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  1. In addition to her attempts to impose 'Henry VII' clauses to give senior ministers power to completely by-pass parliament and change even primary legislation by decree, May is now trying to give a minority government more than its normal share of (selected) members on standing committees which create legislation. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/theresa-may-rigging-parliament-committee-of-selection-standing-committees_uk_59b1a514e4b0dfaafcf68a04 "A controversial new motion tabled by Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom seeks to ensure that Conservatives have a majority on all standing committees that are the powerhouses of all prospective laws." "The motion, tabled by Leadsom on Thursday for a vote next Tuesday, states that Commons rules will be changed so that “where a committee has an odd number of members, the Government shall have a majority”." “The British people will not understand how having voted to deny the Conservatives a majority, the Tories can alter the rules of Parliament to ensure they have one." The powerful but little known Committee of Selection chooses which MPs go on select committees that scrutinise policy and ministers, and standing committees that govern legislation. The Leadsom motion sets the Committee up with nine members, but specifies that there will be five Tory members. "In 1995, then Commons Leader Tony Newton passed a motion guaranteeing a majority on committees only as long as a Government had a majority of the whole House."
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