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  1. Having just inherited an iPhone 5, I am feeling my way around it and (sort of) starting to get used to it. But, unlike Android based cellphones, the iPhone (even the later models, I am led to believe) will not, as standard, record a conversation. So third-party Apps and/or workarounds are de rigueur and widely used by those of us with such a need. Unfortunately, I am: A) Skint B) An Apple OS novice:oops: Has anyone else had this issue? Has anyone reconciled it? We wonders. Aye, we wonders.
  2. Apple have issued an urgent iPhone and iPad software update (iOS 9.3.5) that included a patch for a serious security vulnerability. The vast majority of iPhone owners are probably on iOS 9 right now, but you should check and install that version right away The malware in question, which was detailed in a report from Citizen Lab and Lookout security, is a serious compromise that’s never been observed against iOS devices before. But you can guard your devices and your personal data against the latest security threat simply by heading to settings and hitting the update button. http://www.theverge.com/2016/8/25/12651206/apple-iphone-security-threat-update-now
  3. Greetings, I'm 18 months into a 24-month contract for my iPhone 6 with02! It has developed a hardware fault and needs to be repaired when I spoke to Apple they told me as it's past a year they would charge me for the repair. I then read the below on their website. Apple Products and Consumer Laws in the United Kingdom Under consumer laws in the UK, consumers are entitled to a free of charge repair or replacement, discount or refund by the seller, of defective goods or goods which do not conform with the contract of sale. For goods purchased in England or Wales, these rights expire six years from delivery of the goods and for goods purchased in Scotland, these rights expire five years from delivery of the goods. I then contacted 02 and they told me I would have to pay for the repair even though I as quoting the above. Can somebody set me straight? Shall I stop paying for the phone or shall write to them again? Any help would be most welcome
  4. A study by Checkmarx and AppSec Labs specifically looked at the security of hundreds of the most popular apps found in the respective platforms’ app stores, testing them for security risks and vulnerabilities. According to the report, 40 percent of the iOS apps tested were found to have vulnerabilities rated as “critical” or “high severity.” Android apps fared marginally better at 36 percent. Android isn't that far behind, but this is 'another' one in the eye for those that continually brag Apple are safer.
  5. my daughter bought a iPhone charging lead from a 3 store and 5 days later the lead did not charge so is damaged..she lost her receipt but took her bank statement in to show as proof or purchase.....they refused to refund her saying the receipt has a code on the bottom and they need this...help please...paul
  6. I was given an iPhone as a present at Christmas, it was not new it was first bought in Oct 2013. It has developed a fault, and Apple have checked it and I have a written report from them stating it has an inherent fault, but they are refusing to replace it under consumer law (6 years from new) because they say as manufacturer they are not liable to replace the phone, as the contract is with the original retailer (Vodafone) I have contacted Vodafone and because I was not the original purchaser their contract is with them not me, and they too will not repair or replace my phone. Is my claim dead in the water or am I being fobbed off??????
  7. hi, Has anyone confronted with the situation like I have an iphone with contract from 3 and now phone not working, went to apple genius bar and they confirmed that phone unrepairable and needs a replacement , went to 3 store and got info that in that case i need to purchase a new apple phone from apple store, send to them authorisation paperworks from genius bar and receipt and then they will refund that money amount back to me. So maybe someone has any experience with this? Anyone got a refund ? I need a phone , and 3 customer service says this is the only option , but it is quite big amount of money and i'm afraid that they won't refund me ? ........
  8. I had a smashed iPhone 6 screen for about 6 months because I couldn't afford to get it fixed and it still worked fine. However last week it began showing sign of giving up (touchscreen not working properly), so I gave in and took it to a local shop that does repairs and also sells things like cases and accessories (called Fone Care, not sure if it's a chain...) Firstly they refused to knock £5 off to price-match a different shop down the road, which is fair enough and obviously within their rights.... But we were just about to walk out, when she said she could do it now and it would only take 10 minutes; the other shop wanted me to come back and collect it some hours later, so it was simply more convenient. Went back and collected it and she showed me it was working etc, and told me I have a 14 day warranty (it's now been 7 days), and I paid the grand sum of £95! Since that day, my battery has been dreadful. I used to only charge it once in the evenings, to full charge, and it would then last until the following evening. Since having my screen replaced, it's draining rapidly and I'm having to charge it 3 times a day. Even when it's not being used:- for the third night in a row lastnight, I went to bed with 80% battery and when I woke up at 3am with my baby, it was completely dead and off. Another day I put it in my bad with 60% battery and it stayed in there all day, not being used because I was somewhere that I had no signal - and it died. I've done all the usual checks, and also absolutely nothing in my settings etc, has changed since I took it in. I already have things like location services and automatic E-Mail refresh off, I always have. A quick Google search told me that there's been quite a few people around the country with this problem at various shops, and a few suggestions I've come across is that it's because they use cheap replacement screens ('from China') which kill your battery, or that they may have swapped the original battery for a rubbish one. Can someone please advise me how to proceed with this, or indeed even if I can..?! I suffer with anxiety so don't feel I'm able to go into the shop (I couldn't even go in to get the screen replaced on my own, I had to wait until my partner could come with me). Some posts on local social media have already told me that they're not very accommodating in this particular shop (for example, someone bought a charger there and it didn't work; so she took it back, only to be refused a refund and told by the manager 'well what do you expect if you buy cheap?') Therefore I plan to approach it in writing instead if this is OK...? I just don't know what Rights/Act's I can quote in my letter to help me, if any? I'm assuming I have the right to receive my phone back in the same working condition that I gave it to them..? Not give it to them to fix a problem and end up with an even worse one? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  9. My wife purchased an Apple iPhone 6+ in September 2014. Fast forward to March 2015, my wife dropped her iPhone from the bed side cabinet and as a result the screen smashed and slightly scuffed the top corner. Not wanting to invalidate the warranty she took the phone back to Apple who replaced the screen as a fixed price repair. When the phone was collected from repair the phone was not bent or malformed, however 2 months on the phone has begun to bend where the volume buttons are situated. Now there have been reports of iPhone 6+ devices bending when placed in pockets, however my wife only places her phone in her handbag or purse. Can someone please advise if this is something worth taking up with Apple under the sale of goods act as I deem the handset to not be durable. My concern is as time passes who knows what affect the bending will have on the internal electronics or battery.
  10. Evening all, Decided that I would do my new update on my iPhone 5c last week and 2 days later the phone completely broke! Phone is 12 month old and was 9 days out of warrenty when it broke. Took it to Apple, not very helpful at all! Told me its a hardware fault and charged me £199 for a replacement. I really needed my phone so paid it! Was sat across from a lady who was in the same boat, did the update and was being charged £199 also. Can they really get away with this? My phone was working absolutely perfect until their bloody update! Not sure who to contact - is it worth it? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Rachael
  11. Up until this evening Apple had always been a brand that I trusted and had always had confidence in purchasing products from them. I have had my Iphone 5 for just over 2 years now and a few months ago I started to notice serious problems with the battery life. It would show that it still had 20 percent charge and then suddenly just run out. I got caught out quite a few times because of this. I decided that I needed to get the battery replaced. After some research I was really pleased to discover the following; https://www.apple.com/uk/support/iphone5-battery/ Apple has determined that a very small percentage of iPhone 5 devices may suddenly experience shorter battery life or need to be charged more frequently. The affected iPhone 5 devices were sold between September 2012 and January 2013 and fall within a limited serial number range. If your iPhone 5 is experiencing these symptoms and meets the eligibility requirements noted below, Apple will replace your iPhone 5 battery, free of charge. Eligibility If your iPhone is in working order and exhibits the symptoms noted above, use the serial number checker below to see if it is eligible for this program. Finding your iPhone serial number is easy. See how. Replacement process Choose one of the service options below to have your battery replaced. Your iPhone will be examined prior to any service to verify that it is eligible for this program and in working order. Please call your service provider to confirm that battery replacement service is available on the day you visit them. Apple Retail Store - Make an appointment here. Apple Technical Support - Contact us. To prepare your iPhone 5 for the battery replacement process, please follow the steps below: Back up your data to iTunes or iCloud Turn off Find my iPhone Erase data and settings in Settings > General > Reset > Erase all Content and Settings Note: If your iPhone 5 has any damage such as a cracked screen which impairs the replacement of the battery, that issue will need to be resolved prior to the battery replacement. In some cases, there may be a cost associated with the repair. Additional Information Apple may restrict or limit repair to the original country of purchase. For iPhone 5 devices purchased in EEA member countries, service is available in other EEA member countries. If you believe your iPhone 5 was affected by this issue, and you paid to replace your battery, you can contact Apple about a refund. This worldwide Apple program doesn't extend the standard warranty coverage of the iPhone 5. The program covers affected iPhone 5 batteries for 3 years after the first retail sale of the unit. I tapped in my serial number and I was really pleased to discover that my phone was one of the models that was affected. I therefore booked an appointment at the Genius Bar in the Apple Store at Lakeside for 8.50 this evening. We arrived on time and spoke to one of the advisers who checked my name off on his Ipad and asked us to take a seat. We then sat there for over ten minutes seeing loads of their staff coming in and out of the repair area but not one of them acknowledged us. Eventually Richard asked one of them how much longer would we have to wait and we were told that someone would be with us in a few minutes. A young man came out and I explained to him the problems that I had been having with my phone. I also informed him that I had checked on their website any my phone had one of the serial numbers that are eligable for a free battery replacement. He then advised me that he would get one of the repair staff to have a look and would be back with us in a few minutes. When he returned he had a rather serious look on his face and told us that he had bad news as the water damage indicators on my phone are red and this would mean that they would be unable to replace the battery and my only option would be to purchase a replacement phone for £179.00 !! I was fuming. I pointed out the fact that my phone is in perfect working order and the only reason I came to the store this evening was due to the fact and that Apple had stated that the battery that had been supplied with my Iphone was faulty. I was then told that they could not carry out any work on my phone due to the damage. I then asked them if they were prepared to simply give me a new battery which I could get replaced elsewhere but they refused as it was against their rules ! I then asked to speak to the Manager who told me exactly the same thing. However, he was prepared as a gesture of goodwill to reduce the cost of a replacement phone to £120.00. I told him that I was not willing to accept this and I asked him to show me where it stated that the battery could not replaced. The Manager then pulled up another document that quoted their policy on changing batteries. I then pointed out to him that this was not referring to faulty batteries that had been recalled by Apple. As you can see from the document in bold above it makes reference to a broken screen but there is no mention of water damage. I think that their Customer Service is a total disgrace !!!! .
  12. Hi folks. did a search for charging cables and faults but nothing came back, so if it is covered I would be greatful for a pointer. The charger for my iPhone 5C has stopped charging the phone and the connector at the Lightning end is obviously broken inside. Typical of things, but the 6 months was up one week ago, but didn't let that dissuade me and off to Tescos to ask for a replacement under warranty. It was infuriating Speaking to the staff at Tesco (nice folks though) in explaining that only proof of purchase is needed, not necessarily the receipt (typical lose the receipt for that, but have the receipt for the £15 case !!!!!). Couple of questions if anyone is available before I go back to see the guy tomorrow. 1. They state they need boxes etc back. I said I was under the impression I didn't as its only a faulty cable and not the whole thing. Hope I am right? 2. They said they wanted the Cable and the Plug back. Even though they are seperate components within the box. I have the plug, but are they right in asking for a separate component along with the faulty one.? - it was just annoying trying to talk to them and they were adamant they would get upper hand "they were right" so would like to not give it to them as a blowing a raspberry (childish I know, but will take it in anyway). 3. I have a feeling they will say that they need to contact their technical support department and return the cable to them for a replacement. Is this reasonable, or should they be able to replace it there and then? Would prefer it tomorrow - but can wait 4. A quick google about the cable shows lots of sites and hundreds of threads on Apples site about people and the apple staff replacing these cables in the truck load. Is this enough to show the issue with the product and them and not the consumer They have basically said that I have to wait for the phone guy to come in on Tuesday, which is no biggy, but still a pain not being able to charge it. I still can't believe that shops still try to stand on "we are right, you will do as we say" in this day and age. I spent about twenty minutes countering their arguments to get a replacement, Them = that there was no proof of purchase - Me = its a contract Tesco phone, it will be on their system and that receipts are just a quick and easy method, any proof is ok. Taking umbridge at me speaking politely to them and stating my case and why I thought they were wrong, instead of just saying. the phone guy is in tomorrow and he will be able to help you better Its over £20 for a new cable, so not cheap to replace as well as being on a hi end bit of kit
  13. I have a 24 month business contract with Vodafone, on which I pay for 8 numbers. I have been a loyal Vodafone customer for 10+ years. This week one of the business handsets (iPhone 5s) starting playing up and blue screening. Having checked this online, I found it is a known problem with iPhones. The phone will now not turn back on. This is a business phone/ number and we use this number to give to clients as a main point of contact. I am 12 months into the 24 month contract, and 16 days past the warranty period for the handset. I did some research online and found that under the Supply of Goods and Services Act I have statutory rights to demand that Vodafone provide handsets that are 'fit for purpose'. I would expect that for a 24 month contract, in which I am paying monthly not only for the calls/ text etc but for the handset itself, that the phone would last the duration of this time. Digging a little deeper I found that the EU consumer directive states that 'A two-year guarantee applies for the sale of all consumer goods everywhere in the EU. In some countries, this may be more, and some manufacturers also choose to offer a longer warranty period.' Crucially a key point in the directive is that it doesn't require the buyer to show the fault is inherent in the product and not down to their actions. Furthermore, Citizens Advice state that if you are unable to use your service while your equipment is broken, the service provider may have broken their agreement because they are not providing you with the service you are paying for. Armed with this information I called Vodafone customer support today only to be told that none of the above applied to Vodafone when an Apple product is concerned (?!) Had I bought another phone (say a Sony or Samsung) then Vodafone would happily extend the warranty but as I had an Apple product that was older than 12 months there is nothing that they can do! I asked the agent to confirm that Vodafone don't uphold the EU directive nor the Supply of Goods and Services Act and the agent confirmed that this was the case! I advised that I would be emailing the CEO, Jeroen Hoencamp, to ask him his take on this. I also plan on contacting Trading Standards and the Alternative Dispute Resolution service provided by Ombudsman Services Communications. Meanwhile, I am without one handset which is not only crucial to the daily functioning of my business but in addition to this I am being told I must continue to pay for a service for another year that without a handset cannot be used! I intend to pursue this to the last degree as I cannot see how Vodafone can ignore these rules! I entered a contract with Vodafone and in my eyes, and the law it would seem, they have breached their end of the agreement. I wondered if anyone else has come across this and what steps they took?
  14. Hi can anyone give me any advice please. I have been into store & spoken to a vodafone phone rep today without success. I have an iPhone 5, I'm in a 24 month contract, and the battery doesn't last more than a few hours without charging again. I have diagnosed it through the apple website & the battery is faulty. The contract has 3 months left to run, and under statutory law, I would understand that with regard to durability I should expect the phone to last as long as the contract and its now not fit for purpose. Vodafone will send it away to apple - but it might cost me £204 - I will have paid £40 a month for 24 months - and now I need to pay more. They deny that I bought the phone from them - I only bought a contract - apparently I bought the phone from apple. This is bonkers. I don't normally take issue with stuff but surely a phone that is on a 24 moth contract should last 24 months?? Not according to vodafone! Help!
  15. I went into the EE store today as my iPhone does not connect to the internet, the battery is terrible, the home button doesn't work and a few other issues. The guy i saw was so rude he said that they didn't have to do anything and it was down to apple. I said my contract is with EE not apple and he kept banging on about me paying for a service and the phone is apples. Whilst this maybe true he said i only had a year to sort out my phone. I told him the eu regulations were two years and it states this on apples website also. He got really grumpy with me and literally frog marched me out of the shop. Whilst i don't like dealing with people like him, what do i do. i have a phone that nearly works and i am paying for extra data allowance because it is constantly searching and i have in contract until april next year. I also told him about the sales of goods act and he said they weren't allowed to help me because the phone was more than 14 days old. Does anyone have an email address where i can complain to and back this up with some sort of strength?
  16. Hi folks, I am after a bit of advice, I bought my daughter an iPhone 5s for her 18th birthday at the beginning of May (8 weeks ago). Yesterday she told me the screen on the left hand side had started clicking. She said she would make an appointment at the apple shop to see what they say. She has returned from there today with the same phone, The Apple geek has told her that the battery is expanding and getting hot because she is running apps in the background. My immediate thought was that she has been fobbed off, surely the point of a smart phone is for it to be able to run apps whether in the background or not. Should I put my angry head on and make another appointment and return to the shop. A hot and expanding battery sounds dangerous to me, I have seen the photo's of iPhone's that have caught fire in the past. Any thoughts would be appreciated, no jokes about iSheep please, I personally am not an Apple fan boy. Many thanks. AS
  17. Hey guys, really was unsure if I was going to bother posting this, but here goes. I purchased a used iPhone 5 from a Game high street store last July 2013. It is obviously now out of the 1 year warranty they give you. I purchased the phone for the sum of £380 & I was sold the phone as "unlocked". I had been using the phone since July 13, initially with a "giffgaff" simcard (I believe is run on the o2 network, but for the past 4 months or so, I have used a "3" sim card in it. This week i decided to sell the phone & I selected "Erase all content and settings" on the phone prior to its sale. To save myself any hassle, I took the phone to a local highstreet store to sell, but they informed me the phone is locked to Vodafone. I can now confirm the phone will only activate with a Vodafone sim card & will now not accept my 3 sim I had been using in it for the previous 4 months. This has really annoyed me as I paid GAME a premium for an unlocked phone, which turns out to be locked to Vodafone after I had reset it back to factory before selling. I contacted my local game store (not where I purchased it) who were totally dismissive as it was outside the 12 months warranty. Manager didnt come near me but also wiped her hands clean. I phoned the GAME helpline in London & was told "well, youve been using a 3 sim card in it & it was unlocked when you bought it, so contact Apple,, its outside the 12 months warranty. Youve been using it for 14 months havent you?" This is the first time I have had cause to "erase all content and settings" which has bought this problem to light. Personally I belive I have been missold a phone by GAME, I cant belive how dismissive they have been. Should i just put this one down to experience, I don't want to as I feel ripped off, but I believe it will be extremely difficult to go anywhere with. Has anyone any thoughts?
  18. Hi, I have been spoofed by a website called Official iPhone unlock, mobile phone oprators unlock your phone at the end of your contract for around £20.00. I thought this company was charging the same amount as they stated they could do the unlock quicker and the price was the same, however, the £19.99 plus VAT they took off me was for a "preorder", they said the cost of a full factory unlock from Orange, was £99.99 with a discount of £19.99! They refuse to refund me, so this is a well organised spoof
  19. Hi, I'm hoping someone could advise. I have been a Vodafone customer for 6yrs and thus far had 3 seperate contracts. The 2 previous contracts I had insurance and up to now thought I had insurance on my current contract. I dropped my IPhone earlier today and now it won't turn on. I rang Vodafone Customer Services and got through to a very abrupt unhelpful CS rep who just told me I had no insurance and they couldn't help and was told to sit tight till September and I could upgrade. I argued the point I've had insurance on all other contracts and I had specifically requested insurance on this phone also, I was paying £42 on this phone when the contract which was sold over the phone by a Vodafone sales person was £35 so i assumed insurance was included (stupid to assume I know) and I have also brought my wife over to this contract and she has her own Iphone WITH insurance which again I specifically requested. I currently pay between £80-£90 pm for both contracts. I feel incredibly let down by Vodafone and feel like being a valued customer is non existent these days. Is there anyway around this? Or am i infact left paying upto £42pm for the next 5 months for nothing?
  20. Bought an iPhone 5s in November from Apple - it developed a fault problem. Took it back to store - they confirmed it was a fault - but only offered to replace it with a refurbished phone. Said no - cause i did not want to end up after two months with second hand phone (with new T&Cs). Also does not feel fair or legal !! What should i do ? Any ideas Thanks Ed
  21. Hi all, a friend has just brought her Iphone 4s for me to look at, her wifi has suddenly stopped working and this is after an IOS update, the wifi is just grayed out. She tells me that the phone was bought from BH and its just over a year old now. I have tried all the so called fixes (no freezer or heating though) just reset networks, restore IOS all with no luck, still grayed out wifi. Can she claim off BH for this repairing since its now a known fault, blown wifi chips and her original purchase was from them. A phone should last a lot longer than 1 year though normal use. Apple have quoted her £160 for a replacement phone. George
  22. My phone has developed a bit of an issue, Basically the situation is that I applied the IOS 7.1.1 update to an Iphone 4s and just like a lot of (though not all) iphone models this update has somehow changed something and caused the WIFI chip/module to "burn out". The update was installed about a month ago, and in that time the phone has become progressively more unusable, freezing, randomly restarting, dropping off of wifi networks, until now it just won't connect. To say it's burned out is probably a bit wrong, as I've found that if I turn off the WIFI for a few days, when I turn it back on, it's available and can even see networks, but only for a few seconds before it decides that it can't find anything. If I try to turn wifi on from the settings menu it's often just greyed out. If I try to turn it on from the quick pull up menu I get a message saying that WIFI is unavailable. It seems to be a reasonably well documented phenomenon with some people saying that a chip needs to be replaced, or re-flowed. (where re-flowing is a process where "basically" the solder attached to the board is reheated and remelted such that it re-establishes a good connection.) basically, what's happened is it seems that the latest update has somehow upped the juice to the chip, or somehow changed it's parameters, what this had the effect of causing was: The corner of the phone where the wifi chip is got hot, (and I assume that the wifi connection was/should have been better). but as things get hot they can expand? and this seems to have caused some kind of issue like dry joints cracking. Long story short, as far as I am able to ascertain, this is a manufacturing issue, either with the chip being underspecified and unable to handle the changed parameters within the update, or the update has uncovered a weakness in the manufacturing process (something similar to how you used to get dry joints in TVs). So that's the problem, does anyone have any idea what the solution is? I bought the phone as an upgrade with a new 18 month contract from O2 in February 2012, so the phone is now 27 months old. Over the course of the contract I've clearly paid for the phone in full, it's mine, I've also left O2 when my contract expired in favour of going to their daughter company Giff Gaff for a cheaper Pay as you go deal. I'm on a limited data plan, so this not having Wifi thing isn't really working all that well for me. It is my opinion that the phone is faulty and obviously has been faulty -though that fault has been hidden from new. Clearly as I'm just outside of the two year window that the European sale of goods act. I believe that (http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-1677034/Two-year-warranty-EU-law.html) " The EU directive in question is 1999/44/EC. The full wording is contained here (open the word documtent and scroll to page 7) but the important bit is this: 'A two-year guarantee applies for the sale of all consumer goods everywhere in the EU. In some countries, this may be more, and some manufacturers also choose to offer a longer warranty period.' As with UK law, a seller is not bound by the guarantee 'if the (fault) has its origin in materials supplied by the consumer'. But the EU rule does not require the buyer to show the fault is inherent in the product and not down to their actions. The EU rule also says buyers need to report a problem within two months of discovering it if they want to be covered under the rule." Basically, if this had happened in December it's have been nice and easy, I could take the phone back to an o2 shop and say "look it's faulty, and I think that you should replace it...(please)" but as it's over two years old I'd need to ask for a repair under the SOGA? where I may have up to 6 years to claim, although as 6 months have long since elapsed it would be up to me to prove this was a manufacturing defect? Which seems a little crazy to me... (well it's crazy for this situation!) Basically, I don't want a new phone. what I want is my existing phone to be repaired to a state where it is working. the reason it is broken appears to be because of a manufacturing defect, or a substandard part. how would I go about proving this? Can I say, Just do a search on-line there are hundreds, possibly thousands of people with this issue, so many people with this issue that apple actually started removing threads on their forums! Do I need to get the phone inspected? if so how do I get that inspected? where do I go? Is it enough to take it to the apple shop and have them say that "yeah, we've seen this before and it's broken" will the "genius" guys confirm that this is a known issue affecting handsets made with poor quality components? -would they give me this in writing to take to an O2 store? Or would I need to find an engineer to take the phone apart and prove that it is broken in this fashion? -if so what is this likely to cost?? Even if I had a good enough reason, be it just look at the thousands of others who have this issue, the apple genius said this, or said paid engineer said that in this report... what exactly will O2 say? I don't want money off of a new phone, I just want my existing phone to work! will the entertain the idea of fixing this phone? and if I had gotten an engineers report would I be refunded for that? I.e would O2 say, I'm sorry we sold you a defective product, here let us repair it, and here let us reimburse your expense of getting a report to prove to us that it was faulty? Or would I spend hundreds of pounds trying to get o2 to perform a fix that a 3rd party repair shop might do for £60? (Approaching Apple seems to be a crazy idea, other than as a starting point to say is the phone broken yes/no??)
  23. Hi all, Just wondering if anyone could provide some advice, or just advise me I am clutching at straws. I will just note the problem in bullet points to make it easier to follow. The problem/issue: New IOS update has rendered 000's of iPhone 4s models with no wi-fi because the option is now greyed out in the settings section General concensus is that it is a hardware issue It seems the latest update has revealed a fault/limitation of the wi-fi chip Apple has provided a list of fixes to follow to attempt to resolve the issue If all of these fail, the advice is basically tough luck, buy a new phone All of the above information is what I have obtained from the internet regarding the problem. My Situation: I purchased an iPhone 4s on a 2 year monthly contract with a reduced upfront payment for the handset directly from a T-Mobile shop. I purchased the handset in April 2013 I am outside the 1 year manufacturer warranty. The issue has affected my handset and none of the fixes suggested by Apple have resolved it. I now have a phone that does not connect to wi-fi, only 3G I not very happy Although outside the 1 year manufacturer warranty, is it fair for me to expect my handset (that would cost between £3-400 if bought as a handset only) not to be crippled by what is basically an update installed on the direction of the manufacturer (Apple) in the name of giving my phone greater performance and capabilities. The fact that it seems to have awoken a fault with the chipset that was until the latest update, dormant, would suggest that the fault was present from the date of purchase, and was jolted into life by an update direct from Apple themselves. Obviously in the 1st instance I will go to the shop, but by all accounts, they are likely to say "sorry, need to pay for a repair". Any advice on how I should play it if that is the response? Cheers...Nick
  24. Hi, My son recently bought a virtually brand new iPhone from a reputable seller on ebay unlocked. However, upon receipt the actual handset was locked to T-Mobile. As my son was happy with the phone and it was just a matter of unlocking it, the seller suggested to him that an online company http://www.officialiphoneunlock.co.uk have a good reputation (as we were aware of the whole iPhone unlocking [problem]s etc) and to approach them. My son visited the site and completed his details and was charged £19.99 (plus £2-3 extra admin fee or something or the other) They stated upon order that it would take between 48 hrs to 14 days dependant on network. To my sons total surprise when he checked the unlock status within the website they were asking for an extra £80 to unlock the iPhone. At this point I became involved and checked the website, hidden discretely within the FAQ's was a note that the initial payment is a "pre-order" payment to authorise and negotiate with the network to unlock your handset?? Its very misleading and in my opinion a very unprofessional approach. I tried ring their "Helpline" but was automatically told via recorded message that they do not deal with pending orders on the phone, I still waited, and waited ... and waited... 45mins and still no answer. I hung up.. I then emailed to sales@ and instantly got a auto-reply .. AGAIN, stating they do not deal with pending orders.. ... so I sent a support message via there rather lame support page, heard nothing back at all.. By the way this is an online unlocking company with so so many five star ratings and cast iron money back guarantee etc.. Shockingly bad company from what I have had to put up with. My angle is just how many other "suckers" have they pulled in with this £19.99 preorder nonesense, it should be CLEARLY stated upon paying. Apparently on the website they wont refund "pre order" payments (no surprise there!?) I have also said in another forum I have since found about this company that if you get your bank to chargeback the charges they "supposedly" will blacklist your IMEI?? We have now returned the handset to the ebay seller for refund, however we are out of pocket for the £23 we paid total and as we did it, the ebay seller obviously wont refund that. Be warned, under no circumstances use this unlocking company, infact from this experience we wont be using ANY online unlocking company ..period.. On a final note, what chance do I have of getting money back?.. upon checking whois for there website there address is registered at Sychelles !! duh.. Anyway sorry for long post, hopefully it acts as a warning to others, terrible terrible company.
  25. Hi All, I have had my iPhone 4s for 15 months, bought under contract with 3 from carphone warehouse in the UK. Apple warranty is 1 year only but under EU-wide Consumer Laws & Sale of Goods Act 1979 this can be extended for 2+ years in the UK. - doesn't apply - dx The iPhone has developed a manufactures fault as the wi fi does not work (switch dimmed out). I had this diagnosed at the apple store. Apple said they would fix the phone under EU Law & SOGA if I bought it direct from them but as I bought it from carphone warehouse, they stated that after 1 year I must speak to the retailer. Now carphone warehouse (retailer) say they only follow apple's 1 year warranty on iPhones and it would be a chargeable repair (£160). Even though Apple said the warranty would be for at least 2 years for a free replacement had I bought it from them. Carphone warehouse did mention about proving the fault was there in the first 6 months but of course it has only shown itself now otherwise I would have reported it within 6 months which they have no record of me doing. This may have got me a replacement for free but I was thinking along the lines of: satisfactory quality, fit for purpose & durability. I am 15 months through a 24 month contract with an iPhone that I mainly used for wi fi which does not work (particular purpose). No Wi-Fi equals not being of satisfactory quality, not as described and not fit for purpose. For a phone that cost so much and is under a 24 month contract which is partly paying off the cost of the phone you would expect it to last a reasonable length of time, at least through the duration of the 24 month contract. Question is do I need to prove it was faulty within the first 6 months and if so, how is it possible to do this when the problem has just manifested now. I believe that the fact an Apple technician has diagnosed the phone admitting it is a manufactures fault and offered to fix it outside the initial warranty had I purchased direct from Apple is enough evidence to suggest it is an inherent fault. UPDATE #1 Just got off the phone after a heated conversation with carphone warehouse who claim 100% that as the fault was not there in the 6 months they cannot and will not do anything, bottom line. I quoted SOGA, not as described, not of satisfactory quality, not fit for purpose, reasonable time, the fact apple will fix it if I had bought it from them, they clearly stated that Apple only offer a 1 year warranty and they abide by that. The rude condescending woman Michelle from Carphone's repair department in Preston then told me to go to trading standards and hung up. UPDATE #2 Just got off the phone to trading standards and they have stated that: initial 6 months has no bearing on statutory rights as I cannot report a problem with the phone being faulty if it was not present at that time. Furthermore, I would only have to prove there was a fault in the initial 6 months if I had caused a fault through my own damage (no wear/tear or personal damage). They then confirmed that carphone warehouse are legally obliged to replace or repair or possibly refund the phone if goods are defected even after 15 months. Next course of action is a recorded letter to the carphone warehouse store I bought the phone from. If there is no response then I should send another letter. If there is again no response then Small Claims Court - the cost will be around £25 for this which I am not worried about as this is a matter of principle. If I was that worried about the cost I would just use my phone insurance! After being treated so poorly by carphone warehouse I feel like taking this all the way and the fact trading standards have confirmed that they are in the wrong makes me even more determined! It should be worth noting that trading standards put emphasis on Section 11N of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 However, I do not want to end up looking silly! If trading standards have told me I am in the right and do not have to prove there was a fault in the first 6 months, is this gospel? I assume so considering that's who carphone warehouse told me to go to, in a recorded call.
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