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  1. Student loan from 1992- 1994. 1) For years I had been sending them deferment letters and proof of income. Then it all stopped. Next letter was from a Debt agency. I replied mentioning ( and as far as I know it still holds good) that as I was considered a mature student at commencement of loan , I was now over the upper limit and loan should have been cancelled. That was over ( certainly more than six years ago, possibly 10) . 2) Next came letters from Erudio and later Capquest. I've not replied as I consider loan is over time limit and any action statute barred, and a reply may prejudice any statute barred rights I have. Another reason for not requesting a copy of original contract from Erudio. 3) Now that Erudio have taken over pursuit of these loans, are these still considered as Student loans ,or monies owed to Erudio. In short have Erudio bought out these loans, and if so, are Student loans bought by Erudio, not covered by the bar when invoking the protection of IVA.
  2. I have just discovered this site and forums, and fear I have made a terrible hash of dealing with Erudio with regard to my own and my husband's old Student loans (My own: 1 from 1990 (unsigned by SLC) for £420 but due to 9.8% interest (!!!!) now over £800 and really should have been written off had Erudio not been involved; and my husband's: 4 from 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996 respectively and over £5,000). We had been happily deferring re-payment of these loans over the years until Erudio took over. The first inkling that we had that they had been sold to a bunch of debt collectors were involved were the classic "you are in arrears letters". At this point in our lives we were both suffering from health conditions (I had had a nervous breakdown and have since been diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder and my husband has since been diagnosed with IBD) - whether this had an impact on our judgement I don't know. We did initially ignore these, and people were saying definitely not to fill in their deferment forms, so we didn't do that either. We have historically been a fairly low income household, and I have never made any re-payments on my loan , whilst my husband briefly made a couple of repayments.(I cannot remember in what year.) We were harassed on a daily basis by telephone calls- often several times a day. My husband's account was then transferred over to Capquest, which did freak us out a little, I have to admit, never having dealt with debt collectors before. The same situation occurred with the letters and phone calls with Capquest. They seemed to be not taking any action on my account. We sent CCA requests in June 2015, to Erudio and received the copies at the end of July 2015. I complained to Erudio in writing about their tactics, their harassment, and asked them to remove the arrears from the account and to consider back dating deferment . I even took this to the FOS - no joy. I complained to SLC and said my loan had been miss- sold - I think I also took this to FOS - also no joy - I was told that I would have been able to access commercial lending operators!! We wrote to the director of Erudio explaining our situation and please could we just defer!! I believe the response was : Capquest are dealing with your account now - talk to them... At this point I became tired and gave up - they just wanted all the money and there seemed no scope for returning to the good old days of deferment. And it seems our accounts would never be written off now as we had broken the terms and conditions - welcome to harassment for the rest of our lives!! Last year Capquest were still harassing my husband - his mental health has been badly affected by his physical health - and he did not work for several months - he works for himself but did not have the money in his businesses to pay himself whilst he was unwell. I wrote to them and told them to back off in no uncertain terms. Neither of us claim disability benefits, we claim tax credits, which has kept us afloat. It had all gone fairly quiet on the Erudio front until a few weeks ago when a "remedy of account" package arrived with statements dating back to 2015, for my husband's loans. Closely followed by default letters for each loan (1993, 4, 5 & 6). And then last week a letter from Drydensfairfax solicitors which appears to be a letter before action. What is interesting is this : ----------------------------------------------------------------- Full details of the debt are set out below: . The amount owed is £5341.45 and no charges/interest are being added at this stage. . A statement of account is attached. . The agreement this debt relates to was entered into between you and SLC on 9th Dec 1993 and assigned to Erudio on 22 Nov 2013. A copy of the agreement can be requested using the reply form. --------------------------------------------------------------- They have stated that the whole amount relates to the 1993 agreement - in which only £800 was borrowed. The reply form also includes boxes where you can dispute the debt. With regards to my account, I have received the same "remedy of account" statements that my husband has, and, yesterday the same default letter. I believe it to be going down the same route. We do not have the money to pay these loans and are still under the re-payment threshold. I do not know what move to make next - as I understand that now they will never be written off, and I don't know what strategy to employ to deal with this new development. Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
  3. Hello. I had students loans for years 1996 - 1999 with the student loan company [sLC] and was deferring every year after graduation because I was not earning enough. Then Erudio took over the loans in 2014 and although they said that it would be the same as with the SLC they wanted more information from me that I was willing to give. I still completed their deferment forms but they were not accepted due to me not signing the actual form and leaving certain details out. I can't remember what it was I left off the form but I know it was something which was not included on the SLC form. I re-sent the deferment form a number of times and it was always rejected and sent back. Subsequently I found myself in arrears. This went on for over a year until unfortunately I was involved in a car accident and was deemed unfit for work. I wrote to Erudio explained that I was now deemed unfit to work and sent them a copy of my Disability Living Allowance award. I was awarded lower rate for both care and mobility. I heard nothing more from Erudio, the demanding letters stopped so I assumed, that my loans had now been cancelled. Two weeks ago I received a letter from Erudio saying that Drysdensfairfax would now be dealing with my debt and I received a letter from them this week. The letter claims I still owe over £7000 in student loans and that I have 30 days to make an offer of repayment. I have since been re-assessed by the DWP for Personal Independence Payment [PIP] and been awarded the enhanced rate in both care and mobility. Should my loans have been cancelled due to my disability and being unable to work? I refer you to this: • Under The Education (Student Loans) Regulations 1998, lenders will cancel your liability to repay if you: Can show the lender you get a disability-related benefit and because of this disability you're permanently unfit for work. Will this clause be invalid now it has been passed to a solicitor? Do I now send a copy of my PIP award to Drysdensfairfax? Thank you for reading. I appreciate any help. Leigh x
  4. Hello all, I've tried to read as many posts as possible but cant pin down the best course of action for my exact circumstances, I have several mortgage style student loans from 94-98 period that were sold to Honours (HSL/Link outsourcing) back in 1998 but SLC still do the deferment processing. I have always got my deferment forms in on time and have never earned anywhere near the threshold so was looking forward to getting the rolled up "package" of loans cancelled in 2023. But this year SLC never posted the deferment form and like a fool I didnt get around to chasing them. Just received on Thusday 18th April a letter dated the 11th from HSL warning of needing to start paying £185 a month when my deferment period runs out on April 24th. Being naive I phoned SLC who told me to phone HSL phoned HSL wanted NI number DD etc setup I reluctantly agreed! They told me SLC deal with Deferments Phoned them Got to a "supervisor" they won't resend deferment form but gave me code to log-on to SLC My account type thing which I have never used because have always Dealt with them by post. I have downloaded the deferment "pack" they never posted to me which and returned it complete with all evidence etc on the 18th and another copy by Signed for post today the 20th. Obviously this will not be processed before my current deferment period ends. If possible I do not want to give HSL any reason to say that I have any arrears or have broken the contract in any way. but I am loath to make payment By DD or with a card to HSL as I am carer to my spouse and we live on Pension credit and disability benefits So really we cant afford to pay. I would like to keep trying to engage with SLC and doing the deferment routine for another 5 years until the loans are wiped but I am sure HSL will insist i have defaulted because the deferment cover will have slipped for a few weeks and I will be stuck on the pointless chasing merry-go-round pass the debt to the link financial people etc and I do fear the risk of future CCJ even though I have decades of paperwork proving a right to deferment. I think I have been Deliberately engineered into this situation just wish I had chased SLC for deferment form earlier. can I cancel the DD with my bank ignore HSL and hope the 3 month rule means they have to backdate the deferment or reluctantly pay HSL sounds bonkers I know and try to claim back?? Fat chance.. The irony is SLC Know of my circumstances because I also have a Plan 1 type loan from 99-200 so I have to fill in an SLC form about that every December because they cant find me through PAYE system for the last few years. BTW yes I did graduate eventually please help many thanks in advance
  5. Hi I am just looking for some definitive answers regarding eligibility for SSG as I am being given conflicting info I am not one of the 2016 cohort so the old rules apply - I started my course in 2014 In march i was told that provided that i could demonstrate Housing benefit 3 weeks into my course this would qualify me for the SSG however SFE are now saying that this is not sufficient and I need to fulfil another criteria. They are claiming that the documents I provided are out of date although I supplied the link below dated Sept 2016. However a page on my SFE page says HB is a reason for getting it as does the following link http://www.practitioners.slc.co.uk/media/6934/sfe_1617_assessing_financial_entitlement.pdf I am trying to get together some stuff for an appeal I would very much value some opinion, if I am wasting my time so be it , just ant to know if I am on the right side Needless to say, if my PIP Tribunal is a win in Dec, this will all be academic Thanks
  6. Why take any dispute to the Ombudsman , is it worth the trouble? For the 3 time of trying to post this reply but worth reading:- Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954, The Gas Safety (Rights of Entry) Regulations 1996 In a genuine dispute there are no rights of entry(i.e magistrates warrant issued), however I would also caution health and safety matters if its a gas leak. if electricity meter dispute The Electricity Act 1989, The Utilities Act 2000 Note schedule 7 of 1989 act and schedule 5 of 2000 Act, an electric meter cannot be removed until a dispute is resolved. I did provide links to laws but the post is not going through. Hope this helps you and others. Mike
  7. I'll keep it short but include all necessary details. I started a foundation degree with the Manchester College in September 2011. I was on the course for 6/7 months and then I dropped out. I never informed Student Finance and I just informed my college that I was dropping out. I am not sure if my college then in turn informed Student Finance or not but I never received any further payments after I dropped out (I know that much). I am not going to lie and say I know all the figures of what I borrowed or how much I was actually paid. upon checking the student loan repayment website, it says I owe £4099.70 as of 31/03/2016 (this amount may have changed now, I'm not sure). I was in employment from September 2013 up until January 2015 where I ticked that I had a student finance and my employer was automatically making payments on my behalf but I didn't actively keep track of them, I just remember seeing them on my payslips. I then didn't pay anything off my student loans until my most recent employer who I started with in November 2015 and have just left this month (January 2017). I have some payslips (not all) to say that money has been taken out of my salary for payments towards student loan repayment. I can maybe get a copy of all my payslips from my old company if needed. Out of nowhere I have received a letter from a company called Akinika Debt Recovery who I believe from my research used to be called IQOR. They now say I owe them £1087 and they have made attempts to contact me by phone, SMS & this letter. I haven't spoken to them as of yet and I didn't want to until posting here. I have no idea why they are suddenly contacting me regarding this SLC debt as I was under the impression I was paying them through my employer (up until my redundancy this month). The only thing I can think is that my former employer has been collecting payments from me for the debt but has not paid SLC or because of my redundancy SLC have passed the debt onto Akinika. I am going to ring the HR department tomorrow and seek there advice as to if they have paid them or not. I have no idea what to do or who to turn to or whether to make contact with Akinika or not to see if they have ended up with the debt, but I don't know if contacting them is the wrong thing to do . Should I try and contact SLC and see what they say? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you. Edit: Also just as a side note, I have never received anything from SLC. This is the first that I have heard of this debt (besides knowing about it already)
  8. I've been able to defer repaying my student loan from the 1990s as I earn way below the cut-off point for repayment, largely due to chronic illness. However, this year, although I submitted my income evidence straight away, I was asked to submit more evidence as SLC claimed they could not establish my income (even though it was very clearly stated in the documents, as in previous years). I then sent off more financial information straight away which confirmed my income. Nearly a month later no one at SLC is able to confirm whether the information has been received or not. I have sent in the evidence again, as well as emailing them and calling them. They never call me back as promised and it certainly seems as though they are just ignoring my income evidence so that they can start taking repayments. When I got through to SLC on the phone I explained my situation and how little I earned the guy said he would stop the first payment - that will put me in arrears but then I have 3 months to prove my income. At the time I thought this was a good idea as I can't afford to start making repayments on my income but further research has shown this could spoil my credit rating. Does anyone know if it will be possible for me to reinstate this Direct Debit agreement by phone so that if SLC don't confirm the deferment in time they will take the first payment? Having researched online, I'd actually rather now pay the first repayment and try to claim it back after proving my income as if I go into arrears I can imagine that SLC will try and ruin my credit record. The bottom line is though SLC have had plenty of time to establish my income and as it is way below the cut-off point they should issue a confirmation of deferment letter. My first payment to them is due in a week and I'm at my wits end worrying what will happen when this date arrives. I've just sent off all the information yet again to their Complaints Department - it might seem a bit early to open a Complaint Case but I thought it might at last make them sit up and notice all the documentary evidence I've sent them. As far as I know my loans aren't connected to Erudio loans which I've just been reading about. As far as I am aware, my loan was originally with SLC and then it was taken on by Honours Loans. That said, it certainly appears as though it is SLC who have to tell Honours Loans whether or not to defer the loan. I'd greatly welcome any advice on this, given my illness I have plenty of time to this sort this out but SLC have ignored all the evidence I've sent them in the last month. Calling them seems a complete waste of time as even when they answer they just say their screen will either show a yes to deferment or nothing - it's not possible for them to look into the case for an update or to check out if any documents have been received. It certainly seems as though they are trying to wear down the lowly paid into paying back their loan even when they very clearly aren't obliged to unless they earn £2400+ a month . I certainly hope I won't have to go through this hassle every year.
  9. Just Released Do the "www dot" - gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/499432/BIS-16-8-student-loan-repayment-for-sustainable-higher-education-strategy-February-2016.pdf if I cant post this i think an admin should upload for further information to group
  10. I have just received the following email from the SLC and was wondering if I should respond ? I left the UK in 2009 and my final default dropped off my credit report in Dec 2015. I really dont want the SLC ruining my credit status for another 6 years. I left university in Jan 2009 and have had no contact from the SLC until this email. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Please respond within 72 hours of receipt of this email. Dear xxxxxxxxxx We have been attempting to contact you. Please contact us to confirm your current contact details and employment status. This is to enable us to update your information accordingly and to ensure that any future communication will be sent promptly. Please call us on 0300 100 0603, if calling from overseas please call 0044 141 626 3770. Our office opening hours are 09.00 to 17.30. Alternatively, you can email your information by responding to this email address and providing the following: Address: Home Telephone Number: Mobile Telephone Number: Email Address (if changed): Employed Yes/No: If you have any concerns about providing the details we have requested then please refer to the Student Loans Company website, for further information. Please be advised this email address is for the purpose of providing the requested information only. If you have additional queries, do not hesitate to contact us on the telephone number detailed above. Yours sincerely Student Loans Company 100 Bothwell Street Glasgow G2 7JD The registered office of Student Loans Company is at: 21 St. Thomas Street Bristol BS1 6JS Registered in England No. 2401034
  11. I've lived in Latin America since I finished university in 2010. Yesterday I was given a letter which had been sent from the UK almost a year ago (dated August 21st 2014) saying my account is in arrears by over 1300 pounds. God knows what that has escalated to by now. A few weeks ago, someone called at my dad's house in the UK looking for me - I'm guessing that that is whatever debt collection agency they've sent after me. 1300 GBP is is pretty close to what I earn in a year in this part of the world (basically a volunteer worker) and I've never earned anywhere near their threshold for paying them back. I think this demand for money has been triggered because there was no contact between me and them throughout 2014 (googling this seems to show that you're supposed to submit forms every 12 months, not that they ever told me that). Obviously I cannot pay them back anything as I simply don't have it, and will not have it for the forseeable future. I've emailed them a response asking them to phone me, but until then I'd appreciate it if anyone could shine some light on what I should be expecting here. Basically, what do I do? And what about if it has gone to debt collectors, which I suspect it has?
  12. Hello all, Thanks in advance for having a look at my post. I've been abroad since finishing university in 2004, while my loan was taken out in 1999 making it a new style loan. No contact was made by either side (i did not tell them I was moving abroad nor gave any info about my work life) until march this year when my old UK address received a letter asking for income info. I sent a reply stating I am abroad and working and an SAR to boot. 2 months later no reply. I am about to sent the "no reply to SAR within 40 days" letter but I'm worried about follow up. I no longer have an official UK address, will this hamper me going through the county courts? What can I expect to gain by doing so over data protection? I hope I've been clear General advice would also be most welcome! Thank you, dale
  13. I have not earned enough to pay back my student loan for the last ten years. I now find I am slightly above the threshold, if indeed it is a monthly threshold. Over the course of the last year I have earned less than the yearly threshold. Over the course of the last three months I have earned less than the threshold (divided by 4). However, the fact remains that my monthly salary is currently above the threshold and has been for the last two months. How is the threshold calculated? Is it on the previous years earnings divide by 12? On this months earnings? Thanks
  14. Does anyone know from a legal or banking perspective the date I have made payment if I use a debit card over the phone? Is it the date I give the card details or Is it the date the payment shows on my statement? The organisation I am dealing with is not authorised to go in my credit file due to the terms of the loan agreement unless I go into arrears. They are doing their best to make that happen. Am I in arrears if the payment is still 'pending' on the day it is due even if I phoned the day before? Thanks
  15. Hi All My daughter had to leave uni just before the end of her first year (this was about 4-5 years ago) , since then, the SLC have harrassed her for an "overpayment " of her maintenance grant. I have consistently told them that she is on benefits and has NO spare money each week. Firstly they sold it on to Drydens and now Advantis. One day, when she is well and working , she will be able to pay this, but , she is still on ESA, receiving help, she is steadily getting better but still isnt ready to return to work and even if she was, there is no way that she would be able to repay this money for a good few years, I showed the first DCA copies of her ESA award and now I am having to deal with another one! I have a few questions. Is there a letter that I can use to get them off her back because if they harrass her, she will relapse and they will NEVER get their money. Also, if the SLC sell the debt to a third party, doesnt it become a normal loan and thus can become statute barred? thanks for your help.
  16. I also have this letter from SLC about them being non compliant and giving me reduction, but it doesn't say that Eruido or anyone else is taking over. There's no mention of it being sold. I have not been informed of this. Then I got the Erudio deferment pack. A few years ago the SLC refused me my legal rights to deferment and refused over the phone to send me a deferment form, saying that I could only defer for so long and that time had come to an end and now I had to start paying it back. I argued that i wasn't earning the threshold and was told that didn't I still had to start paying it back. I was scared I didn't know what to do, so I left it. Consequently, cos I didn't defer, Got harrassed for a few years by debt companies for arrears that had built up cos I hadn't deferred. I would say that refusing my legal rights to deferment is motion enough for statute barred. Has anyone else had this particular problem of the SLC lying to them by refusing to send out a deferment form?
  17. I took out loans in 1998, 1999 & 2000 when I did my undergraduate degree. I have since been paying student loan repayments of various amounts over the years. Due to the fact that I took maximum loan amounts, I just continued paying without monitoring as I felt that this would take me a long time to pay off at the rate I was when I was first employed. (I think some of my early payments were as low as £15 p/m.) More recently I've been increasing in salary to the point of which I now pay about £200-300 p/m. So I started thinking about how long I might have left to pay this loan that takes a fair chunk every month, especially now that I'm taking out a mortgage and paying a pension and all the other deductibles of sensible adult life. When I started examining my past statements, I'm 99% convinced that a substantial number of my loan payments have not been passed onto SLC. So I am going back to 2001 when I graduated and got my first job to try and start gathering evidence of the loan payments I have made. This is a bit tricky as I don't have all my payslips from the early years and I moved around temping for a while. Nonetheless, I have a substantial amount of my old payslips and am building my info. What I'm wondering is whether anyone has any experience or stories of this happening, how easy it was to sort out and what the result was? I'd just like to know if this has happened to anyone else. Thanks, Claire
  18. Has anyone on this forum received letters from SLC Solicitors based in Shrewsbury threating that they will commence legal proceeding for non payment of ground rent charges? I have had a property for about 10 years, In the past the ground rent company sent me letters which I responded to and paid, but I just realised that I had not received any demand for ground rent for the last 2 years; I recently got a letter from SLC solicitors stating that I owed some ground rent + admin charges; they sent my mortgage company a demand letter asking for additional £300.00 more money than was written in the letter sent to me. I promptly responded asking them not to pay any money on my behalf as I intend to challenge the extra charges attached to the demand. I recently wrote to the builders that sold me the property requesting they send me the name of the company that was authorised to collect the ground rent on their behalf, they replied Indicating the company the freehold interest was sold to. When I wrote to this company, I got a response from them that my details were not among those passed to them as they had no record of my property. Looking through the pages on the Internet, and I see a lot of awards given to SLC Solicitors for recovering debt, but when a £100.00 ground rent becomes £500.00, it doesn’t add up. If a person is financially stressed and cannot pay £100.00, where are they going to find £500.00? I will like to hear from past & present Individuals about their experiences
  19. Hi all, I have been in Canada for 8 years now and have no contected the slc for six years but to day i had a letter from my old address saying that they sold the loan to erudio can they come after me in Canada or send a bailiffs to my house. firefox
  20. Hi All, The SLC have been sending letters to my parents house. They have stated that they are aware I have no record of income through the tax system (HMRC?) and that they wish for me to confirm my address with them and say I may be liable to a charge if I do not reply. I took out a student loan around in 2000 after graduating I never earned enough to pay back the loan and I am quite sure the SLC lost track of me after moving addresses several times. I then took out another loan in 2010 after graduating I was unable to gain employment and a fter sitting around for several months unemployed and getting depressed I decided to go travelling and I am doing a variety of odd jobs in bars etc to fund my travels as a I go, I am only making ends meet but am certainly happier than being unemployed in the UK. I guess its inevitable that I will return to the UK at some point in the future but I have no immediate plans to and suspect it could be as long as 5 years if at all. I would therefore like to ask how I should proceed and what my options are. If I simply ignore the letters what could the potential consequences be? Would they simply note me down as a 'lost contact case'? My main concern is that if I do return to the UK could the SLC affect my credit rating and ability to get a mortgage through a CCJ? Can they do this if I am not in the country? Would it be a better to be honest just to say I have gone travelling/working holiday and do not plan to return? Thanks for your help
  21. Hi, First of all I'd just like to say what a great site this is, I've been reading it for a long time now and the advice has really helped me in the past. I've got a quick question regarding Student Loans. I've still got two outstanding loans from 96 and 2001. I remember the T&C's changed between taking the two loans - for the one taken in the 90's it said something along the lines of 'if you never earn over the £24k annual threshold then the loan will be cancelled by the time you reach 40'. Also, how they were repaid - the 90's one was down to me to pay, the 2000's one was taken directly as PAYE. I've moved around a lot and have had no contact with Student Loans company since AT LEAST 2005. But student loans seem to be a special sort of debt, will my two loans now be statute barred. I'm scared to contact SLC in case it opens up a massive can of worms and they shout 'release the Kraken'. Thanks for any insight.
  22. http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/15150/online-news/debt-buyers-snap-up-securitised-loans
  23. Hi all, I've been reading through a quite a few threads on the site (there are quite a lot now!) for the last couple of weeks and they've really helped me understand whats going on. Not everytihng in the others threads is entirely relavent to me. I've tried compiling a few bits of advice but I'm worried I'm still missing some info. (In fact it would be really cool if somebody could compile all the links and main points on Erudio) Some basic background on me. I'm currently living and working in France. My first loans was in 1997 (mortgage style loans) I've deferred for at least 7 years (prior to that I made some payments for 2 years) I can legally still defer (I earn a pittance) [*]I have around 5500 GBP to pay back Like everyone else, I recently had the pleasure of being contacted by Erudio, telling me that they had bought my loan and that they would send me a deferral form. I recieved their deferral form and was not a big fan of the changes they've made, particularly that they "require" more information than the old deferral forms. . From reading the other threads what I get is: (but I'd appreciate it if somebody could confirm or deny what I'm saying) They're trying to changes the TC's of the original loan - though they don't have the right (as they're not the original lender), unless maybe I sign the new deferral form and send it back ? I can delay them by askig for a CCA, but not sure how this will really help me in the end? I'm guessing that since I've consistently deferred my loan over the last 7+ years I can't claim statute barred, as effectively I've acknowledged the debt by deferring? I could potentially ignore their requests and hope they don't find me for 6 years, but They would say I defaulted ? (On my CR?) And demand I repay in full? Could they actually enforce this and how ? [*]They could potentially send agents after me to recover the money? Would they actually do this? [*]They could screw with my credit rating and generally make life difficult for me if I return to the UK. What happens if I stay in France? Frankly I'm trying to decide what to do... I could legally just defer.. but I'm annoyed by the changes in the T&C's. And I'm tempted just to tell them where they can stick their forms. I've seen on other threads that people have said I don't have to use their forms or provide all the information they're requesting? So what I'd like to know is, can anyone tell me exactly what information I am legally obliged to give them? Does anyone have a copy of the original mortage style T&C's I could look at ? or a scan of the origial deferral forms? For that matter if anyone could scan a blank copy of the new deferral forms that could be useful, as I started scrawling on mine before I realised what I was doing! What happens when I send back the deferral form/ information that I'm legally required to, and they then refuse my deferal, because I haven't given them all the information they asked for? What can they do and what can I do to stop them ? Any advice would be welcome!
  24. Hi guys, apologies if I'm not posting this in the correct forum. I have loans with SLC that began in 1995. I never reached the GBP repayment limit and left the UK in 2001 to go travelling. I informed SLC at the time and, whilst having returned for visits to the UK, I have been living in either Australia and now New Zealand to date. My postal address hasn't been updated from my parents address in the UK and SLC still send any correspondence to their address. I have successfully deferred my loans each year, sending three or four monthly payslips and enclosing my employers details. In 2011, I got a job paying NZD72,500 so when I received that years deferment forms, it was with some trepidation that I sent them back. Strangely, my application was came back as successful and deferral granted. This was the same for 2012 (no change in income) I have submitted my 2013 application and since been refused deferment. When I wrote and questioned this, I was told that neither 2011/12 loans should have been deferred, that SLC would not be backdating any payments and that I should begin repayments forthwith. I am right to question this or have I just been lucky the last couple of years? Any advice would be greatly appreciated Cheers
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