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Found 18 results

  1. I placed an order in early December 2018 for a surround-sound speaker system, along with HDMI leads. The items mostly turned up on time, but the HDMI leads were "awaiting stock from the manufacturer". I have since had a to-&-fro via email with the online supplier (a well-established UK company, who also has several physical stores in the UK). I have now been told via Phone that the leads have been cancelled/recalled by the manufacturer due to a quality issue, & cannot be supplied. This leaves me out-of-pocket by just under £200.00. The phone-discussion I've had with the online retailer has been pretty disappointing, they are saying that as the goods were purchased via Finance, they cannot refund me the balance I'm owed, & have tried to suggest that I find "goods to the value" from their website. But I do not require anything further, & would rather the difference is refunded, to the card I paid the 10% deposit from. (10% deposit being far less than I'm now owed). They are playing nice for now, but are insistant that they cannot just make a refund for the sub-£200- owed (I don't believe this at all) & that the alternative is to send everything back to them (I no longer have any boxes for the speaker system, & they have said maybe they can get the manufacturer to send me empty boxes to box it all up & return it, cancelling the credit agreement.) I am perfectly happy with the system I've purchased, & have no intention of returning it. So this is a tricky one - I am fully aware that it is possible for them to just make the payment from their business to me, they have stated that Hitachi would not allow this, & it would invalidate the agreement - they have also claimed that they only receive "Monthly, incremental payments" from Hitachi as the credit provider, therefore they have not received the full amount of the credit agreement (this seems highly doubtful). If anybody can shed any light on where I stand, I'd be grateful.
  2. Emollient cream build-up in fabric can lead to fire deaths READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/emollient-cream-build-up-in-fabric-can-lead-to-fire-deaths
  3. Found this on the Mail where people are being hit with default CCJ even for a penny they know nothing about until the bailiff knocks or they are refused credit. It seems Crapita AKA parking Eye are getting default CCJ on alleged debts of a penny, as in o 0.01p. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3784421/Stranger-s-40-parking-ticket-cost-family-new-home.html
  4. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-choose-the-royal-british-legion-to-lead-help-for-veterans
  5. The 5p charge on plastic bags to be introduced in October faces accusations that it will confuse customers - and doubtless lead to arguments at the checkout. The charge is being introduced as part of a government policy to reduce waste by cutting bag use by up to 80 per cent in supermarkets and by half on the high street, with the aim of reducing litter and protecting wildlife. The new rules are likely to baffle shoppers and cashiers alike, as till operators will be the ones to decide whether the charge must be paid. But before they charge you, they have to ensure the bag ‘qualifies’ as a bag. The government has issued guidelines defining what a plastic carrier bag is: it must be made of plastic, be unused, have handles and be 70 microns thick or less. Cashiers must then check if the items in your shopping qualify for a free plastic bag. Guidelines issued by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) note that you can receive a free plastic bag if your shopping includes items from a long list of exemptions, including: uncooked fish, meat and poultry products, unwrapped blades and “live aquatic creatures in water”. Also included are flowers, bulbs, potatoes and prescription drugs. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/rules-on-5p-plastic-bags-likely-to-lead-to-arguments-at-the-check-out-10478570.html You won't get charged for plastic bags that are: for uncooked fish and fish products for uncooked meat, poultry and their products for unwrapped food for animal or human consumption - for example, chips, or food sold in containers not secure enough to prevent leakage during normal handling for unwrapped loose seeds, flowers, bulbs, corns, rhizomes (roots, stems and shoots, such as ginger) or goods contaminated by soil (such as potatoes or plants) for unwrapped blades, including axes, knives, and knife and razor blades for prescription medicine for live aquatic creatures in water woven plastic bags for goods in transport, such as at an airport or on a train, plane or ship considered as sealed packaging for mail order and click-and-collect orders (regardless of handles) returnable multiple reuse bags (bags for life) used to give away free promotional material used for a service but there’s no sale of goods, such as dry cleaning or shoe repairs A bag can contain multiple items from this list and not incur a charge. However, if the bag contains other items then you must charge. For example, you wouldn’t charge for a bag containing an unwrapped blade and unwrapped loose seeds, but adding a box of cornflakes means you’d have to charge. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/carrier-bag-charges-retailers-responsibilities
  6. my daughter bought a iPhone charging lead from a 3 store and 5 days later the lead did not charge so is damaged..she lost her receipt but took her bank statement in to show as proof or purchase.....they refused to refund her saying the receipt has a code on the bottom and they need this...help please...paul
  7. Hello, I had JSA for about four months total of £840 (approx). I knew at the start that I had around £28,000 in savings in a separate account. The savings are for university. full cost of course and living for three years. This was my plan. I was off work for 7 months with depression, still receiving an income. I went and signed on and received one week (£71) and never went back. I was off work at this time. I had an argument with HR at work who were complaining about me not being there. I told them that I quit and didnt want to go back. I assumed that I resigned there and then. I went and signed on, then a week or so later I got a call from my union rep who told me that I hadnt resigned, he spoke to them about my problems and I could come back. He told me that they were giving redundancy soon. I returned, a few months later I got redundancy. Fell a little more into depression. I had over £10,000 in my account. I transferred £5900 to ISA and then signed on. I took a few weeks, then quit. Then I went back again and got a few weeks more. This was a few years ago. I got a letter the other day asking for more information as inland revenue flagged up that I had more money in my account when I made a claim. They are asking for my financial situation of that time. I ncluding statements covering two years. I looked at my statements online and saw that the money transfer was maybe a week or two before applying for JSA. I am worried that I will go to prison for this. I am going to send the statements with the letter and answer the questions honestly. I have read about how they will try to prepare a prosecution if they could prove that I knowingly didn't tell them of my finances. It will look that way on the statement. I don't know what is going to happen. Could this lead to prison? I haven't told my parents, I am 35 and still live at home. I haven't been able to get a diagnosis for aspergers but believe that I have it. I am still struggling with depression. A result of my aspergers is that I really struggle to get on with people, I have had some very bad experiences at work and I am terrified of returning to that sort of situation. I have had threats of physical assault and have had fights with people. My things have been damaged/vandalised. I dont know what I can do, any help or advice would be appreciated. I have made a self-referal to talking change. My uni course is going down hill, I dont think I will be able to go onto year two. That is if I am not in prison. So much failure. Does anybody have any advice, I could really use some right now! Thank you
  8. Hi, I have a question, I moved into a property around November 2013 and it was a fairly old house needed a bit of tidying up but we were happy as it was cheap £480 PCM. My partner found out she was pregnant around March 2014 and my son was born in the November. I think we finally discovered the problem with the water when he was around 6 months old, and all this time we were using it as normal. We moved out 2-3 weeks ago finally after finding our own place, my question is do I have a right to seek compensation for potential damages to my son and how would I go about this?
  9. my partner and his friend had our 4 month husky bitch out on a walk in a public park area just down the road as always she was on lead it was pretty dark and out of nowhere 2 Bull Mastiffs (off lead) attacked her cause sever injuries to her back left outer leg and inner with puncture wounds around her backside she was absolute squealing and terrified, my partner had to physically kick them away as the owner did nothing otherwise Im sure they would have killed her, the owner then ran off with his dogs still off lead,luckily our neighbor works for a local pet charity and rang vets etc which was 10 miles away as it was out of hours, Summer was kept in overnight for op etc, when we returned from vets our neighbor showed us where the owner lived and we went to talk to him, we were in no way aggressive in fact I actually felt sorry for him, he couldn't apologize enough and promised to pay the vet fees and to keep his dogs on lead and muzzled in the future as apparently this had happened before, which we agreed we would bring him the invoice to pay he was an adult and we believed he would keep his word, however the following day after we took the invoice to him and came home he called the police and accused us of being aggressive and threatening which we were certainly not and we refused to sign the statement from the police. I contacted the local newspaper as I was concerned that it would happen again follwing the article I was shocked at how many people contacted us to say it had happened to them but didnt know where he lived to do anything about it. Although luckily we have Summer insured the vet fees are rapidly increasing almost at £2000 our limit is 3000, and Summer still has to have xrays, physio etc as she is limping badly, and our premium will increase next year due to the claim, and he is still taking dogs out off lead. The police basically tols us there wasnt anything they could do its disgusting and will probably attack other dogs or even children. I need some advise as to how I can deal with this eg claim for vets fees and ensure his dogs are under control. Phew
  10. I just found this - very clever. The body artist who did the colouring is very clever. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newsother/vanishing-veterans-lead-campaign-to-supernumbercountthemin/ar-BBtcmYV
  11. Hi, I'm a bit confused about the situation. I was served a S.21 in June, giving me 2 months until 22 Aug to move out... Which all ties up.... The odd thing is that in July, the Letting Agent, offered me another contract (18 July) to which I replied "could I have a 12 month fixed AST as well as an allowance for a cat"... Nothing was heard from for weeks, until yesterday that I was told that I was NOT being offered a new tenancy and that the S.21 is in offer? Can I do anything about this when it comes to the letting agent? I'm a little lost as one moment I was offered one thing and the next another?!? The Letting agent event went as far as sending me a draft copy of the contract to go through before I actually signed it?!?± Cheers, A
  12. Apologies if this has been posted already but I noticed this statement and linked adjudication on POPLA http://www.popla.org.uk/statement_28-01-14.htm It seems that the adjudicator has been slightly annoyed by the decision of the PPC involved (redacted but almost certainly Parking Eye) and the BPA to use the transcript in a private section of the BPA website to (according to some suggestions) provide instruction to other PPCs in order to combat the 'no genuine pre-estimate of loss' argument. The Adjudicator is concerned that in doing so the impartiality of POPLA may be compromised so has published the redacted transcript of the adjudication - the transcript also refers to this point. The transcript gives not only a useful insight into how POPLA will view applications on the basis of No GPEOL, and the hurdles to be overcome on either side of an appeal on that basis, but it also makes a mockery of the carp souted on the PE website about the majority of POPLA decisions on GPEOL being awarded in favour of PE. Whilst the adjudication may indeed give PPCs some ideas as to how to make charges fall in line with a GPEOL, there is also a degree of clarity over what cannot be included in the mind of POPLA - management and running costs of the car park cannot be for example, however staffing time (which could be shown to be expensive) and administration in chasing charge notices might well be accepted as a 'loss'. I would therefore see that point as stressing the importance of early communication and appeal to the PPC being important so that they cannot claim to have incurred the losses which might go along with an uncommunicative victim. Of course this is all notwithstanding the fact that this is just a POPLA adjudication rather than a binding legal precedent, and ignores the various and many other reasons why a charge on private land might be unlawful, but I found it interesting nevertheless! UPDATE - It appears that this case has already been featured on the Parking Prankster site but the above is for those who may not have already seen this
  13. hi Really looking for some advice. I have an ongoing issue with british gas, this has been going on for over four months now and i dont know where to go from here. * I changed my account with them and needed to re-set the Direct Debit. Existing Direct Debit stopped.... * They then continued to try and take the money from the old account direct debit, despite new details and a new Direct Debit being set up. * Numerous phone calls resulted in two further new Direct Debits being set up and STILL they continued to try to take the money from the original Direct Debit instruction.... * All this time, I am losing track of what is owed to them, despite many attempts to pay my bills via direct debit. * We are losing our discounts because they 'Can't' take the money and i am spending countless hours on the phone, time when i am supposed to be at work trying to address this issue. * I even took a full day off work and had to cancel a family day out in order to wait in for a call from them and they never called * I have emailed them the details of the Direct Debit instruction many times and they've never replied * Now we have been contacted by a debt collector 'Buchanan, Clark & Wells' who are chasing the money we have been trying to pay them... . After speaking with B,C & W they informed us that they contacted British gas who told them that they weren't supposed to contact us as they were aware of our complaints, but that the staff member responsible for addressing this is away on 'annual leave' with no return date..... We are at the end of our tether and do not know what to do from this point on..... Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Lindsay
  14. We are currently looking at replacing our lead supply pipe since all of our floors are up at the moment anyway. From what we can tell, we share a lead supply pipe with 3 other properties (terraced) something like this: x----1-----2-----3----4 Where x is the stopcock and we are property number 3. Neighbor number 4's supply pipe splits off from our property under our living room floor; we think a similar thing happens for properties 1&2 as our supply pipe seems to head off outside as apposed to neighbor number 2's house. Neighbor number four also wishes to replace her lead supply pipe. Ideally we both wish to have our own supply pipe as water pressure is naff, especially when everybody is fighting for water in the mornings! Does anybody have any experience with Yorkshire Water in terms of getting off lead piping and getting a separate supply at the same time? I know they have a scheme where they will replace the lead upto the property boundary if you replace the stuff on your property boundary (that's fine, we're both prepared to dig a trench and lay 25mm MDPE etc). With this being that case, are Yorkshire Water likely to impose additional fees to give us both a separate supply?
  15. My wife took our Labrador out for a walk on the beach. He was on his lead. Another dog came towards my wife, and because my wife was walking on seaweed she slipped when he pulled. She did not let go of the lead. The two dogs had a coming together, which resulted in the other dog getting bitten. The owner has now present me with a bill. While I agree that my dog was the cause of the injury, he was at all time on the end of short lead (3 foot long) which my wife still had hold of, whilst the other dog was running free. Why should I be responsible for the other owner not having his dog under control? How do I respond to his bill?
  16. To cut a long story short, but to give hope to others. My son who is disabled wrote a long timeline of his history with HSBC one night, it was a bit jumbled, but we soon got it in chronological order, and tidied it up so it made some sense. I duly posted it off to Leeds. The complaint was general about the selling of products since he became a customer. He is on benefits, and has never defaulted on a repayment, and the culmination of his story is one of the infamous HSBC "managed loans" Two weeks after getting his missive, HSBC responded with what seems to be a standard, we are investigating your complaint, and please fill out the enclosed fos form so we can proceed with a ppi claim on 3 numbered loans (they provided this information) the loans dated back to 2002, so beyond the 6 year statue barred. we duly filled out the enclosed forms and returned to Bristol. 7 weeks later he got an offer on the original 3 loans and additional fourth loan. Totalling nearly £11,000 Which was a total shock to him, he has accepted and now has the money. we did not have any original paperwork from these loans, only paperwork he has is managed loan and we did not do a SAR. He is nearly halfway through his managed loan and he can clear it early next year, and have a nice chunk left over which will be a big relief for him and me. Meanwhile we had a response from HSBC customer advocate regarding his general complaints about the bank, the general tone is very curt, and leans towards we are the bank, are right and have no case to answer. However, I will be taking this forward as I dislike officious bank staff who's tone leaves a lot to be desired! Just wanted to share the good news above getting PPI refunded with no hassle going back ten year with no paperwork in just over ten weeks.
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