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  1. Hi All, Any help would be greatly appreciated on how I appeal this parking Charge, I paid for the days parking via the PayByPhone app but selected my previous vehicle in error (same make and colour in list with similar number plate!). As per the sticky post here are my answers to the questions; 1) Date of infringement: 17/05/18 13:24 2) Appeal lodged: No (I have however opened the web page to do so!) I also have not received an NTK. 3) NTK Mention Schedule 4 PoFA: N/A NTK not received 4) Appeal after receiving NTK: N/A NTK Not received 5) Parking Company: SIP Parking Limited (SIPcarparks.com) 6) Car park: Tariff Street, Manchester. (Code 88841) I was parked legally in a marked bay and paid for the parking upon arrival, unfortunately I used my previous vehicles registration number. I have a history of using the car park on a monthly basis with receipts / records of each parking transaction and Reg number they are against. If paid within 24 hours: £35 7 days: £50 14 days: £60 Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  2. Dear All, I am new to this and i would need your precious help. My car was parked inwalmer street in manchester and the driver bought a valid ticket from the machine. Upon shutting the door this ticket has fallen on the floor without the driver realized that. On return the drivers find on the windscreen the penalty charge as "as no ticket displayed". The driver tried few times to call the number on the ticket in order to talk to an operator but the number rings out. Once at home the driver send proof of the valid ticket to SIP through their website and for an appeal against the charge explaining the circumstances. After a week the appeaq was rejected and been advised to pay GBP60.00 instead of the original GBP35. Advised to appeal to IPC if unsatisfied. Replied to several email but SIP said they will NOT reconsider the decision. What do you suggest to do now? Should the driver contact the IPC? Please your help is needed Thanks sandrofio
  3. Hi, My first post so I hope I have stuck to all rules. I received a PCN today from SIP in Manchester for not parking in marked bay. I returned from a court appointment in the family courts and had the PCN on my windscreen. I had paid the parking for the period via the app. The markings for the actual bays was almost none existent and also it was the end of an arm in the under rail parking on Harding Street in Salford. My thoughts are that due to the poor quality of the "marked bays" they have no case. i parked as you can see from the photos as close as I could to the next car so that someone could get in and out of there car. I have parked here in this place for about 18 years and only recently have SIP took management of it. Won't be going again And yes it was private land 1 The date of infringement? 22/10/2018 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [N] If you haven't appealed yet - ,......... have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] 5 Who is the parking company? SIP 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Harding Street Salford PDF.pdf
  4. Hi, my car was parked at Walmer street in Manchester and received a PCN for exceeding time limit. I was not the driver and so no ticket was received by myself. A few months later I received a 'Final Reminder' and then a 'Letter before claim'. I tried to get information from SIP as to what and when of the situation but they didn't want to know. Court proceedings began and I filed a defence which I have pasted below. Now on Friday I received the Claimants witness statement for the court date which is next week. The statement is dated 5th March, not sure why it has been delivered so much after. This statement is quite long and I have attached it to this post. Any help with this would be extremely appreciated. The previous advice I was following was quite confident that it wouldn't go to court. I even chose arbitration, but the claimant declined. Thank you Defence: 1. I am the Defendant, and reside at . 2.The Defendant denies any liability whatsoever to the Claimant. 3. A valid ticket was purchased by the driver to cover the*estimated*duration of stay. 4.*If the Claimant is intending to pursue this claim against the Defendant on the basis that the Defendant is the registered keeper then the Claimant has failed to show that the conditions for recovering this charge under Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 have been met. The Defendant disputes that any of the conditions necessary for a claim to be pursued against the keeper of the vehicle have been met. 5.a)*No evidence has been provided to show a valid Notice to Driver was given to the driver in accordance with Paragraph 7, Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. 5.b)*Where a Notice to Driver was given no evidence has been provided to show that a valid Notice to Keeper was served in accordance with Paragraph 8, Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. 5.c)*No evidence has been provided to show that the Creditor has made a valid application for keepers details in accordance with Paragraph 11, Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. 6.*It is believed that the Claimant has no standing to bring this claim. The proper Claimant is the landowner. The claimant has failed to establish their legal right to bring a claim either as the landholder or the agent of the landholder. Strict proof is required that there is a chain of contracts leading from the landowner to SIP PARKING LTD. The Defendant claims that the Claimant does not have the authority to issue charges on this land in their own name and that they have no locus standi to bring this case. 7. If the driver on the date of the event was considered to be a trespasser if not allowed to park there, then only the landowner can pursue a case under the tort of trespass, not this Claimant, and as the Supreme Court in the ParkingEye Ltd v Beavis [2015] UKSC 67, such a matter would be limited to the landowner themselves claiming for a nominal sum. 8.The Claimant might argue that the Supreme Court’s decision in Parking Eye v. Beavis is applicable. The Defendant will argue that the present case meets none of the conditions that the Supreme Court stated were required for a parking notice to be exempt from the well-established principle that penalty charges cannot be recovered. The main difference is that the Supreme Court determined that, in a retail park, there was a public interest in ensuring a turnover of visitors that justified a disincentive to overstay. There is clearly no such interest in a third party attempting to impose its conditions where there is no public interest in ensuring a turnover of visitors. 9.*The Defendant also disputes that the Claimant has incurred £50 solicitor cost and interest. The Particulars of Claim are spectacularly deficient and woefully inadequate to show a cause of action. 10.*The Claimant has not complied with the pre-court protocol. The Particulars of Claim contains no details and fails to establish a cause of action which would enable the Defendant to prepare a specific defence. It just states “parking charges” which does not give any indication of on what basis the claim is brought. There is no information regarding why the charge arose, what the original charge was, what the alleged contract was nor anything which could be considered a fair exchange of information. The defendant therefore asks that the court orders the case to be struck out for want of a detailed course of action and/or for the claim as having no prospect of success. I believe the facts stated in this defence are true. Gladstones - witstat-2.pdf
  5. Hi, the driver parked at Walmer Street car park on 8/4/17 and went over the parking time by 20 mins. After 28 days i received the 'Notice to keeper', which after reading online i ignored and any further correspondence thereafter. Unfortunately it is now being taken to court. My argument was that I did not receive any photo of the parking as i or any other driver of the vehicle couldn't recall parking at the relevant car park. I have a court case on 27th February 2018 and just received the Witness statement from Gladstones Solicitors. I have attached a few of the pages, please can someone advice on what i can do. I do notice from the photos the ticket that was purchased states 'Wilmslow Road' which is acknowledge in the statement but the case mentions 'Walmer Street', can i use this in court as my defence? if there is anything else that i can use so i can prepare before the case. If you need any other information please feel free to ask. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks
  6. Hi, I spent a few days in Manchester last months and parked at SIP Gunn Street. Unfortunately I parked slightly over the line of the bay (there was a pillar on the other side, I am only slightly over the line looking at the pictures -from what I recal I was only on the line but their photos show otherwise). I received a PCN on the windscreen and appealed it on their website (from reading posts on the forum I now understand that I should have ignored it) My appeal and their response is below - is there anything else I can defend? Not sure if it means anything but I did notice from their photo the the ticket I got from the machine has the wrong number plate on (I must have mistyped) and so does not match the number plate on the PCN I thought maybe there could be some technicality there? I really don't want to have to give them £100 right now :/ ironically the ticket was issued on my birthday too! they say I have 7 days to respond You completed the appeal on 10/06/2017 14:52:14. I am appealing this charge notice on the basis that the claimed amount is disproportionate to any potential loss of earnings for SIP, that the rationality for the implementation of the charge is unfair and that the signage could be considered to be ambiguous. On a personal note I feel that SIP have applied this charge in a cynical ploy to extort funds from me over and above that of the value of my the "purchase" from them. 1) the cost of my stay was £8.20 - I did not overstay in the carpark, I did not prevent anyone else from using other spaces in the car park. In issuing this notice of £100 (with various discount incentives to pay them immediately) SIP are suggesting that £100 is fair retribution. To reiterate the manor in which I parked did not prevent any other potential customer from using surrounding spaces, if this was the case I still feel that £100 is disproportionate but could in some respect understand the reasoning behind it. From my point of view the charge has been issued without a valid reason. 2)SIP issued this charge on the basis that I was "Not in Marked Bay". To clarify I parked in a space which had a large concrete pillar to the left of the space. Naturally I parked slightly to the right in order to minimise the risk of impacting the pillar with the left side of the vehicle and to allow my partner to exit the vehicle more easily. My vehicle was not parked extremely to the right and did not intrude into the next parking bar, my right wheel did rest slightly upon the surface of the line but at no point exceeded the outer confines of the bay. 3) the signage states (in very small writing considering that it can be reasonably assumed that the sign would be viewed from within the vehicle possibly whilst in transit) "if the car park or road has marked parking bays then you must park fully within the confines of the marked bay". To return to my previous point at no point did my vehicle exceed the outer confines of the bay. 4) To clarify I feel that the manor in which the notice was issued was dishonest and cynical. I have caused no loss of earnings yet SIP are attempting to effectively increase the cost of my stay tenfold. This is not treating customers fairly and goes beyond the presumed contract of purchase. I'd also note that when I returned to my vehicle I was greeted by people sleeping in the stairwell and the stairwell itself had been used as a bathroom (and I do not mean a urinal). Although this could be considered incidental I'd stress that SIP are attempting to extract an unfair amount based on incidental circumstances. I could argue that SIP did not provide secure (and indeed sanitary) storage for my vehicle. I also do not feel that they gave due attention to my appeal - they offered no explanation other than restating that my vehicle was "not in Marked bay". I do not feel that they addressed any of my concerns or arguments. I also asked that they provide evidence (copies of their photographs) for my review, I have not received this (I was hoping to submit with my appeal but was informed by SIP that I only have 15 days to challenge their assessment of the situation. Again I feel that this is an unfair, cynical ploy. ============================== The operator made their Prima Facie Case on 12/06/2017 12:07:33. The Operator Reported That... The appellant was the driver. A manual ticket was placed on the vehicle. The ticket was issued on 16/05/2017. The charge is based in Contract. The Operator Made The Following Comments... The terms on the signage are explicitly clear that a vehicle in addition to having a valid parking session must also "park fully within the confines of a marked bay" by failing to adhere to the above terms the driver agrees to pay a parking charge of £100.00. As can be seen from the photographs the vehicle was not parked in the confines of a bay thus the PCN was issued in line with the contractual signage. I will address the other points raised by the appellant; 1) The amount is a contractual amount ergo loss is irrelevant 2) The vehicle is clearly not in a marked bay, and as can be seen there is sufficient room for the vehicle in question to have parked correctly and still been not even close to the pillar; 3) The signs are designed to be easily noticed (bright yellow) to then advise a person once they have parked and exited their vehicle that they can read the content of the contractual terms. It is not expected nor advised to do so while the driver is in the vehicle especially whilst moving. 4) The appellants belief on the fairness is irrelevant as the information was provided and agreed to upon the driver leaving the vehicle, further no dishonesty was involved in this matter everything has been very transparent.
  7. Hi everyone The lessee of a vehicle received a parking charge in the post a few weeks ago and ignored it. They have now received another letter saying payment is overdue and they cannot appeal it via SIP as the time to do this has lapsed, but if we feel that there are exceptional circumstances we should write to them and they may consider. Charge is dated the 32/12/17 at Walmer Street in Manchester. The first letter advising of the charge was only recieived a month or so ago and was ignored by the lessee. I’m assuming because the vehicle is a lease vehicle this is why it has taken them so long to get in contact? The lessee was not the driver of the vehicle the date the charge was issued. The driver cannot remember going that far back specifically what happened but the driver remembers the ticket was issued by the manned pay station on entry to the car park, by the time the ticket expired, the manned station was closed and there is only one machine in the car park to pay at. (this machine hardly ever is in working order and may well have been out of service that night) The charge was issued for exceeding stay by approx 10 minutes max There has been no evidence provided of the parking charge being affixed to the vehicles window. The lessee has never disputed a ticket before and was wanting some advice on how to proceed with this matter. Should the lessee write to them and ask for proof of the car being parked and the ticket being expired? Thank you in advance for any advice G
  8. Hi Guys, After some advice, around 2 months ago i decided to go travelling. Before doing so i parked my car outside a business which is on a main Road in Manchester City Center. I asked someone that worked at this business if it would be ok to park there which they replied it would be fine. While ive been away, SIP parking must of bought the land the business was situated on and they erected a no parking restricted sign on the wall. Well after coming back from my travels ive came back to a windscreen full of tickets and numerous letters from SIP asking for £100, ive also received a letter from Gladstones solicitors. Ive been away so ive no knowledge that they put the sign up or that i was receiving tickets! just wondering if i have a leg to stand on, ive got 20+ tickets rolled up and i was wondering if i should reply to Gladstones with the reason why the ''parking offence'' has been committed. any help would be greatly appreciated. regards
  9. Sip parking are taking me to court. On the 21/2/17 I overstayed my parking by 45 minutes, while at a meeting. I hadn't noticed how long I'd gone over unfortunatly, otherwise I would have paid the extra £1 charge it would have cost me. received notification from Sip parking some weeks later and they were to charge me £70 for the overstay. sent my letter off claiming I was not the driver of said vehicle. received a letter from Gladstone solicitors, letter before claim, on the 10th July. decided I may as well just pay up. then started reading about parking ticket fines while away from home and decided I may as challenge them. Came home mid August and found a claim form waiting for me. From a £1 parking ticket, this claim is now £239.91 I've now created my online login at money claim. What now please.
  10. Assistance needed! I've read the multitude of threads re parking tickets on this site and am hoping for the same useful advice from the regulars as I'm a bit confused re the best course of action On 08/06/2016 at Gateway Plaza, Barnsley I received a parking charge notice on my windscreen. The ticket stated it was issued for the reason of: No Ticket Displayed. The enforcement company is SIP Parking Limited I did some brief research online and decided to ignore the ticket. I did not appeal or make any contact with SIP On 14/07/2016 I received a NTK. The NTK did not mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) On 15/08/2016 I received a final reminder. This also did not mention PoFA I have today (23/09/2016) received a Letter Before Claim from Gladstones Solicitors which has had the desired effect of finally making me concerned re the charge. The letter requests a payment of £150. The letter refers to the 'Practice Direction for Pre-Action Conduct under the Civil Procedure Rules and in particular paragraph 13-16 of the same which concerns the Court's powers to impose sanctions for any failure to comply.' The letter stipulates I have 14 days to pay or reply. Please advise! May be worth noting that on this occasion, I simply forgot to pay. I used the car park on dozens of occasions previously and paid using one of the mobile phone apps but on this occasion when I was called in to work early, I forgot. Thanks in anticipation for your advice
  11. Hi, We parked in an SIP car park in Manchester but, because we parked in a really narrow spot, I put the parking ticket in the back window (the one facing outwards) so the attendant would be able to see it properly but they gave me a PCN anyway and said it was because my ticket was not displayed. I wrote and complained that I had a valid ticket (which I sent them as proof) and that I had displayed it in the back of my car (and told them why) but they rejected my claims and still want me to pay the fine. What should I do? The PCN was also issued at 7.52pm and the car park became free at 8.00pm so a £100 fine seems a little extortionate too! Thanks
  12. Hi, I got a parking ticket from SIP today. I pay every day to park with them (and have a carrier bag full of tickets I've bought) however today my pound coins were not being accepted I paid for one hour, went to work with the intention of paying online and then got called into a meeting. my ticket ran out. I paid as soon as I could (2 hours after my ticket expired) but meanwhile they'd stuck a PCN on my window. Reading the forums it seems like a lot of hassle to try and evade the fine, with people even going to court to challenge it. If I pay the fine now it will be £35. If I leave it it will go up to £60. Should I just pay the £35 now? I have a template letter setting out a list of what they must provide me 'before I can make an informed decision on the matter' but surely by now they'll be prepared for such a letter which no doubt is doing the rounds on the internet. A friend sent me the template letter and says after he's sent it he's never heard from parking companies again - but he's a jammy s*d and I won't have his luck. Also the charge is discounted if paid with 24 hours the advice I've seen on this forum to 'ignore the windscreen notice' will surely cost me?
  13. Hi I parked in an SIP car park and bought a ticket but unfortunately i put it on the dashboard upside down. I've written to them but no joy - has anyone any ideas? Thanks
  14. Hi, 3 friends and I visited Manchester over the weekend (Saturday and Sunday, 5thand 6th October). We parked on the SiP (Simple Intelligent Parking)car park in the centre of Manchester. When we arrived we went to the ticketmachine and it was, at the time, out of use as maintenance was being carriedout on it (the machine was open and it looked like the battery was beingreplaced). There were two SiP employees on hand. One was working on the ticketmachine, the other was manually issuing tickets to customers by taking theirmoney and writing out tickets. We wanted the 24 hour parking option which was shown on their signs as beingan £8 charge. We arrived at 12:50pm on Saturday 5th October and paidthe guy £8. He wrote at the top of our ticket “6.10.” and underneath that hewrote “12.50”. He told us this stood for 6th October, 12:50pm. Wewere happy enough as this is the 24 hour period we had paid for so we clearly displayedit on the dashboard and left. We returned the following day at around 10:45am, giving us just over 2 hoursremaining of the 24 hour parking period we had paid for. It was at this pointwe noticed we had a parking fine on the windscreen. We had a look at the fineissued and obviously weren’t very happy, to say the least! At this point therewere no SiP employees on the Car Park so we were unable to talk to anybody andchallenge it. We did speak to a couple of staff on neighbouring car parks andthey weren’t able to help us. The guy on the next car park up told us to “ringup and challenge it. They’re normally really helpful”. We returned to our carand rang the number on the sign. We were informed by voicemail that we couldn’tdo anything by phone and that we would have to write to them if we wanted tocomplain. At this point we also saw another customer on the car park who hadpaid their money into the machine but no ticket was issued to them. It wasdawning on us that this company might not be the most reliable in the world….. Upon examining our parking ticket closer we noticed that the guy who issuedthe ticket had written “£4” in the fee section. We hadn’t noticed this at thetime, and we definitely did pay the £8 fee for 24 hour parking. This is backedup by the fact the guy wrote “6.10.” and “12.50” at the top of the ticket. We have written a letter and sent it to SiP today informing them the fine hasbeen issued in error and that we are not paying it. Is this likely to be the end of it? Any advice given is appreciated. Many thanks
  15. No Ticket Displayed 9th Feb Ticket issued 19:nn ( car seen 19:nn ) . Car Park Charges cease at 20:00 and the driver ( not me ) did not buy a ticket. ( I removed the minutes to reduce chances of SIP tracing me if they look on here ) I ( as registered keeper ) have received a NOTICE TO OWNER ( NTO ) but my name has been mis-spelt. Like most people I have read lots of information on this but am unsure what to do. The current demand is for £100 , with possible referral to debt collection agency after 28 days ( 9 days to go ). Has anyone got experience of this company and their likely course of action? Company uses SIP , SIP Parking Limited , Stop Illegal Parking as it's name and appears to be registered with BPA as they got address from DVLA. Is it better to respond? ( and if so how ) or merely to ignore ? If I ignore is it likely to go to court ? and then what fees am I likely to incur. Any advice / help welcome please.
  16. I parked my car in a Disabled parking bay in a car park off Wilmslow Road, Didsbury Manchester. I put my Disable Badge on the dash board. When I returned, I found a Parking Charge Notice on the windscreen. Charges payable £50 within 24 hours, £70 if paid within 7 days going up to £117. I have sent an appeal by email (Not giving my address). I feel this is a [problem]. Manchester City council say this company "Stop Illegal Parking" are not registered with them. Any ideas what I should I do next???? Help would be appreciated
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