 FOR A COPY OF THE AGREEMENT. THEY DID NOT RESPOND. THIS WAS IN 2010/2011. ABOUT 2/3 YEARS AGO I RECEIVED A LETTER FROM DLC STATING I HAD MADE A PAYMENT OF £1 TO MY ACCOUNT. I DID NOT RESPOND TO THE LETTER AS I KNEW THIS TO BE INCORRECT. Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? NO. I MADE PPI CLAIM – WHICH BLACKHORSE PAID. THAT WAS APPROX 2 YEARS AGO. AT THE TIME THE DEBT WAS ALREADY SOLD TO ZINC / DLC/HILLESDEN Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? WHEN THE LOAN WAS TAKEN OUT ORIGINALLY, I DID CONTACT BLACKHORSE OVER THE TELEPHONE. BUT THAT WAS WELL OVER 8 YEARS AGO. I BELIEVE BLACKHORSE/ DLC/HILLSDEN HAVE THE DATES WRONG. I NO LONGER HAVE THE ACCOUNT OPEN WITH THE BANK FROM WHICH I MADE PAYMENTS FROM. I HAVE MADE CONTACT WITH THE BANK AND THEY INFORM ME MY ACCOUNT HAS NOT BEEN IN USE SINCE SEPT 2007. I SWITCHED BANKS OVER 10 YEARS AGO, SO I KNOW I HAVE NT MADE ANY PAYMENTS TO BLACKHORSE IN THAT TIME PERIOD APART FROM REQUESTING ACCESS TO MY RECORDS VIA A SAR, PLUS £1 TO ZINC FOR A COPY OF MY AGREEMENT. I hope I have provided enough detail above. I am seeking assistance in what to state by way of defence. Many thanks mbk.
  10. hello all I wonder if anyone can help me. I took out a loan with Blackhorse in 2002 and it had PPI on it. I was in fulltime employment and had no need for PPi, but was told it was needed. with this being the first loan I had ever taken out, I didn't know any better. I tried to make a mis-sold PPi claim. problem is, I don't have any paperwork with account details. my own bank - HSBC - tell me they cannot go back to 2004 when I finished paying for the loan to help me get the account details. Black horse cannot find me on their system, and therefore reject my claim. I approached FOS who came back to say that Blackhorse had sent screen shots of their attempts to find me on their system, and they were satisfied Blackhorse had done all they could. My question to the more experienced folk on here is: is there any more I can do to make a claim, or do I just accept defeat hear. BTW: the loan was £6k repaid over 18 months. so I'm not even sure how much PPi I paid and if it would be worth chasing. thanks in advance for any help
  11. Hi, I've received some letters from Hillesden Securities informing me that they have applied to the courts in regards to a CCJ regarding a debt from 2004. I stopped paying as I couldn't afford it but and was on a debt management plan at the time the debt had been passed around various companies before Hillesden took it on, as I do not have any paper work relating to this debt I'm about to write a letter requesting details of the agreement as I heard I maybe able to contest them if they've not contacted me in what I believe to be around 6 years, if I do this can it be classed as acknowledgement of the debt? Thanks for reading.
  12. Hi, My secured loan from Black Horse is now with Idem Securities. They are being very fair with their acceptance of our situation but insist on regular reviews. It was a secured loan. They are 3rd charge. I am wondering what legal rights they have 'inherited' IF ANY? However, when we tried many years ago to take out a secured loan they wouldn't touch us as the mortgage we have has a draw down facility on it. Also every now and again we get a month or two arrears on mortgage. The secured loan people never chased us. I was expecting them to try and seek repossession but it didn't happen. I din't ever think why but am now wondering how legal the secured loan from BlackHorse was to be secured as 3rd rank! Any advice welcome. From picking up on an earlier thread. We had several TSB loans repeatedly consolidated and then we were coerced into turning them into a secured loan; a 3rd charge on our property. (We have a mortgage with separate drawdown facility.) The loan is heavily in arrears. Idem took over and I did not query the original agreement or their ability to do this or indeed any miss selling issues. How can I check the validity of this transfer or the original lending criteria as I no longer have the original agreement? With this loan being secured, I have always worked with collection activities but our means are very limited and we cannot get anywhere near the contractual payments. The pressure of having to review the agreement so frequently is hard as our income is mainly disability benefits and very poor, fluctuating self employed income. It would be a massive relief if I could find out how legitimate the lending was as we had no choice but to accept a secured loan as TSB, back then, were threatening further recovery action if we didn't. Today such bullying would not have happened and a repayment plan put in place. Hope someone can advise me. Thank you
  13. hello i am currently in the process of paying off the last 2 of my 9 debts, in total i owed in excess of 10k, over the past few years i have managed to clear a considerable amount, currently im down to £3200 owed to DLC/hillesden on behalf of a car finance loan from blackhorse. all of my previous debts were paid off in full either as a full payment or payment plan over a set amount of months, the last debt totals £3200, in this case i am wanting to send a letter to offer a settlement figure and need some advice. first of all im not sure whether i would need to send this to the original creditor; black-horse or would i send it to the debt collection agency hillesden/direct legal collections. also i am hoping to offer a reduced offer, any tips/realistic % to offer any help is greatly appreciated and i look forward to hearing from anybody who has similar issues or can help thanks
  14. Hi all I have an interest in a car which has been purchased using Blackhorse. I'll give you a bit of background info as this might get confusing. my friend owns the car and the finance is in her name, but neither of us could afford the finance if we were paying it alone. I pay half of all costs for unlimited use of the car, and obviously this includes the finance. If she decides to sell I only have to pay 50% of the book value at the time of sale if I want to buy it and if I don't I get 50% of what it sells for so it was a decent idea for me and my friend and it's worked well. The only problem is I've had a bit of financial turbulence since January and I've had to restructure my finances so at the moment I've not been able to pay my share of the finance (although this will be cleared up by the end of May). We've got one payment due on 13 April, and then the last and final payment (the amount borrowed was over 60 months) was due on 13 May. As the final payment is double the normal payments, and the fact that my friend has been carrying me for the past couple of months there's no way she could afford the final £320 that Blackhorse would want. When she rang them up they gave her the following options... 1: Split the final payment into 2 payments, but they said they'd place a default marker on her credit file which she doesn't want. 2: Cancel the direct debit and pay it on her card (?!?), but I'm assuming this would end up with another marker on her credit file. This option also made no sense as I can only assume by 'card' they meant a credit card which she doesn't have. If they meant debit card then it still comes out of her bank account so that confused me. 3: They'll not take the payment out this month, but carry it over until May and then take the double payment in June (by which time I'll be sorted financially and I'll have caught up with my contributions to the car). Strangely they said this wouldn't involve a marker being put on her credit file. Now my friend has chosen option 3, but I'm not sure this isn't going to adversely affect her credit rating. Am I right in assuming it's similar to a 'mortgage holiday' where you don't have to pay for a month? If so, why on Earth can't they just split the final payment as it would still be cleared on the same date. If push comes to shove I can borrow the money and get some money into her account for the final payment in May, but it would involve a payday loan and I really don't want to end up in that situation. I do feel bad about it as well as my financial problems were entirely avoidable and self inflicted, a nd I don't see why she should have her credit rating trashed because of it. Anyone who could help clear up the confusion or even give alternative options to present to Blackhorse would be greatly appreciated.
  15. DX suggested I create separate threads for two PPI claims - this is the first for Blackhorse. I received a response to my SAR within a week of sending the SAR. I can't really work out what I'm seeing in the documents PDF attached. I've tried to be very careful to remove all identifying stuff from the documents before uploading. It seems I took out a HP Agreement for a car and PPI was added and that I paid this for 9 months and then the HP agreement was converted into a standard loan with Blackhorse / Lloyds. I'd be grateful if anyone who understands these agreements can take a look - there are some alarming figures. For example, the original price of the car was £14995. I paid a deposit of £4100 and with PPI, charges for credit etc the price was back up over £20k I'm not even sure this loan was properly constructed. It's all paid off now but I want to make sure if there is anything I should be claiming, in addition to the PPI in the first 9 months that I'm not missing something. The statements in the attached PDF do not show the first payments but they were made. I think I seem to have paid 62 payments instead of 60. Any advice would be gratefully received.
  16. hi everyone just after some more help I wont bore you with all the details but im trying to claim charges back from various companys while being chased for outstanding debts whilst I have family problems on top. anyway I wrote to Blackhorse giving them a list of charges totalling £235 plus interested at the rate they charged me some total amount was £852.52p they sent me a cheque for £235 which I sent back stating the full amount of £852.52 is payable. had a letter today which reads we confirm that our final response to the complaint as no new evidence has been provided their position remains the same please see below list of fees and late payment interest that was paid by me £140 collection activity fees £21.44 late payment interest £50 third party fee £26.81 due date changed £95 termination fee total amount of 333.25 and the cheque of £235 was issued to refund for the collection activity and termination fee that I paid my request of all charges applied is not justified if still unhappy please contact financial ombudsman. where do I go from here ? thanks
  17. Dear Sir/Madam, Ref: [Your PPI policy number] I believe I have been mis-sold a payment protection insurance policy and would like to request a full refund of my premiums, plus interest paid. I took out a £xxx loan at your xxxxx branch at xxxxxxx onxxxxxof October 2007 and got pressurised in to taking out PPI which has cost me an extra £xxxx over the minimum period of the loan. The total amount of my premiums plus interest is £ xxxxx I am a single parent in receipt of benefits and working as a part time teaching assistant on a temporary contract and therefore would not have been eligible for any payments from the PPI policy taken out if I was to find myself unable to meet my debt repayments. I believe the salesperson knew PPI was optional at the time but instead of being given the option, they insisted that I take out the PPI protection increase my chances of being approved for the loan, I am sure you are aware of FSA guidelines without me quoting legislation chapter and verse Insurers are under an obligation to ensure that the policy they are selling is appropriate to for the customer and clearly, as my employment situation means I am unable to claim on the policy, you have not fulfilled these guidelines I am requesting a full readdress of all my insurance payments, plus interest, which total [£ xxx]. If I do not receive a favourable response from yourselves within eight weeks I will pursue this claim through the Financial Ombudsman. Yours sincerely
  18. hello guys i need some help after learning a lot from reading on this site I boldly decided to go and checked several of my old documents only to find I had a lot of for it on ppi claims to do. I made a claim to lloyds bowmaker regarding ppi on a car loan found it is now blackhorse (a part of lloyds) first letter said they could not find any evidence of me being on their records, then in response the further wanted a signed copy of credit agreement and proof of payments. I did not have proof of the payments because I could not remember if I payed by payment book or the bank took thepayments. I submitted a copy of credit agreement and now they have replied that they cannot investigate my ppi claim because the agreement has not been fully executed. Please please can someone please advise someone
  19. Hello CAG, I come again in search of your help. I got a letter today in the post from Red Debt Collection Services on behalf of Blackhorse saying that i need to pay the amount owed in full or to arrange a payment plan with them. The last time that i paid any moneys to this account was in 2006/2007 not sure, but not after that and it was directly still to Blackhorse. I believe to be 2006 thinking... What's you advice? Thank you.
  20. hi i ve got a caravan on hp with black horse finance last week a man called round saying he had come to take it back but we didnt let him i ve been on the phone to black horse to find out way they said i had defaulted they never sent a letter saying that i had and that i had defaulted on 2 payments i said so how much do i owe they told me £350 which included this months so i phoned them back to make a full payment off what was outstanding and then got told they have a court order to take it back i dont want to lose the caravan ive only had it 16months and if i knew i had defaulted i would have paid it straight away is there any thing i can do i ve not payed the 350 now
  21. I really need some help with blackhorse and after 20 months of reading thread after thread site after site I'm at a loss. Please could you direct me to someone that could help. The crux of it is it maybe an unlawful repo but that had only come to light as I am fighting a default in credit file. I could be horribly wrong which is why I'm in desperate need of guidance. Vehicle impounded by police 13/02/2012 no insurance (obviously a breach on our part but bit more complicated) Blackhorse refused to let vehicle be released Notice sent by bh 14/02/2012 under sec 76i and 98i agreement to be terminated by them as of 28/02/2012 Vehicle removed from car pound 08/03/2012 By the time the vehicle was impounded over 1/3 had been paid excluding deposit Going back to the beginning my initial dispute is over a default same details except blackhorse stated after sale of vehicle liability was £1029.48 which included £910 repossession fees for the whole period the vehicle was in the pound plus collection. We disputed this as we believed we were only liable for the dates before agreement terminated 13/02 - 27/02/2012 plus collection. Total approx £610 and asked for a copy of the invoice the police produced to bh. Never received this called every week and all we got was a breakdown of charges. Throughout the process monthly payments were made on time each month up until and including April 2012. Just to confuse matters bh can't workout if it's a tv or repo I don't want to write anymore because I can already see I'm going to confuse matters please help and feel free to request more info. I appreciate any guidance you could give me I just want this default removed. Mel
  22. Following success with my mum and Halifax my sister got me to SAR Blackhorse they have now sent her 4 agreements including their remortage loan from 2003. Looking at agreements the cost if PPI is high. Her hubby was self employed and she a home help. She is adamant they were told she had to take insurance. The loan agreements are typed and ppi box ticked and their signatures at bottom of agreement. One if the loans she is adamant she didnt tick the box. Should i send a statin sheet for each loan with the questionaire? I am gonna state mis sold reason she had sickness cover and didnt need the insurance. Thanks as usual guys
  23. Hi All, I'm looking for some advice on how to start putting my life back together after spending the last 6 years looking over my shoulder! To cut a long story short after a relationship breakdown and some other personal issues my flat was repossessed in 2008 and Northern Rock sold it on at auction. The flat cost me originally £38500 on a together mortgage and I also took out an additional £6K loan on top of that to clear some debts as well as a £10K loan from Blackhorse (secured) a few years later. I now have NRAM chasing me for a shortfall of £29500 and Blackhorse £17985 both of which I have paid nothing towards since the repossession. I received a letter from Mackenzie Hall last week offering a settlement figure of £8800 for the NRAM shortfall (which I don't have!) or a £40 PM payment. I also get occasional letters from various DCA's about the Blackhorse sum. I am based in Scotland and I know the law is slightly different up here.
  24. Hi everyone, as you might tell, I'm new here... I pretty clueless in which direction to go and I desperately need help from people in the know so I'm here as this seems the right place to get different opinions etc... Right, my situation... Back in March 2009 I took a personal loan out for a newish car with Blackhorse Finance, the agreement was for £9,600 spread over £207 payable back over 60months... Originally the agreement was to be on Vehicle Finance terms but for some reason I couldn't get that so they changed it to a personal loan and got it through for some reason... This allowed me to sell the car without having to pay the finance off etc. (but I'll get back to that shortly...) I was in full time employment and was able to pay the £207 for around 2 years, after approximately 18months of that 2 years I got a promotion in work and was given a company car to use for Social use as well as within work so naturally I didn't see much point in owning a car worth a good few thousand pound when it's just sat at home not getting used. I decided to sell, I spoke with Blackhorse first to confirm they didn't have any 'Interest' in the vehicle there end and was told that I can go ahead and sell it... The car sold and I kept the money in a savings pot as I didn't have enough to completely close the Finance account off so I thought I would just keep paying the £207 each month happily... Then the problem occurred... Around 6 months after selling the car, I was made redundant, obviously the company car went back and I was left jobless... I decided to do what I always wanted to do and start up my own business, I carefully used my savings pot to set up business as a Mobile ICT Technician with a vehicle and some additional kit that I didn't have and got out there working... Self employment went well for around 8 months and during that period I was able to keep the payments of £207 going... Business went bad... Eventually, self employed life started getting bad, the phone didn't ring as much as it used to and a lot of competition had cropped up from nowhere in the local area... I started to struggle... I missed a couple of months payments trying to prioritise my money to actually getting by and living and I ended up burying my head in the sand for too long hiding away from the phone calls from Blackhorse and then various debt collectors... (Stupid mistake I know but I was young...) I managed to make a payment on and off over the duration of about 18months whilst trying to get my business going again whilst looking for full time employment... When I did eventually sort myself out and get a full time job, after around 6 months I answered a phone call from Apex and jumped onto a payment plan with them (As Blackhorse wouldn't deal with me regarding my account anymore and said I needed to speak with Apex) I've been on a payment plan with Apex paying £130 per month for approx. 14months now, I haven't missed a payment at all. The debt/loan is still with Blackhorse and hasn't been sold onto Apex, they are merely handling me for them... According to my basic math, the 60 month term makes the agreement finish in March this year... That's the history anyway.... Myself and my Girlfriend wish to get onto the property ladder at some point this year and as a result of that decision, I looked into my Credit Rating with Experian... it's 458 (shockingly sh$t I know...) So now I'm tasked with the challenge of improving that even slightly some how over the next couple of months as we've seen a house we like and can easily afford the re-payments... Here comes my question of all questions... The main thing that's dragging me down seems to be the Blackhorse finance stuff... (the reason I say the main this because my Barclaycard Credit card doesn't seem to be on my Experian Credit Report at all and I personally believe this would go in my favour if it was there as I've never missed a payment and have 90% of the credit limit available... (any information/advice on this would be really helpful too!!!)) My Mum has offered to lend me a few thousand to clear the Blackhorse debt up/off and so I wish to do this... Black horse debt detail: - BLACK HORSE LTD Started : 10/03/2009 Remaining Balance : £4,559 Overdue Amount : £3,458 I don't have the funds in place to clear the complete balance unfortunately, and therefore I am seeking direction here as to which way to go with this... And that in mind, which way would benefit my credit score the most? Do I clear the overdue amount and get back up where I should be? I believe the difference is so great between those two figures because every time I missed a monthly payment I had a £25 charge added on and during my head burying time that was quite a lot of missed payments... So do I pursue a full and final whereby I request it gets marked as 'Settled' and see how low I can get it? Or do I pursue removing the charges/majority of charges? and pay the overdue amount? From what I can see on my Credit Report, the current status of this is 'delinquent' and not 'defaulted' and so while it is still in the repayable timeframe period I still have a chance of some sort to keep from going to the 'defaulted' status? Any help and advice with my current situation is very much appreciated, as you can tell, I don't have much time before the end of the payable term is up so I need to get some sort of decision made soon so I can get the ball rolling in the right direction... Thanks very much for reading that lot if you got here! Cheers, Adam.
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