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Found 8 results

  1. Hi everyone. Need some a little bit of help. Got a letter from westcot, saying my account with them had been fully paid, and was now closed. And to stop making more payments to them. Also it said the balance was: minus £303. Phoned them up as I thought there was more to pay on this, and the lovely lady, after putting me on hold for a while, explained that the originator of the debt had informed them it had been paid, then retract that message later. She would contact them, to get an explanation. But there was still £1400 owing. Where does this leave me? I have a letter saying the debt is cleared. Can they comeback and say "oops, mistake, keep paying" or is the letter legally enforceable? In the eyes of the law, is the debt now clear? Thanks doomsponge
  2. Fully digital divorce application launched to the public England and Wales READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/fully-digital-divorce-application-launched-to-the-public
  3. Hi We had a new central heating system, hot water cylinder and radiators fitted. Total cost was £14.5k We paid £2k before installation and £10k via a government loan, and have been paying the rest in instalments. Theres around £1k left. Part of the package was a check up inspection after installation. We had issues quickly. The heating worked fine and it gives hot water, but intermittently the hot water stops. We often cant run a bath. After about 2inches of water in the bath the water just stops, won't then come out of any of the taps in the house for 30 to 60 minutes. They didn't come to do the post installation check as promised and I emailed repeatedly about coming out. They didnt until 11 months after installation. They ran the bath and this time it filled, they said its probably a washer, and have refused to come back. I have chased them over and over to sort it out but they wont come out. They have chased me aggressively and threateningly for full payment. They now say how can I expect them to service it until I pay in full, and that by missing last payment I have broken my promise to pay. I'm not confident I'll ever see them again if I pay, and we'll be left never being able to run a bath. It's been a problem from the start and I have all my emails complaining to them. I have photos and videos of the tap stopping. It's a sort of stalemate and I'm not sure what to do next. I'd be grateful for any advice. Thx
  4. Hi All, I had started a CCA process with Idem servicing with the OL being Citi Financial. I took out the loan in 2007 and have had a minimum payment going out. All payments have been stopped whilst my CCA request is in process. Idem promptly replied within the set time of 12+2 days with many copies of the signed contract with Citi financial, i just want to make sure that what they have sent is enforceable, if so should i resume my payments and send a F&F offer to them. I have uploaded the documents that were sent to me.
  5. my partner and his friend had our 4 month husky bitch out on a walk in a public park area just down the road as always she was on lead it was pretty dark and out of nowhere 2 Bull Mastiffs (off lead) attacked her cause sever injuries to her back left outer leg and inner with puncture wounds around her backside she was absolute squealing and terrified, my partner had to physically kick them away as the owner did nothing otherwise Im sure they would have killed her, the owner then ran off with his dogs still off lead,luckily our neighbor works for a local pet charity and rang vets etc which was 10 miles away as it was out of hours, Summer was kept in overnight for op etc, when we returned from vets our neighbor showed us where the owner lived and we went to talk to him, we were in no way aggressive in fact I actually felt sorry for him, he couldn't apologize enough and promised to pay the vet fees and to keep his dogs on lead and muzzled in the future as apparently this had happened before, which we agreed we would bring him the invoice to pay he was an adult and we believed he would keep his word, however the following day after we took the invoice to him and came home he called the police and accused us of being aggressive and threatening which we were certainly not and we refused to sign the statement from the police. I contacted the local newspaper as I was concerned that it would happen again follwing the article I was shocked at how many people contacted us to say it had happened to them but didnt know where he lived to do anything about it. Although luckily we have Summer insured the vet fees are rapidly increasing almost at £2000 our limit is 3000, and Summer still has to have xrays, physio etc as she is limping badly, and our premium will increase next year due to the claim, and he is still taking dogs out off lead. The police basically tols us there wasnt anything they could do its disgusting and will probably attack other dogs or even children. I need some advise as to how I can deal with this eg claim for vets fees and ensure his dogs are under control. Phew
  6. I requested a SAR from Arrow Global: template removed - dx read out rules please} This morning, I received a thinner-than-expected package containing some computer printouts and some copy letters (not all I sent). Within was also their statement: Data subject requests under the Data Protection Act 1998 do not entitle a data subject to gain access to all documents they care to mention nor even to all documents which may be relevant to them. The purpose of a data subject access request is to enable the individual to check whether the data controller's processing of his personal data unlawfully infringes his privacy. It is not an automatic key to any information, readily accessible or not, of matters in which he may be named or involved. Therefore we have conducted a proportionate search for personal data relating to you. Can anyone tell me if this is correct. I wanted everything they hold about me, including correspondence between them and MBNA. Many thanks for your help.
  7. Dear All, My wife was this afternoon involved in a clearly non fault accident (third party reversed into front wing and door of her car while it was parked - she was not even in the car). The third party has admitted liability verbally. The damage is wing minor dent (would need to be replaced though) and door minor dent (might be repairable with a skim of filler and respray). We rang our insurance company (Hastings Direct) this evening, their immediate response was to pass us on to a claims management company (Albany Assist), Albany Assit immediately rejected the claim saying the car would be a write off. We spoke to Hastings again and they said that due to the age of the car (05 plate - pre accident value £3k to £3.5k) and "government / VOSA guidelines" (I can find no such thing) the car would be a write off if we used their approved repairer. They then went on to say that we could go to a repairer of our choice get a quote then depending on what Hasting's inspector says they 'may' payout for the repair and claim back from the third party. But we would have to pay the excess and they migh be able to claim it back. Hastings also suggested that we contacted the third party and sort it out ourselves! To me the whole situation feels like they cannot in anyway be bothered and is little better than Third Party only insurance. I have read various post regarding Hastings and Albany and between them they sound like total [problem] merchants, only interested in credit hire and commission. I do not consider that Hastings are providing the service you would expect of fully comprehensive cover and instead are doing everything possible to avoid getting involved, they have not and at this stage will not even contact the third party's insurer. Has anyone else dealt with this situation? To make matters worse the car has a car finance loan secured against it and if the car is written off the payout will likely be less than the outstanding finance leaving us severely out of pocket though no fault of our own and in fact from Hastings' inaction and refusal to represent the insured parties interests. Thanks
  8. Hi, I had an account a number of years ago with Halifax. It was a 'cash card' account with Visa Electron. Originally this was my main account but then I got a standard current account also from Halifax. I moved to France for a year and when i was away the Electron account went overdrawn by approx £80. there was no interest or charges associated with this and I left it with the intention of returning the account to 0 and closing it. By time I moved back to the UK and went into the Branch to close the account I was informed that it had been closed. The assistant in the branch told me the debt was written off. As I was a 21yo student i did not understand the implications of this, but now i am encountering problems. The Halifax account appeared on my credit file in June 2011, and in July 2011 was closed showing as 3 months in arrears and partially settled. I would like to fully settle this account as it is the only blemish on my credit history, but as this is 4 years ago and I know that it will be removed in 2 years I am unsure of whether to do so. If I fully settle now will the account still be removed from my credit file in 2 years or will it 'reset' the 6 year 'life cycle?' Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
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