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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I'm interested in how Verified by Visa is supposed to work. I'm in dispute with a merchant and I know that when I make a transaction with the merchant, the Verified by Visa screen is shown but it just 'goes through the motions' and doesn't ask me for any details. Is this right? Thanks
  2. good evening, I am having problems with nationwide verified by visa . I have been trying to pay my gas bill online over the last few days but the payment has been declined/not authorised by nationwide. I have tried numerous times checking and double checking that I had entered all information correctly, but to no avail, my payments have been accepted in supermarkets and today at my vets with no problems. I thought it maybe a problem with british gas website but today I tried to purchase goods online and the payment was declined again! there wasn't even the security page from verified by visa to enter password etc just a message saying we are unable to process the order as yourself cannot be verified by your bank. Seems rather odd as I have made other payments and my direct debits using the visa card are going through ok, any thoughts to why this is happening please?
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