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Found 5 results

  1. Just had a lovely chat with someone at Mortimer Clark. I'll call him Matthew, for that was what he called himself. He declined to give me his mobile number, employment status or value of rent or mortgage - but I guess that's only fair since I declined the same information. He was very keen to discuss a loan that "their client" apparently bought from BlackHorse some time ago, but since I knew nothing about them and have had a dispute running on it for so long that I'd forgotten it ever existed, we didn't get very far. Hit stalemate regarding the dispute as I wasn't prepared to divulge any information not knowing who he was (I mean, not even giving me his mobile number - could be anyone!) and he had no information from "their client" or BlackHorse about it either. He did stop to share his concerns at one point though, and suggested I contacted the Police if I thought it was fraudulent, so I took his name and address down again (still no mobile number) so I could report his fraud, but apparently I misunderstood him and he was suggesting I report the initial alleged loan as fraud. Silly me! He very helpfully offered to get a copy of the loan agreement and associated information, and kindly confessed eventually that they were indeed threatening court action without sight of any agreement. All he could tell me was that the loan started in March 2005 and terminated in September 2010, with the last payment in August 2008. I left it that they would address all the previous concerns once they had the proper paperwork, at which time they'll also see how many other agencies have tried to pursue this alleged debt and swiftly passed it back when realising they had no right to. We almost parted on good terms, and I tried to save them a lot of unnecessary work and money by pointing out August 2008 was a long time ago now - more than 6 years I hasten to add. However, it seems for them the usual rules no longer apply and they can continue to do what the hell they like until 6 years after the formal termination/sale rather than 6 years after the last payment or acknowledgement of debt. If he'd given me his mobile number I could have text a link to the relevant laws! On a serious note though.... has the law changed here?
  2. Hi Guys! I am new to this forum, but unfortunately not new to my HPI debt, which is now contorlled by DLC AKA Hillesden Securites! I bought a car on Hire Purchase in 2008 The car broke, and as a result had a new gearbox fitted under warranty, which itself broke 2 months later Peugeot refused to fix under warranty, saying it was drivers error, black horse did not want to help, and I could not keep up the finance!! The debt now stands at £12000+. I am currently bankrupt, the insolvency service are aware of this debt with the car, but cannot take it on fully until the car is reposessed!! Currently DLC own the car, but are refusing to reposess! they contatntly ring me, which is NOT allowed under section 285 of the insolvency act!!! Peugeot are charging me storage which is currently at £1572.00, they will not release the car until payment is made (I am liable as i well know and am fine with) but they will not release the car to me as DLC own the car, but DLC will not reposess and will not give a reason as to why! Until they do, the insolvency service will not take this debt on fully!!! Please help I need to know what to do, DLC are very threatening, but this does not bother me, but what does bother me is the smarmy comments i get when they think they have won because they will not reposess the car! BUT even after I am discharged from bankruptcy, They debt will still be included in my bankruptcy estate as the debt was incurred before I was made officially bankrupt!! Sorry to go on, but this debt is going on as is the problems with DLC!! Thankyou in advance for any advice Tom
  3. Hello people, this is my first post, so go easy! Right here's the situation: I messed up with a Captial One credit card in 2004 after only having it for a short time. In 2008 I received a letter from DLC (Hillesden Securities) asking for the balance, some £550. I requested the CCA, which promptly came back. So I began paying it off over 14 months, and made the last payment in uly 2010. Earlier this week I accessed my credit reports. On CallCredit there is an entry for Hillesden, as follows: Account Opened: 5 August 2004 Last Updated: 1 July 2010 Opening Balance: £0 Current Balance: Closed 2 July 2010 Monthly Change: Account Closed Worst Status: SF -The account has been satisfied. The payment status has been reported as in default. Account Holder Status: Normal Account Status: Default Reported Until: July 2013 Default Date: 14 July 2007 Default Satisfied Date: 2 July 2010 Lender Contacts HILLESDEN SECURITIES LIMITED I don't know if Capital One sent me a default in 2004 because I moved house. But I find it hard to believe they didn't issue one until 3 years later, as is suggested above. I'd hoped the default was issued before then because 6 years would have elapsed and I could get it removed. Is this likely to be a case of Hillesden simply applying their own default when they took over the debt? How can I find out if and when Capital One did issue a default? SAR to Hillesden? When I view my CallCredit report, Hillesden has placed a black box with a 'D' in it for every month between March 2008 and July 2010, showing the account is in default. Ironically, I opened a new account with Capital One last year and they've since increased my limit! I'd love to get this removed, so any help would be great. Cheers
  4. hi retired 3 years ago now at 69 oap ..took 6k loan IN MY NAME ONLY with BH in 2006 paying at 125pr month in 2007 retired in debt notified bh on pension credit only couldnt afford to pay 125pr m..they kept phoning had no changed things were getting so bad with calls. bh took me to court i admitted debt and offered 6quid pr month( NORTHAMPTON COURT NOTE) accepted offer.. been paying 6 quid by standing order.(still paying to BH) 2 WEEKS AGO letter from BH TO ME AND TO MY WIFE statement...my wife was never on any agreement( NORTHAMPTON STATED TO BE PAID AT £6 UNTIL PAID OFF/court papers clearly only have my name on court form) on BH STATEMENT DURATION OF LOAN 62 months...funny that....I have applied to NORTHAMPTON COURT TO LOWER THE PAYMENTS ONCE I REALISED THAT STATE BENEFITS PENSION CREDIT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR DEBTS. LETTER from court saying a hearing will be arranged in a court near to me.Not heard as yet. Now the funny bit..3 days ago letters to myself and my wife for the debt to be paid to DLC/HILLESDEN SECURITIES AND APLINS SOLICITORS ALL FUTURE PAYMENTS TO BE MADE TO DLC/ I have emailed them explaining i do not acknowledge any debt with them..no reply to date. I note others on this site it would appear that there a lot of us in similar situation with BH AND NOW THE ABOVE MENTIONED CREW....ADVICE PLEASE....there is something very funny here....
  5. I am currently trying to get £1,670 repaid from Lloydstsb I have sent the first letter off to them and they have replied stating that it was in my terms and conditions about the charges and that I should consult the OFT if I feel that I have been wrongly done to. I am prepared to go to court if I have a small chance of winning, however I have heard that Lloydstsb are one of the only banks that do not repay charges that they have made. Lloydstsb have currently got me overdrawn by £670 and I am in dire mess through them I have missed a mortgage payment and a secured loan payment I have had my phone and internet turned off and my car insurance cancelled it is a living nightmare, I have been to discuss this with my bank and all they said was to pay the charges and to cancel all the direct debits. But I need things such as my car,internet and phone for my work if I don't have them then I don't have any work and if I don't have any work then I don't have any money I am just going around in circles. Can someone please help......
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