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Found 7 results

  1. Almost two weeks ago (Sunday 18th) I was travelling from Aylesbury to Marylebone a ticket inspector came round, when I gave him my ticket realised I had left my 16-25 railcard at home. I was annoyed at myself and tried my best not to take it out on him as I knew it was my fault (although I did hope a bit of discretion might have been used), I asked what the fine was and if I had to pay the difference between 16-25 and full fare or more, and said do I pay now. He just said no (didn't really answer my question but I didn't really have the desire for a long conversation with him) and that I would get a letter in the post and would have to pay the fine within 21 days. He took my details and my ticket and wrote on a blank ticket something like "invalid ticket, to Marylebone, please let through" with a reference, and gave that to me and nothing else. When I got to Marylebone I handed this ticket over to get out of the barriers and thought nothing more of it. Today, I received a letter demanding £50.35. Now a ticket from Aylesbury to Marylebone is around £15, the 16-25 was around a tenner. It says "this sum represents the fare and an administration charge of £45" and demands I pay within 14 days. I feel this is very unfair - maybe charging me only the £5.35 difference is generous of them but a £45 admin fee seems a joke given I offered to pay at the time and that I had underpaid by a fiver. Is there something wrong here? I feel like they are being very hard on me given I have no history of anything and wanted to pay at the time - I feel as though the ticket inspector may have done me over here - I didn't even get a receipt of the fine at the time or anything though so I don't know if I have any evidence. Any advice?
  2. I would like to bring to everyone's attention what I believe is an unfair trading by Railways ( no specific company ). To commute from Croydon (zone-5) to Canary Wharf (zone-2), daily office going passengers have to travel via London Bridge (Zone-1), because the direct connectivity between Croydon and Canary Wharf is poor. The direct connectivity from Croydon to London Bridge is the only re-course for passengers but they have to shell out extra £1020.00 per annum as London Bridge is in Zone-1. £1020.00 /annum is a huge amount by any standard, Someone buying a zone5-zone-2 ticket also deserves a good service as well. After all the cost is based on zone and not on level of service. I believe the current method is directing funds from thousands of daily travellers in an unfair way to rail companies. Besides this, it is depriving the people of time I have raised this with ORR (Office of Rail regulation). I want to know if I Can take this to court? I am willing to chase this public interest, in court, if I get advise.
  3. Managed to get myself a Parking Charge Notice issued by MET Parking in a Chiltern Railways car park. I use this Car park every day and always buy a monthly ticket. On this particular day I was running even later than normal and parked the car as the train was coming into view I grabbed my laptop and flung the parking ticket on the dash to only return that evening to discover the ticket hadn't stayed on the dash and a nice plastic envelope stuck to my windscreen. I have all my tickets and receipts going back over 12 months including the valid ticket for that day. I've been reading what I can find on the forum and it appears the advice is to wait for the NTK letter to arrive before appealing, is this the best way forward? I will get some pictures of all the signage in the car park but it definitely mentions railway bylaws on some of the signs I've seen. Not sure if it makes any difference but the car is actually registered in my spouses name even though it is the vehicle I always drive. Can I assume if I write to them now stating that although it wasn't displayed correctly I had a valid parking ticket so no loss has been incurred this would just get rejected out of hand? and would that weaken my case later? I'm annoyed with myself for letting this happen and annoyed with MET for trying to charge me £100 for something I had already paid for. What the best way forward in this case? Thanks
  4. Hi, i am not going to go into too much detail on this thread, i have been searching the internet for help etc but Transport Investigations are simply having none of it. I have groveled, offered to pay admin fees, asked for an our of court settlement and i had a third letter to which they have re-asses my case and they see no reason why it should not go to court. I have sent another letter today, again groveling but this time i have offered them £350.00 as an out of court settlement and begged them to consider it. If i am honest, i would be surprised if they even replied to this letter, as the next letter i am expecting is a court summons. I would just like some information on the above offense if convicted for it, when does the offence become 'spent'? What is the average overall fine for the offense? It was my first time offense and i am gutted to say the least but it looks as though they will not budge. Thanks for any help.
  5. Hi, I just found out that for the past year I have been sold a rail pass for my student son to make a journey only two stations longer than his Oyster card covered. More fool me, you might say, but I have asked Southern Railways on a number of occasions if there were any way to minimise the cost of the journey which has been a struggle for us to pay for, and on each occasion they have never mentioned the Oyster card as an option. Isn't there an official body I could complain to about their refusal to give an accurate and honest answer to the question ' What is the cheapest option for my son, aged 17 full-time student, to travel from Station A to Station B'. I am so angry at them I could just cry... If anyone has any helpful information as to anybody I could complain to that might be able to help us even if all that happens is they have to change this dishonest policy of concealing cheaper fares which they currently use I would at least have the satisfaction of knowing they couldn't rip any one else off this way. OOOh! Feel better now that's off my chest!
  6. Hello I'm 18s years old and received a letter from First Capital Connect last Monday stating they were in intending to prosecute me under 5.3.a of the Regulations of Railways Act 1889. Basically, I was an idiot and purchased a child's ticket in order to get to College for an interview. Upon getting to the ticket station I realised I was without the money to buy an adult ticket in my rushed state purchased a child's one instead, figuring it was better to pay something than nothing. Upon getting to the station I then panicked further and stated I bought it by accident before admitting the truth on the form. I desperately need 3 things answering and would appreciate any help given. 1: What is the maximum possible sentence for violating this part of the act? 2: What is the likely sentence? 3: What should my course of action be? Should I attempt a settlement letter? Thank you
  7. Do you have any strong points of veiw or will the route will affect you, have your say here. Did your MP go to the debate about High Speed Rail in March ? It was held in Westminster Hall at the Houses of Parliament, on Thursday 31st March between 2.30 and 5.30 It’s was arranged by MPs Andrea Leadsom, Geoffrey Robinson, Dan Byles and Peter Bone. Geoffrey Robinson has come out against HS2 already – even though it does not pass through his constituency. See the proposed route here :- http://highspeedrail.dft.gov.uk/in-your-area The Consultaion Document on HS2 is here :- http://highspeedrail.dft.gov.uk/ Exceptional Hardship Scheme opens for applications The Exceptional Hardship Scheme (EHS) for property owners affected by the proposed high speed rail line from London to Birmingham is open for applications Property owners on, or in the vicinity of, HS2 Ltd’s recommended route - Route 3 - who urgently need to move, and would suffer exceptional hardship if they are unable to do so, can apply for the Government to buy their property at its full unblighted value. For full details and application forms :- http://www.hs2.org.uk/assets/x/64304 If you want to say 'NO' to HS2 http://stophs2.org/ If you support HS2 http://yestohs2.blogspot.com/2010/10/case-for-high-speed-2-hs2-answering.html http://www.yestohs2.co.uk/
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