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Found 15 results

  1. Hi guys, I'm new to this forum and I am not sure where to begin but I am a tad confused about a PCN I received on 18/11/18. I found myself at the Peel Centre in Stockport (first time I've ever been there) and there was an A4 sheet of paper over the parking meter that stated it was free parking on a Sunday. I thought to myself top banana and carried on with my shopping, after an hour or so I find this red notice from MyParkingCharge.co.uk plastered on the windscreen of the vehicle in question. I deduced that rather than walking away maybe I should have entered the reg of the vehicle but the signage didn't seem to stipulate that hence I thought nothing of it. Now, I'm assuming I'm going to get some letters in the post to declare who was driving. I have been looking for similar instances of cases such as mine to no avail so can someone please shed some light on this matter. Do I dispute the PCN? or Do I ignore any correspondence ? Any help would be golden. Ta
  2. Hi, never used these forums before so sorry if i go over something already covered. I've just received a PCN from Parkingeye for overstaying at an Asda store but it was a Sunday at 5.30 and the store closes at 4.30, i've read several times on various pages about 'loss of earnings' and that if the store is closed then there are no losses involved. Is this correct and can i appeal on this basis? Cheers Kev
  3. looking forward to sunday On sunday it becomes illegal for companies to chage a fee for processing credit and debit cards. Now this is no interest to the private parking forum becasue quite a few companies such as Euro Parking like to add an imaginary £1.50-2.00 unicorn food fee to their bills. The dodgy DCA's do the same. Now, if they are claiming that you knew about these add ons because they were in the contract that will void the entire contract If you are wanting to pay them because you somehow believe that they must be right otherwise they wouldnt write that in their letters then question yourself why a company would stoop so low as to chisel you for a couple of quid when you owe a hundred and risk it all? look at the letters carefully adn if yours has a demand for a payemnt processing fee or admin fee for cards etc then tell us who so we can compile a checklist and help others to beat them with their own stick. I reckon a couple of hundred thousand complaints might fet the authorities doing something about this rotten business
  4. Hi all, first post. Just got a little question about CCJ defense response times. I filed my defence today (Sunday) online. Today is the last day I have for filing the defence. I should not of left it till the last day but I was waiting for a response from the claimant which only came the previous day. I had 33 days from the day of service in total to file my defence. My defence will not be processed by the court until tomorrow which will be the 34th day after the day or service. So my question is does the defence have to be processed by the court within the time you have to file a defence (in my case 33 days after DOS) or is it that as long as you have uploaded it before the time runs out you are safe? Thanks
  5. Just had the shock of my life, Vanquis called on my mobile with a chap with a South African accent. No kidding within thirty seconds of hanging up Land Line rings with another gentleman with a dodgy accent It appears had been placed on an automatic call dialer by mistake for some reason but all sorted Who the hell are these people anyway who think they can call customers on a sunday?
  6. Can someone please say if an employee contract has to specifically mention the word "sunday" to legally make someone work on a sunday. I have looked at sunday working on gov.co.uk and this is what it states: -GOV.UK Sunday working Having to work on a Sunday depends on a person’s employment contract. There are also special rules for shop workers and people who work in betting. Check if Sunday working is mentioned in either: • the employment contract • the written statement of terms and conditions A person can’t be made to work on Sundays unless they and their employer agree and put it in writing (eg change the contract). Sunday working in shops and betting shops Staff don’t have to work on Sundays if they’re: • shop workers who started before 26 August 1994 and are still with the same employer (in Northern Ireland, this is before 4 December 1997) • betting shop workers who started before 2 January 1995 and are still with the same employer (in Northern Ireland, this is before 26 February 2004) Employers only have to pay staff a higher rate for working on Sundays if the contract says so. All staff should be told about their Sunday working rights when they first start work. Opting out of Sunday working All shop and betting shop workers can opt out of Sunday working unless Sunday is the only day they have been employed to work on. An employee can opt out of Sunday working at any time, even if they have agreed to work on Sundays in their contract. The employee must give their employer 3 months’ notice that they want to opt out of Sunday working. They must continue to work on Sundays during the 3 month notice period if their employer wants them to. An employer who needs staff to work on Sundays must tell them in writing that they can opt out. They must do this within 2 months of the person starting work - if they don’t, only 1 month’s notice is needed to opt out. Staff who opt out of Sunday working mustn’t be treated unfairly. An employee can’t be dismissed or treated in an unfavourable way for choosing not to work on Sundays. Does the opt out apply to all employees regardless of what field they work in? Am I correct in saying that if a contract does not specifically state the word "sunday" then an employer cannot force the employee to work sundays? Am I also correct in saying that if an employer and employee agree that the employee will work sundays, then it has to be in writing and signed by both parties, and that a new contract has to be created , or can there just be another document issued in writing, signed and dated by both parties amending the current terms of the contract that applies to the current contract?. And lastly, if an employee wants to stop working sundays, does that employee have to give 3 months notice in writing to the employer stating this.
  7. More slack journalism and inaccurate comments... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-3215274/I-turned-moment-looking-change-parking-attendants-pounced-Join-fightback-beat-parking-penalty.html
  8. British Summer Time So less than a week after spring has officially sprung and we suddenly find ourselves in British Summer Time. Of course this is nothing to do with the seasonal situation, it's the annual clock change that takes us into Daylight Saving Time. How did this come about and why? http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2016-03-24/simons-blog-british-summer-time/ Everything you need to know about 100 years of British Summer Time http://www.irishexaminer.com//examviral/fun-times/everything-you-need-to-know-about-100-years-of-british-summer-time-389281.html … In 1947 they actually changed the clocks four times – twice forward and twice back. British Summer Time: When do the clocks go forward? Why is this done? | Home News | News | The Independent http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/daylight-savings-time-clocks-spring-forward-british-summer-time-when-why-what-a6928911.html … Drat i was so excited for a moment-we lose an hour of sleep.
  9. Hi, I took out an on-line Times subscription in June 2014 which is due to end December 2015 (18 months) In January my payment method changed and early Feb I rang customer services to provide them with my new payment method and to make two payments to bring the account up to date. Early march I received an email informing me that my subscription had been cancelled (by them) on the 21st Feb and that the whole subscription was now owed and if not paid court proceedings would begin. I called them and explained two payments had been made and the account was up to date. They could not find the two payments (only one) and, after basically calling me a liar, insisted I provide a copy of my bank statement to prove the payments. I did this on the 2nd March and was told they would be in contact. Today I received a letter informing me that court action will be taken if I don't pay the full subscription of £303!! Where do I stand with this? The provider has cancelled the contract ( I was not in breach) and has not provided the agreed service since 21st Feb 2015. To be frank, I haven't missed this service and the way I have been treated no longer want it. As they have cancelled the service and subscription and I'm not in breach of contract can I simply walk away? Help appreciated.
  10. Hi, I have received a PCN back in October from Barnet council on Sunday evening 20:53. I only stopped for about 10 minutes to go into a shop and had no idea I had to pay on Sunday evenings. I kind of forgot about it and moved addresses now I received a letter from Newlyn PLC that I have to pay the multiples of the original fees. I never received any letter from Barnet council probably because I moved addresses. By the way there was pitch dark in the street I parked and it was raining heavy so there was no way to see the parking sign. Is there anything I can do? I can attach some pictures. Vehicle Registration Number -- Penalty Charge Notice -- Date 12/10/2014 Time 20:51 Colour Black Was seen in YEW GROVE (5836) Contravention 12® Parked in a residents' or shared use parking place or zone without clearly displaying either a permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place (residents' bay) Thank you
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-2592294/If-parking-ticket-heres-escape-paying.html I believe the PPCs are commenting... you'll spot them I think.
  12. Hello, I'm new here, just found this as I am looking for help. It's a bit of a long story. Anyway, here goes. I have worked for a large retail company for the past three years. I am employed full time on a 38 hour contract which is 5 days over 7. I have two problems really. The first is the lack of support for my illness, clinical depression, which I've suffered from for about 10 years or so. I made my employer aware of this because I like to keep things open and honest. I suffer very very badly when I have my 'down times' to the point where every tiny thing I have to do seems like a massive mountain. Despite this I have an excellent attendance record and never have sick days. For the most part I struggle though but I can't describe how difficult I find it going in each day during my down times and having to pretend everything is ok, put a brave face on it. It's utterly exhausting to the point where by the time I get home I have nothing left for my family. Basically my family are suffering because all of my energy goes into ensuring I don't let my illness impact my colleagues or my work. I try to keep in touch with my managers, letting them know when I am going through a 'down time' but generally they are very dismissive and have a pull your self together attitude one even asked me "see this depression thing, is it only when your working you get it or do you get it at holidays too?". Well, I've coped so far and struggled on despite the impact on my home life as I don't want to loose my job or have a bad attendance record however recently I'm at breaking point. Basically, although I work in a shop I work "back of house' so to speak dealing with stock deliveries and paperwork. There are four people who do my job. We do not need people in my roll in on a Sunday as there are no deliveries and no work for us though they do like one of us to be in for the odd job which is totally fine. Generally they have always given each of the four of us one weekend day off to be with our families which was perfect. However, recently the rotas are no longer generated by a human being, but by an automatic computer program and for the last six months our shifts have been horrendous leaving us working evenings and weekends despite the demands of our job role staying the same. I barely see my family any more and rather than having a stable, rolling rota like we used to have our shifts are now totally eratic and have no stability or routine at all. This has played havok with my depression making me worse than I have every been in my life as I relied on that stability and seeing my family for support. I've gone right down hill and my doctor agrees the lack of routine and family time is certainly not helping. I tried to talk to my employer about this but was dismissed out right and told "well get used to not seeing your family cos that's just the way it is. You shouldn't be so dependant on family time." So that got me nowhere, but a friend told me as UK shop workers we can opt out of Sunday working legally. I was so happy because I thought I'd found a solution that would at least give me one set day a week to spend with my family cos as it stands I work myself into a panic each week when the rota is released. I look at it and cry when I realise I'm on my third week without a day in sight that I can spend with my family. So I thought this way I can rely on having that one day every week. It seemed perfect. I also understood that if I opt out my employer can cut my hours by a day, which was fine because I felt my health was more important and it wasn't going to be a huge loss financially after tax etc. So I went to them with this, telling them again about my stress and depression and that I would like to give three months notice and opt out of Sundays. Well they wouldn't have it. They told me if I did that then I would be demoted to a completely different job within the shop on a considerably lower rate of pay. It was my understanding they couldn't treat you unfairly if you opted out. I feel like they are doing absoloutley nothing to help support me when I feel like I'm going through hell. Where do I stand on all of this? Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
  13. Hi, I am looking for help and/or advice please! I was towed away in Camden, Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 16.35 a.m. I parked my car on a single yellow line in Prince of Wales Road at 15:50, in front of the car, which was already there. I checked for signs and couldn’t see any restrictions. Prince of Wales Road on this side did not have any signs. Only one I could see, was at the corner between Prince of Wales Road going right to Haverstock Hill, towards Belsize Park. This sign restricted parking on single yellow line on Saturday, between 9:30 am -1:30 pm. There was lot’s of parked cars on both sides of the Haverstock Hill road, and there was already one on Prince of Wales Road, so I accepted that the parking restriction for both roads was the same. PCN was issued at 16:02 and car was towed at 16:35. I returned back at 16:50, just to realise that car is not there. I called the Police, and then Camden Parking, just to find that my car was at Regis Road Car Pound. It cost me £265 to get car released. I am not local, and obviously I was not aware of notorious CA-F (NW) parking zone restrictions. I entered into zone from Camden. The entry sign was just after the Camden Lock bridge, at the entrance to Chalk Farm Road. From there, there was no any other sign, as I drove through Chalk Farm Road, Haverstock Hill Road and turned right to Prince of Wales Road, where I parked my car. Distance from the entrance to the parking was about 1.5 miles. My points: 1. Prince of Wales Road borders two different zones CA-F (NW) (banned for all days) and CA-L (Outer) zone (banned for Mo-Sat) 2. Restriction signs are not transparent, they are rather confusing. 3. Distance from the entry point into Zone to the place I parked, is far away for drivers to be able to read and remember the restrictions, escpeccially when you need to concentrate to Camden traffic and lights in front of you. 4. Why does a Council have to waste so much time and effort taking a car away when it is not causing an obstruction to the road that is four lines wide. They towed car half an hour after they issued the PCN? Can just PCN be enough as a punishment? Few days later I went to checked all Controll Zone signs. It looks that all of them are as they should be. Only, I could mention minor obstacles on the entry sign, as someone put some stickers on it, but noting else. I have 28 days to contest, starting on April 7, 2013. Please advise on best route of action. Please find attached detailed images. I would really appreciate anyone to take the time to view and advise. Many thanks, George
  14. Please wear a Poppy They died for us, we should stand up for them.
  15. http://www.itn.co.uk/home/47362/Cameron+leaves+daughter,+8,+in+a+pub
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