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Found 3 results

  1. I have just discovered this site and forums, and fear I have made a terrible hash of dealing with Erudio with regard to my own and my husband's old Student loans (My own: 1 from 1990 (unsigned by SLC) for £420 but due to 9.8% interest (!!!!) now over £800 and really should have been written off had Erudio not been involved; and my husband's: 4 from 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996 respectively and over £5,000). We had been happily deferring re-payment of these loans over the years until Erudio took over. The first inkling that we had that they had been sold to a bunch of debt collectors were involved were the classic "you are in arrears letters". At this point in our lives we were both suffering from health conditions (I had had a nervous breakdown and have since been diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder and my husband has since been diagnosed with IBD) - whether this had an impact on our judgement I don't know. We did initially ignore these, and people were saying definitely not to fill in their deferment forms, so we didn't do that either. We have historically been a fairly low income household, and I have never made any re-payments on my loan , whilst my husband briefly made a couple of repayments.(I cannot remember in what year.) We were harassed on a daily basis by telephone calls- often several times a day. My husband's account was then transferred over to Capquest, which did freak us out a little, I have to admit, never having dealt with debt collectors before. The same situation occurred with the letters and phone calls with Capquest. They seemed to be not taking any action on my account. We sent CCA requests in June 2015, to Erudio and received the copies at the end of July 2015. I complained to Erudio in writing about their tactics, their harassment, and asked them to remove the arrears from the account and to consider back dating deferment . I even took this to the FOS - no joy. I complained to SLC and said my loan had been miss- sold - I think I also took this to FOS - also no joy - I was told that I would have been able to access commercial lending operators!! We wrote to the director of Erudio explaining our situation and please could we just defer!! I believe the response was : Capquest are dealing with your account now - talk to them... At this point I became tired and gave up - they just wanted all the money and there seemed no scope for returning to the good old days of deferment. And it seems our accounts would never be written off now as we had broken the terms and conditions - welcome to harassment for the rest of our lives!! Last year Capquest were still harassing my husband - his mental health has been badly affected by his physical health - and he did not work for several months - he works for himself but did not have the money in his businesses to pay himself whilst he was unwell. I wrote to them and told them to back off in no uncertain terms. Neither of us claim disability benefits, we claim tax credits, which has kept us afloat. It had all gone fairly quiet on the Erudio front until a few weeks ago when a "remedy of account" package arrived with statements dating back to 2015, for my husband's loans. Closely followed by default letters for each loan (1993, 4, 5 & 6). And then last week a letter from Drydensfairfax solicitors which appears to be a letter before action. What is interesting is this : ----------------------------------------------------------------- Full details of the debt are set out below: . The amount owed is £5341.45 and no charges/interest are being added at this stage. . A statement of account is attached. . The agreement this debt relates to was entered into between you and SLC on 9th Dec 1993 and assigned to Erudio on 22 Nov 2013. A copy of the agreement can be requested using the reply form. --------------------------------------------------------------- They have stated that the whole amount relates to the 1993 agreement - in which only £800 was borrowed. The reply form also includes boxes where you can dispute the debt. With regards to my account, I have received the same "remedy of account" statements that my husband has, and, yesterday the same default letter. I believe it to be going down the same route. We do not have the money to pay these loans and are still under the re-payment threshold. I do not know what move to make next - as I understand that now they will never be written off, and I don't know what strategy to employ to deal with this new development. Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
  2. Assistance needed! I've read the multitude of threads re parking tickets on this site and am hoping for the same useful advice from the regulars as I'm a bit confused re the best course of action On 08/06/2016 at Gateway Plaza, Barnsley I received a parking charge notice on my windscreen. The ticket stated it was issued for the reason of: No Ticket Displayed. The enforcement company is SIP Parking Limited I did some brief research online and decided to ignore the ticket. I did not appeal or make any contact with SIP On 14/07/2016 I received a NTK. The NTK did not mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) On 15/08/2016 I received a final reminder. This also did not mention PoFA I have today (23/09/2016) received a Letter Before Claim from Gladstones Solicitors which has had the desired effect of finally making me concerned re the charge. The letter requests a payment of £150. The letter refers to the 'Practice Direction for Pre-Action Conduct under the Civil Procedure Rules and in particular paragraph 13-16 of the same which concerns the Court's powers to impose sanctions for any failure to comply.' The letter stipulates I have 14 days to pay or reply. Please advise! May be worth noting that on this occasion, I simply forgot to pay. I used the car park on dozens of occasions previously and paid using one of the mobile phone apps but on this occasion when I was called in to work early, I forgot. Thanks in anticipation for your advice
  3. Hi, and apologies if I've filed this in the wrong section - sleep deprived trying to research how to respond to the above. The particulars of the claim are: The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendant(s) under a contract between the Defendant(s) and Black Horse Ltd dated on or about Apr 30 2008 and assigned to the claimant. PARTICULARS a/c no xxxxxxxxx DATE ITEM VALUE 10/11/2015 Default Balance 7xxx.xx Post Refri Cr NIL TOTAL 7xxx.xx Issued on 02 Dec and I've completed online acknowledgment of Service. Reasons that this large debt exists aside for the moment, I'm 99.9% sure I haven't made any payments on the account since mid 2009 and I've certainly not responded or acknowledged the debt in any other form. Assuming that I'm correct about the last payment date, how would I proceed with defending this? Do I write to the court, solicitors, or the claimant with a SB template letter - or should I seek more info on what they have on me? Some help and direction with my next steps would be hugely appreciated as I feel my health is already suffering with the anxiety of it all. Many thanks in advance.
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