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Found 9 results

  1. I changed address at the end of March 2013. The energy supplier at the new address was British Gas. Amid ongoing PDL/council tax/bailiff hell I received the first gas/elec bill at the end of November 2013, in excess of £900. A DD was set up to pay for usage plus arrears. It was the first of several as I would agree the DD amount/date with Bgas who would then increase the amount and/or change the date - making if effectively impossible to budget. The DD ranged from £261 to £593. My partner's son took his own life at the end of August 2014. A friend offered to rent out a spare house to us in a different area to give us a welcome change of scene. We could stay for 5 years, which would give us a chance to heal our wounds. I paid the final gas/elec bill on 19th Dec 2014. The elec was nearly £600. Having just moved house, and just before xmas, it bounced. I set up a new DD for the energy supplies to the new house totalling £321, the first to be paid on 19th Jan 2015. One (elec £220) bounced. Bgas also attempted to take out the previously unpaid amount (nearly £600) the following day (bank account balance £21.78). It bounced. And so it continued, the bills being paid by a combination of wobbly DD's and ad-hoc debit card payments. I gradually extricated myself from PDL hell by a)giving up on paying them off and b)not taking out any more... I lost my contract at the end of October 2015 and, with no savings or any other form of contingency, had to bridge a month long wage gap with - you guessed it - a £1500 loan from myjar (£3000 by the time I paid it off). It barely covered the bills. In 2016 our friend/landlord announced the house was being put up for sale and evicted us. We moved again at the end of July 2016. I received final bills from the previous address (gas £323.30, elec £535.78) and paid in full on 18th Aug 2016. I retained Bgas as energy supplier due to the debit balance (859.08) at the time of the house move. Bgas demanded a security deposit of £90 & £215, which I paid. Their email explains: "What happens to your deposit If you've paid all your bills on time, we'll refund it after your first year with us. But if you haven't, we'll use your deposit to pay any debt you might have. Even if it's a different gas or electricity contract." Bgas also supplied me with 2 "sales order numbers" pending setup of my new accounts. Over the next few weeks I signed into my accounts to check progress (they'd advised me it could take "up to" two weeks or thereabouts). Thinking the delay might have something to do with the old elec account, I contacted them and asked them. They had no record of the account or the arrears. Okay... 8 months later (not unusual for bgas, given my previous experience) I had still heard nothing from them but received a letter from Scottish Power giving notice of gas/elec arrears of several hundred pounds and application for a warrant to enter, noting that - as our dog had woofed when they came to the house - they would also be charging us for the attendance of a dog handler, advising that this was "likely" to be distressing. A quick phonecall confirmed that Bgas had never supplied energy to us, the arrears related to a former tenant, not us, and new gas and electricity accounts were duly set up. I contacted Bgas requesting the return of my security deposits, which they have repaid by cheque. Meanwhile, my 74 year old mum fell ill and was admitted to hospital at the end of March 2017. Cancer tore through her like wildfire, so much so that a formal diagnosis had not been reached by the time she was discharged into our care 3 weeks later. She died at home 3 days later. I am the sole beneficiary of my mum's will, and the executor of her estate. She left me a modest house with about £20k outstanding on the mortgage. My intention was to obtain a new mortgage on the house to pay off the existing - a loan to value of less than 25%. I have approached mortgage advisers and have been told I COULD obtain a mortgage but for one thing: the outstanding Bgas account from December 2014 is showing as "status 6" on my credit report and has done for the last 22 months. If they had defaulted it within 3-6 months of the original late payment (i.e. March-April 2015), it wouldn't trouble the lender, and I would qualify for the mortgage. However, it had taken them until August 2016 (when I contacted them and was told they had no record of it) to mark it as a late payment at all! I feel a complaint to Bgas is in order for their persistent late billing, excessive variation of DD amounts and dates, gross inefficiency, lack of communication, and tardy, incompetent and inaccurate processing of my data. Would appreciate advice as to how to structure and target my complaint. Email to [email protected] ?? Thanks in advance!
  2. I have a query in relation to my AMEX corporate card. This is a charge card and is fully cleared once a month by a direct debit from my personal bank account. American express are withdrawing these funds on the correct day. However, my statements and online account always report that the payment has been made a whole month beforehand. This means that my online balance is almost always wrong and the statements are not a factual record of the account. Is this even legal?? Here is their "explanation" for why this is happening: This hasn't cause any problems up until recently, but then I was surprised by a very large payment which was marked received on my September statemen t and I had removed from my budget planner. Fortunately, it went through without any charges but it could have really messed my finances up. Overall, this seems pretty dodgy and their explanation is flaky! Would greatly appreciate any advice about my options. Thanks, J
  3. Hello Friends, Can you tell me whether the UKBA service of assessing visa application is subject to general consumer laws or not ? And if so , can I raise a claim in court, six years after I was wronged by them. they had made and admitted their mistake in assessing my application but refused to refund my air travel ticket saying that they advise applicants not to book ticket in advance. However I don't think I am bound by their advise and that I want to claim this in court, five years after the incident.
  4. just to make people aware that RBS/Nawest and Nationwide are reporting problems with processing various payments. If you have any problems today, this may be the reason. The cash machines are working OK, as our the branches.
  5. Since February 2012 some people have had to wait almost 11 months for their FLR(M) visa application to be processed by the UKBA . Although most of us don't believe in miracles, it seems that the UKBA is now starting to get on top of the backlog, although they still have a good number of 9+ months outstanding. For people who applied after July 2012 the processing time was 3 months, which as many UKBA responses on the FOI site point out, they do everything date order .... erm!!!!!
  6. hi its my first post i rang tax credits today about my award notice from july. i renewd in july but still not recieved it. i asked why i still not recieved it they said its being processed . can any one tell me if ime being invstigated. im pretty sure i not done anything doddgy but i worried as hell please help.
  7. Very disturbing http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2231040/Payday-borrowers-face-Christmas-credit-shock.html
  8. i applied for a loan not so long ago and it said about a processing fee. i didnt have to tick any box to say they can take the money but then today money had gone from the account. will i be able to get the money refunded back to me??
  9. Just a heads up that yet another entity connected to the Larholt gang ,Web Loans Processing Holdings Limited also registered at 15 Lyndhurst Terrace has recently been set up with the named directors being the rather unnatractive(solely my opinion as i have seen a photo of the guy----urghhhh) Jordan Taylor and Kim Child. No doubt this will be used to fold another of their entities into once the time comes.
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