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  1. Hi everyone Hopefully I am in the right place but couldn't find a section to suit this .... I am really annoyed. My Hive heating set up is broken. After 3 or 4 calls to Hive including 2 resets of the system etc etc (an hour on the phone each time), they have conluded over the phone that my hardware is broken. Now for a start, no engineer has seen it to confirm something is broken - I don't think it is, I think it is on the blink due to an update they did of the system over Christmas. There is no signal between all three components at the same time. Initially the Hub was offline and would not go online and the thermostat lost signal with the receiver. I called Hive and after about 50 mins on the phone and much fiddling, she concluded that my Hub was broken and quoted me £40 for a new one. Fair nuff I thought but was reluctant to buy anew one so I didn't. 2 days later it all went wrong again and the thermostat/room controller would not connect to the receiver so no heating or hot water at all. On the phone to Hive they guided me through another reset of the system and she concluded that the Thermostat/controller was not working - odd eh? Oh and no I can't buy a new thermostat as they are factory paired so the whole kit for £250 plus installation (hard wiring) = £400. Great, not. After yet more fiddling (by now I know how to do almost as much as the call centre staff) and hey presto the thermostat now talks to the receiver but not the Hub. This means that I have only the temperature and ON/OFF functions but no schedule or timer. It is now costing me a fortune as it is all on either 24/7 or nothing. My question/issue is this: How long are they meant to last? I would say that 4.5 years for a cost of £250 is not long enough considering this came with my new boiler installation (from British Gas) and thats guaranteed for 10 yrs minimum. Should I or anyone be expecting to buy new controller for the heating every 5 years at £400? I see their guarantee is for 1 year only. They obviously don't really know why my system has failed and are grasping at straws, should they be telling consumers to shell out again for a new system when the fault is not actually properly diagnosed? How could I prove it has been caused by their update recently where many people I see online have complained about their system going down and losing signal afterwards. Of course Hive deny it's anything to do with them. I think all this needs exploring. If they are selling this product, people need to know that it will all be useless in 5 years and that maybe the system is designed to fail after a period of time. You cannot repair or replace parts of it, you can only get a whole new set up. Also I want to say that for the elderly, young children, ill people, I would definately not trust this system to deliver consistent heating/ hot water reliably, I have woken up with no heating or hot water in the freezing cold because it has dropped signal in the night, even before these recent problems. What are my rights here? These systems are starting to fail (the early ones) and for £400 initial cost, I never expected that after the 1 year warranty was up, I'd be on my own with non-working junk and a cold or boiling hot house 24/7 expecting to shell out again. I feel like I've been had. Help!
  2. Hi We had a new central heating system, hot water cylinder and radiators fitted. Total cost was £14.5k We paid £2k before installation and £10k via a government loan, and have been paying the rest in instalments. Theres around £1k left. Part of the package was a check up inspection after installation. We had issues quickly. The heating worked fine and it gives hot water, but intermittently the hot water stops. We often cant run a bath. After about 2inches of water in the bath the water just stops, won't then come out of any of the taps in the house for 30 to 60 minutes. They didn't come to do the post installation check as promised and I emailed repeatedly about coming out. They didnt until 11 months after installation. They ran the bath and this time it filled, they said its probably a washer, and have refused to come back. I have chased them over and over to sort it out but they wont come out. They have chased me aggressively and threateningly for full payment. They now say how can I expect them to service it until I pay in full, and that by missing last payment I have broken my promise to pay. I'm not confident I'll ever see them again if I pay, and we'll be left never being able to run a bath. It's been a problem from the start and I have all my emails complaining to them. I have photos and videos of the tap stopping. It's a sort of stalemate and I'm not sure what to do next. I'd be grateful for any advice. Thx
  3. Hello yes I am a new be 4 weeks ago we turned our heating on and it seemed we had a problem with the pump. My Partner asked a friend if he could recommend a plumber. ...He was given a phone number he phoned said he had been recommended and could they come to give us an estimate for work that might need to be done. The Plumber came 2 days latter I said hello at the door let him in showed him the tank/ boiler ( boiler is approx. 4 years old) He immediately said our heating was installed all wrong and when he went out side to see the flue he said it needed to be cemented better for our safety and all thou not asked made up about 50ml of cement and filled around the flue. I did not like his manner much and was pleased when he left I gave him my email address so he could send his quote as he left I told him I was getting another quote so I would chose who did the job. At no time did he tell me he charges £70 for his estimate. 3 days later I receive email telling me he will charge me £1079.25 ...... ...cleaning the system /new thermostats etc... ..I emailed him back telling him we would not be using him but I would pay him for the cementing he did (2 minute job) the next day he emailed me an invoice for £70 for estimate. also £1.00 for cementing. My Partner replied to him telling him that at no time had he informed us of the cost of estimate and If he had we would not of asked him to come to our house. so there for we will not pay invoice. 1 over due invoice was then sent again my partner replied The plumbers reply was full of how our heating was not safe and he could get the gas cut off in the road to our house if we did not pay !!!!!!! Today I get CCJ claim against me. Sorry so long can any body give me some advice Please. Oh and the new pump for my heating cost me £210.00 is now working well.
  4. Hello all, Wednesday 14th September 2016 On Wednesday 14th September 2016, I arranged for http://www.powerflush365.co.uk to carry out a power flush of my central heating system, (no heating just hot water), the work duly carried out, on completion of work, time to pay him for the service I requested an invoice for proof of work carried out. He said that he was going to email me the invoice and some sort of certificate for insurance purposes, I then gave him my email address, he wrote it his diary so I handed over the agreed sum and he left. After he left, I realised that I had given him the wrong email address, so I sent a text with the alternate email address and also sent an email message to info@powerflush365 explaining with the alternate email address. He has left me with my system is not working (no heating or hot water) as he explained to me that I had to purchase a new plate to plate heat exchanger as the power flush did not clear the metal particles inside it, he also promised to return and fit the new heat exchanger at a reasonable price, all I had to do is inform him when it arrives and arrange a day to fit it. Thursday 15th September 2016 So far I have no response from Powerflush, either from the text or email, I have not tried to phone him yes as he took my mobile number and keyed it into his mobile. 09:00 called Powerflush – went to voice-mail. My question is: Am I legally entitled to an invoice proof of work carried out and proof of payment?
  5. Hi there, Please help me to sort this out... really appreciated your time and opinion on it. I have come to know about this forum while i was looking for some tips for the appeal to tribunal. I was a tenant of a multiple dwelling home. I was introduced by a college mate to this house and the contract was under 3 names and we were students. The landlord come to introduce three other guys who is also living there and looking after the property, collecting rent on behalf of landlady. Every month we are paying rent and other bills which includes council tax, gas and water etc to them. I have come to know about the students get discounts on council tax and that'y why they separated contracts to only our names. We used to pay in cash and sometimes transferred to bank accounts as well. As far as landlord is happy, we didn't find any difficulty after words and didn't provide and recipe for the payments. In November, the other two guys finished studies along with me and they left the house. Subsequently i was informed the same to landlord as well as council to update on the same to the system. In may, 2012 before i go on a holiday, i informed guys about a new agreement as the old one was expired in March 2012 and i want just one for all other tenants as i finished my studies. However, the landlord phoned up and promised me they will make it ready once i come back and will update to council also. In the end of 2012, i started seeing unpaid council letters coming from ealing council under my name on it. I discussed the situation with both landlord and guys but they didn't provide an adequate information and also while was a search for job, i didn't pay more attention on that. As time went by, i saw another letter also at home under my name on it. So, i decided to call council to know the situation. They have informed about they holding the same old agreement and no new contract hasn't sent to them. In April 2013, i was following landlord for the agreement copy but didn't respond instead of merely saying she has already sent to council and they might have failed to update it on the system .Again i called up council and informed the situation of other people living there apart from me and landlord wasn't ready to make any changes on the contract. So, i informed the same to council and requested to come and view the dwelling to verify the living of other people .At last they found other guys living there and said to me this is multiple dwelling home and they will inform the landlord of this and she should be the liable person over due council tax. Even though i made couple of payments when i saw it become due and didn't have any intention for the guys to do so. In July 2013, council send a confirmation letter to me that informing my account is now closed and all liabilities put to landlords account. So, i left the house with any more conversation with both guys or landlord. But, in 2015 dec, again they sent a letter that i still owe them £1328.00 towards council tax and when i contacted them that said the landlord sent a letter of possession from county court which i never new. I phoned them again and explained the problem with landlord over tenancy agreement and unknown situation of the county court judgement. But, again they sent me a letter of final decision and i have to pay that amount though i contributed towards my share. So, i have to appeal against this decision and deceitful actions of landlord. Please advise me , what to do next as the time is rushing on..got 1 more week to appeal. with regards das
  6. I would welcome some suggestions from Forum Members please as to what I should with regards to a landlord who is taking her time in restoring central heating in the house which I am renting. I have been without heating now for a week. Prior to this, the boiler had broken down a number of times and the landlord was told by two of the engineers that the boiler was obsolete and needed replacing. I have been in touch with the LL and made the point that the situation is becoming untenable, but all I got back was that she is dealing with the matter. I would be grateful for some suggestions about what options are available to me so that I can use some leverage to get the LL to act and act urgently? I hope members can help. Many thanks in advance. Mack
  7. Hi folks can anyone give advice please, I have cover with this company and my boiler is due a service, first time it was arranged for a Saturday morning between 08.00 and 12.00 they called at 11.0 to say they could not attend as they had a a very high volume of emergency call out's and they take priority over service jobs, ok fair enough. Then they kept phoning to remind me my service was overdue??, it was arranged again for today and they would be here between 08.00 and 12.00 and guess what, they called to say they had a very high volume of, blah blah blah. So reading through their T&C, as i now want to cancel, as they don't seem to have enough engineers to cover the customers they have on there books, but it say's if I cancel then I could be liable for the cost of 12 month cover just renewed in November, but if they cant provide me with the cover they promise to give then surely they are in breach of contract, and they should compensate me for having to take time off work etc. Any advice welcome thanks.
  8. Hello everyone, I have a question regarding provision of heating in Scotland. I am renting a private accommodation and, as per usual, agent seems not to care, even though has been informed (emailed twice, now I am intending to send them a formal letter) the heating does not work properly. I have no boiler and only electric heating in the whole flat. Problems: 1) the radiator in the living room does not operate, tried all the switches that there are and it will not budge. (There is a small, fixed electric fireplace in the living room but it is only on/off and does not provide enough heat anyway when constantly on). 2) the radiator in a bedroom (smallish for the size of the room), whilst constantly on full power, never provides enough heat - as I am writing, being there, I feel cold, my fingers feel stiff and cannot bend them without minor pain. There is also draft due to improperly insulated windows in the bedroom and the the living room. 3) A heavy, vertical radiator in a bathroom is not properly fixed and is prone to falling of the wall which is a health hazard (apparently, the agent have been made aware about this by previous tenants as well and made no repairs). 4) There is no heating system whatsoever in the kitchen - is the kitchen excluded from provision of heating? My understanding is that the flat does not comply with tolerate and repairing standards and the issues I have mentioned above should have been addressed by the agent. I want to write a properly formatted, detailed letter to the agent but I canno find within the Shelter Scotland website (and others) or Scottish Housing Act precise information about the tolerable and repairing standards in respect of heating, that is: what are the exact minimum celcius temperatures in bedrooms and living rooms that the fixed appliances should provide at all times? I would be thankful if anyone could point me towards relevant legislation and/or guidelines as well as what the next step I need to take, should the agent disregard my formal letter of complaint. Thanks, K.
  9. Shocking service. Been told my wife who is 8 months pregnant with her first child has to go without hot water or heating for 4 days until someone can come and have a look. Apparently we/she is not a priority, and duty manager too busy to speak to us. Stick with what you know folks !
  10. The boiler broke down yet again yesterday and the letting agency just keeps saying we have to wait for the LL to OK the repairs and the LL has to provide any portable heaters I may need, this house has no other means of heating than the central heating, only hot water is now from the kettle, I am classed as disabled and this cold house is making me feel unwell to say the least. what I want to know is there anything I can do or say to the letting agency to get some sort of heating device to keep at least one room warm? And am I entitled to any compensation for the lack of heating/hot-water, also how long is reasonable for me to have to wait for repairs please?
  11. Hi, I live in a private let house from an agency with my daughter and partner i am also registered as disabled. My boiler broke down last night which means i have no heating or hot water. I phoned the 24 hr emergency line and informed them of the problem last night at 8pm i was told an engineer would be out first thing in the morning lo and behold he turned up at 14:15 couldnt fix the boiler untill at least monday due to no part. I then phoned up the agency and informed them they told me they would supply fan heaters to arrive today still no fan heaters so where do i stand and what rights do i have??
  12. I'm a builder and do a fair bit of plumbing. The below "tip" will not work if you have a combi boiler, only if you have a normal or pressurised cylinder. If you normaly turn on your hot tap and wait ages for HOT water, try this because it works. Turn the hot tap on full blast, then shut it off... wait 10/20 seconds and turn on again... Hot water. This saves water and gas / electric because the small amount of cold water in the pipe has been hydraulically shunted back to the cylinder and replaced by hot. Where as you would be running the hot tap waiting forever and introducing gallons of cold water into the cylinder costing money to reheat. Try it.
  13. I am one of 4 adults living in a house provided by Birmingham City Council. I hope you can help Almost 3 weeks ago our combi-boiler broke leaving us without central heating or hot water. The council attended promptly after reporting it (but beyond their 24 hour promised call out) and said that a total replacement would be advised. The boiler has been fixed on average 3 times a year ever since it was fitted and is in a terrible state. After many phone calls, failed promised visits, we are still without heating. They claimed they have to fit scaffolding before a replacement could be executed, but they have not turned up on the two promised days to fit it. As far as we know, no scaffolding means no boiler. The council have said that the job will be done by 3rd Feb which means we will be over a month without heating and hot water. They gave us two tiny fan heaters to heat a 3 bedroom home. Our house is on a meter and one room consumed £7 of electric in a 14 hour period. Heating water via kettles and pans to wash in a bowl with a jug is costing us dearly and my mother is becoming ill and depressed thanks to arguing with the council in a bid for cooperation. We are becoming quite desperate. We are a working household and the council promise to call before turning up without notice, they fail to call leaving us to come home to 'We missed you notes'. They threaten to charge a £40 call out fee should we not be there when they visit without notice. If we take days off work, they don't turn up. They have ZERO comprehension of how much this is costing us. We have no date for repair and are becoming quite distressed. One occupant in the house has a heart complaint, the other diabetes. We have contacted the higher management of Morrissons (the company who do the councils boiler repairs), the council, and our local MP, we are getting nowhere. How do we sort this. Can we be compensated for the electricity? Should we have to pay full rent for no hot water or heating for a month? Thankyou NB: The council told us that a partial repair had been noted at our home on the boiler. This is lie. When confronted the council worker said that he actually didn't do a partial but posted a 'Missed' note through our door - he did not. We feel our home is being used to process claims for repairs that are not happening. Another visit at 9.30 in the morning was logged as an 'out of hours visit' according to the council. We are not receiving the service that they think we are.
  14. Well, to say I am absolutely livid would be an understatement! i've had CHC with e.on for a number of months. The initial inspection was fine apparently, and also last week someone came to fix a fault, said it was fixed and gave the boiler a pass. Lo and behold with in a few hours it broke again, no heat or hot water. Another plumber or whatever you want to call the shower of sharks came out today to repair the boiler. He took the cover off and with one look said he couldn't do the repair as it was a pre-existing fault that had been superglued. if this is the case, why was it not picked up on the previous two visits! We wouldn't know how to get the cover off for a start so it's nothing we've done. if the fault was that obvious how the hell did it pass on two visits! once could possibly be forgivable, but 2!? I've asked them to cancel the policy and refund my payments or repair the boiler, will see what they come back with. Anyone else had a similar problem and any ideas of what recourse I have - apparently they're not covered by the ombudsman??
  15. I have lived in my property for just over 4 months. i have a baby who is 7 month old. the problem is i have no central heating, no radiators, etc. I only have a boiler for hot water. my lil girl is constantly ill with her chest from it being so cold. i have mithered my landlord asking him when will it be done. He always has an excuse. i pay 450£ PCM for my 2 bed house. I dont even have double glazing. its still not even finished. i have a hole in my kitchen roof, no splash tiles on in the kitchen and only a shower n toliet n sink in my bathroom. he said he was going to provide me with a fire that he was to place on the wall. this still hasnt been done, that was 4 weeks ago. Iv told him that if its not done i will be moving within the month. iv reported im to health and saftey and they are getting onto the case. im just annoyed at how he just wants the money and doesnt care for our welfare. what is my next move to ensure something will be done.
  16. basically as the title says folks. i am with a local housing association called home housing.. currently residing in durham. this has went on for 11 days what can i do?! thanks in advance rikki
  17. Previously we had storage heaters, but we had issues keeping the lounge and another front room warm and the lounge was always cold. We complained on numerous occasions that we seem to be losing heat in the lounge and the small front room. In March 2012 they replaced the storage heaters with air source heating and now our electric bill has jumped up from about £82 in winter months to £135! The figures are based on true readings. The lounge and small room still lose heat and the air source heating machine keeps switching on to maintain the temperature hence the high electric bills. The walls have been done and there is insulation in the loft plus double glazing. In the lounge and the small room we have front facing windows and below them is PVC panelling. We feel that we may be losing a lot of heat through the PVC panelling. We have also noticed that when there is a heavy frost or snow, our neighbours in the adjoining bungalows have frost or snow on their roofs, but not us which seems to indicate that we are also losing heat through the roof. If you turn down the heating within less than 2 hours it has dropped from 22C to under 18C. We have complained to the Housing Association but have not made any progress. I suffer from Rheumatoid arthritis and a cold home does not help. If the HA do eventually resolve the issue will we be able to claim the extra that we have had to pay in electric as we have been complaining for nearly 3 years?
  18. Hi, I am private tenant living in rented flat. I had my short term lease starting Dec 2011. Since december there was no heat and hot water in the aprtment. I sent many reminder to landlord but he did seem bit intrested in fixing anything. After 2 months, in march 4th, I sent him communication regarding moving out due to these issue and his failure to address the same. He came in couple of days without any information in my absense. My family (Wife and children) were at home. Now, he emailed me that it was my fault that I didn't turned on few switches . Meanwhile, I had already given advance deposit to new place where I was plannig to shift. I went ahead with my move. He has claimed my full deposit as rent due to lease break and now filed a case for damages repair against me. What are my options here? Can I sue him for unavailability of essential utilities. Also, he topup deposit from advance rent cheque against written agreement. Written agrement stated for 1 month deposit but he topped up for 2 stating that flat was untidy.
  19. OFT boosts transparency on heating oil prices 26 July 2012 Following OFT action, GB Oils Limited, the largest supplier of heating oil in the country, has changed its domestic heating oil contracts ensuring quoted prices do not increase from the time an order is made until the customer is billed on delivery. When a consumer orders from a supplier, 'spot' prices are quoted that reflect the current market price of oil. The OFT has today secured legally binding undertakings from GB Oils to change its terms and conditions ensuring prices quoted at order remain fixed until delivery. http://www.oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2012/64-12
  20. If you have air source heating, what er your experiences using it regarding heating itself, cost of consumption, icing up etc. We had storage heating and this is our first winter with air source heating. Our electric bill has almost doubled in comparison to last year. We also find that the machine ices up on cold days and is not very effective when you really need it. On moderate days it is fine and works okay. We have had to resort to buying a gas heater and only use the central heating in off peak due to the high costs. Your views will be appreciated. Thanks.
  21. Hi We live in a 2 bed terraced house with single glazing and night storage heating. We pay £500 rent/month We had to turn off the night store heaters over 2 years ago due to being unable to afford to run them. However wqe have now had to resort to putting them on and have endured some very cold winters. Today, I know it is cold outside but my feet and hands are literally blocks of ice, the heat from the heaters is escaping through the single glazing and poor insulation around windows and doors.....surely we should not have to put up with this? Any help appreciated, cheers x
  22. I just wanted to share my recent story regarding eon central heating care. I have bin paying for my care for the last 5 years and before my recent issues have had no problems but then never needing it i wouldnt have would i? Anyway in the middle of december(during the very cold spell) our bollier packed up it was losing pressure and needed re pressurising at least once a week untill it stoped working all together i phoned eon and was given a day in 5 days time, bear in mind we have a child of under 1 in the house(hes one now b-day in jan). This was later improved to 3 days but still along time without heating and hot water and a baby in the house. The enginer came out and couldnt find any faults with the boiler even after me telling him about the pressure isues which to me sugested a leak some where, he said the bolier wasnt working due to a saftey switch that had come into play when the bolier had lost pressure. So he switched the switch and off he went. Fast forwred to thursday 17th jan and during the night all the power goes off (i know this as our baby moniters have an alert to tell us if the power cuts) after scraberling around for a while i manage to isolate it to the boiler, so i ring eon and get sunday 20th between 8am-1pm as there next slot so another 3 days without heating and hot water. So sunday comes and we recive a text to say our time has bin changed to 1pm-8pm. The enginer turns up at 2pm and finds a leak (who would of thought it ) that is causing the power to trip he drys it all out, fixes the leak and where up and running again happy days. Well move on to tuesday night/wednesday morning and im woking agin to find all the electricty off again this time the bolier was my first thought and yet again its tripping the electricty great. So i ring eon again and im given sunday 27th as there next available slot great another 5 days of being frezing and smelly. They said they would phone me back later that morning with a better slot, so 1pm comes with no call back so i give them a call they manage to improve my slot to friday but im still very un happy about this and feel very let down by eon so this is my experiance with eon boiler care just wanted to share so other people no what they will be dealing with when using eon thanks
  23. My parents live in a housing association house (over 25 years same house, London). They are an elderly couple, both pensioners, father is 80+ years old. Recently their boiler failed and it's been taking an incredibly long time to get it repaired. It failed right at the end of November, reported on the evening of November 29th, and to date it has not yet been repaired. One of the engineers i talked to (housing association is contracted with a large independent boiler/heating company who handle repairs) told me straight out the reason, he said due to the age of the boiler and the fact that it's an obsolete model, ideally a new boiler would be installed, however, the company's head office will allocate a maximum amount of money to each repair and because the engineer spent a long time trying to repair the problem and got head office to acquire a new part already (valve), they won't replace the boiler and instead they'll wait for a different part (flue) which will take weeks to get hold of. Of course, they didn't say weeks, but the flue fault was diagnosed on the 7th of December and still they're struggling to find the part even though the problem itself was reported on the 29th of November. (The engineer originally thought it was a valve fault only, having installed the valve on the 7th, he found the flue fault after). Also, initially they wouldn't give an exact date of when the flue will be in stock, just kept it vague "showing in stock", "maybe tomorrow", "supplier will get back to us" etc. Finally a lady answered the phone who was from a different department and helping out with the phones during a busy period and she called the specific departments/planners and found the date which was the 19th of December...but not guaranteed, expecting another call (although previously when they stated they'll call back with a more accurate date of when the part will be in stock, they never called back). An Important Note: The reason why the fault came about in the first place is because when the boiler was installed about 8 years ago by the same company (different engineer), it was installed BADLY (not my opinion but the new engineer said so). The flue was cut too short hence it eventually collapsed and the engineer told me this is very dangerous (and it resulted in other parts failing internally as a domino effect, valve, ignition, etc). I'm guessing it's possible that it was releasing dangerous fumes indoors, possibly for many years. Since the flue collapse though it kept overheating and cutting out so it didn't have a chance to poison anyone to death. But, the problem itself came about because the company's original engineer did a poor and very dangerous botch job with the installation. He even shoved the boiler in to accommodate the pipes, so much so the pipes got pushed (right side) out an inch off their fixings on the other side of the wall (downstairs toilet). Surely it can't be right for anybody to be made to wait this long for a repair? Especially two pensioners in this weather, some nights the outside temperature has fallen to minus. They left fan heaters, but they're no substitute to central heating especially considering the house is poorly insulated with normal glass windows as opposed to double glazing, no cavity wall insulation and loft has a thin piece of wool that was there since the 1980s, add to that they're paranoid about leaving these fan heaters on overnight as they're worried something will catch on fire or the room will overheat while they're asleep. Also, the immersion heater that has been used in the past as a backup in case the boiler stopped working died at the same time (or maybe before and no one noticed) so there was no hot water either, but the immersion heater was finally repaired on the 12th of December, however, it takes about 4 hours to heat up as the cylinder is large, whereas the boiler only takes 30 minutes, so not ideal but better than nothing. The engineers/electrician that have come out to try and repair the problems have been fantastic, sympathetic and all around great. However, the head office's decision to try and find the part of an obsolete boiler just so they can make a profit on the job seems incredibly wrong considering they knew how long it would take and how difficult it would be; they don't seem to be in a hurry. They're saying the part will be in stock on the 19th of December and an engineer will show up close to that (following day if lucky) to repair it, however, based on how many delays there have been and how they've already struggled to find the part in question AND put into that the fact that a lot of engineers will be off for Christmas, i'm not holding out hope. And i wouldn't be surprised if after the flue is repaired some other fault is found which will take several more days for the parts to arrive and that will definitely mean no boiler before Christmas (unless they have loads of engineers working through Christmas?). What if anything can be done? The problem was reported on the 29th November and the boiler is still dead and two pensioners have no central heating during an incredibly cold period. The electricity bill will no doubt be massive but the suffering, stress and the long LONG wait is what's really wrong (and the original dangerous botch job), all so that the contractor can make sure they make a profit on the call out and not a loss. Apologies for the long post. Cliffnotes: 29th November: Boiler died. Reported by phone. Two pensioners living at premises. 7th December: Boiler is obsolete hence difficult to find parts for. Head office decide to order part anyway (flue) even though engineer recommends a new boiler. Boiler failed due to initial botch job installation several years ago by same company but different engineer. Note: Current fault was caused by initial botch job boiler installation by same company whose original engineer cut the flue too short hence it collapsed. New engineer told me this is very dangerous. 19th December: Part will apparently be in stock on the 19th of December. Boiler is still very much dead.
  24. Can someone settle this for me? My flat gets very cold in winter. It's rented, so I'm not in a position to adapt or modify anything. It's also single-glazed, with a lot of windows. I maintain that it uses less gas to have my central heating on all the time, even when I'm out, but very, very low, so that the heat gradually builds up to a constant temperature, and thus means lower bills in the long run. My girlfriend, on the other hand, insists it's better to have the central heating off at times, especially when we're out, but then whack it up to full when we come back in to a freezing cold flat. She's convinced that this means we use less gas, and is thus cheaper, overall. Who's right? Is either method better than the other, or do they both probably use the same amount of gas?
  25. Will all customers of the above product please realise that if an Engineer does not turn up then you have no recourse what so ever to claim compensation.You are not covered by the Electricity or Gas Regulations as laid down in Law or the booklet keeping promises published by E.ON.If they fail to turn up even after they have texted you to say they are coming you can claim diddly squat.A recent small claims court case confirmed that and left me even more out of pocket.
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