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  1. Hi all back in February last year I had my pre payment meters, both gas and electricity, changed so as I could pay by direct debit as I was struggling with illness and was in and out of hospital so was unable to top up on a regular basis. I gave my account details to setup the direct debits and the meters were changed and I was given the monthly amounts of £18 for electricity and £35 for gas. Roll on to July this year and I received a gas bill for £600 as they had not been taking the direct debit for the gas bud did so for the electric. I truly did not notice that the DD was not being taken as life with hospital was hectic, in fact I did not pay any attention to any DD's as I assumed everything was being paid as I did not received any notifications. I have a complaint in with SSE and I am awaiting their results and findings but was wondering if they can make me pay this large amount as it seems to be that their billing system failed. Regards to all
  2. Hi, I received a letter from LSC claiming I owe over a thousand pounds to SSE. This is from my old address, I moved out 5 years 8 months ago. It’s the first time I’ve been contacted about this , I wasn’t aware I owed anything and don’t remember if they supplied my energy before I moved out. Do I contact them about this or not? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
  3. CMA opens SSE Retail/Npower merger investigation READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/cma-opens-sse-retailnpower-merger-investigation
  4. Hello, I just wondered if anyone has any advise. I will try keep this brief 1. I own a bedsit flat (inherited from mothers estate) and my brother is named as a life renter. 2. Brother had accident 3 years ago and is now brain damaged (I am his only relative) 3. Brother needs 24 hour care so cannot live in the flat 4. I rent out the flat through an agency and use the proceeds to pay for care to help him. 5. Flat was vacant for a 3 month period last year 6. I receive a debt collector letter (in my name) to my home address for the gas/elec costs of £94 7. I immediately contact SSE directly and they advise my name was given by the letting agent, they contacted them for meter readings and resent a revised bill for £55. 8. I pay immediately and ask them to set up a direct debit going forward so this situation doesn't happen again. 9. I check my credit report and they have registered a £94 default in my name which is stated as partially satisfied. 10. I called them to advise I paid in full and they updated their records to state default is satisfied £94. 11. the amount owed was never £94 it should be £55. 12. I googled legal owner of a property which says a life renter is the legal owner but its me that has suffered this. 13. I complained to SSE who responded 10 weeks later to say they will not remove nor alter the default figures. 14. I complain to Energy ombudsman who says that they have requested SSE apologise for the delay in responding to my complaint and they have asked them to update the default balance to say £55 and not £94. does anyone know what i can do with this? I only just managed to repair my credit file and now i have this
  5. Please can someone help or advise me. Eight years ago Sse started billing me for my tenants electric five years ago I was diagnosed with cancer and have been extremely ill and disabled ever since. All through this illness and disability SOC have continually build me thousands and thousands of pounds for my tenants electricity up to £15,000 even though I produced tenancy agreements finally they took me to court demanding £8000 for two years use of electricity for a small bungalow with 1 to 2 tenants in it . The bungalow also had solar panels providing daytime electricity. Sse said the bill was £8000 for two years and because I lost the court case they added £9000 in cost totalling £17,000 they require me to pay for my tenants electric. Sse said the tenants did not exist and then I produced housing benefit evidence that they did exist then Sse told the court that the tenants were actually my lodgers even though I produced address evidence of where I was living I was not listened to and I lost . Hence Sse have a CCJ against me for £17,000 that I cannot afford to defend or appeal. Now the big problem start. Because of this I was referred to a debt management company Who advised me to take an IVA and they have collated my income and expenditure and details of any assets and valuations to prove I have nothing I am able to sell. This company contacted Sse to try and negotiate a payment plan . Sse rejected any offer of any payment plan stating they would only accept the £17,000 in full. I do not have this and I am living at the moment on disability benefit and working tax credit with very Limited income. I complained to Sse about how could the bill be £8000 for two years they refuse to investigate my complaint they also refused to give me a deadlock letter so the ombudsman would investigate. The litigation department at Sse have continually bullied me for eight years all through my illness now I am extremely depressed and distressed they will not accept any payment plan. I also complained to Sse that the litigation department were pursuing me as if it was a personal vendetta and they would rather Sse had no money from me whatsoever as long as they could bankrupt me or pursue me they would not accept any negotiation for an IVI or any payment plan telling me the payments had to be substantial within a short period of time and nothing else was acceptable I am being bullied and intimidated and I don't know which way to turn because I do not have the money and I do not have anything I can sell. I have that's the court for time to pay but Sse have objected to that application and I'll demanding £17,000 I don't know what to do next, I have had a years of bullying and eight years of fighting cancer and they still won't leave me alone I have asked if the debt collection can be transferred out of the litigation department into a vulnerability department at Sse so I can receive some fair treatment considering my illness and anxiety and depression now. They refuse to allow me to speak to anybody else and would not give me any managers names and said this particular person within the department will be the only person to deal with this. I feel this is unfair and discriminating against me because this woman has been involved for quite some time and obviously has a personal vendetta against me and wishes to see this through to the end where the SOC get money or not she obviously is on some kind of bonus for finishing me off I can't negotiate with her and nor can the debt counselling company negotiate. We are at a stalemate where she demands £17,000 and nothing else will do and I am unable to pay this. I Have a friend who nursed me when I was very ill and who I lived with during these two years with Sse and making me liable for my tenants electric in a rented property and he works on the minimum wage in the factory. He has said he would give his life savings just a few thousand pounds to Sse in settlement Of this but they will accept nothing less my friend is prepared to even work for extra years to try and negotiate with them but they will not hear of any negotiation. They will not accept and I V a L any payment plan and I don't know what to do next because I do not have the money To pay for my tenants electric bill and all the court costs. I am at my wits end now and I do not know which way to turn SSE have indicated they are going to continue to bully me until they get their money and they will not accept the payment plan but will pursue me in 'other ways' they say This is a proper the charity designed to help people like me and yet Sse will not negotiate or even speak to them at all other than demanding the full money in a short period of time and I don't have it I just don't know what to do I do have some property But I cannot sell it as it is in negative equity and I receive rent for it which goes to pay the mortgage, there is a small surplus that the debt company was offering to pay to Sse for the debt but they will not accept any plan please can somebody help. The ombudsman will not set my complaint as to why I cannot be dealt with by the vulnerability department and how the bill came to £8000 in two years because there is no deadlock letter because Sse and refused to provide one and they also refuse to investigate my complaint
  6. We signed a rental agreement for a new property in Cowpe on the 1st December 2017, having recently had a baby and a wedding on the 29th December we decided to speak with our then current landlord, a friend of the family, to see if we could take our time moving our possessions. All this was fine. My fiance rang Utility Warehouse, our current provider and asked them to transfer our account to the new property. We started to move our belongings into the new property. Most of the larger furniture was in, with the help of friends on the morning of the 13th December we packed an overnight bag and bedding and all the necessary baby equipment. When we got to our new house we were disgusted to find that somebody had been into the house. On the table next to the door was a piece of paper and a plastic key. The paper was an ‘access notice’’ from SSE, a utility company. They had broken into the premises and fitted prepayment meters for the gas and electricity. There was no other information except the details of debt owed on the same notice. We tried to call SSE but the mobile signal was non-existent and we had no internet or telephone line. We messaged our new landlord to see if he had prior knowledge of SSE coming to the house. Our new landlord had no idea that SSE was even the supplier to the premises. There was no mail in the house after the purchase as it was a repossession and the letter box had been screwed shut. We were both really upset about the fact we had no details on how to use prepayment meters, somebody had broken into the premises without any contact from them beforehand, the mess they had left in the dining room, the fact that to anybody, a family was just moving into the property with a huge sign outside the front door saying LET agreed, cards on surfaces saying welcome to your new home and boxes of belongings in every room. We finished unloading the van we had borrowed and drove to a shop to ask them how we put money on the meter. This they did for the electricity but to do the gas meter we needed a card. We called SSE from the van outside as the shop assistant had suggested. The call took 53 minutes and the SSE employee gave us a number that the shop could then use to top up. We went back into the shop and gave the lady the number. She said that the number is not accurate as it had too many digits. We thanked her and tried in two other shops on the way back to the new property, they all said the same thing, the number has too many digits. It was a bitterly cold night and because of the amount of money that had already been used on the emergency £5 electric they had left us with, within a day it had used £2 with only the fridge and an extractor fan on, we decided that we would not risk staying the night, packed up the things that we would need for the child and drove back to our old home, in a blizzard, only to sleep on the floor. The next day we rang SSE from our old home as we still had telephone and internet. They asked me who I was and apparently this was when I became a customer of SSE. The call took 1 hour 7 min. The SSE employee went to a scripted call and told us about the tariff and the contract that we had signed onto, the employee was very apologetic, her manager had told her to do so. ur understanding was we had been forced into a contract with SSE. We arranged a call back. The call back took 31 minutes and we got cut off on a transfer. We called them and the call was 49 minutes, this last call was to arrange removal of the prepayment meters. In this time we had arranged that it would take SSE until the 15th January 2018 to remove the pre payment meters. We asked to be transferred to a complaint handler as we had a complaint. A manager picked up the phone, we asked for a complaint handler. The next day we had a missed call from the complaint handler because we were on the phone asking Utility Warehouse if these problems would affect the change over. It was a short message, left no details and he said he would call the next day. This is the last we heard from SSE for the year. My fiance was finding that the stress was now affecting her and we then had to rely on the frozen milk that she had been determined to donate to the East Lancashire hospitals. We tried to concentrate on the house move, wedding and baby and not SSE. On the 28th of December 2017 our gas transferred to Utility Warehouse and on the 2nd January 2018 our electric transferred to Utility Warehouse. They were very supportive and helpful. Following the wedding in Eire and the 12th night celebration in Edgeworth, I went back to work, my now wife was still on maternity. We were still moving bits and pieces and making sure the house we were leaving was empty, clean and tidy. I had printed the forms for the Financial Ombudsman as I had an inclining that SSE were not a very good company. On the 15th January 2018 an engineer knocked on the door, my wife was busy with the baby and when she got to the door the engineer had left a card. She rang SSE to rearrange a time, the call was 20 minutes. Unbelievably they said an an engineer can call back that afternoon, not a month later, it was not an SSE engineer but an employee from the National Grid. They told my that the SSE electric engineer would arrive the same morning. My wife felt positive. The gas engineer arrived in the afternoon, he was unable to change the meter as he had the incorrect information, he was there to replace a credit meter. My wife rang SSE again and was told that we were no longer customers of SSE and the electricity meter exchange had been cancelled and they would not be rearranging the gas exchange either, it was down to Utility Warehouse to sort things out. The call took over an hour. SSE said they would send a cheque for the £20 debt repayments that we had been making each week to the outstanding debt that did not belong to us, but they were now unable to stop our repayments because we were no longer customers of SSE. My wife asked about our complaint only to be told it had been cancelled on the 29th December, when she queried why she was told that we had arranged the meter replacement for this date. The day we were being married in Ireland. We finally got an email contact for a complaint handler and a reference number but my wife cannot speak to this company as she is not the customer. I am not and will never be a customer of SSE. We have felt violated by SSE and they do not seem to understand how despicable they are as a company. My wife tells me that the people on the end of the phone are not to blame for this situation but I see everyday how we have suffered because of this awful company. Only this morning I could not have a shower because we had no credit on the meter. SSE continue to send mail to this address for the customer who the debt belongs to, we have been receiving at least 3 letters each week, we keep returning to sender. If possible can somebody advise us as to how we can get SSE to acknowledge their shortcomings on customer service and stop their corporate abuse.
  7. Hi everyone, this is my first ever post here so please please be gentle So this is on behalf of my mother and the timeline is as follows: In March this year 2016 mother received a letter from EDF addressed to HOMEOWNER/OCCUPIER apologising for the gas supply being incorrectly transferred to them, and that they were working to transfer this back asap. Mother contacted EDF who assured her that this is an error and that it happens regularly. At this point my mother rang SSE (our current supplier) to ask what was going on. They assured us that there was nothing to worry about and that this was being dealt with. Later in March we had a following letter from EDF again addressed to OWNER/OCCUPIER again apologising for the mistake. The letter stated EDF were not charging us for gas used, the chosen supplier would. A further call was made to SSE who verbally said there would be NO PENALTY and that there would be no interruption to the gas supply. Mother asked for this to be confirmed in writing. End of March - Mother has a letter from SSE - the current energy supplier, apologising and confirming another supplier had erroneously taken over the gas supply of the house at the end of August 2015!!!! SSE wrote that EDF have acknowledged the mistake and returned the supply back to SSE. SSE also stated for the period of time (August 2015 to March 2016) EDF will not be charging us for the gas used. There was no written comment on the letter, regarding the verbal statement on the telephone previously stating there would be NO PENALTY. SSE also wrote that they will continue to bill us from the last meter reading they took as if the supply never left and requested an up to date meter reading. The letter also made us aware that there were no direct debits paid since August 2015 and therefore a meter reading should be provided to enable SSE to adjust the direct debit accordingly. 12th April, we telephoned SSE to speak to the agent who wrote the letter to us. The nature of our complaint was that the letter seemed to contradict the previous verbal conversation where we were told that there would be NO PENALTY. The agent said she would have to seek advice from her manager as we were raised a concern that the content of the letter seems to contradict the previous agents verbal statement (no penalty). An up to date meter reading was also given at this time. Words to the effect of "the account for the gas was cancelled in August 2015" were used and therefore we were refunded approximately £80.00 for cancellation. We were then passed to a complaints advisor/manager who worked out the difference in the meter readings and less the standing charges, the total outstanding was nearly £480.00!!!! I verbally raised objections on the basis that: This series of mistakes was not of our doing. We had notified SSE of the errors as soon as we could act, upon hearing from EDF. That the account for the GAS had been cancelled, therefore if there is no account, how can there be a bill? Mother was NEVER notified of any of this by SSE until we chased and highlighted the issue ourselves. A Direct Debit is the responsibility of the company, not the customer. The complaints advisor had us on a very lengthy hold, then came back to offer a £300 deduction from the outstanding amount they calculated leaving approximate £180 they wish my mother to pay. Today we have had a letter from the complaints manager regarding the erroneous transfer, again apologising for the upset and inconvenience. It details industry regulations regarding the Erroneous transfer processes and again asking for the approximate amount of £180 with payment method to be discussed. Can anyone offer any advice to my mother who is a pensioner, and myself regarding this horrible episode? We do not feel we are liable for any outstanding money on the gas supply as this was all done without our knowledge or consent and we made no applications to change supplier at all. Are we liable and do we owe any of the money detailed above? Is it worth raising a further complaint regarding this, and to whom? We really are not 100% sure where we stand, only that we are not in the wrong for this issue. Many thanks, S.B.
  8. Hi All, Thank you in advance for reading my story. Back in February we had the meter reading guy taking the reading. For some reason he spent more than 10 min in the storage under the stairs. He left and after 2h we got a revenue protection investigator knocking on our door. He said a report has been received for meter tampering. After checking the meter he confirmed that a plastic protective cover is missing and this allows for the meter to be fiddled with. This was the first time that we were made aware of the issue and the investigator said it was not unusual with these type of old gas meters for the cover to get loose. The gas meter was changed in a few hours and a few weeks later we received a demand to pay £1400 for change of gas meter and gas used but not recorded by the meter. We had a couple of gas leaks when National Grid replaced the main gas pipes a year ago. We had many engineers coming and going trying to resolve the issue. We have no idea when this protective cover has disappeared and what has happened. We are being wrongly accused of tampering and the payment demands keep coming. I am speaking to a manager from SSE to try and resolve the issue but not sure where this will lead to. I have reading and bills from last 2 years and our gas consumption seems normal and in line with national average. Can anyone advise what further action we can take as last letter is a Statutory Demand and threatening with bailiffs and Rights of Entry Warrant, as this is really distressing especially when we have not done anything wrong. Thank you. Nick
  9. Hi there, I'm hoping you can clear this up for me as I can't get clarity anywhere. I'm currently going through my credit files and I'm awaiting my Equifax one to come back. I was considering that SSE may show payments on my file and then I thought a little more about when I pay my bills. I'm billed quarterly, usually around the 30th or 31st of the month. When the estimate is way out and I input my actual it corrects the bill date to the 4th or the 5th. I pay the bill on the 28th or 29th of the following month. My payday. I had it in my mind that within the following month was ok and wouldn't flag as a problem. When I receive the reminder letter it is usually already paid or being paid that day. Can anyone advise if this is outside the payment policy? It's not been my intention. And will this have negatively affected my already poor credit score? Thanks Katie.
  10. Im currently with SSE, been with them a long time now. Im on standard meter, NOT prepayment. Ive just gone to enter my meter readings for my next bill, and ive noticed the elelectric meter has stopped. The figures have not moved since I entered them in last time, my last bill issued 18th June for period of 20th Feb - 20th May 2015 ( don't know why it was issued so long after ) So I got in touch with SSE via twitter. They responded really quickly. The guy who dealt with my query, explained to me that meters that stop, happen all the time and booked me in for a new meter 22nd September.. .He then went on to explain that what happens is, I get a new meter, they close the old account and start a fresh with the new one.. ....and because I immediately contacted them when I realised there was an issue with the meter, there wont be any charges backdated. To me, this doesn't sound right. I still have a supply coming through, and im happy to pay for what ive used. ...so it means that from 20th May - 22nd September I will be getting free electric.... id at least thought id need to pay for 20th May until reporting the fault today (11th august) but hes adamant theres not gonna be any charges. I don't understand it all. I need help
  11. Hi folks can anyone give advice please, I have cover with this company and my boiler is due a service, first time it was arranged for a Saturday morning between 08.00 and 12.00 they called at 11.0 to say they could not attend as they had a a very high volume of emergency call out's and they take priority over service jobs, ok fair enough. Then they kept phoning to remind me my service was overdue??, it was arranged again for today and they would be here between 08.00 and 12.00 and guess what, they called to say they had a very high volume of, blah blah blah. So reading through their T&C, as i now want to cancel, as they don't seem to have enough engineers to cover the customers they have on there books, but it say's if I cancel then I could be liable for the cost of 12 month cover just renewed in November, but if they cant provide me with the cover they promise to give then surely they are in breach of contract, and they should compensate me for having to take time off work etc. Any advice welcome thanks.
  12. Received notification through the post today from my electricity supplier SSE informing me that I had been selected to be one of the first to have my meter replaced by a smart meter. This was despite me having informed them 18 months ago that under no circumstances would I entertain having one fitted. The publicity makes a lot of all the benefits to customers and suppliers, and used phrases such as the Government has said that ALL homes will be fitted with meters where possible by 2020. What was more concerning was that when I contacted the call centre listed to reaffirm my intention to opt out of the scheme, (which they did have a record of), the call centre operator still reiterated that I would have to have one by 2020. I have logged a complaint with SSE concerning the false information being provided and the lack of any mention that acceptance of these devices is not mandatory. I'm all for anyone who wants one taking advantage of the offer should they believe that in their circumstances that to have one would be beneficial, but DON'T lie to customers if they wish to reserve the right to decline.
  13. Hello, few background info: I have a joint tenancy with another person. Contract with SSE is only in his name. He is being threatened with disconnection due to high bills. After the latest bill in Feb this year he owes Southern Electric £1.5k. He tried several times to arrange repayment plan but everytime he did SSE wanted more than he could afford so it's well behind now. All repayment plans failed as SSE wouldn't negotiate and acknowledge he could only pay what he could only pay... We just got a letter today saying that we will get disconnected shortly. Also stating that alternative is to install pay as you go meter, and it would cost a lot of money! Last thing we need is to add up to the bill! I am on ESA and housing benefits and cannot really spunk out a lot of money as I haven't worked for more than a year. This entire situation just adds up to my depression and anxieties.... They said if he tries to switch providers they will block it! They're within their rights to do so. My questions are: 1) How to negotiate with SSE and arrange repayment plan? At this point they're asking for £250/month. Too much! 2) Is there any 'safe period' by law that they cannot perform disconnection of electricity services? 3) Only he (the other tenant) has a contract with SSE. They will block him if he tries to change providers. How does the situation look for me? Can I change providers or get a contract with new provider?
  14. Thousands of SSE customers across the UK could be in line for a refund, after the energy supplier admitted there is a fault with some of its meters. As many as 16,000 customers on its Economy 10 (E10) tariff may have been overcharged for their electricity consumption for years. SSE has now vowed to get in touch with all customers who may have been affected to check their meters. If you have the fault, SSE will repair or replace the meter and recalculate your charges to make sure you are not out of pocket. The E10 tariff provides households with ten hours of off-peak electricity, split into three blocks over 24 hours. During these off-peak times, households are charged a lower rate for their heating and hot water. But a batch of meters have a manufacturing fault, which means if there is a power cut the meter clock moves back by an hour when the power comes back on again. This would only happen when the clock is programmed to switch between GMT and BST and the power cut happens in winter time. For customers who are affected, the fault could mean that if they time their electricity consumption to benefit from off-peak rates, they may have paid more than they ought. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-2606778/16-000-SSE-customers-line-refund-energy-supplier-admits-meters-faulty.html#ixzz2z9ooXcos
  15. I hope I have stuck this thread in the right place, I have had a little search for other threads and not sure if I am doing this in the right place so apologies if not! Basically, I once shared a house with two friends one of which was responsible for paying for the gas and electric through SSE. When my friends moved out I changed to British Gas (a mistake it's self - story for another day) and got changed over within about a day of them leaving. I told my ex-housemate to tell me how much my share was of the account with SSE and I would pay him. I never heard anything after that for a long time. However, a company called CRS are calling me and chasing me for a debt to SSE (at silly o'clock in the morning) and sending me texts saying I have not replied to their requests and that they are going to visit the property. I am still in contact with who lives in that house now, and they have not received any post for me. They only have my old address and an abbreviation of my first name which my housemate used to refer to me by, so it looks like he has given them my name and phone number, I never agreed to any liability with SSE and they shouldn't have passed on my details. I am going to write letters to both companies, I am going to look in the templates section. I have two questions really, is there anything else that I might need to consider here? ALSO - can I provide them an e-mail address to respond to instead of my postal address? I don't really want them to come round!
  16. hi, ive been in my home now for few months When I first moved in I did whats were ment to. called up Scottish power (my choice) to get the gas and elec sorted out in my name. Not that easy, got the gas sorted out no probs and they are my supplier. However they then state that SSE (Scottish hydro) are the ones that have the electric and wont swap over due to past debt. but ive never been with them. so I then get 2 letters both from sse. But one is addressed to a Mrs A S????. And the other is for The council. confused to say the least. especially as both bilss are the same time period but complete different amounts. call them up to inform them of this issue. and that I have moved in and want sp to take my elec. says I need to join them 1st then do a switch. ok then here is my readings for the elec. and also my details (name etc) Couple of weeks pass and in pops a new bill from sse. but not in my name nor the past 2. but a new 1 altogether. called again but have had no joy still the same. then they (sse) show up at my home unexpectedly. but im not home as I happen to work. the guy pops a letter thru the door to say they had been out. but as I wasn't in im being billed £47.50 + vat. still they use the wrong name. What can I do to resolve this and can they just show up unplanned and bill me? cheers
  17. I have used SSE for gas and electricity since june 2011. I live in a small bungalow so in the cold weather it doesn't usually cost that much to heat. Very careful with the heating useage. Gas combi boiler fitted by council, very efficient. And only use for 2/3 hours per day in the evening, only during the cold weather. I don't use it to heat water, only use gas for central heating, everything else electric. Since june 2011 I've paid 7 power bills and the average cost works out at £46.53 per quarter. (I said I was careful !) This time last year the bill was £89, this year it's £169, nearly double the cost. So I phoned SSE twice and both times the call centre drone tried to fob me off with crap reasons why the bill's double. -SSE put the costs up by 9% in Nov 2012. -One of my old bills was estimated and this time around it was from actual readings. -There's been an extended cold spell this year. I'm a low user of gas , water, electricity. I have to be. In fact, in the past I've supplied the readings over the internet as well as a meter reader popping over now and then, so the readings have always been accurate. Are ofgem the ones to call ? Because any way they cut it SSE are taking the p***
  18. Hello everyone! We are four students living in a house in Newcastle. SSE is our gas provider and the have send us an estimate for our gas bill which is 129.89 GBP for September 2012 till November 2012. According to our meter reading we have used substentially more. Instead of the estimated 238 units we have actually (according to the meter reading) used 511 units in the period. As we have not heated a lot in that period and became suspicious, we have been writing our meter readings down, finding that we use at least 70 units per week (according to the meter reading) if we heat our place 6 hours per day. This would be about 173 GBP for gas per month, without the standing charge. Calculating the next gas bill which is awaiting us, we will have to pay 518.75 GBP in total (from the 16th of November until now). Comparing this on compare the market we think that this amount is totally unrealistic, especially as we do not heat the house more that 5 hours a day, as we are afraid of additional costs (it is SO freezing!). We told SSE the problem and they admitted that it seems a lot of gas use, but they insist that it must be correctly. They suggested us to make an OFMAT test which would cost us 80 GBP. It would be great to hear which experiences you made and if you could give us an advice on what to do, as we have really tried all we could think of to find a solution (the technican said the boiler-use is okay, but maybe this was a subjective statement?). Thank you very much! Leelalee
  19. Hi all My Parents a few years ago took out a contract with SSE to service and maintain their gas products ie fire, boiler, hob etc in their home. They made monthly payments to this company and never had a problem. Then in September ish time in 2011 they contacted Dad about doing their yearly service. Mum was seriously ill in hospital at the time (in fact she passed away in November 2011 having never come home again), so Dad explained to them on the phone that it was currently a difficult time to arrange a time for them to come in as he was spending all his time at Mum's beside and could they call back again in a few weeks to arrange a time/see how things stood. They never called back. Then in 2012 they carried on taking £19.60 a month out of Dad's bank account, but never contacted him about arranging to come in and service any equipment. So in October he cancelled the DD. The company had always contacted them in the past to arrange a time/appointment and up until Mum was ill Dad had always had them come in and do the work. They've now started to send Dad the normal threatening pay us or we're sending people round, you'll end up with bad credit rating letters. I don't really see why Dad should pay them for a service he wasn't receiving. OK he said no when they tried to make the 1st appointment but did ask if they could call back in a few weeks. There is an answerphone etc but they never attempted to reach him nor in 2012. Does he have a case for refusing to pay or should he just pay up? Like he said if he sends a letter explaining why he cancelled with a cheque they'll just take the money and bin the letter. So I'm asking the experts if there's anything he can send them about why he shouldn't pay before he pays up? He's happy to pay if he has to but has said that if he can get the £20 wiped, he'd give it to CLIC as Mum died from Leukaemia. thanks Mary
  20. sadly because of a debt the other year I had to have one of these hideous things fitted. Thing is it always and always has taken 28p every 2am despite sse telling me there is no standing charge and the meter telling me the same thing. If I ring sse (did try again today but was told they were only dealing with emergencies fair enough because of the weather I suppose) they tell me its adjusting for the different rates i.e it charges at the lower rate (the rate after xxx k/wh been used) then adjusts itself to the higher rate overnight. Clearly this is rubbish because it takes the same amount regardless of the gas used indeed if any gas is used at all. On the two occasions I have pressed sse about this both times I have been told we'll credit you with £10 when you next top up which never happens - it seems their staff are told to say this to get you off the phone. In addition sometimes when you do top up it takes a small amount for debt when this was long since paid off and shows has zero on the meter, you get more rubbish from sse about debt from aback that you cant see eh??? claptrap. I am sure this is ripping me off big style and been on jsa at the moment cant afford it what can I do about it please?
  21. The energy company who will pay YOU £20 when they don't call back Scottish & Southern Energy customers can now demand a £20 refund every time the firm fails to call back when it says it will. In a bid to improve its customer service, the energy giant has said each time it doesn’t meet its five principles it will deduct the money from your bill. The five principles are: calling you back when promised; never transferring you more than once unless you agree; giving you the opportunity to speak to a manager if you ask; offering support if you need help with your bills; and helping to save you money. There is no cap on the amount of refunds you can get, but you must claim within ten days of the alleged service failure. The money will be credited to your account balance, so you will see the discount when you next pay your bill — be it monthly or quarterly. Pre-payment customers will see the money added to their card the next time they top-up. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-2274248/Scottish--Southern-Energy-pay-customers-20-dont-back.html#ixzz2K81cItY4
  22. Hi all, hope you are all well. I'm a little peaved with Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) and wonder if anyone has had similar experiences with them. Moved into a house (rented) - Previous tenant used SSE so I kept with them. Lost my job and was struggling to pay SSE for gas and electric. Contacted customer services and told them I had was having problems paying the bill and gave them a date when I would pay. Came home one evening to find an A4 letter from a 'Scottish and Southern Energy Warrent Officer' which had been posted by hand. Letter said (large bold font 'DEBT COLLECTION VISIT') - no envelope. Letter said 'Please note you have been charged £30 for this visit (on each utility supplied)'. Received bill from SSE which included a fee of £35 + VAT per utility (2* in my case). Contacted SSE and explained that I thought it was a huge amount of money and that the letter had said £30 per utility and that they had charged me £35 + VAT per utility. After numerous phonecalls to SSE, they gave me a £5 refund but this was all done by telephone and I didn't receive a letter etc. Started to complain to SSE that their calculation was wrong - they had charged me £35 + VAT per utility (IE *2) so they should refund 2 * £5 + 2 * VAT on £5. Customer services at SSE (after alot of calls) realised this was an error and said one of their referral teams would contact me. They didn't.... I paid the outstanding balance excluding the £60 (2 * £30) and sent an email to head of customer services as detailed in their website. I didn't get an email response. Approx a week later got a call from SSE about the ouitstanding balance - explained that I had sent an email to them and they said they would chase the email up. Same day as the phonecall, I received a response to my email saying they appologise for the different amounts but that had been settled by the credit of £5. Sent email back to ian (dot) spooner at sse (dot) com saying they hadn't taken the VAT into account but didn't receive a reply. Came home on Thursday (17th Feb) and found another A4 piece of paper (no envelope) on my floor - 'DEBT COLLECTION VISIT' - Please note you have been charged £33.00 plus VAT for this visit (on each utility supplied). Anyone had any similar issues with SSE - anyone as annoyed as me?
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