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Found 7 results

  1. Hello Guys, Just after some advice regarding the housing element of Universal Credit. Its a complicated tale so ill just post the bare bones and if you need any more info i can certainly provide it. I was due my payment of UC today, this was my first payment after waiting the 6 weeks odd time it takes to process ect. No payment was received so contacted them and told they do not have a copy of tenancy agreement. (This has been an ongoing farce as its been posted twice and handed in at the job centre three times which apparently they can see on there system its been given in but they have not received it) Adviser stated they will send payment of personal element of UC payment and housing will be by Friday paid in as long as i go to the local office and have them email it too her, notes would be left on system to say this to office staff Went to office, told they don't do scanning, only photocopy andd post, after much back and forth agreed to email it over. Payment of personal element of UC PAID in ac ! Halfway there! Called back again to see if document has been received and has the housing element now or shortly be released for payment ? Told she "could see that it had been sent again but couldn't see actual doc on system" Quizzed adviser further as to why she couldn't see it on system and if this would effect the payment time? Adviser went away came back and said "It could take up to ten working days to process it, she cant see it as the dept it goes to has different system, she does not deal with housing element and there is no number for claimants to call to find this out" I now find myself in the situation of not knowing when payment will be, how much payment will be, if the relevant department has actually received copy of the requested doc and nobody at the service centre seems able to access a system that could give them the info. Could be paid today tomorrow or any point in the next two weeks based on them not loosing the tenancy agreement AGAIN! Has anyone had any experience with this or can point me in any place as to get some more solid info. Thanks so much and sorry for the rather long undoubtedly tedious post. Any more info / clarification/ what not, please just say!
  2. We ordered a BT Infiniti package giving fibre, by sport and line rental on December 20th and paid £169 up front. We were given a fibre connection date of 12th January. BT Sport was available immediately. Took the day off on the 12th and had an email at 6:30 am reminding me to be available between 8 & 1. At 1:39 got a call to say an engineer was unavailable and they had rescheduled to 26th Jan. In the meantime, because we had given permission for BT to deal with Talk talk (our present provider) they had cancelled our broadband connection at midnight. Thus, we were left with no internet connection at all for over 2 weeks. Got no help with BT online during the day with expediting connection so called Talk talk this evening who said they could reconnect our internet as our account was still live, although they would need BT to cancel their contract and inform them first. Easy I though, and moved unwittingly into a 45 minute deadlock with BT who said that our 14 day cooling off period ended on 3rd January and a cancellation would now result in a £300 cancellation fee! Can they do this when they have failed to meet their own delivery date and deprived us of internet access? They then said that the delay was due to a problem at the exchange (previously it was due to a shortage of engineers to perform the connection) but work should be finished on Friday and to call them then to arrange a possible expedite on the work. To be honest, I lost faith in them to deliver either the repair, the engineer or the expedite. In fact, I'm seriously doubting their ability to meet the 26th Jan date. Told them to cancel as Talk talk could connect me and I would fight them in court for the cancellation fee. Was then told they would keep the £169 already paid as this was for line rental (phone line was transferred to BT yesterday without problem), even though it was part of a package including Infiniti. There's more to the story, but my question at the moment is A. Can they really charge a cancellation fee when they have failed to deliver and left me without any internet access. B. Can they keep the money we paid up front for the full service? To my mind they have failed to honour the contract and left me one days leave short. Thanks.
  3. Good morning all, I recently hired a Motorhome from a local one man/one van company. Period of hire was 5 days at a cost of £460 + £750 deposit (unlimited mileage). I collected motorhome on a narrow street and did a quick check for damage (owner and myself did a quick look round) but nothing was signed, upon collection Motorhome had just under a quarter tank of fuel. On the second day of the hire Motorhome died on the side of the motorway (after approx 200 miles). Cause of failure was faulty turbo which caused Diesel run on which terrified both me and my daughter. Eventually after 45 minutes on the side of the motorway with my teenage daughter we were recovered, we were then towed (at the Motorhome owners insistence) all the way back to Bristol. Motorhome was left by recovery company at garage of owners choice and I then popped to his home and dropped keys off (no alternative motorhome was offered). 24 hrs later owner contacts me to advise he has found a scratch on motorhome and is retaining my deposit (he has refunded the original £460 hire fee). Questions/issues are - 1. I am unaware of scratch and contest it was done by myself, scratch could have been there before hire commenced, while vehicle was being received or while vehicle was left unattended in street after recovery. 2. I have lost 3/4 of a tank of diesel, the monies paid for overnight pitches booked in advance and my holiday. Where do I stand with a) contesting the deposit retention and b) reclaiming some or all of the monies lost in diesel/booked pitches. I have also had to pay for alternative accommodation to continue my holiday. Thanks for your help in advance.
  4. Hi all, Just wondering if anyone could provide some advice, or just advise me I am clutching at straws. I will just note the problem in bullet points to make it easier to follow. The problem/issue: New IOS update has rendered 000's of iPhone 4s models with no wi-fi because the option is now greyed out in the settings section General concensus is that it is a hardware issue It seems the latest update has revealed a fault/limitation of the wi-fi chip Apple has provided a list of fixes to follow to attempt to resolve the issue If all of these fail, the advice is basically tough luck, buy a new phone All of the above information is what I have obtained from the internet regarding the problem. My Situation: I purchased an iPhone 4s on a 2 year monthly contract with a reduced upfront payment for the handset directly from a T-Mobile shop. I purchased the handset in April 2013 I am outside the 1 year manufacturer warranty. The issue has affected my handset and none of the fixes suggested by Apple have resolved it. I now have a phone that does not connect to wi-fi, only 3G I not very happy Although outside the 1 year manufacturer warranty, is it fair for me to expect my handset (that would cost between £3-400 if bought as a handset only) not to be crippled by what is basically an update installed on the direction of the manufacturer (Apple) in the name of giving my phone greater performance and capabilities. The fact that it seems to have awoken a fault with the chipset that was until the latest update, dormant, would suggest that the fault was present from the date of purchase, and was jolted into life by an update direct from Apple themselves. Obviously in the 1st instance I will go to the shop, but by all accounts, they are likely to say "sorry, need to pay for a repair". Any advice on how I should play it if that is the response? Cheers...Nick
  5. Thank goodness this isn't my personal mobile provider as I wouldn't have lasted a day with it!! This is a mobile provided to me for my voluntary work, and every single time I use the antiquated top up abacus system on the net, it always always fails, even trying to ring the non existent 'customer care' team is fraught with inaccessible hoops and hurdles 'press 1' press 3' spin round and touch your left knee, oops, something went wrong, press hash to go back to the beginning and start all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad2: Angry, YES. Irritated, your damn right! Recommend you, NEVER!! Only to my enemies. All I need to do is top up my mobile using my credit card on your out of date system, and obtain a receipt so I am able to claim back my expenses, on two separate occasion, today being the latest, your system has failed to give me a receipt, in fact it doesn't even give me the option of getting a receipt. The last one being a top up of £10, but todays was for £15 and I'm not prepared to let this one go. How in gods name do I get a receipt out of your company? And why in all that is holy, is your system so antiquated? Do you only employ computers? I want someone to speak to on the end of the phone, not a computer!!
  6. Hello, just thought I would post this here. Ordered an iphone of Friday the 8th of feb. Approved within minutes and dispatched that night. Great, it sat at the brighton yodel dep over the weekend, no big deal, I can wait. Wake up to see my order is not on the van by 8am, maybe afternoon delivery? Nope. A member of staff at the Brighton depo had flagged my order saying that I didnt want it be delivered, I found out after phoning yodel customer services, 'ok' I said, i do want it to be delivered, they said they couldn't get through and had emailed. Day ends, nothing. Still not on the van on tuesday, only after phoning yodel customer relations (not customer services) do I see the status update to 'missing, contact sender', ok, so they lost the phone and it's down to me to call mobiles.co.uk? true enough, mobiles.co.uk had no report it was missing and it took an hour on the phone to get them to find this out and sent me a replacement. Ok, so this moring I wake to see a tracking number and that status of it being out for delivery, hmm, good i thought, they're getting the hang of this now. 5pm, no phone, no update, I call mobiles.co.uk who refuse to take any action because it's on the van. They tell me to wait till 9pm, which i do. No phone, no tracking update, still 'out for delivery'. So my next step has been to email the MD of mobiles.co.uk and the head office of Yodel to inform them/her that I'm starting legal proceedings for loss of earning totaling £400, also informed them that I will be informing the local police to report the theft of the phone. Also, told them evidence of correspondence had been taken and all further calls will be recorded. The last time I used yodel they were slow, but at least goods were delivered. Total farce I would like to add that all of the staff at mobiles.co.uk were very helpful,despite being about as effective as a 60ft tinfoil hat in a lightning storm, the staff at yodel,however, were particularly dull grapefruit like creatures.
  7. Tesco's have announced that there are traces of Zebra in some of their bar codes.
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