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  1. Hi there, I was wondering if anyone had succeeded in getting any redress from Aaen Peach. Like many on this forum, we received a quote from hbcconveyancing of about £600 for the purchase of a property. Now we've received an estimate of £1300 (700 of this is fees) and £500 is 'payments to third parties' although about 500 of that 300 is in fact payments to them (making their conveyancing fee £1000 so far.) There have been no issues so far with the purchase of the property (which is under 100k.) Now we've received a letter to sign, giving them the authority to act for our mortgage lender. The language of the Standard Security gives the impression that their exhaustive attention on behalf of our lender is a future excuse to charge us more... Here is their approximate costings so far, Legal Fee £380 Chaps Fee £55 Dealing with Mortgage Lender (Standard Security) £250 Post & Incidental Communication Charges £60 Total Legal Fee 745 and then... third party payments Registration Costs 120 Registration of Standard Security 60 Registration of Advance Notice 10 ... *ahem* Completion and submission of registration documentation £216 ... Completion & Submission of Advance Notice 54 The ... above two are surely conveyancing fees? they were evasive on the phone and didn't go to any particular lengths to assure me regarding a cap, or expected cost. Now I've got to sign this document which may give them greater power to thrust charges at a moments notice. I've got only about 4 - 5 weeks left before handover. I guess I'm just asking for advice, but also, if anyone has been burnt, is there much chance of redress?
  2. This is an ongoing situation but now I’m I am confused. To start with I must say that I appreciate the meaning and intent of client confidentiality. A solicitor took a personal instruction from a brother (not the executor) I asked questions about our mother’s estate. They will not answer claiming client confidentiality. I asked the date and what authority he claimed when giving the instruction. They ignored my letter. I am now wondering if this is because he had no authority to deal with the estate. Any suggestions?
  3. I am sole trader beauty therapist who was approached by what I thought was a local doctors surgery rep offering advertising on the back of appointment cards. I agreed to meet with the sales rep who was acting on behalf of the Leisure Medical company handling the advertising and he came to meet Me at my home. The advertising seemed like a good deal at £295 for 2 years advertising & with over 2000 cards being printed I agreed. The rep filled out an order form/contract which was attached to his business folder/notepad. The spring clip covering the wording “This is a minimum Two Year Agreement subject to the terms & conditions herein” The sales guy was ‘lovely’ talked me though what happens next that I would receive full details through the post. I duly signed for £295 & paid £156 deposit by debit card. Now the sales guy filled his name and signed and I was handed a folded piece of yellow paper (my copy) in 4 with a paper clipped business card attached to ‘keep safe’. A couple of days later I noticed the deposit had been taken yet no correspondence from the company, I emailed the email address saying I had not heard from them. A week or so later I received artwork. A few days after that I got a letter from my bank saying they couldn’t set up he standin order as the collection was infrequent, and this rang alarm bells! Next day I get a letter from this company Leisure Medical saying they couldn’t collect Payment £156 was due in 7 days. I didn’t like the tone of the letter I called them & was told you signed a contract you’ve got to pay up and I owed £156 immediately plus another instalment of £156 plus £95+ VAT! This was not the £295 on the contract! I dug put the paperwork only to Find there was a whole list of T & Cs on the back that I was not shown and was deliberately kept from seeing! There was also £195 faintly added on which was not on the contract when I signed I think the sales rep added this on when adding his signature. Ive since stopped any debit card payments from being taken and googled the company only to feel Sick to my stomach that there have bad review after bad review saying they’ve conned people, they change the amount etc. etc. My question is although I’ve signed a contract business to business do I have any consumer rights as A) it was signed in my home & B) I’m a sole trader beauty therapist.
  4. I purchased a BMW 530D M Sport back on the 18th December 2016, I've had numerous problems with the car phoned up to ask for a refund/repair which happened to be on the 30th day of ownership. The trader has refused, I then wrote a detailed email listing faults and the Consumer law act 2015 (I can forward on if needed), I also sent this via guaranteed royal mail delivery letter, I had no reply for 12 days I phoned the garage, he's offered to have a look at the exhaust manifold but nothing else, I've asked for this in writing on the 31st January and haven't received anything - I did record the call. I've now had the car checked over by a BMW specialist local to me which cost £57 inc VAT to find out there are more fundamental problems with the car. I have had to keep using the car due to work, having a 6 month old son the use of a car is needed. The vehicle was advertised as having 125k miles, when purchased it had 129.5k, it's nearly on 131000 now due to use. I have also still not received the logbook. The car is also due a service when I was told it had not long had one, done by themselves priced at £130 +VAT from BMW. I've already had to replace some serviceable parts. Below is a list of problems: Exhaust Manifold Leaking fumes into the car. Oil Leak Windscreen wiper linkage has only 1 bush not two, thus making the wipers ineffective and damaging the paintwork on the bonnet and not secure. Parking sensors have a fault, (PDC Failure) Clunking from suspension and car pulls to the side when going over bumps. Inspection from BMW specialist: Engine Oil Leak, EGR Valve Pipe Blocked off with a screw Oil Leak on Gearbox Steering Rack noise Read PDC Failure Exhaust manifold blowing Hope to hear back from you ASAP to finally get my car sorted. Best regards,
  5. Hi 10 days ago, I get sent an e-mail from MMF saying my debt is being referred to Moriarty Law. Ummm, OK then. I replied saying, "I have no knowledge, please provide agreement etc". 4 days later, I get e-mailed a copy of an agreement from Wageday Advance. The signature is dated 23 November 2012 and the credit limit is £120 I then asked for statement of account, breakdown of charges and notice of assignment. On 23 March, I get a very simple breakdown saying the loan date is 1 May 2013 and the original loan value was £330 Those two don't match. I asked if this debt was included in the redress scheme arranged between MMF and the FCA and was told it wasn't. On Friday, I asked for the complaints procedure and for all debt collection activities to be halted; I got that today. I will be asking for this debt to be included in the redress scheme and for all current and future collection activities to cease. All I can say is, if you get an e-mail from MMF chasing debt ask for proof and lots of it.
  6. Hi All I bought a 2nd hand Nissan X trail on 13th January from a local dealership. On 6th February I reported to the dealer that the car was making a loud noise from under the bonnet and that the engine management light had come on. We agreed to send it to my local Nissan dealership for them to run a diagnostic check. They diagnosed the fault code as an EGR fault and said that the noise could be coming from a worn turbo. They advised replacing the turbo and intercooler. After speaking with the dealership I bought the car from, I returned the car to them to investigate and they diagnosed a worn turbo which they took over 2 weeks to replace. They acknowledged the EGR fault, but did nothing to rectify it as the engine management light had gone out. Upon receiving the car following the new turbo, the noise was still there. I reported this again only to be told its to be expected with a car of this age and mileage. Over the past 3 weeks the noise has gotten worse and the engine management light has come on again. I have had 2 garages look at the car for me in the last few days and both say that the gear box is shot and that the EGR fault is still there and the EGR valve needs replacing. I have written to the dealership rejecting the car under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, but after speaking to them this afternoon I fear that they are just going to ignore me and try to fob me off. He is all ready talking about trying again to fix it. Do I have to accept this? or is there anything I can do to force the refund?
  7. Hi, I was visited today by two bailiffs form the company Court Enforcement Services Limited pertaining to the payment of a business electricity bill. I had not received a letter or other warning of the visit which was to my home address and not the business address. My residential address is used as the registered office of the business, hence their knowledge of it, however it is not my property (it is jointly owned by three family members.) I was upstairs at home when the bailiffs entered via the unlocked back door (I believe this is their right?) They told me that they would be taking £3367.58 (they didn't give this exact figure initially) worth of goods or money for enforcement of a High Court writ for the electricity debt of £2300. During our interaction the bailiffs referred to themselves as "The Court Enforcement Service" which I think is deceitful and an attempt to portray themselves as officers of the law rather than employees of a limited company, which is apparent form the documentation they gave me before they left. I asked for some documentation pertaining the the Order or Writ that they were carrying out and was shown an illegible document on the screen of a phone which was heavily cracked. They had no other paperwork to offer. They asked me (more than once) if I was refusing to pay the bill. This is not the case and I had previously spoken to a representative of my electricity provider in person regarding the debt and did not know that the utility company had applied for a court order. (I have the funds to pay the £2300 to the utility company directly and acknowledge that this is what my company legitimately owes). I told the bailiffs that there was money in the safe a the business premises (which there is) about 10 miles away, but I could not get hold of my business partner to ask him to access it as his personal phone wasn't answering and the business was shut at the time. I was told that this was irrelevant and that they (the bailiffs) would travel to the business premises and break the door down in my absence to take goods to the value of £3300 if I didn't pay up. In the end I paid their demand via direct debit as I did not want people breaking into my business premise and was issued a receipt which is how I found out I was dealing with Court Enforcement Services Limited and not "The Court Enforcement Service" (LOL). After the two gentlemen left I consulted the CAB website as to the fees which bailiffs may charge. From the CAB site it seems that the maximum they could levy is around £360 (which I would dispute anyway as I have not reneged on payment in the first place and was unaware of their impending visit). However they have extracted a fee of £1000 which I only acquiesced to under the threat of a break in at my business. I am considering having my bank cancel this payment. If anyone can advise on theese issues it would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  8. I have purchased curtains from a company called Avis Nets in the past, so when I received an email claiming to be from them a couple of days ago, I wasnt too concerned. The email was as follows:- As it didnt appeal to me, I ignored it and just deleted it. But when I received a 2nd email today I contacted Avis nets using the link that I have for their website and using one of their contact forms. The company responded very swiftly - nothing to do with them, advising me as follows.. "MY CUSTOMER DATABASE HAS BEEN COMPROMISED ALONG WITH CUSTOMER DETAILS FROM OTHER WEBSITES AND BEING SENT OUT WITH MY LOGO" I logged onto Action Fraud and followed the instructions, forwarding the emails on to whomever will not deal with them. Is there anything else I need to do?
  9. Almost two weeks ago (Sunday 18th) I was travelling from Aylesbury to Marylebone a ticket inspector came round, when I gave him my ticket realised I had left my 16-25 railcard at home. I was annoyed at myself and tried my best not to take it out on him as I knew it was my fault (although I did hope a bit of discretion might have been used), I asked what the fine was and if I had to pay the difference between 16-25 and full fare or more, and said do I pay now. He just said no (didn't really answer my question but I didn't really have the desire for a long conversation with him) and that I would get a letter in the post and would have to pay the fine within 21 days. He took my details and my ticket and wrote on a blank ticket something like "invalid ticket, to Marylebone, please let through" with a reference, and gave that to me and nothing else. When I got to Marylebone I handed this ticket over to get out of the barriers and thought nothing more of it. Today, I received a letter demanding £50.35. Now a ticket from Aylesbury to Marylebone is around £15, the 16-25 was around a tenner. It says "this sum represents the fare and an administration charge of £45" and demands I pay within 14 days. I feel this is very unfair - maybe charging me only the £5.35 difference is generous of them but a £45 admin fee seems a joke given I offered to pay at the time and that I had underpaid by a fiver. Is there something wrong here? I feel like they are being very hard on me given I have no history of anything and wanted to pay at the time - I feel as though the ticket inspector may have done me over here - I didn't even get a receipt of the fine at the time or anything though so I don't know if I have any evidence. Any advice?
  10. I really need some help. My partner is in trouble with the DWP and has been called in for an interview under caution. There was a dodgy message left on his phone regarding work, on the same week he received a letter stating that he was being investigated. My partner is self-employed, but has previously been on benefits for a lengthy period. Does anyone know if the DWP have a history of phoning people using a box phone number to dupe people (i.e. it gives out calls but can't receive outside office hours so therefore can't take messages)? I'd really appreciate some help with this Thanks
  11. Hi there I am yet another person with problems with The Community Network TV. I had an appointment with a Sales Rep of the company who sold me a package which, it turns out, was mostly a complete fabrication. Here is what was offered: Two 42" screens in a GP practice, which were to be used to flash the name of the next patient to call them into their appointment. Full screen display of adverts, which would freeze when a patient's name popped up. I signed a contract on the basis of those promises, however, I became a bit suspicious about the company, when they did not get a reply from the sales rep for a week about an admin error on my paperwork. I popped along to the GP's practice to find that there were not two screens but one, which is 32" not 42", but to make matters worse, the screen was not being used to call patients into their appointment but to advertise the medical services the surgery offered. The receptionist confirmed that the screens will never be used for the purpose stated by the Sales Rep. The screen itself is in a dim corner of the waiting area with no one looking at it. I wrote to the Sales Manager with a full description of what their Sales Rep had offered and asked for a full refund of the 6 months paid on my credit card and the first month's direct debit, as the product had been mis-sold. My advertisement has not gone live. The Sales Manager basically stated that it's my word against the Sale Rep and that the contract I signed did not state exactly what service I would be getting!! I am staggered by their refusal to refund the money when they have not provided a service (he stated that they had done some work, as they had created the graphics, but I pointed out that I had created the advert, all his department did was make the image move on my request). My case has now been referred to the Sales Director, who has not got back to me. I have looked online and found that the Office of Fair Trading no longer exists and that I have to go the Citizens Advice Bureau. Does anyone have any tips from their dealings with this extremely dodgy operation? Cheers
  12. Hello all, My husband recently started a new job in his 'friends'' company - he was to be doing sales. They verbally agreed a salary of £50K with commission/share holding as the company grew - he did think about it for a few weeks before leaving his job and starting this one. Now, the first three weeks he worked there he worked 105 hours , but his pay was £1685 - not as we were expecting, he didn't receive a pay slip . We complained - turns out that that month the 'cut off' for wages was 20/11 - he started on the 5/11 We had hoped that we would be paid on the 25/11, then told it was the 30th/11 - but this still wasn't enough money. We were given a random amount of money -£1408. This helped with Christmas. During this time dh discussed again the agreed salary and was told that he would now be on an hourly wage of £16 per hour - well when your average week is 67 hours that shouldn't be too bad should it? Anyway, come the 20/12/15 he submits his time sheets again - 256 hours at £16 per hour, minus an hour for lunch (?!) £4132 - In his payslip they have taken back in full the £1408. taxed him at £1000, added 10 hours and his Christmas half pay holiday that he hadn't even taken - this still doesn't add up and quite a lot is missing- take home £1705. Turns out that he wasn't taxed for the first two payments and the first moth they only paid him £12 per hour - the difference between the 12 and 16 is £703 . I don't think they should have taken the entire 1408 back, just the tax and NI on the amount . We have received a payment of an additional £400 supposedly for the difference between the £12 and £16. So, he queried again, turns out they work on a 28 day basis - where it takes up to two weeks to pay the worker, this means the cut off dates change every four weeks BUT they only make 12 payments a year (??) We are confused, they have messed up his pay, paid him for varying days at varying amounts, are making 12 not 13 payments a year, are paying holidays at half pay - not average full pay AND you don't get anything extra for working bank holidays including Christmas - which is just a nice thing to do. I have spent days doing spread sheets, tax calculations, adding up etc etc it sort of works but then it doesn't. How can you pay someone £380 for a holiday they haven't taken in the previous month? We will be down that money in January.# I don't know whether to speak to an accountant, a solicitor or the fraud office tbh Ut's driving me mad!! If any of you cn make sense of this please do. I can post spread sheets if you want as they don't show anything personal only numbers and random musings. The only contract was verbal and my husbands notes taken during the initial discussions - working this many hours makes it hard to apply for other jobs. Thanks for anything you can tease out of this tangled web of financial dodginess.
  13. When I first moved to this flat three or so years ago there was a card meter and I asked my electric company of twenty years, British Gas, to alter it to a 'normal' direct debit one. When their engineer came, he said that he couldn't because this meter and the other three flats' meters were all interconnected (back in the 60s) in such a way that to replace it correctly (& legally) meant ripping the whole wiring system up, which, he insisted, would entail a massive job because the whole apartment block and most of the road would have to be ripped up too. he instead tampered with my card meter a bit (not sure how legal that was) and said it was now direct debit. Since then I've received electricity no problem, but every bill has registered zero usage. Into the bargain, British Gas never sent someone to read the meter, despite my asking them to. After, say, 12 months, I was contacted by "Face2Face" (British Gas enforcers) who said they'd been trying to get access to the meter cupboard but insisted that I kept missing their appointments - totally not true. I actually sent them the key to the meter cupboard (situated outside the flats) and told them to access it whenever they wanted without needing me. Did that happen? No . During the last two years I received nothing but regular "We will get a warrant if you don't let us have access" letters, to which I always replied "YOU HAVE THE KEY", and then they'd apologise, but then a couple of months later I'd get another "We will get a warrant if you don't let us in" letter, and everything would be repeated. Moving forward to about two months ago, some Face2Face bully boys came around out of the blue saying they had a warrant. I pointed out that "YOU HAVE THE KEY", which resulted in their company giving me £150 as an apology after I complained, and also because management then admitted they had lost the key. The management then asked if I would grant their engineer access to the meter cupboard to change the meter today, which I of course agreed to. When their engineer and site foreman arrived, I discovered that they wanted to change the meter to another pre-payment meter, which I told them I preferred not to have thank you very much (and for reasons not worth going into, we luckily couldn't get into the meter cupboard anyway). The result of this was that they said that they'd come back in month, and that I should try to ask their management to ask British Gas if I can have a normal meter. The problem is, they said that they doubted British Gas will agree to that because there will be a large backlog of money owed on this meter. But I haven't caused that, they did. I'm also worried that they'll want any money owed at a rate of return that exceeds my meagre incomings. Any thoughts? Additionally, remembering that the last engineer who tried to change the meter said that doing so would mean a massive "knock down the building and tear up the road to do it properly" job, I'm assuming that the only way they can change the meter this time (without knocking the building down) is to, again, do a makeshift 'dodgy' job. But I suspect that this time they will set it up heavily in their favour!
  14. Evening all, Decided that I would do my new update on my iPhone 5c last week and 2 days later the phone completely broke! Phone is 12 month old and was 9 days out of warrenty when it broke. Took it to Apple, not very helpful at all! Told me its a hardware fault and charged me £199 for a replacement. I really needed my phone so paid it! Was sat across from a lady who was in the same boat, did the update and was being charged £199 also. Can they really get away with this? My phone was working absolutely perfect until their bloody update! Not sure who to contact - is it worth it? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Rachael
  15. Hi I would like some advice regarding an issue at work. I had a customer who placed a large order over the phone in December, the transaction was for appropriately £4000, he said he will be sending his diver to come in and collect the items the next day. This is not unusual for us as we often have customers who spend large amounts and often have people pay over the phone and collect another day especially when we have special offers of 10% off as we did that day. His driver came into collect the next day, I wasn't in but i left everything ready for my colleague to give it to him. As she was getting everything ready the department manager and the head of security passed by and asked who he was and what was happening, she explained and they both told her to call the customer and check if it was his driver before giving the items over, she did as they said. The same customer called the next day and placed another order with my colleague (a second colleague) this time for £6000, the driver came in to collect that evening with from myself and a fourth colleague. It turns out the card was fraudulent and the matter is being investigated with all people involved. I had my 'fact finding meeting last week' and now they are escalating and i have a disaplinary hearing this week. Their main arrangements is that they have no recorded from the bank that i called to check the card, which I did. Their other point is that they have an internal system where staff can access training notes and other information and if I was unsure about anything then I should have referred there where it would have told me that I cannot do a telephone order and physically give the items to a customer it must be posted out. ..fair enough but my argument is that I have never ever had an induction with the store; where they would tell me all of the stores procedures including mail orders; I told them this in my meeting and that I had never heard of this system and had no clue how to access it. I believe it is down to the department manager at the time to book new staff members in to ensure everyone knows the rules, also for as long as I have been there (2 years) we have always allowed customers to collect orders placed over the phone, all of my colleagues and managers have done so; it has been the norm and no one has ever told us otherwise. In the past floor managers have just asked us to keep the items locked away as they had been paid for. My argument is that just because they have no record of my call it does not mean the call was not place. If I was never told about these tools how can I have been expected to use them (the internal system), if I have never been educated by the way of an induction how can I be expected to know the procedure of not allowing customers to pay over the phone and collect when my colleagues and superiors have always done so. The letter sates that if these allegations re proven then disciplinary action up to dismissal could be taken. By the way I recorded the meeting, and will probably record the hearing for my own reference I hope I have written this clearly, thanks in advance for any help.
  16. NRAM (Northern Rock), dodgy documents and agreements. Hi and thanks to all who contribute to this site. Flushed with success at my PPI refund with another Ex creditor I thought I'd start on my NR mortgage. In 2006 I re-mortgaged my house with NR to pay off a previous mortgage and some loans (taken out with NR). The present account is not the 16 digit account that I read about though I can only find the mortgage offer and not the agreement. Also I believe that there is PPI on some of the other loans I had with them in the past (and perhaps the current one). My thrust of action is threefold. Does the dodgy documentation apply to me since the ? Have I been miss-sold the mortgage because it was for 30 years and I'm in my early 60s now and no proper suitability check where carried out by NR. Finally I will be tackling the PPI as normal. I suppose the first thing to do is get my paperwork from them so in light of my three pronged action would I be advised to get a full SAR and CCA request in the first instance? I look forward to your comments as usual. Kind regards
  17. Oh well, here we go again, just when youve sorted one family member out, another one has problems! My daughter and her husband parted last year. Both went to respective solicitors regarding a divorce. She has now got a letter from her ex's solicitor instigating divorce proceedings and demanding she pay £500 towards their costs. Well as far as Im concerned they can demand all they want. She has never entered into any contract or agreement of any description with them - she has her own solicitor. Now we all know how dodgy ( and persistent) a solicitor can be. So a question here folks - I intend to draft a letter totally denying any agreement between them and my daughter ( easy enough) but I dont really expect them to roll over and go away. So in that letter I intend to include a "further charges" clause for my time and effort should I have to continue writing to them. Does anyone have an idea of what those charges could be, ie, is their a recognised amount? Im also wondering if a complaints letter to their relevant authority regarding a demand for money through sheer speculation and without any lawful reason could drop them in it?
  18. Hi, please tell me if in wrong forum etc but here goes. For a long time I have felt that internet recruitment agencies are a little like smiling politicians who you must simply ask 'why are you smiling?'... in that you must question them 'why are you on the internet?'. Quite simply, the answer would be: to troll data in order to bolster up numbers to generate revenue. Cut to the chase, there is one company in BIRMINGHAM who persistently advertise jobs and will not deliver. They will, if anything, just send you a 'cut and paste' email in a certain friendly 'tone' that reflects well on them. Once they sent a text to my voicemail (I was holding phone in hand so know it went there, as opposed to calling me which I assume is cheaper?) and when I called back, the person was 'not available'. Simply, how do I report them, and to who?
  19. Hi, Last year, after years of sorting out various financial messes, my credit rating was finally repaired. A couple of days ago, I logged into my credit report to see all of the fixing completely undone and a default from British Gas, from an old address in 2009, had appeared. This is the first time this mark/account has appeared on my file. The address is an old rented flat - after digging through my old correspondence, It appears I left the flat, notified them, paid up the final bill (letting agent wouldn't allow the deposit back if I didn't prove this) and then they tried to charge me for the period between vacating and a new tenant taking over because it's scientifically proven BG can't get anything right. Further digging shows Buchanan, Clarke & Wells sending me threatening letters for a gas bill a few months after vacating (Nov '09). I challenged their letter, because I didn't owe the money and they wrote to me and said no further action would be pursued. Sadly the only record I have is my own letter and memory of their response. Now it transpires the 'debt' - which covers when i had left the property, told the imbeciles at BG AND paid up my final bill/reading - has resurfaced five years later on my credit report out of nowhere, just a few months before I plan on buying a house (of course ). Where do I start to try and sort this mess out?
  20. An old man down my road got ripped off by a shoddy workman last week. He was charged a couple of hundred quid for the replacement of a couple of roof tiles, and the workman ended up causing some damage while he was up there too. My neighbour only had the workman's mobile number and name - no address or landline. I assumed - in my ignorance - that this would be a civil case: the auld fella would need to issue a small claim for unsatisfactory work etc, and without an address it would be hard work. But then I was reading about a similar case in the local paper today: a trader charged a pensioner 40 quid to clean the guttering, but only did half a job. The trader was prosecuted for fraud by false representation and received a suspended sentence. I'm curious about the point at which issues like these become criminal matters. Obviously the police would be in a much better position to help my neighbour, but I'd just assumed it was a purely civil matter. Can anyone clear up my primitive, child-like grasp of law?
  21. Had a call on my mobile today asking for my partner (as it is her phone really) purporting to come from HSBC. The number displayed as only '207335'. Asian sounding lady would not discuss anything with me. Anyone else had such a call? Fred
  22. My friend decided to take over her ex-boss' small business after her boss retired - rather than face losing her job. She has borrowed heavily to do this. Unfortunately, she is a very naive and trusting person and did not realise that people would be trying to exploit her. She let "a very nice saleswoman who was so helpful and understanding" talk her into signing a contract to provide her with a service that was going to help my friend make money. My friend signed a contract after this saleswoman explained the contract to my friend thoroughly. My friend also provided her bank details. Then, a lot more money started going out of my friend's account than she expected and the service is not making her any money. When she rang the company to ask them to explain, they told her that the saleswoman no longer worked for them. They did send my friend a credit note for some of her money but, her account has not been credited for any amount, at all. I looked at the contract and it is definitely NOT what my friend was told it was. It is a hire agreement and ties my friend to the contract for a "fixed period" of over 3 years and will cost her thousands of pounds. The contract also mentions several different clauses that are not included with the page my friend signed - so we both have no idea what else is included. Instead, this "agreement" threatens my friend with interest charges, extra costs, repossession and losing her credit worthiness if she does not continue to pay up. My friend is absolutely terrified of losing her good credit history. Yet they have access to take whatever money they want from her account. I have tried Googling the company to find out more about them and they do not have a nice reputation for dealing with dissatisfied customers. Also, the company is currently in Administration. How can my friend get out of this contract? She trusted the saleswoman and felt that it would have been rude to stop and read the contract before-hand!!! Also, is this company allowed to make long-term contracts whilst in Administration? Please help. My friend is currently losing money and this contract is not helping her at all.
  23. Good evening I purchased a used car three days ago and i am now coming across some issues, I recently purchased a used jaguar s type on 51 plate from a garage forcourt in doncaster. I was told by the seller that we couldnt test drive it as it had no tax or mot. But to my admittedly untrained eye the car looked sound, no oil leaks a steady sounding engine, a little bit of white exhust but the car had been stood since early 2013, so i put this down to condensation. The seller pointed out to me that there had been some insurance work done to the paint work due to a large scratch i asked if the car had been a write off and he said no. I have since discovered that the car was a cat c write off. All seemed good (im a bit nieve when it comes to buying cars all my past cars have been bangers bought from mates for a couple of hundred quid) the seller was named on the v5 document as the registered keeper, but not the owner of the garage. The seller also has other cars for sale with the same garage. I paid up 1295 cash for the car on monday evening to the garage owner/manager who signed the receipt which state sold as seen and the seller had it mot'd on tuesday morning. The engine management light came on as i was driving the car to a three day course in hull on Wednesday evening. Thursday morning the car started to rev irractically in idle and cut out if idling for a long ish period of time (at traffic lights etc). I took it to the nearest jaguar dealership thursday evening and its booked in for diagnostics on friday afternoon. Am i within my rights to get a full refund if the diagnostics show up a major fault, can i get the seller to pay for repairs where do i stand with the cat c issue?
  24. I p/x my renault megane to a local car sales and covered the remaining cost of the car i wanted with a cash payment. The car I bought was a 2007 ford focus TDCI. I was told the car had a full reconditioned engine and was of a good standard. I was also issued with 6month gold warranty form the garage which I was assured would cover engine and gearbox. After having the car a day I returned with a problem which was the inter cooler pipe which was fixed by the lads. 4 months later I returned again and the guys looked over it and then tried to charge me for a diagnostics and also gave me a price it would cost to do the work. The injector seals were leaking and are not covered under the warranty because they are classed as 'wear and tear'. I'm thinking this is unusual considering the engine was fully reconditioned only 4months previous? Also I found it quite strange that I took the car to a trusted local mechanic who replaced the injector seals and informed me that the previous seals were in fact the wrong size anyway. Thinking maybe I had been sold a wreckage car, I asked the mechanic to check over certain components which may have an adverse affect on the cars performance. He told me the turbocharger was extremely worn and needed replacing. Ok. I read through the warranty booklet to discover the turbocharger is covered under the warranty terms. When calling the place of sale I was told to stop calling and that they would not do the work for me, the warranty covers all garages, go away! This is the good bit! When I called the warranty company up, I was informed that my warranty was VOID because it was sold to me under the previous name of the company, and that they were not dealing anymore! Although it is the exact same lads who I have been dealing with from the start, but trading under a different name! This to me seems very suspicious. I have had the turbocharger and relevant parts fitted to the cost of over £800 of my own money. Now there are other issues with the engine that are unknown, which is likely to cost me in the region of £1000 - £1500. I've not had the car 6months, I've spent £900 on repairs which should of been covered under warranty but are not because its Void! Can anybody help/advise me what to do?
  25. Hi just looking for some advice please. I bought a car from a dealership (with a 3 month warranty) who send all their vehicles to a 3rd party garage for MOTS, repairs etc. It was MOT'd the day I bought it and it passed with NO advisories. This immediately didn't sit right with me as when we viewed the car the middle rear seatbelt had frayed right through at least half of the width (a definite fail), the headlight was also out (another definite fail-although it 'could of gone at any time'). I went to the garage and showed them the seatbelt and they clearly were very embarrassed it had been missed (more like they didn't MOT it properly as you would have to be blind to miss that!). They then replaced the seatbelt and headlight bulb and I went on my way. Out of interest I then got it MOT'd at a main well known dealership at which it passed but had around 8 advisories. Then around a week after buying the car the exhaust developed a hole and was making a horrendous noise, so it went back to the 3rd party garage who replaced the whole exhaust system. Another week went by and I noticed the rear de-mister wasn't working and the malfunction indicator light had come on. Back it went to the 3rd party garage for repair, who issued me with a courtesy car. The courtesy car was a lot older than my car and in a pretty rough condition. On the way home with my I noticed that when I break the car was making a strange noise when I was breaking. I didn't feel comfortable driving it so took it to a different garage and paid them £20 to give it a quick check. They advised me the tyres on the car were bald, the wheel was wobbly on passenger front side and quite a few other faults. They told me it was unsafe to drive. I am livid because I've been driving around with my daughters in the car and to think the garage who gave me the courtesy car put them at risk makes me feel ill!:mad2: Where do I stand? Can I get them done for providing an un-roadworthy courtesy car? Help is appreciated, thanks. Oh they have since told me that the malfunction indicator light was on in my car due to a faulty catalytic converter that THEY fitted!
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