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  1. Just a thought. When you look at the new threads on CAG everyday, these appear to be the top 3 topics 1) Parking penalties 2) Court claims from DCA's 3) General debt issues In regard to parking penalties, these seem to dominate the new threads everyday and this is probably of no surprise. I just wondered whether it might be useful for CAG to have a monthly top 3 issues raised list. There could then be a focus on these. Perhaps a discussion thread started about how CAG could help e.g. Proactive guide for drivers/car owners to avoid these penalties, what evidence people should gather to help defend actions and the rules that apply etc. There are a number of 'experts' who reply to threads and very useful information is provided, but is then hidden in the threads. Perhaps a sticky discussion thread to main topic areas can be used to capture some of the most useful and latest advice. People would still be encouraged to start new threads for their specific cases.
  2. Hi there I am 41 months into a 48 month standard HP agreement. I paid by DD on the nose every month until around the 30 month time, when I became unemployed (no PPI by the way). Since then I have failed to make some payments on time, but NEVER have been more than 30 days late. I'm no angel this I realise but as I type this at least i'm up to date. Every time I fail to make a payment a DN comes out etc etc but I always pay up. As I have 7 months left to pay and my payments are £400 (but the last payment is £550) I should have 6 x 400 plus 1 x 550 or £2950 left to pay. But my credit file which was updated in April says I owe over £5000? The HP company have said this is because of charges incurred for late payments and a home visit which was £75? I checked the date and time on my CCTV and not one person visited my house that day. Are they having a laugh? I advised them that the payments under a HP agreement are fixed and that in October on my final payment they should remove my vehicle from the HPI register - but they said they will not until the full amount on the account is clear. I expect to pay something for my late payments, like I said I'm no angel in this matter, but this is ridiculous; could someone tell me where I stand please?
  3. My Dad is in a care home and I just cant afford the top up fee's any more. The situation is this, my mum looked after my dad after he had a stroke, but in November of 2015 Mum became too ill and had to go into hospital, I was not able to meet for my dads needs so their social worker found a local care home and thats where he went - willingly because he knew it was right, sadly my Mum died on December 27th 2015. My mum told me to pay any bills etc using their money, I had to agree to pay a weekly £40 top up fee to the care home and this was being paid by Dad from his own savings [not technically allowed, but it was the only way], he had his DLA stopped, and then the bills from the council kept coming for his care home fees, added to by the top up fee's. In a year, his savings have been nearly wiped out, the main fee is paid direct to the care home now which is his entire weekly income, minus £24.50 [his allowance], dont forget I have been paying the £40 top ups from his own savings, because.. I am ill myself, I work 16 hours a week and cannot manage to do more than that as I struggle to do the 16 hours, I dont have any savings, and I do not get any benefits, life is a struggle. Soon, his savings will run out, I will be able to use the £24.50 of dads weekly money to go towards the top up fee, he requires very little for day to day things as everything is provided by the care home, I want to know if there is any help I can get for the top up fee, and what the consequences might be when the money runs out. At the time of dad going into a care home, he struck very lucky by getting into one locally, [stockport] but there was no choice of which care home, other care homes have no top up fee, but quite simply there are no places anywhere else and to move him would probably see him off as he is settled, happy, and well cared for. I just dont know what to do or who to speak to.
  4. Another gold digger. Instead of having him charged with assault, he has decided he would rather have money no doubt spurred on by an ambulance chaser.
  5. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/financial-top-tips-for-service-personnel/financial-top-tips-for-service-personnel
  6. Hi, Need some advice. I sent Vanquis a DSAR request over 4 months ago. I enclosed a £10 cheque which was duly cashed however they failed to provide me with any of the reqested documents (CCA, Terms & Conditions, Default Notices, Deed of assignment etc) I received a 3 page letter consisting of a demand for a further £1 for CCA and a 2 page document consisting of an abreviated table of transactions (I believe this is supposed to constitute a statement) Can someone confirm to me whether the £10 paid for the sar superceeds the requirement for an additional £1 for the cca. My understanding was the £10 sar fee covers ALL docs & data. Thanks
  7. Why am I not at all surprised that the delusional shower in the EU of Brussels bureaucrats who are going all out to create to create a super state, have produced a medals table from the Olympics, lumping all 28 member states together under the EU flag. Which means the EU is top of the medals table ahead of the USA.! which is a load of cobblers as more than a quarter of the golds have been won by the UK, even though we have voted to leave what a grubby arrogant organisation, the EU is. Bl**dy good job when we are out, the sooner the better. EU 'top of Rio Olympics medal table' - The Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk › Sport › Olympics 1. Cached 1 day ago - The European Union is at the top of an Olympic medal tracker created ... Premier League clockwatch: follow all the goals with our Roboblogger. Great Britain Olympics medals included in absurd EU table that puts ... https://www.thesun.co.uk/...olympics.../rio-olympics-2016-great-britain-medals-inclu... 1. Cached 1 day ago - Rio Olympics 2016: Great Britain medals included in absurd EU table that puts ... in 2014, maybe we can claim to be world champions after all?
  8. Hi guys, I hope that you're all well. For the last 13 months I've been getting JUST carers allowance, I applied for Income Support which was accepted and back dated, but I had to attend a face to face interview Thursday gone, and the lady doing the Interwiew quite bluntly explained that carers were now expected to look for part time work. I told her that I was a carer 24 hours a day, but she said that wasn't her problem........ Also, that I now have to attend regular face to face interviews at the job centre to explain my carers role, and to discuss what if any part time job's that I've been applying for..... Furthermore, it was said that failure to attend an interview regardless of caring responsibillities is now sanctionable in both income support for carers and carers allowance regardless of the level of care being given... To say that I was absolutely livid is an under statement, and I told her that Mum came first and they could all go [edited] and that I was more than happy to take on the whole of the DWP in any court on my own at any time...!! So... My question.... Have I come up against a nasty bull sh*t merchant, or is it actually the case that carers now have to look for part time work on top of being a carer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week...? My own research shows that I am NOT required to look for ANY work as a carer.... Thanks in advance, DMD...
  9. Morning Need a bit of advice people as to a wifi dongle. I am moving in with a pal of mine for a few months and will be taking my Dell Vostro 200 (Mid 2007) desktop PC with me and use his BT Broadband modem via wifi to connect. Problem is my Desktop PC has no wifi capability, only ethernet. I need to make my Dell pc wifi compatible through a dongle to pick up his BT modem. Are there any specific dongles i can use as plug and play to pick up the BT wifi router. My desktop has no Wifi capability at the moment Many thanks
  10. Got stung for a £10 by CPW - think they are being very very naughty as Top up is part of the Mobile purchase and yet their Top-ups return makes it sound like a standalone package .And during return process there is no warning of the non refundable Top Up:-x From £99.99 Plus £10 top-up What can't I return or exchange? Top-ups - bought instore, online, over the phone or on your mobile. And here it mention sims and useage of phone - BUT no warning on Top Ups You'll be liable to pay for any charges incurred on this SIM until your handset is returned and the contract is deactivated. ** You'll be liable to pay for any charges incurred on this SIM until your handset is returned and the contract is deactivated. Please note ANY usage on your SIM once you've returned your phone will result in the network refusing to disconnect you and you'll be liable for the contract in full. http://selfhelp.carphonewarehouse.com/SelfHelp/request.do?view()=c%7bf5f35920-c538-11de-e56d-000000000000%7d
  11. http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/winterhealth/Pages/KeepWarmKeepWell.aspx#close
  12. Undercover film reveals inner workings at loan firm The Cheque Centre Reveals hard-up families on council estates are targeted by company Many sold loans with interest rates of up to 3,000 per cent Managers boast 'they've never turned anyone down' on camera Workers instructed to cold-call previous borrowers offering new loans Staff 'swipe' customers' accounts when they don't pay up Comes as Financial Conduct Authority announced new rules on industry Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2571091/Undercover-MoS-film-exposes-payday-loan-firm-preying-poor-heavy-drinkers-Waving-wads-cash-man-brags-lend-pay-raid-bank-accounts.html#ixzz2ulKgItm4
  13. I wonder if anyone can help me. I don't know if what's happened is right. I used to be on Incapacity Benefit and when I moved to ESA Contributory Benefit I got a top up payment (£11.70 a week). Now I've moved from Contributory ESA to Income Related ESA and the top up has been removed. All the information I got about the top up payment (also called a Transitionary Allowance) was that you got it until the ESA was slowly increased over time, but your money stayed the same until the two met in the middle. But now it's gone. The letter I got said I'm getting £100.15 a week on ESA but the page for how they calculate this says I'm getting a top up payment and I'm getting £110.85. I phoned the number on the letter twice. The first time noone in the office knew if the top up payment going was correct or not but told me to assume it was. They said I should appeal but the letter says I have to have Mandatory Reconsideration first and they didn't know anything about that. I phoned a local advice shop but they didn't know about the Top Up payment and I phoned the benefit people again. This time I was told going from Contributions to Income Related meant I'd had a reconsideration and it was removed because of that. Is this right? Nothing I can find online says going from Contributory to Income Related ESA makes you lose your Top Up payment. Thanks.
  14. As a novice in this area, I would be grateful if you would give me the benefit of your advice and list the most common mistakes made when pursuing a claim. Apologies if a similar query has already been posted. Many thanks
  15. Thank goodness this isn't my personal mobile provider as I wouldn't have lasted a day with it!! This is a mobile provided to me for my voluntary work, and every single time I use the antiquated top up abacus system on the net, it always always fails, even trying to ring the non existent 'customer care' team is fraught with inaccessible hoops and hurdles 'press 1' press 3' spin round and touch your left knee, oops, something went wrong, press hash to go back to the beginning and start all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad2: Angry, YES. Irritated, your damn right! Recommend you, NEVER!! Only to my enemies. All I need to do is top up my mobile using my credit card on your out of date system, and obtain a receipt so I am able to claim back my expenses, on two separate occasion, today being the latest, your system has failed to give me a receipt, in fact it doesn't even give me the option of getting a receipt. The last one being a top up of £10, but todays was for £15 and I'm not prepared to let this one go. How in gods name do I get a receipt out of your company? And why in all that is holy, is your system so antiquated? Do you only employ computers? I want someone to speak to on the end of the phone, not a computer!!
  16. Hello one and all Site donation due, but can someone please provide instructions on how to please I received a payment from the Bank before I even received thier letter with regards ppi on a loan and then refinanced with another loan provided by them. EXAMPLE Loan 1 PPI (Bank) Loan 2 PPI refinanced PPI (Bank) Problem is refinanced again with another loan not bank Loan 3 PPI refinanced loan (Egg loan - ppi on this loan already paid back) What and should I, write back to my bank and state, as I have no idea how to explain the above and whether they are even responsible for me getting this last loan to pay off thier loan 6 months later and also a credit card bill
  17. No suprises there then. http://www.fsa.gov.uk/about/media/facts/fines/top
  18. I am talking about the increasing amount of "He said , she said" and the never ending so called "Racist" comments. John Terry , Ashley Cole , etc etc. Racism has always been with us since the days of the arrival of the good ship Windrush which bought the first batch of immigrants to the UK The fact is we are a small country and despite our best efforts to intigrate , we are being swamped by the sheer numbers. Why should we , the true Brits , give up our green fields to build extra houses , allow our children to be taught where English is only secondary to some foreign gibberish grunts and snarls. Not content with trying to ****-up our very existance , they even have the ballls to try to rid us of our centuries old traditions. Christmas would be out , and so would Easter !!. I personaly hate with a passion people who come to our country and then try to alter our ways and traditions to suit some crapola they are used to. The message is simple. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE , **** OFF!!
  19. Comes as Lloyds announce they are to set aside a further £1b for PPI claims,bringing the total for them to £5b http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20164521
  20. Hi, would appreciate some guidance its been a while since ive needed to go down this route but sadly i find myself having to stick up for my rights again. Been onto trading standards & they say there are some letter templates on their site which i cant find i know where are some suitable one on here but not sure where to look ? After a little over a year my lap top has fallen apart i contacted Dell & they washed there hands of it & say its ware & tare, as its cos cosmetic its not covered by the warranty. In my eyes which i consider myself to be right the lap top has not been fit for the purpose & i have been told i need to send a letter to the Tesco store i purchased it from & see what they have to say on the matter ? Where do i find a letter template to suit, needs to state the Act that fits the bill. Any help welcome, Regards
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