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Found 3 results

  1. Public Health England urges vigilance about spotting signs of scarlet fever READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/public-health-england-urges-vigilance-about-spotting-signs-of-scarlet-fever
  2. this government is getting worse. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/11579910.Charity_urges_Government_to_rethink_hardship_fund_axe_which_could_hit_16_000_Bradford_families/
  3. After British Gas announced rises up to 10.4% British Gas is to increase prices for domestic customers, with a dual-fuel bill going up by 9.2% from 23 November. The increase, which will affect nearly eight million households in the UK, includes an 8.4% rise in gas prices and a 10.4% increase in electricity prices. The company said it "understands the frustration" of prices rising faster than incomes. The average annual household bill will go up by £123. PM David Cameron has urged consumers to switch suppliers for the best deal. More ...
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