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Found 5 results

  1. Hi All, It's been a while! I have a question for those who have been through this process. Long story short, I'm involved in a case that's going to the above tribunal. Both sides have asked for it to be held locally, but the Tribunal have said that it will be held in London. We have asked them to reconsider as someone on our side suffers bad health. We haven't heard from them yet, but that's by the by. My question is, if it does go to London, is it held in a court-type setup, or is it more like a conference room (all sitting round a table)? I appreciate that if it is to be held locally, it depends on what's available. Its happening at the end of the month.. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated Cheers Luke
  2. Hello I am applying for Tier 2 visa in two days and just found out that I am supposed to mention in the application if I ever had any fare evasion case. Actually 2 years back i was convicted of train fare evasion and i pleaded NOT guilty and wrote back when I received summons from the court, after which I also went for a hearing and they asked me for proof whichI was unable to provide so I paid the penalty to get rid of the issue and not to carry on the case in that case i had to plead guilty and pay. Now I am not sure if this is a criminal offence and should I mention this in my visa application form. Please help me out if possible. Thanks
  3. I recently made and withdrew an application to the Property Chamber to challenge the validity mortgage deed based on in CAG and I was forced into a situation where I had to pay a lender thousands of pounds in arbitrary "legal charges" before a hearing and was threatened with more to come if I didn't withdraw my application and pay the charges. This all happened the day before their deadline to commit a response to my Chamber application and I ended up losing thousands of pounds with no hearing. The only online record of the hearing I can find is here: http://www.lightfoots.co.uk/about-us/news-and-subscribe/item/196-a-charge-in-deed by one of the solicitors representing a lender. I will include this in a post below in case it gets lost or removed. It appears that none of the points made in the original thread nor in the template application were actually considered in the judgement. On the issue of mortgage by demise I signed a charge by way of a legal mortgage deed with "Full Title Guarantee" which according to this definition http://uk.practicallaw.com/8-107-6622?service=property is a full disposal of the property (i.e. its bricks) not disposal just a certain set of rights. The judge said that there was no mortgage by demise but a legal mortgage with Full Title Guarantee IS A MORTGAGE BY DEMISE for all intents and purposes. On the issue of statutory formalities there was no mention by the judge of a lenders duty to sign a deed where there is an obligation for further advances and the fact that there is a requirement for a lenders signature on the land registries CH1 form in this instance. Why also was there no discussion of the very clear instruction of the LRA2002 section 91 para 4 which clearly states the requirement for a lenders signature on a deed? Here it is black and white: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2002/9/section/91. Is it simply the case the judge missed that little bit of legislation or that somehow the deed was not stored electronically? These hearing appeared to be a complete whitewash of the facts and statutes by a judge who seemingly did not understand the rules nor the statute and I understand that the CAG has been actively attempting to prevent all further discussion on the issue. I personally lost £thousands and I didn't even reach a hearing and I understand that others did too on an issue that is very clearly unresolved. I would value the objective opinions of experienced professionals on this issue...
  4. Hi, I'm a 60 year old man and have suffered severe depression for the past 14 years. During that time I have been investigated for benefit fraud about 6 times. On each occasion I was found to have done no wrong. During the past two years I have been accused of LTAHAW. Subjected to Crown Court prosecution etc. In January a Tribunal agreed that my landlady and I are not a couple. Reversed an IS decision and stated I was entitled to HB as a 'passported benefit'. The HB appeal was heard at the same time, but at the last minute the council asked that REG 9 be considered. This caused an adjournment and a further hearing. I lost at that hearing. I appealed for leave to appeal to the Upper Tier. This was refused Frankly I don't know the law or how to do this. I'm alone and don't know how to argue the matter or what to say. Losing makes me liable for about £12,000. Can someone help? Or point me at someone who can? My local CAB are overwhelmed by work and daunted by the complexity of the case. Time is running out for me.
  5. This has been bandied about for some time. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2224349/Poor-drivers-priced-motorways-new-road-tax-proposals.html
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