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  1. From the Guardian. Some people omitted to notify a change of address, but it seems the NHS has made mistakes. I know people here have been affected. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/mar/10/nhs-falsely-accuses-thousands-patients-prescription-fraud
  2. A long story! My brother was accosted whilst in a Morrison’s supermarket & accused of shoplifting,on 12th March 2018 (since this, I witnessed at least 4 people doing the same thing as my brother) We made an in store complaint in a record book as no manager present, I then complained via their website & email & also to the Liverpool Echo over his treatment as my brother is a very ill man due to pancreatic cancer, Morrison’s supermarkets Plc have stated to a reporter with the Liverpool Echo " They have said that your brother is a known shoplifter to the store and on the second occasion was caught with four bottles of champagne." its stated that he was caught by the store undercover security team & photographed! It took over a week before anyone from Morrisons called us & this after me sending about 4 email requests for information , I was met with constant refusals On the day this was alleged to have happened, he was home all day ill as the previous day he had chemotherapy for advanced pancreatic cancer, We also have a letter from the district nurse who visits him every day to recharge his driver who states its physically impossible for him to carry 4 bottles of champagne! I have now completed the Subject Data Access request form and we look forward to receiving a full written apology from Morrison’s Plc Its virtually impossible to get to speak to the hierarchy at Morrison’s does anyone have any advice please
  3. Help – falsely accused! I have received ESA (contribution based) since 2011. After years of only receiving awards letters that notified of payment rates, I received an Interview Under Caution (IUC) a few months back, which led to me realising that having claimed my pensions early for medical reasons last year, that I should have informed the DWP. I honestly did not know this, because none of the awards letters ever mentioned mention this, the last time I went on the .gov website regarding ESA was back around 2011/2012 when claiming my pensions was the last thing on my mind. Since 2011/12 my health has worsened and I went through a difficult divorce, the reasons why I claimed my pensions early. I went to the IUC and cooperated stating that I honestly did not know I needed to inform them when being on ‘contributions based’ ESA none of my x-wife’s earnings or savings dividends etc were ever taken into account. I expected to have to pay the overpayment back AND “off recording” the DWP Officer said it was very unlikely I would be prosecuted. I paid the overpayment when the letter confirmed how much I owed. HOWEVER, imagine my shock horror when I received a letter last week asking me to pay 50% of the overpayment (with loss of benefits for a month) OR face going to court to be prosecuted and get a criminal record?! – surely this is here to target benefit fraudsters NOT those who have acted in all innocence in a way that most people would understand in the circumstances?. At the moment I cannot afford a solicitor I feel that this is very unfair and am considering going to court and representing myself to clear my name, since I understand that even paying the Administrative Penalty is an admission of guilt I do not agree that I have committed an offence, let alone ‘knowingly’ withheld information without ‘reasonable excuse’. I also now understand that the amounts of money involved are below what the DWP would normally process this way and why they did not go down the civil investigation route I don’t know? (this apparently normally ends with a Civil Penalty of £50 instead of an Administrative penalty of £700+.....). With the stress of all this, on top of worsening health, and still coming to terms post divorce where the main factor was my poor health, any tips information recommendations would be great fully appreciated. THANK YOU.
  4. Hello, went in to get a prescription filled On my way out had a browse of things! I was reading some stuff on an information leaflet from inside the box, put everything back and went to leave, I was stopped by security (non uniformed) He told me he had been watching me etc. told me he knew I was trying to shoplift (I wasn't) said he had seen me put stuff in my bag, which was my prescription! Called the manager over, checked my bags etc. did all of this in the middle of the store! In the end I was let go and told I was banned from the store, They never took any details, not even my name! I had gotten my prescription filled there. Was just wondering, can they use the information from my prescription? Even if they didn't take my name? Will anything happen?
  5. Hello all i was recently called into work and was suspended for false accusation of theft cut a long story short my father in law is a motor trader who has an ebay account he gets my partner his daughter to advertise and sell items on ebay for him my company has got a third party investigation firm in to investigate as my company is in the motor trade also the only link to these items is me being in a relationship with my partner they have hacked my father in laws ebay gone rather in depth despite account being registered at his home address but post address and returns being my partners were I am not registered they have also hacked mine and my partners facebook to show we're in a relationship and gone in depth in both accounts i know this as both accounts are set to friends and not public domain also took pictures of our children off facebook and shared them made copies (is this allowed without parents consent) in my eyes ebay hacked facebook hacked childrens pictures take off fb ( not on front page) children pictures copied and shared between investigation team and my company help help help as i have done nothing wrong neither has father in law or partner
  6. Judge has said to expect PRISON pmsl http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4274430/1-million-home-owner-jabs-electrician-walking-stick.html oh how the mighty fall:whoo::whoo::whoo::lalala::lalala:
  7. Evening I have recently resigned and am on garden leave I was in commission based sales I copied my sales data to a USB drive and left it in a cupboard at work My employer has said I copied data and is threatening legal action but the info has never left the premises I cannot go into work now to prove it How can it be theft when I have not removed it from work?
  8. Three months ago I was accused of shoplifting, brought back to an office, was spoken to by the loss prevention people, and given a one year ban (which I had to sign, but I can't remember is I was told signing was an admission of guilt). I was in the uk visiting my English fiance and gave RLP people my home country issued id (NOT my passport). They didn't say anything about sending my a loss recovery letter and didn't get police involved. I am now married and applying to join my spouse in the uk. I've done quite a bit of reading, but would like to confirm that since I was never issued a speculative invoice/fine/civil law suit and there is no police record I have nothing to disclose on my visa application. Thank you in advance!
  9. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/sky-accused-letting-72yo-alzheimers-sufferer-pay-110-month-tv-packages-175050618.html Media giant Sky allowed an elderly Alzheimer’s to pay £110 a month for his TV package. Rachel Holdsworth says the family was astounded to learn her uncle, Rodney, was parting with so much. They thought initially that the 72-year-old, who was diagnosed with early onset dementia a couple of years ago, was paying for broadband despite not having a computer or mobile phone. But, after finally convincing Sky that she was a relative and gaining access to the account, she learned her uncle was paying out the hefty monthly sum on TV channels.
  10. Hello all, Thank you for taking the time to read my post and any advice appreciated. My parents own a Chinese takeaway and live in the adjoining house next door. They moved in 17 years ago after the initial contact with British gas to inform them they have moved in (which I think I did for them as a teenager) they have not had much contact since and just paid bills as and when they arrived. Always assumed one meter for the takeaway and the residential house as they both share the same door number. In all truthfulness I think they probably knew that something wasn't quite right but with limited English without relying on others they never tried in earnest to peruse the reasons why their gas bill felt cheap. a man came to the door a couple of weeks ago and asked to see the gas meter. My father showed him to the box which is attached to the outside of the house as that's the one that's always been read by British gas. He asked for access to the box that they usually show the npower for electric but they couldn't find the key at the time and takeaway was open. The man said he would be back but wouldn't give my father a business card. All he got was a bit of paper with a mobile number and first name. I come back from holiday abroad and my father tells me about this man. I wasn't keen to ring a random mobile number on a piece of paper and my father couldn't even tell me what company he was from (I accept he may have tried to explain himself to my father but surely he should've recognised that there was a language barrier and his point may not have been communicated) I did my own investigations and we realised there was an additional meter. I rang citizens advice and M meter number helpline and concluded that the meter is not registered and must be for the takeaway only. The meter which has been registered with British gas is actually for the residential part of the property. I then called uswitch to seek some advice on getting the meter registered (as citizens advice suggested picking a supplier). They did a bit of digging for me and I've been talking to Eon about registering a shipperless supply. In the meantime my father was waiting for the gentleman to return armed with instructions to find out where he was from. He did return tonight, with a warrant. This time he had the police and all of his ID and helpfully gave my father a letter as he cut off the supply to his livelihood and took the meter away with a number to ring on Monday. I briefly got to talk to the gentleman on the phone as my parents rang me in distress. It sounded like this gentleman feels like he has made all the communication he needed to before taking the meter away. However, I've not seen any letters or correspondence from British gas. He claims to have been to the premises on numerous occasions and couldn't get access but the takeaway is not open before 5pm so if he came during regular working hours that would indeed be the case. He told me that the options were to "pay the bill tonight" or "be cut off" but we've had no additional bills and when I queried said bill on the phone to prevent being cut off he said he "hadn't worked it out yet". Having now read the only piece of written correspondence that has been left, it seems that my parents have been accused of tampering with their meter and they need to ring a phone number on Monday to settle an amount that is before reconnecting. I'm not disputing that there is a problem that needs to be rectified. However, I feel that to come and cut the supply off at 5pm on Friday night, knowing that their business can't run over the weekend and no one is around for them to seek help is quite out of order. Perhaps I should've called the mobile number first rather than seek third party advice but I honestly questioned the identity of the man who came round and wouldn't leave a business card or official letter. If the meter wasn't registered to British Gas was he allowed to take the meter? As I said I was in the process of talking to Eon to sort out the supply. I think the issue is murkied by the fact that the residential property and takeaway both share the same door number and apparently it is British Gas business which supplies the address. Thank you for taking the time to read. Haven't been able to sleep because of it. Any advice greatly appreciated.
  11. In addition to her attempts to impose 'Henry VII' clauses to give senior ministers power to completely by-pass parliament and change even primary legislation by decree, May is now trying to give a minority government more than its normal share of (selected) members on standing committees which create legislation. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/theresa-may-rigging-parliament-committee-of-selection-standing-committees_uk_59b1a514e4b0dfaafcf68a04 "A controversial new motion tabled by Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom seeks to ensure that Conservatives have a majority on all standing committees that are the powerhouses of all prospective laws." "The motion, tabled by Leadsom on Thursday for a vote next Tuesday, states that Commons rules will be changed so that “where a committee has an odd number of members, the Government shall have a majority”." “The British people will not understand how having voted to deny the Conservatives a majority, the Tories can alter the rules of Parliament to ensure they have one." The powerful but little known Committee of Selection chooses which MPs go on select committees that scrutinise policy and ministers, and standing committees that govern legislation. The Leadsom motion sets the Committee up with nine members, but specifies that there will be five Tory members. "In 1995, then Commons Leader Tony Newton passed a motion guaranteeing a majority on committees only as long as a Government had a majority of the whole House."
  12. Please help, I'm so scared that i'm going to prison I'm on ESA and have been for the past 3/4 years. In that time, i've have 3 part time jobs all 16 hours and under and i've declared all of them with a permitted work form. The only reason i can think this has come about is that at the beginning of July this year i was offered a job for 16 hours but was told i'd have at least 1 day extra as overtime. I rang up ESA and told them i wanted to stop my ESA claim. A few days later my mental health went to crap and i told my new boss that i wouldn't be able to do it. She then agreed to me doing only 16 hours and i thought i could handle that (i hadn't even started the job when i told her i couldn't do it). I then did an ESA rapid reclaim and was told that everything would be the same as my old claim, Income related ESA in the support group. Turns out that i'm now contribution based ESA in the support group, i didn't even know until my housing benefit stopped a few weeks ago. I'd also started a claim for working tax credits as originally i'd be working 25 hours a week on average. i sent in my permitted work form for 16 hours a week and started my new job at the end of July. By this time my mental health was getting worse again and i didn't realize it, i was getting all these letters from people for changes in income, the dwp health assessment letter for my esa and i just couldn't cope. About 4 weeks after i'd started work, i realized i hadn't even stopped the WTC i spoke to an online adviser and told them that i needed to stop my tax credits and thought nothing of it as at the beginning esa was deducting the WTC amount from my ESA and i had to wait for a letter to come through to send to ESA to prove i had ended WTC. I didn't think anymore of it. On October the 1st, i had to send in a sick note to work because i just couldn't cope anymore, i couldn't leave the house, someone knocking at the door or the phone ringing terrified me and i had to go back onto anti depressants and anti anxiety medication, and on October the 12th (i think) i was dismissed from work. I went to the post office to get my money for my child tax credits on the 10th or the 11th of October, i normally get it out on a wednesday but i was short on money so i got it out on the tuesday instead, and i realise that there's too much money. I thought that because i was getting my money out on the Wednesdays every 2 weeks and the amounts were the same, that WTC had informed ESA about me stopping WTC and ESA were paying the amount they said they would when they had notification of my WTC stopping. i logged onto my online tax credits account, and there was a live claim for WTC! I immediately stopped it online and as the end date i put the 12th of October as this was my dismissal date. I've sent them a letter about over payments (my phone and internet were cut off) because i wasn't entitled to that money, but i've not heard anything. Will they get back to me about it or am i going to have to call them or speak to them instead? The payments i received for my job was £380 at the beginning of September, about the same at the end of September, £250 at the end of October and £150 holiday pay at the end of November. I'm so scared that i'm going to prison. I have a partner that i have to care for and a 3 year old. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I sent in my permitted work form and told WTC to stop my WTC, then ended it myself when i saw it was still a live claim. I really don't know what to do That's the only reason i can think of as to why they think i didn't declare my employment status, but i thought that if it was under 16 hours a week and less than £100 a month, then it's classed as permitted work. Now i'm wondering if it was either of the other jobs i did. I don't even know anymore as the letter only states undeclared work and nothing else. My interview is the 21st of December and i've told them that i'm going to attend. I'm too scared of police turning up to my door if i don't go. I'm really scared as i've never been to court, i don't even have a criminal record! I've never done anything illegal let alone got in trouble for a crime. What happens now? I've messaged a few people at the local solicitors but not heard anything yet and the CAB in my area is only open for about 5-6 hours every Thursday, but i'm not guaranteed an appointment. I feel so sick, i can't eat, i can't sleep, if the door bell rings or someone knocks on the door, it sends me into such a state that i'm having panic attacks. Even the phone ringing petrifies me and i'm shaking whenever the post man comes because i'm scared of what post may come through my door. What do i do? Sorry for being a baby and for my post being so long. I'm nearly 30 and should be able to cope with this but i can't
  13. A bit about myself: I live in Scotland, am a middle aged divorcee with Multiple Sclerosis who has (or had, before now) a completely clean record. Last week I came home find a card through my door from the police informing me that they had called to speak to me and would I please contact PC Thingumajig to arrange a time to talk regarding 'an ongoing investigation'. I had no idea what this could be about and my medical condition leaves me embarrassingly prone to panic reactions in even the most innocuous out-of-the-norm situations. I immediately started panicking that I had done something illegal to warrant the police at my door but after talking it out with a friend we concluded that perhaps I had witnessed something that the police were investigating as I don't live in the best area. I phoned the PC and arranged to come in the next day to see him but completely spaced on asking why he needed to speak with me. When I got to the police station I was taken into a small room with only a table and three chairs, PC Thingumajig asked me to sit down and as he sat in front of me and pulled out his notebook a second PC came in behind him and closed the door. I started to get a little shaky as it was quite intimidating (this second PC was vaguely familiar to me as one that had treated a friend of mine particularly badly last year). I was shocked and stunned when I was told that I had been accused by the local Boots of shoplifting a mascara the previous week. I told them that I had not but as I was in full panic mode at this point I could not really digest the information they were giving me. They told me that they had witnesses who had seen me take it and had followed me out of the store and through the shopping mall, as well as CCTV footage of the incident. They were quite frankly not interested in any explanation I had for what had occurred on the two occasions that I recalled being in the store over recent weeks. When I told them of my medical condition and its effect on my memory (particularly in stressful situations) as the reason why I could not remember the day in question, the intimidating one immediately latched on to this as an explanation for my thieving ways and would not let it go. My record was checked and since it was clean I was told they could issue an official police warning or if I wanted to contest they would charge me and send it to the PF who would decide whether to take it to court or not. By this time I was so distressed and confused I was beginning to doubt my OWN honesty so I agreed to the warning in order to avoid the stress and pressure of the long drawn out legal procedure which could have had devastating consequences for my health. The warning was issued as well as a ban from Boots stores (I will never be darkening their doorstep again in any event - physically or digitally). Since that time I have been so stressed I have had panic attacks when I enter the shopping mall where I do volunteer work once a week, am prone to crying uncontrollably, have been unwilling to leave my home and unable to socialise with my friends. The stress has also had a deleterious effect on my health by worsening the symptoms of my MS. I have only recently been able to look at the warning notice and comprehend the date of the alleged incident which was almost exactly a week prior and, now that I can ponder it with a clear head, I DO recollect the day in question as I was re-starting art classes on that date. I DID enter the store more than once (a point they made repeatedly) as I had wanted to print a photo from my phone and, because their machine's USB was not recognising my device, I used the USB from my portable charger and accidentally left it in their machine. I had returned a couple of hours later to retrieve it. Since the photo printer is at the opposite end of the store from the make-up section I have no idea why they think I pocketed a mascara but since I was nowhere near that area of the shop (except to enter and leave) I have no idea why I have been accused of this crime - the only thing I pocketed in the store was my own property! Is there any way I can get the store to at least apologise for humiliating me and can I get the police to rescind the warning? Do they not have to stop me AT THE TIME instead of waiting a week to apprehend? Should I be worried as to how the police got my name and address? The only way I can think is to have accessed my prescription history at the pharmacy. They wouldn't let me see the CCTV footage either when I asked and I'm pretty sure the Data Protection Act gives me that right. I would really appreciate any advice I can get.
  14. last sunday before christmas my son and brother went to the football when it ended my wife and my 2 daughters went with my son in to smyths toys while i dropped my brother home . when i got back to the toy shop they had gone next door to asdas ... i go in and they are all in the toy section .. ( they was all spending their Christmas money ) when i got to them they said there was nothing in here they wanted . they asked for the car keys as me and the wife had some shopping to do .. we went off and walking around the shop . . my wife phone rang . just as she answered it we heard some one shout !! we have just arrested your kids for shoplifting !! my wife said they been stopped at the door .as we turned around the security guard was about 20 ft away walking towards us . he said it again this time not as loud .. i asked where are they he said they are in the security room and the police been called .. we all walked to the security room . . which turned out to be no more than a broom cupboard. with about 15 to 20 staff and customers watching .. .as we got close i seen my 13 old son and 16 old daughter in this broom cupboard in hysterics and crying . . i went nuts i barged thro the people and staff to get to them just as i got to the door of the room there was 2 plain clothes cops who grabbed me and stopped me getting in to the room while shouting were are the police . i said i dont care who you are get me kids out this room now .. . then he told me they been stopped for shoplifting my wife said then NO t That is not your stuff , what they have is from smyth toys and showed the receipt the cops checked the receipt and said yes every thing is paid for . a manager said i want the item scanned with our scanner gun the cops said !! we have checked them and they been paid for ) the wife said let them check to which they did and guess what none of the items were from ASDAs shop also the items had big smyths toy labels on them .. all the staff walked off the cop said i need to check the CCTV footage . he came back and with one manager said we have CCTV your kids walking in with the ITEMS IN THEIR HANDS so nothing has been taken from here .. i said im not happy with them calling my kids shoplifters a manager said that doesnt matter its irrelevant i walked up to him and said its not ok to call my kids names .. and he walked off ... we just left as we were going out the door the security guard was talking to this manager about what happened as people were walking out then stopped as we were going past and said sorry he could have handled it better yet the manager walked off .. we called asdas house and they said we'll sort it the security will have retraining and they said they'd,d send us compensation for our troubles .. NOTHING FROM THEM. they assaulted my children called them names and me and my wife in a busy store , and got away with it .. sorry about the long story BUT WHAT DO WE DO we have found out from the net that 3 things must happen , 1 a member of staff must see you taking some thing off the shelf 2 they must wait till you leave the store 3 they must not touch you but say can you come back in to the store IF YOUR TRY TO RUN then they can grab you .. now my kids had NOT taken any thing off the shelf my kids were not out of the shop The securtity guards grabbed them from behind by the tops of their arms and frog marched them to this room they then emptied my daughters bag and started to questioning them ... we were not there when they did this and no other adults were there apart from the security and manager .. my son whos 13 yrs old it was about 3 to 4 days till we could talk to him without him getting upset and starting to cry . he stayed in his room for those days . he's not been back in to ASDAs since .. my daughter was ok when she got home AGAIN she stayed in her room for the rest of the night . it was later the next day she showed up down stairs .. ASDAs house rep contacted us ( as my wife sent them an email telling them what happened ) and said sorry but i want that manager to apologies to my children face to face not some one over the phone .
  15. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/manual-of-service-law-your-rights-if-you-are-accused
  16. Hi I've just received a letter accusing me of fly tipping and feel absolutely sick. I have to go for an interview next week. As much as a caution and I will lose my job. They have apparently found evidence with my name and my nans address on. I have never lived at my nans but have had packages delivered before when I've been at work. The place they're accusing me of fly tipping I've never even been and have had to google Maps search to find out where it is. It's nearly 40 min drive from me and 30 mins from my nans in Manchester. We've had 2 skips the last couple of months but through a reputable company and I've contacted them to see where their waste goes if it's passed on etc but they said it all stays within Warrington where I live. I've absolutely no idea how anything of mine could have got there. I haven't had a delivery to my nans for a long time and don't remember throwing any packaging out recently. I really don't know what to do. Please help, thanks.
  17. Hello everyone... this is my first post! I hope somebody can give me some advice as I'm sick with worry. I've read and understood all the other Fly Tipping Posts but this scenario is a little different. I live on an estate and at the top of my road there's a council public waste bit. I think it's only there because it used to be a bus stop there but that service no longer runs. Anyway, over the last 2 years there has been an accumulation of black bags from residents surrounding this bin. Indeed, even the council road sweeper man leaves several bags there on his weekly rounds. A council lorry comes very regularly and collects it all. What I'm trying to say that the location appeared to be an accepted place where rubbish was being left & collected on a regular basis. Anyway, a few months ago I remember adding my own bag there as my own bin was full and wasn't due to be collected until the following week. Well, today I received a letter from the local Council saying that items of waste directly connected with me has been found in an illegal area. They want me to attend a PACE interview in December and I'm scared to death. I want to co-operate but if I say exactly as it was I know will be prosecuted which will have direct consequences for me (I'm a newly qualified Nurse applying for posts). My friend says, irrespective of circumstances they haven't got enough evidence to prosecute but as soon as I tell tem what I've done, under caution, they'll have me and proceed with prosecution. I really didn't appreciate that my action was classed as fly tipping but, because of the circumstances described above, I thought it was okay. I can't afford a solicitor and my local CAB are too stretched to offer any support. My friend further suggested that I say I have no idea how the items got there or just keep saying "no comment" but I'm not that type of person. My only defence, if you can call it one, is that the council themselves deposit waste there (I'll need to prove that) but I don't think that excuse will wash. I now appreciate I've done wrong and I feel so ashamed! Thanks for reading! Debbie
  18. Hi All, Thank you in advance for reading my story. Back in February we had the meter reading guy taking the reading. For some reason he spent more than 10 min in the storage under the stairs. He left and after 2h we got a revenue protection investigator knocking on our door. He said a report has been received for meter tampering. After checking the meter he confirmed that a plastic protective cover is missing and this allows for the meter to be fiddled with. This was the first time that we were made aware of the issue and the investigator said it was not unusual with these type of old gas meters for the cover to get loose. The gas meter was changed in a few hours and a few weeks later we received a demand to pay £1400 for change of gas meter and gas used but not recorded by the meter. We had a couple of gas leaks when National Grid replaced the main gas pipes a year ago. We had many engineers coming and going trying to resolve the issue. We have no idea when this protective cover has disappeared and what has happened. We are being wrongly accused of tampering and the payment demands keep coming. I am speaking to a manager from SSE to try and resolve the issue but not sure where this will lead to. I have reading and bills from last 2 years and our gas consumption seems normal and in line with national average. Can anyone advise what further action we can take as last letter is a Statutory Demand and threatening with bailiffs and Rights of Entry Warrant, as this is really distressing especially when we have not done anything wrong. Thank you. Nick
  19. Hi All, I hope you can provide some insight to this situtation my wife has gotten her self into. A bit of background: My wife is here with a UK spouse visa due to extend in six months. She was accussed at waitrose for shoplifting a product worth 9.99. They took her to the office and took a picture, she was with the baby. They have given her a letter not to enter waitrose anymore. What happens next? will the police be involved? Is this considered as a criminal record? We are due to extend her visa, will this affect her? Thanks, Siph
  20. My mum was in Waitrose on Sunday afternoon, and was suffering from a severe confusion and memory loss because she was entering a hypo from diabetes. My mum couldnt remember what had happened, but told her husband that she had been banned from waitrose. An ambulance was called as she was very ill. She was rushed into hospital with hypoglaecemia and a suspected heart attack. While she was in Waitrose, from what we can piece together from what she can remember, she was thrown out for shoplifting a packet of lozenges. I phoned the store this morning to ask them if it had really happened, because my mum was incredibly confused, and asked them to shed some light on the events. The woman on the phone was incredibly rude and just kept telling me that my mother was in perfect health when she left the store. She told me they had my mothers details and that she was banned from the store. I asked my mother how they got her details, and she said she thinks she can remember them taking her driving license from her purse, along with her Waitrose loyalty card. The police were never called, and she was removed from the building and sent on her way. She was rushed into hospital by ambulance a short while later. I have contacted their head office as the branch was no help. They were very apologetic, but told me they could not discuss it without written consent from my mum. I explained that she was unable to do that at present as she is not a well woman and that I was concerned with how they handled an obviously incoherent and ill oap. They replied several hours later that they had spoken to their legal department and were told not to discuss the matter with me without written permission from my mum, despite me telling them that she was unable to do so. So, does anyone know if they had the right to go into her purse? What is the protocol for this kind of thing?
  21. I got a letter telling me Scottish power wanted to do a meter inspection which they did, they said my meter had been tampered with and they replaced it. I have now got a bill in from them for £496 for the cost of replacing meter but no other charges. Have phoned citizens advice etc and they contacted SP Got a phone call from SP today saying that as the meter is in my name it was me that gets the charge. I am renting from the council and it must have been tampered with by previous occupants as i have never touched it ,i wouldn't know where to start. I don't know what i can do now SP said they will put the charge onto my meter.
  22. Last month I had reported to HR my colleague who accused me of tampering with my holidays and taking more that I was supposed to. The investigation showed that I was entitled to every single holiday I took and apparently the accuser got a disciplinary action. In the final decision meeting with the HR , I was told the accuser would receive 3 or 6 months record on his file . I read today the HR policy and it states 6 months on file for a normal first level (out of 5) verbal warning. According to the whispers , he only got 3 months My questions are: - Should have I received a formal letter with the investigation outcome? - This letter should tell me exactly what the disciplinary action was and how long would it be on file? - Has the time gone by now for me to request further information? Should I just ignore this? Thank you
  23. i HOPE I am posting in the right section. My hubbie is a secure council tenant and has been for 20 years. He has always lived here, never had a problem with anyone. I have been here for ten of those years with him. 25 February 2016, our boiler went west, so we had to have the gas contractor out. On the same morning I had to go the MRI scanner at the hospital at 8am, so we arranged for him to call at about 10.30am when we knew we would be home. He duly arrived. We´d only been in a few minutes. I was sat on the edge of my settee drinking a cuppa, my hubbie was by the man´s side in the boiler cupboard discussing what the problem was. It was agreed the Baxi man had to come the next day, boiler being under guarantee. Again, no problem, I am unwell, but not incapable, so stayed in for Baxi man. All done the next day, no problem. Fast forward two weeks. A letter arrived for hubbie. When he opened it, he thought someone was having a joke. It is a first warning letter, from a housing officer he has never met, who has never been here or ever spoken to us. It is saying that on 25 February 2016, we were "smoking cannabis" during his visit, She says "looking back at your file, on the balance of probabilities I think it is very likely that this incident has taken place and that I have evidence enough to the standard of proof required by the County Court!" Well gobsmacked hardly covers it! We have made an SAR (were told 20 days ago it was 18 quid ((I know its 10)) and just received a call today to confirm that this is now being done and to pay the 10 fee. We have arranged for this HO to visit us tomorrow at 12 noon, because this simply is not true and we do not accept any written warning! The facts are that neither of us smoke, not even cigarettes, but I used to many years ago and I have just paid the price of that by undergoing a horrible vascular bypass to my right leg. All through this time I have been fizzing and worrying over this false accusation, the way the letter was worded, and the way a tradesman can make a false accusation like that and cause untold problems. I am, I admit, a bit touchy on the subject of smoking, because of what I just been through. I think its also fair to say that a slight set back in my recovery has been caused by all this unnecessary stress and worry. (Get niggled, pull stitches etc) When the original letter came, hubby wrote to the gas engineer´s company and made an official complaint. He took it in by hand, gave it to the female manager, stood there whilst she read it at her invitation, and then was forcibly escorted from the premises by a large male colleague who stated it was all a load of rubbish and the Council were dealing with it, and he had to leave to premises! Of course, we have had no response from this firm. Could anyone offer me some advice about this? I mean, do we just lay down and take it? We haven´t done anything of the sort, and we believe this to be malicious on the part of the gas engineer. We have since learnt that three other tenants in our road have had to ask that he does not visit their premises again for various reasons. We have insisted he does not come here again. Normally I would be able to throw serious punches in this sort of thing, but I am very unwell at the moment. What I want is a meaningful written apology for this, and an assurance that we will not be harrassed in this way again. They´ve chosen their time haven´t they? When I am practically our for the count so to speak! Any advice about what to say tomorrow in addition to a point blank denial would be very welcome.
  24. Hi, My partner is an Ofsted registered Childminder. She had 3 children with her while shopping in a B&M store recently. She placed some items in the pushchair while walking around the store, she then queued up for the tills to ask the cashier where something was in the store. One of the children started playing up so she went to leave the store and forgot about the items in the pushchair. She was stopped by security and admitted straight away that she'd forgotten about the items and would happily pay for them to be told "it doesn't work like that". She was asked to go with the security guard to the security room, she went with him and explained she was a Childminder and the 3 children with her were not hers. She was kept in the security room for over 3 hours while the security guard phoned the Police 4 times who never turned up. After over 3 hours of the Police not turning up the security guard said my partner could leave, gave her 2 bits of paper and she thought this was the end of it. When she got home she read the 2 bits of paper, one of them is a Notice of Intended Civil Recovery. There's a box where she should have signed it to say she understood the information but the security guard has ticked a box that says Signature Refused. She was never shown this and never asked to sign anything. The other bit of paper is an Exclusion Order banning her from all B&M stores. Again she was never shown this, there's a line asking for her acceptance signature which she never signed and then it says "Witnessed by Police Officer" which is obviously blank. Yesterday she received a letter from Civil Recovery Solutions asking for a settlement fee of £95.15 for compensation for losses to the company. I've already phoned them and told them there wasn't any loss to the company as the goods were recovered and were re saleable and my partner admitted it was an honest mistake and offered to pay for the goods but that offer was refused. I've spoken to the Police myself and they've confirmed although they were called by the store that they never attended and no further action will be taken by them as no crime was committed. They took a very dim view of the security guard detaining my partner for over 3 hours as a Childminder with children. Now this is where it gets serious, Ofsted have contacted my partner stating the Police have informed them that they were called by the store regarding this incident and there is now a child protection issue. They are investigating this incident and tomorrow will be deciding whether to withdraw my partners Ofsted registration which will put her out of business immediately. We have already lost 2 children due to Ofsted contacting the parents and informing them that my partner was caught Shoplifting even though that isn't accurate. We have also received a letter from Child protection services stating that even though they aren't taking any action, they will be keeping this incident on file against our daughters name. The Police say that this information never came from them but Child protection services say that it did. I'm absolutely disgusted that anyone can be accused of this by store security and have no opportunity to defend themselves. My partners business insurance does provide legal protection and as she was working at the time of the incident and now faces loss of business due to this, they are providing legal assistance but I'm yet to hear back from them. Any help regarding this matter will be greatly appreciated. Can the store security detain someone for over 3 hours when they've informed them they are a Childminder with other people's children ?
  25. Last night I got a call from the police to say my daughter, who is 15, had been accused of shoplifting by a shop keeper. On her way home from town she went into a shop with a friend (more of an acquaintance) who had offered to buy my daughter a packet of crisps. Daughter handed a packet to the friend then walked about 6 feet away to look at something else. A few minutes later the friend then put the crisps, along with another packet, into their bag and ran out of the shop. My daughter was a bit confused as to what was going on and started walking towards the door. The shop staff then rushed to the door and locked it so she couldn't get out. My daughter was quite frightened at being locked in a shop, at ten o'clock at night, with three men and so was shouting at them to let her out. The staff phoned the police who came to the shop about 20 minutes later. The owner of the shop was phoned and said that as she was under 16, if her mother agreed to pay for what had been taken, he wouldn't pursue the matter with the police. The police who attended phoned me and explained what had happened. I agreed that I would phone the shopkeeper the following day to discuss paying for what had been taken. At this point, both myself and the police were told that my daughter and her friend had filled the friends bag with goods before the friend ran off, which turns out not to be true according to my daughter. The shop has cctv, and after explaining to my daughter that she had to tell me the whole truth about what happened, and that the police would be able to see exactly what had happened on the cctv, I am absolutely convinced that there were 2 packets of crisps involved and that my daughter did not actually steal anything. She may be a stroppy teenager but has always been very honest and I can usually tell if she's trying to pull the wool over my eyes, and she's very respectful of authority and would have caved in when the police questioned her if she'd done something wrong. I phoned the shop keeper this morning and he was talking about damage to his business, staff wages for the time they had to spend with the police, bags full of goods stolen. I really think he's trying to pull a fast one. He said he hadn't seen the cctv footage yet, and neither had the staff in the shop, but he will ring me tomorrow when he's seen it to let me know how much he thinks I should pay him. I know that shoplifting is a huge problem, and feel for those shopkeepers who lose out financially because of it. I know that their income suffers, prices have to be increased to make up for losses etc etc, so I'm not making light of the fact it was a couple of packets of crisps. What I would like to ask is does anyone know what the legal stance is as to holding a 15 year old locked in a shop? All the shop staff saw her do was hand a packet of crisps to her friend. She had nothing hidden on her, hadn't left the shop, yet they locked her in for around 20 minutes and she was very frightened. Can they make me pay, for what I suspect will end up being a large amount of goods that were never taken? The shop keeper said his cctv isn't very clear. Can I ask to see this myself? Any advice would be great thanks
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