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Found 6 results

  1. Hi all, I sold a very expensive figurine on eBay and sent the item to the seller very well packed first class next day. Two days later the seller requested a full refund stating the item had been damaged in transit. I requested photos of the damage which showed the packing box (shipper) squashed on one corner, the box inside with the figurine inside appeared to have a cut along the corner running up the side of the box. When I received the item back the damage to the box of the figurine appeared inconsistent with the damage shown to the box that housed the figurine. What I mean bear with me on this, The shipping box was squashed on one corner, however the figurines box had no sign of being squashed and looked like it had been cut. The figurine box was wrapped in bubble wrap at least 5 or 6 times and I am guessing when the buyer tried to remove the bubble wrap say with scissors he has cut the box. Do I have any right to claim the buyer has damaged the item and will eBay see the obvious inconsistency? I have the photos he originally sent as do eBay!
  2. I have been an HSBC customer in three countries and I've never seen anything like this. Everything we do with HSBC UK seems to have a negative affect on our credit rating. I've never defaulted on a payment, and was planning to buy our place in a few months time. It's way beyond illogical, it's just plain ridiculous. I opened an HSBC Advance package a few months ago, as I was told that getting a credit card would help my credit rating, and help me secure a mortgage. I was offered a credit card limit for a few thousand pounds, but as I was not planning on using this that much, I opted to limit this to £1k. Recently, after checking my credit report, I noted that this "lower" limit is hindering my credit rating, so I tried to increase this, but now HSBC won't do it, as it's not yet passed 6 months since they did the credit check. I was never told that this lower limit would affect my credit score initially, so now I have to wait a few months to raise this. P.S. I was only told this after calling 3 times, and trying to do this twice on Internet Banking. my wife arrived in the UK (from being a loyal HSBC customer in Malta) in January. Upon arriving she opened a basic bank account with HSBC UK. Having waited the full 6 months to get upgraded to a standard bank account, she was told that she's not good enough to merit this. This is a professional earning over £30k per year (for the past 5 months), having a good credit history elsewhere within HSBC. This might be because as we got married a couple of months ago, she changed her surname earlier in the day (with the same person), thereby erasing any history HSBC had of her, and told her to wait for another... (wait for it) ...6 months. These people are beyond simply ridiculous. In the meantime, we were discussing how much of a mortgage we would be able to take. So obviously they told her that they wouldn't give her anything, even though we have over a 15% deposit, thus limiting severely our options. Furthermore, it seems that every HSBC person we speak to gives us advice which actually hinders our credit score and chance of getting a mortgage. Apart from that, we have been waiting for over a month for this bloody appointment, as they're always too busy... Please note that every time we speak with them, they do credit checks on us, affecting negatively our credit score, and any way I try to improve this score, I'm blocked off by my bank. This is a bank, I worked with in the UK (even though I wasn't here all the time) for almost 8 years, and who to this day treat me like I never existed and have to introduce myself like a new client every time I speak with them. They don't recognize my holdings elsewhere (including another HSBC Home Loan - yep, another mortgage, that's right...). Furthermore, my wife is in a position that she can't build a credit history with them, even though she already has one which they clearly trust elsewhere... My impression is clearly that these people won't help us buy a place, but actually hinder us in the process , by lowering our rating through useless checks which they do not proceed upon, even though we'd be very good clients (we're a couple of professionals, with over £60k of proven annual income). For that reason, we have no option but to look elsewhere where to bank. Clearly, we're not good enough as we're neither Mexican drug lords nor tax dodgers for HSBC Switzerland!
  3. Please help !!! I hired NIFTYLIFT ACCESS PLATFORM for a couple of hours on the 25th of May and on the 1st of June I have a email that returned machine is broken and they asking me to pay over 1,000 as a cost repair. Its a nonsense!! Equipment has been collected from site by the driver from hss and was on the same condition as taken. The Driver/ collection person didn't say anything that is something wrong and didn't give me as well any paper work to signed stating faults or damages, I didn't get anything, now they want me to pay . Please let me have a template letter as I dont know how to respond - I am shocked !!!! Please help:mad2:
  4. Hi Please excuse me if this is not the right area for my query, I am new to the site. I have 2 friends that have been in prison, they have dearly paid for their crimes both in custodial sentences and extremely large fines. Both of them are now supposed to be 'Free' and they have been released (one of them nearly 5 years ago) some time. The issue for them is a) When they were going through the legal process their cases were put on the web by newspapers and others. b) When anyone does a search these blatantly incorrect and extremely damaging and biased reports are found fairly high up the search engines even 5 years after the effect. The individuals involved have tried to contact the webmasters at these organisations but they just don't reply. Whilst we know they have committed a crime, what is the rehabilitation of offenders act for if not to allow them to try and re integrate back into society. They are not sure who or what they can do (if anything) to have these incorrect, old, obsolete and damaging reports removed from the web. Could anyone offer any advice even on what legal process could be followed. I know you could try and seek a court injunction to get content removed from search engines, but this legal process appears to be mainly for copyright type infringements, the law for anything else seems a little un clear. Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Best Regards, John.
  5. I have tried to claim compensation from my local authority for damage to my car caused by badly worn speed cushions but they are saying that they can't consider my claim for general wear over a period of time, they will only consider a claim for a specific date and time of incident. My N/S Track Control Arm had failed after about 10 months of a previous one being fitted and approx 4000 miles causing the tyre to wear on the insde edge, I believe this has been caused by daily commuting along a certain stretch of road which has badly damaged speed cushions along its length, which in turn have caused premature wear of the joint therfore causing adverse wear on my tyre. Is there any way I can make the council pay up or am I fighting a loosing battle? Cheers
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