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Found 5 results

  1. Hi folks, Yes bizarre, yet. I saw a job ad saying company is looking for a hospitality staff. Female preferred. I have all the experience they want and reference. No reply what so ever. The ad was posted on a website where companies people don't have to auth themselves. I did send my CV and cover letter to their official email as per their website. No reply. If it was someone prank they would of replied by now? I am thinking to bring this case to an employment tribunal. Copy of the ad exist in Google cache and some online archive sites. They also posted similar ad on another employment website. What do you think?
  2. Hello, I do hope there is someone who knows the answer to my question. I have looked for several days and can't find the answer. I have a hired truck and TfL have issued a ticket five months after the event. They contacted the registered keeper for the hirer details within 14 days and then took four and a half months to sent it to me. Could anyone tell me how long they have. It was a regulation 10 PCN. Very many thanks to anyone who can respond.
  3. Please help !!! I hired NIFTYLIFT ACCESS PLATFORM for a couple of hours on the 25th of May and on the 1st of June I have a email that returned machine is broken and they asking me to pay over 1,000 as a cost repair. Its a nonsense!! Equipment has been collected from site by the driver from hss and was on the same condition as taken. The Driver/ collection person didn't say anything that is something wrong and didn't give me as well any paper work to signed stating faults or damages, I didn't get anything, now they want me to pay . Please let me have a template letter as I dont know how to respond - I am shocked !!!! Please help:mad2:
  4. Hi. Im a newbie here. Im hoping someone can help, Ive got into a bit of a mess over a van hire. I hired a van through Northgate van hire about 6 weeks ago, I scraped a post that left 2 marks on the van, I pointed this out when it was returned, they advised that my deposit would not be returned for the moment. Ive been chasing them for ages about a receipt for the deposit, Ive had responses but they all basically say its in hand. Ive finally received a email from them saying they are keeping my deposit of £250.00 and they want another £750.00 of me. I didn't take out CDW damage on the van. I'm on a debt management plan, where do I stand with this. I'm hoping someone can help as I'm down about this. Thanks
  5. my sister in law worked for nearly 2 years at a local convenience store ,most of the time as manageress . 2 weeks ago the owner came in and said he had sold the lease to someone else and gave everyone 2 weeks notice . except my sis in law , he offered her a job at one of the other shops they own, today she did her last shift at the current shop . he has offered her 2 shifts (16 hrs) a week at another local shop and maybe more shifts at one further afield . But he has told her he has to finish her like the rest of the staff ,or they could take him to a tribunal and she would have to work for 2 weeks cash in hand @£40 per 8 hour shift . Then he can re-employ her but she would have to then work a week in hand . she doesn't want to loose her job she was working 40+ hours a week some times 16 hours a day with no break. which i thought was disguting @6.80 ph for a manageress . with manual labour involved carring stock up stairs (cases of beer etc) i think there's something fishy about the whole thing , the new shop keepers offered a job but only for 2 month while she trained up their family workers . is this even legal what he is asking ?
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