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  1. Commission applies to High Court to appoint an Official Receiver to charity -Thrift Urban Housing Limited READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/commission-applies-to-high-court-to-appoint-an-official-receiver-to-charity
  2. Charity Commission response to report on freedom of speech in universities READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/commission-response-to-report-on-freedom-of-speech-in-universities
  3. Charity regulator finds serious failings at unregistered organisation READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-regulator-finds-serious-failings-at-unregistered-organisation
  4. Hi all, Anyone ever done/tried this? We are a small charity based in North Yorkshire and I'm keen to know if anyone has had any success with this? Jeremy
  5. Charity Commission orders military charity to wind up - 1st Knight Military Charity READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-orders-military-charity-to-wind-up
  6. Charity Commission calls for information about Presidents Club Charitable Trust READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-calls-for-information-about-presidents-club-charitable-trust
  7. Charity removed and trustees disqualified following terrorism investigation READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-removed-and-trustees-disqualified-following-terrorism-investigation
  8. Charity Commission statement on Motability READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-statement-on-motability
  9. Charity Commission statement on Oxfam READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-statement-on-oxfam
  10. Charity Commission intends to order a veterans charity to wind up -Afghan Heroes READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-intends-to-order-a-veterans-charity-to-wind-up
  11. read the full story : - http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-4665706/Now-finally-banish-charity-junk-mail.html
  12. Hi, There is this Homeless Charity services (they give used clothes, toys for homeless people ) that we have been using for years because we are homeless, but because we were moved out 2 years ago from our own borough, the staff of that charity ( because of personal reasons) decided that we do not meet the criteria ( we must live in the borough ) and they want to stop us from using their services and are asking us not to come any more. Note that there is another person who was asked the same thing, but she lives in the borough...I don't know the reasons behind this, but this can be purely because they don't feel like it. The question is I want to challenge them and I am wondering what can I do. I wrote to the one who claim to be the director ( I looked on the company house she is not ) and she categorically said that we are not anymore entitled. I am trying to write to the trustees to raise this, also to the council if this works. Do I have any ground to challenge them, the Charity Commission does not look like they can do anything. Can I still go, and if they ask me to leave, what would happen if I don't ? Do they have the right to use force or call the police ? Do they have the right to turn people away ? I need some advise and the best way to deal with this issue. I feel bad, because it is not right to be treated this way. Thanks PS. in their website they state that they help homeless in the borough, but it does not stipulate that you have to live in the borough to get the services.
  13. I wonder if anyone could answer a query about tips. My brother in law is working this weekend at a famous racecourse parking cars for the attendees of the racing. He is working as a temp for an agency. He was told he would get an hourly rate plus he could receive tips. Whilst working the supervisors (not from the employment agency) have told him any cash tips must be handed in and will be given to a charity. He wants to be honest and has sometimes been given tips of £20 in cash but has to hand in. Is this legal? It is virtually minimum wage and the tips (which really was part of the bargain when he accepted the job) would have made doing this worthwhile. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
  14. A special register allowing people to prevent charities from pestering them for donations will be created following the death of a Bristol poppy seller. 92-year-old Olive Cooke killed herself in the Avon Gorge last May after battling depression. Shortly after her death it was revealed she had been bombarded with thousands of messages from charities she supported. The Fundraising Regulator (FPS) hopes to launch the service this year, subject to approval from members. HOW WILL IT WORK? Users create an account and choose which charities they want to block from contacting them. Each account will last two years - and users will be asked if they wish to renew their details three months before they expire. Charities which spend more than £100,000 per year on fundraising will be required to bankroll the register by contributing £15,000 annually. It will only apply to fundraising communications and not information letters, or calls put out by charities. http://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/2016-08-26/charity-regulator-planned-to-stop-persistant-donation-pestering/ https://www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk/about/purpose-strategy/
  15. READ MORE HERE: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/scandal-of-war-vets-vanished-charity-funds-mjxnd79pw
  16. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?452689-Children-s-charity-bosses-praise-town-hall-over-decision-to-stop-bailiffs-calling-on-families-with-kids-at-home-Manche For the full story http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/childrens-charity-bosses-praise-town-10110772
  17. I am a member of a local group here in Dorset, Pets Lost and Found. It is purely voluntary and now has 4032 members. They will post up quickly about stolen pets, lost pets, found pets, and organise searches for cats, dogs, birds that go missing. They go out and scan deceased animals, or take wildlife off to a vet etc. .They are very successful and have helped many people get back with lost pets, although there have been a few sad endings, of course. Its not a registered charity, but they did ask for donations for a petrol fund a while ago, which is very reasonable considering what they do. They also ask sometimes for help with admin, this is a kitty so that they can then help with advertising, tracker dogs etc. They sometimes pick up on other charities appeals, and point the members in the right direction if they wish to donate to those. They recently had the idea of asking for Xmas donations to give as many dogs (homeless or in rescues) a Xmas pressie. Someone pointed out that they couldn´t ask for donations, it was unlawful as they were not a registered charity. So to err on the side of caution, shoeboxes are being packed and handed over instead. Now, is this correct, that they cannot lawfully ask for donations? And could someone point me to a website or something where I can read up about this, as I´d like to help them out, but I don´´t know much about this. Many thanks for any replies.
  18. If people give to charity via a giving site, for example, just giving, can they gift aid with there donation, or is that only by the registered person..
  19. Always happy to look around the charity shops.And spend a pound or two or even three. And donated as well. But increasingly finding it difficult to find not a bargain but a fair priced item. As the Great British public donate things free i would have thought the policy would be stack it high sell it cheap. Charity shops are now everywhere on the high streets of Britain and would have thought competition was fierce. Shoes,clothes household items at prices that you can now buy at certain stores cheaper.New. Charity shops are places where the poorer can go to find things cheaper,are things changing,have they changed do you think in the last few years. Now i do have Yorkshire origins and do not want to appear tight and am willing to pay a fair price. And opening this thread i do expect a little criticism perhaps.I can take it been round long enough. Maybe i am getting older and grumpier as time goes by. Also some Tips have now opened Tip shops usually in metal containers where articles that the British Public have thrown away are sold. Now once again some of the prices i have seen are priced at silly prices and you usually get the response well that is the price. Have you had any dealings. Have you noticed things have changed. Bring it on.Have your say. God bless the volunteers in these charity shops.How are the prices arrived at.Who decides.
  20. i have been dealing with housing options as well. this is about my landlord misleading me from the start with fraudulent tenancies. ie 1 making me pay a bond and months total £600 for my own tenancy in a two tenancy house 2 making me sign and witness the other tenants tenancy and £600 when, in actual fact, he had not paid a bond or months rent at all. i was told this three months later by the landlord in a recorded meeting 3 the landlord did not protect my bond and as a result of this, I am in a horrendous position 4 the landlord returned my bond 2 months after i paid it and then claimed that the tenancys signed were now actually a single shared tenancy 5 making me responsible for the other tenants debts 6 the landlord is now lying to the court in claims against me which i want to defend 7 he has mislead the court about arrears (that i was not in) etc etc housing options have applied for legal aid on my behalf. legal aid said i should apply for legal help but housing options applied for more legal aid and were granted full aid they say the notice the landlord gave me is wrong but they dont seem at all interested that the landlord commited fraud in the creation of the tenancies and the way i see it is that housing options are assisitng the landlord in misleading the court because if the tenancys were fraudulent, the landlord should be being investigated and housing options should be challenging the landlord about this and disclosing this to the court in the public interest. i believe when looking at the solicitors code of conduct, that fusion housing should be looking into this and not just seemingly trying to process me into alternative accomodation i asked fusion housing for a copy of the court bundle documents and have been told that i will need to make a data subject access request that will take 40 days to process if i want to see my own court documents. this is unhelpful as i am due in court on september 5th, in a couple of weeks. i would like to withdraw my permission for them to act for me and i would like to represent myself in court i need to make a notice of acting in person letter but am unfamiliar with the correct procedure to follow i understand the court can only allow me 40 or so days extra in the house. but really i want to defend the allegations the landlord is making against me. i have a solid defence fusion housing have said that i dont need to defend the landlords POC. as far as im concerned they are his particulars of claim and if i dont defend them i am allowing them to be on the court record. i really dont feel comfortable with the way this is bieng handled and the way housing options have seemingly taken over and are proceeding with my case i am alarmed to see that the solicitor is earning between £56 to £200 + an hour. i have no idea what they are doing with my file or what is happening i have asked to see my file and am now asking for a copy of the court documents. both are not forthcoming. any help or advice would be very much appreciated. housing options have applied for legal aid on my behalf. legal aid said i should apply for legal help but housing options applied for more legal aid and were granted full aid they say the notice the landlord gave me is wrong and that they will be representing me at court but they dont seem at all interested that the landlord commited fraud in the creation of the my tenancy. i find that alarming i understand the court can only allow me 40 or so days extra in the house and am desperately looking for alternative accomodation. fusion housing have said that i dont need to defend the landlords POC. as far as im concerned they are his particulars of claim and if i dont defend them i am allowing them to be on the court record. i really dont feel comfortable with the way this is bieng handled and the way housing options have seemingly taken over and are proceeding with my case i am alarmed to see that the solicitor is earning between £56 to £200 + an hour. i have no idea what they are doing with my file or what is happening i asked fusion housing for a copy of the court bundle documents and have been told that i will need to make a data subject access request that will take 40 days to process if i want to see my own court documents. this is unhelpful as i am due in court on september 5th, in a couple of weeks. can i do an acting in person letter to the court and charity and get some control back over my file? how many sets of wet signatures should there be when signing one contract? I am asking this because my landlord says there is only one contract attached to this house. when i signed my contract, i was lead to believe that the other tenant had a contract as well as me. both contracts were signed and witnessed. the landlord took them away to copy them i would have thought that if there was only one contract then there should be only one set of signatures there is something wrong here as there are now three copies of signed tenancies. each one has a different set of signatures. the landlord has them all but I have copies. I dont remember signing 3 contracts and my signature looks very odd in contract 3 ( which the landlord has submitted to court as the main contract) the reason i think there is something wrong here is because each one shows that a bond and months rent of £600 were paid at the signing of the tenancies and each one has been signed separately. it is clear to see as the signatures are not identical, so there were different tenancies that were signed does that mean these tenancies say there was 1800 paid to the landlord at the start of the tenancies or just £600? is this one tenancy or three? when i signed my tenancy, i paid £600.(bond and rent) the landlord now claims that there was one tenancy and that it is a joint tenancy when i signed my tenancy, the landlord and other tenant lead me to believe that he had paid £600 as well and i was asked to sign and witness his tenancy. i found out three months later that the other tenant had not paid anything at the start of the tenancys and i have been mislead from the start the landlord returned my bond after two months and did not protect it. when i gave it him back he tried to say he wasnt taking a bond and the £300 he took back was for the other tenants rent but later changed his mind i believe at that point the tenancys were changed and bonds altered , i became liable for the other tenants debts the other tenant had lived here for a few years before i moved in there was already a bond on the house when i moved in. the old bond was then repaid to the tenant after i moved in even though the tenant was in arrears and there were outstanding repairs when i moved in. when i signed and witnessed the new tenancys the tenant did not pay a bond or months rent but i was lead to believe he had by both of them because they had filled the tenancys to show he had paid £600. in reality, the other tenant was in debt at the start of the new tenancys and they had both lied to me now the landlord says it was just one tenancy and we are joint tenants and he wants his house back if it really was one tenancy why are there so many versions and why was i the only one who paid anything? i feel i was used from the start to get the old bond returned to the old tenant so that the landlord could get him out. the old tenant is heavily in debt and has made no attempt to pay rent or bills. the landlord has allowed this to happen and made no attempt to rectify this. i have been paying my rent and was paying the bills ( his debts!) although i cant access data about the accounts. the bills were in the other tenants name before i moved in. the landlord didnt change this. i believe there were already debts before i moved in and this is why they stayed in the old tenants name. the landlord has been free to manipulate all this and i am finding it difficult to get help or advice regarding the validity of the signed contract or contracts and i am confused as to where i stand. i realise the landlord can ask for his house back at any time but i think the way this has been done is very wrong. i would never have left my old home to be on a joint tenancy anyway and especially with someone who was already in debt i have repeatedly tried to discuss the tenancy, rent, bills and bond with the landlord. i started recording the visits. the landlord was doing monthly inspections and coming without notice. i was being bullied by them both. here is an extract of a recording of a visit without notice from the landlord where the bond was discussed. when the landlord gave me the £300 bond back in january, i gave it straight back to him. he took the money away but did not leave a reciept. I paid my rent into the bank a few days later. (AA is the landlord, AR is me.) ....... AA this is what I'm gonna do right, this is what I think should happen, yeah? So this £250, right, that you already put in and this £50 AR £300 AA is £300 right. By all rights yeah That money is next months money for you, yeah AR or my bond AA I'm not taking a bond. I cant take a bond right. You have a month or two months I think under the - that's why within two months I came to see you before the end of two months AR two months? You've 14 days to pay the bond in AA right so AR to the bond bank, but you didn't tell me for two months AA. yeah so it didn't happen. Yeah AR I could have got somewhere else AA yeah so it didn't happen, right but just hear me out here yeah? Look, I couldn't put it into the bond account because Mark, yeah ? Rightly or wrongfully, wrongfully, he didn't give me the money yeah? So that's why I said, sod it, give it back. There you go yeah? So the bond is, is, forget the bond, I'm not taking a bond off ya. like I says to ya, here, you know, foolish me or whatever, but, you know, I think that's my perogative" here is another extract regarding the bond .......... AR ...so had that tenancy ended then? AA it abso.., yes it ended, yeah. That's why you signed a new tenancy agreement with Mark AR Right, but why did only me have to pay a bond? AA right so you both had to pay a bond but unfortunately Mark was in rent arrears and he didn't have no money to, to, to kind of pay the rent or the bond money so that's when, remember when you? We, we, we took down, you gave me half of the bond money and to which later on I, I, I just gave that back to you because obviously it was quite clear Mark didn't have the money to pay the bond money so we gave that back" I feel that they have both really taken advantage of me and the whole thing about the tenancys and bonds is causing me great distress. I am trying to fully grasp what is/has happened here and how it will affect me.
  21. Hello, I haven't caught up with this forum for a while, so please forgive me if this question has been already answered. I'm a male in my late 40s, long term unemployed but not yet claiming (long story why I didn't claim). I'm not yet technically homeless but will be in a short time if I don't find a source of income or claim JSA. At the moment I'm living in a sort of b&b/backpackers hostel in Birmingham (not a homeless hostel) and the owner doesn't really like the unemployed. If I should receive a brown envelope, he would probably kick me out (it has happened before to previous residents). As I have nobody willing to take my mail, would a homeless charity take my mail, even if I am not registered homeless? If so, can anybody recommend one in Birmingham? I know there are a few, but I'm not sure where to start and I feel very ashamed for doing that. I used to be an office worker and for me this is a new territory. Many many years ago I lived in Glasgow and I met an unemployed man who would receive his mail at the Big Issue office in Glasgow. Do they still do this? Sorry for the daft question. If you prefer to remain anonymous, you can send me a PM. I check the Internet once a day. Thank you all.
  22. this government is getting worse. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/11579910.Charity_urges_Government_to_rethink_hardship_fund_axe_which_could_hit_16_000_Bradford_families/
  23. I've been asked to become treasurer of a small local group of a UK Charity charity however it's been years since the treasurer has changed (the usual story been trying to give it up just as long as they've been treasurer) and so I'm online looking for the mandate forms to change things over but I've never done anything like this before and so I'm a bit stumped first question what is the difference between a Signatory and Non-Signatory? and secondly will I be credit checked and potentially refused due to recent late payments and non payments regarding two small debts (
  24. Security updates for February 11, 2014 · Learn how to get security updates automatically · Get updates from Microsoft Update · Watch a video about the updates Q&A Do I need anything besides Windows Defender? A reader asks: If I have Windows Defender, do I need to buy anything else to protect my computer? If your computer is running the Windows 8 operating system, Windows Defender will help protect you from viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. You don't need to buy anything else. If your computer is running Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP, Windows Defender removes spyware, but to protect yourself from viruses, you'll need to install antivirus software. You can purchase it from a third party, or you can download Microsoft Security Essentials for free. Top Stories The best time to change your passwords is now You can reduce your chances of being hacked by regularly changing the passwords on all the accounts where you enter financial or other sensitive information. What are your privacy perceptions? To mark Data Privacy Day 2014, Microsoft released results of a survey measuring consumer privacy perceptions in the United States and Europe. View the results of this survey. Support for Windows XP ends in two months On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will end support for its decade-old Windows XP operating system. If your computer is still running Windows XP, learn what this means for you. What is HTTPS? Learn how to improve your safety and privacy when you enter your password, credit card number, or other financial or personal information online.
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