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Found 7 results

  1. Get your wallets at the ready and your running shoes on; it's time to grab a bargain as Black Friday is almost here. Despite being an American tradition, falling on the Friday following Thanksgiving in the United States (which is the fourth Thursday of November), the annual shopping bonanza has gone global with hundreds of retailers around the world slashing their prices to tempt shoppers with big bargain deals. Source-Link When is Black Friday PLUS everything else you need to know about it http://www.getreading.co.uk/whats-on/whats-on-news/black-friday-plus-everything-you-10178785 Have you any tales to tell about this day.Any experiences.
  2. Hi all, Im at a complete loss. I got a ccj claim and thought id filled it all in correctly - wasn't entirely sure what the debt was, Im thinking a payday loan that I abandoned. I filled in acknowledgement of service and defended the claim using information I found through researching my problem and using an appropriate template from here or so I thought. I got a Notice of proposed allocation to the small claims track and have to reply in a few days and I don't know what I have done. Or more importantly what to do. Ive buried my head in the sand and Im just at a loss with it all. I think Im getting somewhere with my debts and then I go and mess it all up (sorry I know that is very woe is me) Having a really tough time at the moment with home life and anxiety and this is just pushing me to the edge. Just sold our home to move into rented accommodation and the last thing I need is a ccj causing me issues with renting a place Can anyone please advise? Many Thanks
  3. British Summer Time So less than a week after spring has officially sprung and we suddenly find ourselves in British Summer Time. Of course this is nothing to do with the seasonal situation, it's the annual clock change that takes us into Daylight Saving Time. How did this come about and why? http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2016-03-24/simons-blog-british-summer-time/ Everything you need to know about 100 years of British Summer Time http://www.irishexaminer.com//examviral/fun-times/everything-you-need-to-know-about-100-years-of-british-summer-time-389281.html … In 1947 they actually changed the clocks four times – twice forward and twice back. British Summer Time: When do the clocks go forward? Why is this done? | Home News | News | The Independent http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/daylight-savings-time-clocks-spring-forward-british-summer-time-when-why-what-a6928911.html … Drat i was so excited for a moment-we lose an hour of sleep.
  4. Please remember Armed Forces Day on Saturday 27th June 2015. to find events happening in your area go to the below link: https://www.armedforcesday.org.uk/
  5. Hi, I got behind with a second mortgage through a sub prime lender which led to a suspended possession order last August. Everything went fine for the first seven payments made on time or early, but I now find myself four months in arrears of the court order. I have broken several arrangements and on Wednesday night (8th July) I came home to find an eviction notice had arrived in the post from the court for eviction on the 27th, nineteen days later. The eviction notice says you can try calling the court but need a really good reason to stop this, and I am getting desperate. I am self employed and although I would be able to get back on track with the order up to date, it is going to take at least six months, even with selling what few assets we have left. We have equity of around 270k in the house The lender has written and said I should call them as they could offer an arrangement if the account had been well maintained, but we would not find ourselves in this position if the account was well maintained, and feel this is to make them appear the good guys in court when I try to defer the order. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
  6. Hi All, I know this is late in the day but I have only just found your site. I hope someone may have a last pearl of wisdom that may save the day. Brief History. Property started subsiding 4 years ago, I stopped paying the mortgage, The Coal Authority arrive at my house within 2 hours of the call, fence off the back of my property & make it a hard hat area, I start a claim through my insurance company Lloyds. Back garden has a 10m x 2m trench 40-50cm deep to the back wall of the house, the wall is cracked, broken pvc window frame, window inoperable, my dining room floor dropped 3cm heating pipes fractured flooded the house, supporting wall between the dining room & kitchen floated at floor level you could fit your hand through from one room to the other, this all happened within 7 days. Insurance Surveyor said, if you had a family you would move out of here as its safety is questionable.... So thats what I did... I had the house valued, at £150-£175 a few days later, 6 months earlier it was valued at £325-£350, mortgage £220k I kept Santander/Eversheds informed & sent copies of every letter from TCB & Lloyds, eventually Eversheds started repossession I said come & get the keys no problem, I waited for the bailiff at 10am, by 11am I called Eversheds, I was told they had changed their mind & wanted me to carry on pursuing TCB & Lloyds Insurance. Work is hit hard by the recession the company I work for go from 27 staff to 4 staff in 10 months & I go from £55k pa to £20k pa. Shortly after I make an arrangement to pay £280pm interest only for 2 yrs. After 3 years & £5k of solicitors letters later, TCA said nothing to do with us 'prove it', Lloyds said its settlement & the house is structurally sound or 'prove it'!... To 'prove it' Civil engineering companies quote from £12-£15k to do a full core sample & underground camera survey with comprehensive report & don't guarantee anything but be prepared for a bill up to £30k. I decide to invest the money in the property & start repairs myself, the rear wall is stabilised, rsj on the outside wall to spread the load on the surveyors advice, also the interior floating supporting wall removed with another rsj in place to support upstairs again on his advice along with two other Civil Engineers & 65sqm of new steel reinforced concrete flooring & £23k later... nice! October this year the 2 year interest only payment comes to an end, a month to go until the jump to repayment of £940 I try to negotiate a staggered increase as I still need to spend about £5-£7k to finish the interior, re-plastering downstairs decorate new flooring & kitchen (already bought) to be fitted. I continue to pay the interest payment, my Mortgage goes into default again as I am still negotiating 6 weeks on, as it seems to take about a week to get an email reply from Eversheds. A repossession order is made, Eversheds say no more deals its 2 strikes & your out, I can submit an N244 & see what the judge says. I speak to local solicitors, I don't even get call backs, I speak to national debt helpline & Shelter, both charities, both give the same advice & direct me with filling in & submitting my N244. I submit my N244 have my hearing date, I speak to the Santander/Eversheds Solicitor before we go in to the hearing she calls Santander & says sorry no help, have to see what the judge says, she can't even look me in the eye. The Solicitor & judge obviously know each other as they are on first name terms & they have just had a hearing together. The judge takes all of the information above on board seems horrified that I stopped paying my mortgage just because my house was falling down, states an offer of paying £940 + £60 arrears with a review at 6 & 12 months for me to up the payment as I expect to earn more & take in a lodger not acceptable, he acknowledges I am in negative equity still to the tune of around £100k & states that the eviction will go ahead on the 27th. I point out that I have spent around £30k trying to rectify these problems over the past 4 years & after all that I am in exactly the same place I was at the first eviction notice, I point out that I can clearly pay the mortgage, he agrees but says I can't clear the arrears in a satisfactory time with an agreement today, I point out there is 20 years to go on the mortgage & a lot has changed in the last 5 years & so it will in the coming 5 years but he says the eviction will stand. The end!... War & peace!... a little.... Thank you for taking the time to read to this point, if you can offer any advice it would be gratefully received, the clock is ticking... Eviction 27th Nov 12pm...
  7. I recieved a PNC from UKCPS in April 2013 at Cineworld cinemas.. the circumstances are that i had prebooked cinema tickets (worth £25) and had gone to a lot of effort to get a baby sitter for my 4 month old baby (paid £20) as it was out anniversary. We had driven round and round the carpark for 45 minutes looking for a space and there were none. The facilities are a free car park but as well as the cinema there are around 10 resturants, a bowling alley and a park and ride for city centre. We had exhausted the time the trailers would have been rolling and upset and about to miss our film i parked my car on double yellow lines, amongst a few other cars. If we had given up and gone home we would have been very out of pocket and missed the possibly only chance we would have of getting out as a couple. Previous to this we had been attending the cinema as paying customers every weekend, however we had never been together. Sometimes he would take a friend and some times i would take my little girl. I was advised on here to ignore it... which i did.. then i got court papers so i sent the defence as stated on here but now they have sent a very scary particulars of claim. I have written them two letters explaining the mitigating circumstances, the first stating i did not deny the offence but i deemed the £100 fine was too much and offered the fee that council charge being £35. The second letter offered them £45, being the amount of money i would have lost if i had given up and gone home... without taking into account the depression i would have felt having been looking foward to it and suffering post natal depression. Am i kidding myself thinking i have a chance at winning this? is the Judge going to laugh me out?
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