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Found 17 results

  1. Hi. I had a problem with a PCN from Indigo a few years ago and received excellent advice from here to "sit tight". Was successful. Thanks. However, we now have another similar case and someone told me that recent case law has changed things, so I wanted to check that sitting tight is still the right course of action. My wife parked at a Southern Railway station car park recently and used the automated phone response service to pay for a day's parking. Unfortunately, the regstration number used on the automated system was incorrect - one letter was accidently missed off. There was no windscreen ticket, so I assume control was by CCTV. We have now received a PCN from the PCN Admin Centre (29 days after the event) acting on behalf of Indigo requesting payment of £100. It's a "penalty notice by post notice to owner" quoting byelaw 14. In the time between the incident and receiving the notice she has parked there twice more, so I assume we will receive more notices in respect of these dates. So, should we just sit tight? Would it be better to write to Indigo explaining what the mistake was? They could check their records and see that they did receive payment each time. Also, I don't think the registration number used actually exists. Thanks for your help.
  2. I have been issued with a a PCN for parking at a local council NCP CAR PARK. I have been photographed leaving the parking site without paying for a valid parking ticket. I DO have a parking ticket for the time of parking but it does not display my vehicle reg number, I could not remember my reg number when I got the ticket,couldnt be bothered to walk all the way back to car, so just entered a series of 1111111 in order to obtain the ticket. I have appealed the charge but am expecting in to be rejected, because thats what they do. what will happen if I refuse to pay up.
  3. Some advice please. My severely disabled daughter (uses an electric wheelchair) and her carer used a car park in Exeter in a Smart Parking car park, but the carer only entered the last 3 letters of the car reg. This is most probably because in our local council car parks you only need the last three letters. The letter states we did not purchase a ticket or it was insufficient time. I still have the ticket and photographic evidence that we paid and parked, so I appealed on their behalf. The appeal was on the grounds that we did not enter the full reg and they are upholding the PCN!! Today we received a letter from a debt recovery company DRP. Any advice as to how to proceed would be appreciated as I feel that this is really harsh.
  4. Hi All, Any help would be greatly appreciated on how I appeal this parking Charge, I paid for the days parking via the PayByPhone app but selected my previous vehicle in error (same make and colour in list with similar number plate!). As per the sticky post here are my answers to the questions; 1) Date of infringement: 17/05/18 13:24 2) Appeal lodged: No (I have however opened the web page to do so!) I also have not received an NTK. 3) NTK Mention Schedule 4 PoFA: N/A NTK not received 4) Appeal after receiving NTK: N/A NTK Not received 5) Parking Company: SIP Parking Limited (SIPcarparks.com) 6) Car park: Tariff Street, Manchester. (Code 88841) I was parked legally in a marked bay and paid for the parking upon arrival, unfortunately I used my previous vehicles registration number. I have a history of using the car park on a monthly basis with receipts / records of each parking transaction and Reg number they are against. If paid within 24 hours: £35 7 days: £50 14 days: £60 Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  5. 1 Date of the infringement 29/7/17 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 3/8/17 3 Date received Not sure 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] N 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up Yes, unsuccessfuly 7 Who is the parking company? SmartParking 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Haven Bank Retail Park, Exeter I have recently tried unsuccessfully to appeal against a parking fine that I received due to my partner not entering the complete reg plate into the parking machine. She thought she just had to enter the number part of my reg (04) rather than the whole registration. Fortunately I still have the ticket which matches the number bit of my plate. I believe it is fairly clear from this that I did actually but a ticket. I tried to appeal on the basis that I had evidence that I had paid and explained what had happened but it was rejected as they say that the instructions clearly state that the correct registration plate has to be entered and that I have therefore breached the terms and conditions. It states that in order to appeal again I therefore need to appeal to the independent appeals service. Anyone got any advice? I am determined not to pay the fine when I did actually but a ticket. Cheers, Dave.
  6. After scoring zero points on my 3rd WCA assessment (so no change there ) I find my self in a dilemma! Do I or do I not claim Universal Credit [uC] Well.................... http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/10218/ http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/9951/ That's in Full Service areas I'm still in a single claimant area so..... I'm going for it.... ; a. LHA change of circumstances in today NIL income declaration well except for DLA,. b. going to have to argue for an annotated fit note from a GP I've seen before from here http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/8408/ c. sent off the SAR and Mandatory Reconsideration with proof of posting this morning. Now the basics of the argument are; a, as you have not claimed UC there is no new claim nor conversion to UC regs. b, as there is no new claim nor migration it's all just a new phase in the same ESA claim which REG 30 applies too Antone knows there shizzle on this procedural stuff so maybe can advise? So ESA at assessment rate with DLA/.PIP premiums is still....
  7. My Mother In Law has got several scary warnings from Parking Eye for parking without a ticket, despite having bought one. She's found the ticket and she put the wrong reg in. Is it worth replying to, or just keep ignoring it?
  8. My wife used a car park at fistral beach in Newquay, she accidentally put a letter J instead of G when she entered her reg number, but there was no way of amending the mistake she carried on anyway. We have now had a fine sent saying we never paid, even though there were only about 2-3 cars in the car park. They can see by their records that it was a one digit mistake but they want their money. We did appeal, but they say they are correct in issuing a ticket even though the parking fee was paid. Any ideas?
  9. hi I got a parking fine . .however as the registration was wrong.. ..i ignored it .. .. it was AB50 CDE instead of AB55 CDE for example sake. yesterday i got a letter from the private parking company asking for fine amount + the late fees etc etc...so its like around 100 pounds now... Maybe they managed to trace me from DVLA record............... What are my options here!!! Pay the fine ?!? Dispute it being the incorrect number !!! any advise will be much appreciated... Cheers Numpty N
  10. My sister ws looking to buy a car. Its a Cat D that has been repaired. She is ok with that as her current car is the same and shes had it for 10 years without a problem. Short story - see a car, had test drive, all good. Paid deposit. On the day she was due to collect was contacted to say that the car had been hit by another vehicle in a hit and run and was sent photos of the damage. Owner said that it would cost around £100 to repair but he would knock £150 off the price. Sister says now not interested and asked for refund of deposit. I passed the photos around some friends in the trade to get an idea of the cost of repair and got quotes from £350 (smart repair) to £1300 (main dealer). Owners son phoned to say we had agreed deal and he would get it repaired and then all ok. Sister says no, wants deposit back as the new damage, even though repaired, is not the car she wanted to but. Owner now playing up about returning the deposit. My question is this - the current owner bought the car and had it repaired from from the original Cat D accident. He has owned it since January, it is taxed, MOT'd and insured But - the V5 still shows the original owners details meaning he has never changed the registered keepers details. Just need a bit of ammunition to try to get the deposit back with the least amount of fuss so assuming insurance companies ask if you are the registered keeper, how much more information would they need if you were to say no. I am guessing that the owner has said that he is the registered keeper.
  11. Hello All, thank you all for the advice that follows; My car has been photographed at the above station and issued with a PCN in the early evening but that PCN has an incorrect reg on it. I, like many others, just want assurance that the PCN is invalid due to the incorrect details being taken down and not to do anything with the PCN nor write to NCP. I always pay my parking, all the time, including this day pay by phone but I did this just before leaving London some 2 hours after the PCN was issued but by the time I got back to my car the dreaded sticky envelope was on my windscreen. This is a company vehicle which both myself and my wife are allowed to drive. If any more information is needed please let me know. Thank you all once again. NCPSucker
  12. She has just received A letter from bw legal regarding a PNC (Private Land) back in July 2013. They are using the court case of Parking Eye Vs Beavis as there main argument. She bought a ticket; she did not go over the allotted time. The reg plate was entered wrong. See the details below and hopefully it should be come clear Back in July 2013 a fiend of my daughter parked on a private car park run by excel parking. At the time the girl in question was young and being young when paying for her ticket instead of putting in her reg, as she should, she was a little mischievous and put in TIT HEAD. Well guess what happened next she got letter PNC through for £100. + £54 cost. By the time she had told me in December of that year it was a debt collection agency that was chasing her for the money. I sent a conditional acceptance saying that she did buy a ticket and we would happy except the fine if they could prove that the Reg TIT HEAD had not mistakenly been entered in their machine. And I sent a five pound Cheque to cover any loss. I said that she was not excepting any liability but was here staying honour and offering remedy. I said if this is not acceptable please return the cheque and with it proof of claim in the following. I asked 19 things like disclosure of all photographs. That Excell can show by the way of records that TIT HEAD was not entered on that day. A asked them explain what grounds they are making a claim. Is it damages for trespass, damages for breach of contract, damages for loss of income? So on and so forth in all I asked for between 16 and 19 pieces of information. She has heard nothing since until she received this letter the other day. Any advice please in relation to parking eye Vs Beavis and the above circumstances
  13. 123-reg are domain registrars. They have introduced a new charge to transfer .uk domains away. This contradicts previous terms and very visible statements on their web site. They have given no notice of the change in terms. I want to transfer to a new registrar, and have asked them to waive the charge as it was not part of my agreement when I paid for domains there. But they are refusing to waive it pointing to a clause (that probably was in effect) that basically says they can do what they want when they want: Rather than me trying to explain it all in further detail maybe simplest if I point you to this web page where they explain it very well. http://www.mayne.net/123reg-domain-name-hostage/ some people on there have had success, but 123-reg are still refusing to allow me to transfer away free. What are my legal options and levers here please?
  14. Hi, i am not going to go into too much detail on this thread, i have been searching the internet for help etc but Transport Investigations are simply having none of it. I have groveled, offered to pay admin fees, asked for an our of court settlement and i had a third letter to which they have re-asses my case and they see no reason why it should not go to court. I have sent another letter today, again groveling but this time i have offered them £350.00 as an out of court settlement and begged them to consider it. If i am honest, i would be surprised if they even replied to this letter, as the next letter i am expecting is a court summons. I would just like some information on the above offense if convicted for it, when does the offence become 'spent'? What is the average overall fine for the offense? It was my first time offense and i am gutted to say the least but it looks as though they will not budge. Thanks for any help.
  15. Ok - total oversight / head in the sand job here. Have not updated the registered keeper address on my registration document for nearly 4 years - just got my tax today & the post office lady spotted & said I had to send it off & update it - which I now have. I'm just worried will this highlight any skeletons in the closet ? - Speeding fines - Late tax fines And would it be better to call DVLA to check current status or just leave it ? Any advise appreciated. Thanks
  16. Hi Guys I have been served with a PCN from Thurrock Council, I parked my truck in a Industrial estate nr Tilbury docks, not a busy industrial estate at all, I was tired and after a long day behind the wheel, I pulled up for the night. At 0332 I had a PCN attached to my vehicle, thankfully it didnt rain too hard as the envelope was not sealed properly, also looking at the PCN, it does not show the full reg number PCN TK00838539 Date of service 12/07/12 By civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) : TK068 Who had reason to believe that the following contravention had occured and that a penalty charge is now payable 46 Parked on a clearway where stopping is prohibited Date of Contravention 12/07/12 Time of Contravention 03:32 Location Thurrock Park Way Make :DAF Vehicle registration number 07KKJ Colour Unspecified Tax Disc 06...... Expiry 30/06?2013 Observed from From:03:32 To: 03:32 All there is at the Bottom is a Payment slip, looks like something has ben detached from the bottom, but I am not sure, if I can get my scanner working will scan it later for ref the location is https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&ll=51.470243,0.342357&spn=0.001935,0.004823&hnear=Upton+WF9+1HU,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=18 There was 3 trucks parked up, all UK trucks, all were PCN'd, BUT there were at least 2 maybe 4 polish or romanian trucks which didnt get a ticket, also there was a trailer (the back end of a Artic truck) which didnt get a ticket I didnt realise it was a clearway, but the signs were small, not the usual big ones Any help is appreciated
  17. Hi guys, I just wanted to know what the law is on this? I hate entering my reg. no into a pay and display machine and was wondering if there's any law that says you have to? I only ask, as my mother entered hers incorrectly the other day (226 instead of 227) and if they look at the images before they send out charge notices? Regards.
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