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Found 11 results

  1. Countdown to high speed broadband for all begins READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/countdown-to-high-speed-broadband-for-all-begins--2
  2. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/supermarket-petrol-price-war-10708857
  3. British Summer Time So less than a week after spring has officially sprung and we suddenly find ourselves in British Summer Time. Of course this is nothing to do with the seasonal situation, it's the annual clock change that takes us into Daylight Saving Time. How did this come about and why? http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2016-03-24/simons-blog-british-summer-time/ Everything you need to know about 100 years of British Summer Time http://www.irishexaminer.com//examviral/fun-times/everything-you-need-to-know-about-100-years-of-british-summer-time-389281.html … In 1947 they actually changed the clocks four times – twice forward and twice back. British Summer Time: When do the clocks go forward? Why is this done? | Home News | News | The Independent http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/daylight-savings-time-clocks-spring-forward-british-summer-time-when-why-what-a6928911.html … Drat i was so excited for a moment-we lose an hour of sleep.
  4. In a nutshell 21 July 2015 - applied for JSA 27 July 2015 - had appointment for JSA - claim accepted I have received letter that I am getting JSA from 27th July with first seven days stopped which is ridicoulous in itself as I now have £40 to last 2 weeks! I thought the claim would start from when I applied onlien on the 21 July and the seven days wait would count from there meaning the most I would lose would be a tenner. Can anyone just confirm that I should be paid from the 21st before I ring the jobcentre and vent my spleen.
  5. Good evening, I visited DL under 3 weeks ago, joined, was told December would be free and my payments would start in Jan (for a 3 month contract). I asked the sales person if there was a cooling off policy, he said if I hadn't used the facilities "it would be fine". So, two cancelled inductions later (cancelled by DL) I cancelled. Turns out the "changing your mind" can only be done in 7 days after paying the joining fee. This isn't what the sales guy told me. It is on the back of the contract (DL pointed it out to me when I cancelled). Is there anything I can do about this? I haven't used the gym, I am still under the free membership month. Not sure why they gave me December free though. Or do I take a hard lesson in never believing sales people and reading everything before I sign it? Thank you for any advice!
  6. Nothing more to be said... Can we put this in the newsletter please [ATTACH=CONFIG]56933[/ATTACH] This debt was mine form 2010... So almost SB anyway....
  7. After sticking my head in the sand for way too long I've started on the road to clean up my credit history / outstanding debts. Anyone had any dealings with the below providers / how easy will it be to setup repayments with them? Tower Credit (CCJ) - Paid Capital One - £361 Motormile Finance - £221 + 2 others (not sure on the figures yet) Payday Express - £135 - Waiting for an email back, will repay in full. Lowell - £337 Express Gifts Limited - £93 - Will repay in full, just need to find who the debt was sold to. Cash Genie - Huge interest on this one (Debt Value: £2,851.00) however they'll reduce it to £491 - Contact has been made with these, just waiting for a reply (offering to pay back £61.37 a month) Trying to deal with the ones making the most noise to begin with, those being Motormile Finance and Lowell, the others are quiet at the moment and I'll deal with those at a later date.
  8. Following success with my mum and Halifax my sister got me to SAR Blackhorse they have now sent her 4 agreements including their remortage loan from 2003. Looking at agreements the cost if PPI is high. Her hubby was self employed and she a home help. She is adamant they were told she had to take insurance. The loan agreements are typed and ppi box ticked and their signatures at bottom of agreement. One if the loans she is adamant she didnt tick the box. Should i send a statin sheet for each loan with the questionaire? I am gonna state mis sold reason she had sickness cover and didnt need the insurance. Thanks as usual guys
  9. :help:Hi to all my newly acquired learned friends, I would just like to put my thoughts out to you all to see if we can start to make sense of D.Camerons overseas aid contributions(which means our money). I recently heard that he has committed us to the tune of £12Billion per year!!! He says that we are in financially a better position than most and can afford this!!! What about the countries that are financially better off than us and are not contributing anything like this amount, I say that we cannot afford this because of our heavy borrowing to cover our governments debts! I'm all in favour of helping other people but only, surely ,if we have a surplus. Who will look after us when the golden goose(thats us)stops laying him his golden eggs. I value your comments as I dont know if I am missing something vital in my grey matter as I cannot get to grips with his reasoning.....
  10. Hi all A few years ago I had some relative success with unfair charges and managed to pay off my debts I've started again this time with PPI and would like to pick your collective brain in the near future should the need arise I've put in 4 claims so far with Barclaycard, HFC, Barclay Loans and CitiVisa. I'm yet to pursue Egg and RBS My case is: HFC: Was gainfully employed when taking out the 6K loan.With sick pay and redundancy pay off guaranteed depending on time served. PPI and interest bumped it up to 9k (beggers). PPI was compulsory I was told, for the completion of the application. Was made redundant 6 months later but I had a job to go to so left with a hefty cheque of 6 months salary and started new job 2 weeks later.No lapse in payments in that time Paid a chunk of loan off and other debts and brought the balance to a manageable repayment amount with redundancy pay off. 2 years later I was made redundant again but no cheque this time to see me through and pay off my debts. Couldnt pay and tried to claim on PPI and they said eh.....NO Went into dmp and paid off debt over the next 4 years but.. Wrote to them asking them to cancel the PPI.. No response Anyhoo, dmp paid off the debt (and what was left of it at the time was PPI and interest only by my guess) in 2008 and HFC sent me a letter to acknowledge satisfaction of the debt (took a few hundred off when I was near the finish line) Case or not? (Claim in already, had account and old SAR statement but no agreement. Will look again for that) Barclaycard: Filled in the mailshot through door and got approved chop chop. Wasn't asked at all about PPI and got a PPI certificate soon after saying "my application had been approved" Hmm Kept it and tried to cancel when the wheels came off the wagon having tried to claim and they said NO.So felt well why pay if it don't to what it do??? Case or not? (No agreement but account details and PPI certificate with policy number available) CitiVisa: Mailshot again (fool) and sent non advised situ. This time I recall that form had "opt out" option only Had letter from 2004 acknowledging and confirming my cancellation of PPI after I tried to claim and again they said no (there's a theme here right? It's all true) Case or not? (letter confirming request for PPI cancellation in 2004. SAR statements but available from that time) Barclay Loans: Paid off loan early and the sneakies sent me a letter and cheque for £145, 12 months letter to say they had noticed that they had charged me PPI for the full term of the loan and were paying back the £145 as it was paid off earlier. I wrote back saying " can I have the rest if you please"? i'm yet to hear from them Case or not? ( letter acknowledging I'd over paid PPI with copy of the cheque. Account details etc available but no statements)
  11. What do we actually mean when we say: "You are reminded that should you fail to comply with my CCA request, the provisions of s.77(6) will apply." What applies should they (the banks, loan & credit card companies) fail to send a enforceable CCA??? just trying to get my head round the jargon...
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