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  1. Hi, I had an account with Nationwide about 4 months ago, at the time I had an issue with a company taking funds without permission I contacted the bank which in turn refunded the two payments back to my account. A short while went by I thought this was the end of the issue with the company in question. I ended up closing my account to move to another bank which were offering a good switch to us deal therefore I did. Move forward to now, I've received a letter from Nationwide asking me to pay back funds of £500 as the company which I had the dispute with provided evidence to indicate the transactions were of my own, therefore they've requested me to pay back the funds into an account of which they've provided on the letter, this letter has come from the 'Payment Processing Controls'. I've tried telling Nationwide I did not give the company permission to take funds, the evidence the company provided were that of my details that were provided to them when I created an account with them, I told Nationwide I had an account with them however I still did not give them permission to take money from my card, they've simply told me I would have to take this up with the company now as there's nothing else they can do. I don't have the funds at the moment to be pay the money back they're asking for, I firmly still believe I do not owe this money back. I've checked my Credit Report which also shows the account as closed and satisfied. I did speak to the Visa Disputes Team who told me there's nothing they could do to get the funds back as the account is closed, the member of staff words being "we don't have a leg to stand on". However someone somewhere within the bank is clearly trying to retrieve this money. Where do I stand? Can Nationwide legally chase me for this money?
  2. My son is having a problem with a Visa charge back through RBS. He bought a car 3 September 2016 the rear brake lines ruptured suddenly due to corrosion on 15 December 2016. The dealer agreed to fix it. Then 13 January 2017 it failed it's MOT because the front brake lines were corroded. At the same time various advisories for corrosion on most of the underside suspension, chassis would have cost more than the car was worth. My son rejected the car under Consumer rights act 2015 (note that this requires the dealer to collect the car). He refused the rejection. My son paid by debit card. he initiated a charge back based on the fault. RBS have turned it down as it was more 120 days from the point of sale. However we understood that it was different for a fault and 120 days from becoming aware of the problem. This is stated on lots of consumer websites including Which. be96erj how did it work out for you?
  3. Good morning HOPE THIS IS THE CORRECT FORUM, i have an issue and need some advice hopefully there some bank account/visa debit card experts here? On friday 13th i went as usual to buy my weekly bus ticket on the First Bus M-tickets app ( i have never had this problem before) but when i clicked checkout i selected my card and instantly the screen came back with "transaction declined", i thought this is strange because i had the money in account ready. I left it half an hour confused to try again but before i did i went to check my banking app to check my balance and low and behold the £20 for the bus ticket had been deducted form my balance. I went to check if my bus ticket had turned up in the app but it hadnt and the history said "transaction declined". I phoned the bus company and was told they have no record of receiving my money and refused to issue my ticket on the grounds it says on their screens "transaction declined" Ok sorry for that i just wanted to make the story clear for guidance. I have checked today (still no bus ticket or money back in my account). I am worried my money has disappeared into thin air, i have debt management plans to pay and i am on benefits so £20 going "missing" is quite a big deal at the moment.... What do i do will the money be returned to me? Is their financial laws that state money must be returned in ??days. Thank you i hope someone can advise this has really stressed me out
  4. Three months ago I was accused of shoplifting, brought back to an office, was spoken to by the loss prevention people, and given a one year ban (which I had to sign, but I can't remember is I was told signing was an admission of guilt). I was in the uk visiting my English fiance and gave RLP people my home country issued id (NOT my passport). They didn't say anything about sending my a loss recovery letter and didn't get police involved. I am now married and applying to join my spouse in the uk. I've done quite a bit of reading, but would like to confirm that since I was never issued a speculative invoice/fine/civil law suit and there is no police record I have nothing to disclose on my visa application. Thank you in advance!
  5. ello theoldgit : I have come across one of your replies in regards to Visa Application UK I was in UK under Tier 1 PSW permit until February 2014 , and had personal loans of GBP 2000 and un paid credit cards and phone contracts not more than 6000 GBP in total, I could not repay them since i left the country due to expired leave to remain . and I have checked on the trustonline.org.uk - i do not have any CCJ against me I am concerned this debt which I owe to the Creditors will hinder my new tier 2 (general) visa application Kindly advise me, will this debt will come under General Grounds of refusal - under Deliberate Debting your reply and advise will be really helpful and appreciated
  6. could someone please recommend a organization that specializes in advice for obtaining a uk tourist visa ,the visa would be for my Venezuelan girlfriend . thankyou
  7. I have had visa card for decades with largish credit limit of around £7000, very light usage, and always paid in full before pbd. The latest Card was issued in 2010 and I did not use it for any purchases but kept it for emergencies only, and was due for renewal at the end of July 2014. However, sometime in Feb 2014 they sent this surprise automatically generated note; “Would you like to keep your Barclaycard account open? We've noticed you haven't used your Barclaycard Classic card for a while and thought your account may longer be needed. That is why on 9 April 2014 we'll close your Barclaycard Classic account for you. This means any credit cards associated with this account will be cancelled unless you tell us otherwise. Don't worry, the other Barclaycard accounts you hold with us won't be affected.” The letter was sent by normal post, dated just “February 2014” and I ignored it because it looked like junk mail. When I found out in July that the card had been cancelled, BC at first verbally said they couldn't reopen the card with original credit limit because I did not appear on the electoral register, then in their final response they changed their story and said that they had issued a notice ending the agreement under the terms and conditions, and that my creditworthiness was not an issue. The FOS just lied about the whole thing in their non-investigation whitewash which I didn't accept. My new visa card has a mighty credit limit of £260! What are the legal viewpoints, breach of contract because no valid termination notice or something else, unfair relationship?
  8. Does anyone have a link to the UK Visa chargeback policy? I am trying to do a chargeback on my visa debit card and Nationwide are dragging their heels, stating that I am out of time (120 days). However it is my understanding that if a service/goods is purchased in the future then there is a 540 day limit to claim. Also, the 120 day limit can start on the day that the problem is known about. Its a bit confusing cos moneysavingexpert states that the 540 day limit can be used if there is services are brought for a future date e.g. concert tickets. Which? states that the 120 day time limit starts from the day the problem is recognised, upto a max of 540 days. Who is right?
  9. I want to visit Los Angeles next year with my partner and was looking at the visa forms. Do they usualy ask such weird questions like 'what is your mothers mothers name, what is your fathers fathers name, what is your maternal grandmothers name (which is the same as the first question etc?:
  10. Hi, I'm interested in how Verified by Visa is supposed to work. I'm in dispute with a merchant and I know that when I make a transaction with the merchant, the Verified by Visa screen is shown but it just 'goes through the motions' and doesn't ask me for any details. Is this right? Thanks
  11. Hello Friends, Can you tell me whether the UKBA service of assessing visa application is subject to general consumer laws or not ? And if so , can I raise a claim in court, six years after I was wronged by them. they had made and admitted their mistake in assessing my application but refused to refund my air travel ticket saying that they advise applicants not to book ticket in advance. However I don't think I am bound by their advise and that I want to claim this in court, five years after the incident.
  12. For a family member.... Who now lives in Newfoundland Canada, moving to BC next year. He has an £11k Visa debt with Halifax, he wants to know in as much detail as possible, what would happen if he simply stopped paying it in order to concentrate on more important Canadian debts. He doesn't intend returning to the UK ever, and is now a full Canadian citizen. Thanks in advance.
  13. Sent a CCA request to Cabot 6/6/15 Signed for and received 8/6/15 Reply received today and I have attached an edited copy. They mention that information will be provided in 40 days. If details are not provided by 23/6/15 will it still therefore be unenforceable ? Cabot bought the account from Equidebt in 2013. I have never received any form of annual statements from anyone including the OC. I have only been advised of the debt balance so therefore have they failed to comply with FCA handbook CONC 13.1.5 ?
  14. hey not sure if i have put this in the correct section but here goes nothing. i contacted by bank because i was dealing with another matter that needed me to go through statements since i first opened the account and i noticed sporadically payments coming out via my card which i never authorized or had a connection with any branch of the company thats taking them. i got in touch with the bank this morning and they said because its over 120 days i'd have to print out all my statements which is going to cost me money i can't afford since i'd have to go to the library and pay for them or pay for them from the bank, both would be £10 round trip on top of whatever they statements cost me. after having a look around online to see if there was anything regarding this sort of thing, ive seen a few articles that say the 120 days start when i realize the problem which would have been saturday or sunday. bank still adament that the 120 days are from the date of the transaction. just want to be sure that the 120 days from realizing the problem is right before i go contacting the ceo....again. TIA
  15. I've been sent the data, having sent a SAR to BoS. This credit card ran from 1993 to 2003. There's about £800 worth of PPI payments on there, but when I put the transactions into the calculator at 24.9% contractual rate, the claim figure comes out at over £15000..... That seems excessive and I'm just wondering if I've put the wrong figure in or if anyone else has had success with a claim this size. Here's the big question.... Is 24.9% the right figure? I'm told it was but have no proof, and there's no interest figures on the monthly statements. Does anyone know if this is the correct interest rate and if I should be claiming this contractual rate of compound interest? Any pointers would be great. Many thanks in advance
  16. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/401236/indicative-visa-charges-for-2015-to-2016.pdf So far its still a indication. I wish it won't apply.
  17. Hi, Hopefully you can give advise on my next step regards my complaint. I am trying to be fair with my bank and only asking for my original payment of £120 to be reimbursed, I am not asking for payment for the time and effort I have put in to writing these letters and sending these recorded delivery, the 8% interest, and the added stress this has caused me as a pensioner and full time carer for my son who has severe mental health issues and trying to make sure he isn't sectioned again by making sure he is taking his medication. I really could do without all this on top. I feel if I don't get a satisfactory response this time I feel I will make a claim for the stress caused etc, the whole process has been shambolic from start to finish. Here is the time frame at the moment from start to finish and where I am currently at with my complaint :- 26/11/2014 - Item bought for £120 as a Christmas present for my grandson 5/01/2015 Item broken after just over a week, Emailed seller with no joy, so sent item off for repair, told it was unrepairable by a reputable company. 20/02/2015 (86 days after purchase) - sent letter recorded delivery to my bank asking to inititate a chargeback. 28/02/2015 (94 days after purchase) - Received letter from Fife office saying they needed proof that I had returned item, or at least tried all avenues to try and return item. 09/03/2015 (103 days after purchase) - After giving seller time to supply said information to return item and receiving no reply, I sent another letter recorded delivery with all information of trying to return item, I also sent photographic evidence of the damage to the item I got from the reputable company I sent the item to be repaired at. This letter was signed for at the Halifax office in Fife on the 10/03/2015. I received a text asking to ring the Fife office on the 16/03/2015 (110 days after purchase) I rang and they were unsure of why I was ringing, I explained the situation and the reference number of my complaint, They checked the system and were adamant that the letter I sent recorded delivery had never arrived I gave the tracking number and name of the person who signed for it. at the Fife office. They said it wasn't on the system so couldn't have been received, Not wanting to argue I said can I email all the information which I did on the 16/03/2015 (110 days after purchase) 07/04/2015 (132 days after purchase) I received a letter from head of debit card disputes saying I was now out of the time limits that Visa International set for disputing a debit card payment so therefore they would not be able to claim a chargeback for me and that is the end of the matter as far as they are concerned. I have sent a letter today giving them 14 days to rectify the situation, I keep all receipts and copies of information I send including tracking numbers which I have sent to her, which shows I was well inside the 120 day Visa International limit. I am unsure of my next step? Do I go to customer services, or go to the financial ombudsman? I am pretty certain Halifax debit card disputes will refuse to reimburse me as they can't now initiate a chargeback as it is over 120 days which Visa set, I just don't feel it is fair me being punished for shoddy administration practices which has happened in this case. They had the information well within the 120 day limit. Thanks, Rosemary
  18. The Co-op Bank (Smile) has reduced my credit limit below the current balance outstanding. Which makes me immediately over the limit and liable to charges!! Can they do this?
  19. Hello All, My father's family visitor visa was refused on 01-Nov. Basically my father was in UK in May-27 and therefore his second visa starting from 01-Nov was refused because it is less than six months since his last departure from UK. I did not know about this rule. The visa officer further feels that he is trying to make UK a habitual abode. He is eligible to come to UK after 29-Nov as he will have completed six months out of UK. Now my concern is that the visa officer may refuse again thinking that my father is desperate to go to UK and therefore applied as soon as he became eligible and thus refuse again saying that he is trying to make UK is habitual abode. In this regard, I intend to mention the following as reason why he will return to India and not stay in UK. He is coming here to meet with my family ( myself, my wife and my one year old son ). Last time, he returned back within four months even though he had six months visa. Also even though I have lived in UK for a good six and half years now, he has applied only for second visit. Besides this, my father has wife ( my mother & married for over last forty years), a son, a daughter and two grand-children as a family in India. He has substantial fixed deposits in India, besides the monthly regular pension. My questions are: (1)Does the above form a strong reason to return back to India. (2)If the visa is refused again, will I be able to raise complaint and seek ombudsman help if needed. Thanks for your responses.
  20. hoping to start a claim for PPI paid over at least 5 years on a £8k+ that I believe is SB . I have statements from previous SAR for approx 5 years which is a big help - PPI ranges from £30+ per month up to £70+ per month. Debt was assigned to MarlinIII who send a six monthly statement and have already admitted in writing most likely unenforceable agreement. (old application for missing prescribed terms) Would appreciate any help/thoughts/pitfalls etc etc Not sure how far I can claim back and how to calculate many thanks
  21. HSBC took it upon themselves yesterday to stop my VISA DEBIT card for no good reason. I had just paid online a BT (British Telecom) bill which they thought (as stated to me when I called them) ‘suspicious’. They were in possession of two contact telephone numbers for me. They did not call either of there although when I talked to them they lied and said they had called them. This is not the first time they have done this to me. Why do any of us stay with this rubbish bank? I’m going to see my local management tomorrow and take him up one side and down the other. For all the good it will do, At least I may feel a bit better
  22. Hi all. We moved into our new house last Friday and we had zero furniture as we were buying new. I saw a great suite deal on www.galaxystores.co.uk (£747 for a matching 3 seater sofa, 2 seater sofa and foot rest) ordered it Monday evening. It was meant to be 1-2 day free delivery but heard nothing tried to log into my account on their site to try and track my order but couldnt, clicked for a password reminder - it never came emailed Galaxy who said it would arrive Friday before 5pm. Friday 5pm came and went and tried to contact Galaxy Stores only to find they have NO telephone number had to email them, they seemed to want to stall me for time by asking me if Id received a text from the courier - I hadnt, I asked twice for some kind of tracking number which they wouldnt/couldnt give me and was just told they would sort it out and arrange another delivery day. I looked up on Galaxy Stores (yes, I should have done this first but their site looked really good) and have only seen bad reviews for them, how they dont send orders and then dont refund. I am in desperate need for a sofa and cant really wait as we are all sat on the floor and have been for a week. My question is, under these circumstances, can I get a chargeback now rather than waiting a certain amount of time so I can buy a sofa from somewhere else and tell the people at Galaxy Stores to kindly cancel the order that may never come anyway? Ive checked my bank account and the money was taken out on the 24th. Im with Barclays and used a VISA Debit card on Galaxy Stores site using Sagepay. ETA: Correction, the money has been taken out of my account.
  23. I have now eventually received SAR details from NatWest but they cannot obtain a copy of the original agreement or any statements between November 1998 to October 2001 (due to inactivity on the account) as closed in June 2008. Is this correct or should I be pushing for them to attempt location from their archives ? I do have most of the statements from April 1999 to October 2001, its just that I was hopefully trying to locate any that I did not have. Also when submitting complaint, shall I enclose any copies of statements that they do not have ? Do I also use the compound interest calculator and if so is the end date, last ppi payment or today ? Cheers
  24. Just sent SAR off for some missing statements but I do have about 90% of them from 1998 to 2005 when the account was settled and closed. I cannot find anything on my agreement details with my signature agreeing to PPI as it was automatically added when I took out the card. My questions are, will I be able to reclaim from 1998 and what are the correct redress spreadsheets that I should be looking at in the meantime ? Is there one for all of statements and one for some missing statements ? Thanks for any assistance.
  25. Hello I am applying for Tier 2 visa in two days and just found out that I am supposed to mention in the application if I ever had any fare evasion case. Actually 2 years back i was convicted of train fare evasion and i pleaded NOT guilty and wrote back when I received summons from the court, after which I also went for a hearing and they asked me for proof whichI was unable to provide so I paid the penalty to get rid of the issue and not to carry on the case in that case i had to plead guilty and pay. Now I am not sure if this is a criminal offence and should I mention this in my visa application form. Please help me out if possible. Thanks
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