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Found 3 results

  1. Hello all i was recently called into work and was suspended for false accusation of theft cut a long story short my father in law is a motor trader who has an ebay account he gets my partner his daughter to advertise and sell items on ebay for him my company has got a third party investigation firm in to investigate as my company is in the motor trade also the only link to these items is me being in a relationship with my partner they have hacked my father in laws ebay gone rather in depth despite account being registered at his home address but post address and returns being my partners were I am not registered they have also hacked mine and my partners facebook to show we're in a relationship and gone in depth in both accounts i know this as both accounts are set to friends and not public domain also took pictures of our children off facebook and shared them made copies (is this allowed without parents consent) in my eyes ebay hacked facebook hacked childrens pictures take off fb ( not on front page) children pictures copied and shared between investigation team and my company help help help as i have done nothing wrong neither has father in law or partner
  2. I called a friend land-line to land-line. When he picked up the phone to answer there was a fax tone as if the phone line was connected to both phone and fax and he'd forgotten to switch off the fax and my call triggering the fax answering mode. He hasn't got a fax! neither have I. My thoughts - he's quite involved in some sensitive work uncovering some rather 'messy' stuff in a finance company and they know he's putting them in a difficult position - it's big money! The only way I see a fax machine kicking in is if someone tapped/hacked his phone and had a fax themselves they too had forgotten to switch off. I've had faxes since they were invented and cost £1200 back in the 80's so I know how they kick in, but in these days of digital telephone lines how could a fax machine kick in on a land line to land line when neither of us had one? That's my question. How and is his phone being tapped? He says this has happened a few times before. We don't have crossed lines anymore since it all went digital so how does this happen? If it is being tapped or hacked I think they now call it, how or what does he need to do to find out if it is? Any of you telephone techi's have any ideas - I'd really appreciate knowing how we can find out. Thank you. A1
  3. Hi Rickyd, I have a factor issue just now. Hacking & Paterson, Glasgow. They are seeking , actually that's incorrect- they are "demanding" an increase in the float amount. I paid £500 at the outset and now they want an extra £200 as a top up. Does anyone know if they have the right to do this? Has anyone challenged them successfully? This increased float demand is being made to many of the owners of the properties they manage- so this is affecting a large number of folk who will be in the same quandary as myself.... whether to stump up or face court action ( they added the float to the common charges invoice and are now pursuing it as an unpaid debt) Any comments or help much appreciated x
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