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Found 14 results

  1. I have recently returned from Cuba, it was a fantastic holiday that was only spoilt by a loss of 2 days. When we booked it we was due to fly to Havana, Spend a couple of nights there, then fly on to Cayo coco, using an internal flight. Spend 14 nights then fly back to Havana for an overnight stay then Havana to Gatwick.. The internal flight time was 45 mins. 3 days before our holiday we were contacted by our holiday company stating that because of a recent airplane crash at Havana they would not be using any internal flights.? Which is fine, safety first etc.! The holiday company said that they would be giving us a private car and we will be driven to our destination. It was a taxi. I asked how long this would take to which they replied ' oh about 4 hour's.? There was no other alternative offered. The journey from Havana to cayo coco took 8 hours...! With the same again on the return. We basically lost 2 days due to travelling. Have I got a case for some compensation?
  2. Hi all and thanks for the help in advance. I returned back to the UK 3 or 4 months ago after travelling. I was on a working holiday in Australia for 1 and a half years, then travelling Asia (not working at all) for another year. After returning my Dad fell ill and is disabled. Therefore he began claiming PiP etc. He needs help and I have been caring for him. I made a new claim for carers allowance over 8 weeks ago. (still waiting for an answer) I have just attempted to make a claim for universal credit and after answering a question about being in the country for the last 2 years the website informed me I am not eligible for universal credit. I assume this was because I have been travelling. I then researched into carer's allowance and it says you can't claim carer's allowance if you have not been in the country the at least 2 of the last 3 years. Does this mean I have no rights to any benefits in the UK? I am a UK citizen and have lived here all my life and intend to stay. I have literally no money and my Dad needs round the clock care. What do I do? We are both living of his benefits which is only fit for 1 person. Can I claim jobseekers if my Dads condition improves? Thanks
  3. Hello, I am unable to purchase a ticket at the railway station as the ticket machines are card only and the ticket office is permanently closed. I approached the guard before boarding the train and asked him if I could buy a ticket. He said yes and told me to board. When he came through the train, he told me that the battery on his machine had died, so I would have to buy one when I changed at the next station. When I went to buy a ticket, I was confronted by a member of staff who told me that I would have to pay a penalty fare for travelling without a ticket. I explained how it was not my fault because there were no facilities to buy a ticket at the station and the guard's machine wasn't working, but I was told that it wasn't relevant because it is an offence to travel without a ticket. They took my details and told me that, if I wanted to continue my journey, I would have to pay a penalty fare on top of a full price ticket for my journey, with no railcards allowed. I was told that I could appeal against this. Can somebody help? Am I likely to get my money back? Will I be able to get the extra money I had to pay for the ticket back as well, or will it just be the penalty fare?
  4. If you are travelling over the Easter Holiday especially if you are thinking of using the Tube. You should ensure that the lines you want to travel on will be open. Doesn't actually say why they are going to be closing.
  5. Hi Only bought my car last week and am travelling to Jersey on Wednesday. Just a bit worried about not having the V5, which I won't receive in time. Anyone ever been asked to produce the document? Would the purchase receipt for the car suffice? Also, do I need GB sticker? Thanks
  6. Hi, I university student and I travel from slade green in kent to london and I have a 16-25 student oyster card. I used to get a zone 1-6 weekly travelcard on my oyster but started to get zone 1-2 weekly travelcard thinking i would be ok with it. Got caught today by an inspector at slade green station and was cautioned and was asked severall questions. I told them my friend said I could use a zone 1-2 travel card and said I didnt know that it was a zone 6 station. They asked for my friends name and address but i only gave his name. I know its totally my fault dont know what to do. What will happen next, would I be prosecuted? Really scared. Any advice please.
  7. Got a NIP for 37 in a 30mph zone. asking for a photo and camera calibration certificate. I've also stated in the letter that it's likely I will be travelling abroad for quite a while (up to 6 months), and don't know exactly where I'll be staying. I've provided them with the address of the first hotel I'll be staying in, and that they must write to that address or i won't see any correspondence.The hotel will forward any letters once I've stopped staying there. I'm concerned they'll ignore what I've told them, and they'll end up writing to my uk address, and I won't see the letters. Not sure what else i can do. Obviously not willing to name myself as the driver until I see the photo, as it could have been my colleague driving at the time of the offence.
  8. Hi I'm looking for some advice. I bought a single ticket to Cheltenham at a ticket machine prior to boarding a train at Cardiff. I used the ticket to go through the turnstiles and then boarded the train. When asked for my ticket by the conductor I was unable to produce it. I can only imagine that it dropped from my pocket between the turnstiles and the train. The conductor was sympathetic and said that I just needed to fill out a form and the matter would be resolved if I was able to produce evidence of buying the ticket. Shortly after I received a letter from Transport Investigations. I wrote back to them and copied in the receipt from my credit card which gave all the relevant information about my purchase including a purchase reference number from the ticket machine. In response, Transport Investigations sent me back a generic letter alleging that I "had failed to pay the fare correct due and had boarded a train with the intention of travelling without having previously paid the correct amount". This is obviously not true and I have evidence to demonstrate this fact. What should I do now?
  9. Hi All, The SLC have been sending letters to my parents house. They have stated that they are aware I have no record of income through the tax system (HMRC?) and that they wish for me to confirm my address with them and say I may be liable to a charge if I do not reply. I took out a student loan around in 2000 after graduating I never earned enough to pay back the loan and I am quite sure the SLC lost track of me after moving addresses several times. I then took out another loan in 2010 after graduating I was unable to gain employment and a fter sitting around for several months unemployed and getting depressed I decided to go travelling and I am doing a variety of odd jobs in bars etc to fund my travels as a I go, I am only making ends meet but am certainly happier than being unemployed in the UK. I guess its inevitable that I will return to the UK at some point in the future but I have no immediate plans to and suspect it could be as long as 5 years if at all. I would therefore like to ask how I should proceed and what my options are. If I simply ignore the letters what could the potential consequences be? Would they simply note me down as a 'lost contact case'? My main concern is that if I do return to the UK could the SLC affect my credit rating and ability to get a mortgage through a CCJ? Can they do this if I am not in the country? Would it be a better to be honest just to say I have gone travelling/working holiday and do not plan to return? Thanks for your help
  10. Hi I recently had a dispute regarding a outstanding balance which had been accrued whilst travelling abroad in Hong Kong. I had questioned the usage (£3000) as I had no idea where the usage had occurred as Im only a casual web browser and received limited email during my trip. I am a Engineering Manager for a Marine company and constantly travel and use data and had never had any troubles with large charges but obviously not to the extent of the disputed debt. I contacted the Ombudsman and the case was referred with the outcome favouring Vodafone. Obviously not happy but believing that i had no more avenues to progress my argument I contacted Vodafone to pay the outstanding debt by use of my company card. As my account had been restricted I spoke to the assistant at Vodafone who deals with collection and asked about how to settle the debt and he advised that I could pay 50% upfront and the remaining 50% would be deducted in 6 weeks from the first collection date and money was debited from the company account. I went abroad again to Australia for 2 months where I never used my phone apart from wireless on Airplane mode. I returned home and found that my services again had been suspended as they had not collected the outstanding 50% on the 6 week period as agreed. They had sent a letter to my home address asking for me to pay the outstanding balance but I had not been home to even see the letter. They said that they had to give me a bad credit mark as I had not responded to there letter even though id never seen it in time. I again contacted the Ombudsman and explained but again they ruled in favour of Vodafone saying that it was my responsibility to check the payment. I had at no time any idea that they had not taken the payment that i had authorised with the assistant. Very frustrated as it was Vodafone who suggested I pay in instalments and just because the assistant did not process the debit procedure correctly, it is myself that is in breach. Some advice on how I should proceed would be appreciated. I have told the ombudsman that I do not accept there decision and was wondering what to do as I seem virtually helpless. I can now not remortgage my property due to the bad credit score just due to this incident as I have never had any money issues ever.
  11. I have 2 dogs - JR - 2.5 years old - absolutely adores travelling in the car. Has a proper canine seat belt and will sit for hours just looking out the car window. . GR - nearly 8. For the first 2 or 3 years, she was ok in the car. For some strange reason she suddenly threw a wobbly and even on short journeys now, it is like having the MiL in the back of the car - she does nothing but moan and whine. She too has always had a proper canine seat belt so it isn't that. Could it really be something as simple as having changed the car around that time and she doesn't like the new model ? We always plan our journeys so there are plenty of comfort breaks and they get a good run at each stop. TBH, I don't really know whether the GR just wants to get where we are going .. and is only exhibiting impatience or whether she is stressed - how would I tell? I have once tried a spray - sprayed into the car - which was supposed to help, but didn't It has become so stressful for ME, that if we plan a long journey, she gets to stay with her original owner/breeder as a house guest, but there is a time coming up fast where we will need to take her with us as the sitter is not going to be able to have her. Any suggestions please ?
  12. A plane is on its way to Toronto, when a Blonde from Economy class makes her way to the First class section and sits down. The Flight Attendant asks to see her ticket, and tells her that as she has only paid for Economy, that is where she must sit. The Blonde responds... I am Blonde, I am beautiful, I am going to Toronto and I am staying right here. The Flight Attendant speaks with the Pilot and Co Pilota bout this and asks what should be done. The Co Pilot goes back to First Class and speaks with the Blonde,advising that her ticket is an Economy one and that is where she must sit. The Blonde responds... I am Blonde, I am beautiful, I am going to Toronto and I am staying right here. The Co Pilot reports back to the Pilot and suggests having the Police waiting at Toronto to arrest the Blonde. However, the Pilot says, “You say she is Blonde? I am married to a Blonde, I speak Blonde” – So off he goes,bends down and whispers something in the Blonde’s ear. She immediately apologises, gets up and returns to her seat in Economy. What did the Pilot say to the Blonde to make her return to her Economy seat without fuss...? “Madam,First Class does not go to Toronto”
  13. Hi everyone. On reaching the train station today I found myself stuck in a queue. I was running late and had to be at an appointment and so when the train arrived 30 seconds after joining the queue, I decided I would buy a ticket from the conductor. (as I and many others have done previously). Unfortunately, there was no conductor on the train and so on alighting the train, I queued again to buy a ticket at the pay stand which has been present for as long as I can remember. I was refused a ticket and instead was ushered to a waiting revenues officer. I explained the situation regarding the queue at the start of my journey and also that there was no conductor on the train and that was the reason for me queueing to buy a ticket at the destination station. The revenues officer went on to baffle me with, section this and bye-laws tha,t which i had no idea about. He also told me that there are A-boards in stations which set out a passenger's obligations (which, again I had no idea about). The officer then asked me for my details, (which I refused to do as I felt I wasn't dodging a fare and I was trying to pay my fare). Due to my refusal, he then brought a police officer who said if I didn't give my details, he would arrest me for travel fraud!! Of course, by then I obviously had no choice and so gave my details. When I travelled back to the first station (with a valid ticket) I looked for an A-board setting out my obligations as a passenger. I found a red A-board up against a red vending machine! All the information says is "Buy before you ride" and that travelling without a valid ticket is an offence which COULD get you a criminal record, a £1000 fine or imprisonment. My return journey fare should have been £3.10 but because I wasn't able to buy my ticket, I had to buy a single to get back home which was £3.00. I was told by the revenues officer that I would be charged the single journey fare of £3.30 which would be payable when I receive notice to pay. That means that my journey would've cost me £6.30 instead of the £3.10!!...Would I only have to pay the 30p difference and will they charge me any admin fee? Thanks for taking the time to read this Loooooong thread, any advice greatly appreciated.
  14. This has been bandied about for some time. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2224349/Poor-drivers-priced-motorways-new-road-tax-proposals.html
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