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Found 11 results

  1. Hello all, I was a university student who signed up to my local gym. My last payment to the gym was in February of this year. I believe the payment was set up at £19.99 pcm. I ran into some financial troubles in February and the direct debit for this membership was revoked by my bank (HSBC). I viewed the email sent to me by the gym group and assumed that next month when they came to debit my account, they would take the amount owed + the next membership instalment. I recently started receiving phone calls from CRS, of which I have not picked up. I then checked my emails and found one from them stating I owed them in excess of £300 due to late payments. What has gone from a (relatively small) 'admin' fee from the gym of £50 has now shot up over six fold. I will admit that I probably should have kept on top of this (phoning the gym/bank to discuss how payments should be made) but other reasons and a lack of checking my email account associated with the gym lead me to do otherwise. I suppose I am creating this thread for advice on how I should proceed with CRS with regards to this issue. I have already read that CRS have no legal power with respect to collecting debt owed. I also have read that it is not advised to answer their phone calls. However, I fear as time passes and the debt racks up, it may get to a point where I 'owe' them much more than the current £350 as they keep on adding 'admin' charges to my name. As a student who does not necessarily have those kind of funds, what would be the advised next step for me? I am hesitant to contact CRS to work out a payment plan without fully understanding my rights. If anyone could assist me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. I bought a rug from modern rugs last week. It arrived yesterday and while the pattern is the same, the colour of the rug is different. I have looked at their returns policy and they say they will refund the money if we send the rug back within 2 weeks at our own expense. It is a 116 x 170 rug and will be expensive to send back and as they sent a product that was not as advertised I do not feel I should have to pay the return costs. Does anyone know what rights I may have buying something online that does not match the pictures in the online shop?
  3. Hi all, I'm in a predicament with 2 x sofas that I have recently purchased from ScS and would love your insight if possible. I ordered the sofas over the phone with the store manager and paid over the phone. I had, along with my daughter, been into the store that day to look at display sofas and had chosen a colour “ charcoal” by looking at a swatch. We wanted grey and decorated the lounge and re-carpeted (carpets from SCS too) according to a grey and lavender colour scheme. When delivered into the lounge the sofas totally look brown. We have a large window and a porch door that lets in light so it is not a dark room. I refused to accept delivery. I rang the Store manager who confirmed the delivery is what I chose and said that if I want to choose alternative sofas from ScS, I will be charged a 35% excess re-selection fee, which in this case would mean I would lose £429. This fits with the discretion cited in Terms and Conditions that Store Managers can use when customers cancel an order on sofas bought in store. However, the Cancellation Policy quoted on the SCS website is different for Cancellations and Returns and states….. "This cancellation and Returns Policy only applies if you made your purchase with SCS online, over the telephone, and via our website. if you have placed your ordering one of our stores, please refer to the Terms and Conditions on the reverse of your order.” Given I ordered theses sofas over the phone, including making payment, albeit to a Manager in a store , I would hope the policy from the website applies. I want a full refund. I don’t want to choose alternative sofas that will take 8 wks to make and deliver. I've included two images below - one of the sofa as it was delivered to my home showing the colour that appears to be brown rather than "charcoal", and a screenshot of the "charcoal" swatch that I was shown in the store that I placed my order based on. Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this takes the biscuit? (I have images but the forum isn't letting me post them as a newbie... but they can be found at the following address:) imgur dot com/a/4h8Hi What are my rights in this situation? Thanks.
  4. Hi, I wonder if any of you IT buffs might know what the remedy to this is? I opened the PC - a Dell Optiplex 745 to change the little round battery. I noticed these capacitors (I think) which appear to have leaked. Can anyone tell me if these are replaceable/repairable or is the likely end of my motherboard? Thanks
  5. Received CCA from Barclays, however it is very different to others I received from the same bank. This Loan dates back to 1999, I have already successfully claimed PPI on this. Is this agreement reconstituted? There's no personal detail on the agreement. T&Cs very short. Do they not have to provide signed agreement as per my request? Big question though, can they enforce this agreement? How should I reply? Appreciate if someone can please help me with the reply. Thank you.
  6. Summary. Ordered a new tablet PC from seller on Ebay. 24/12/2014 Despatched from London Showed as being accepted at Derby town DO on 30/12/2014 Estimated last delivery date 5/01/2015 6/01/2015 still shows as being help at Derby town DO Contacted seller (US based) who asks ME to chase it up with RM...Erm NO. I am not the customer so my contract is with the seller. They have to do the chasing. Checked Track and Trace today and it shows as being delivered from the Hayes DO, about 100 miles from me! I suspect that once the date for resolution has passed and I contact Ebay, they will say that as it has been delivered, there is nothing they can do. We will see.
  7. Hi there, my husband received a letter today which looks like a payslip and is from 2F Wescot Credit Agency. The matter it says it refers to just gives a number and no kind of description, the number means nothing to us. There is no information at all as to why they are contacting us and we have no idea what it could be about as as far as we're concerned we have no debts owed which we aren't already paying correctly. Is there any way of finding out what they could want without actually calling them as it seems that making contact is not the best idea with this agency? Or do we just ignore it until (if) we get something more concrete? Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi, New to this forum after reading a few posts relating to this company "cash4phones.co.uk". I sent my phone to them last week, recorded delivery and have used royal mail track and trace which shows the phone was received and signed for. Its still early days but the site shows the status as "pack sent to customer" i assume it should by now say "received" or similar. After my paranoid level soared i did a quick google only to find hundreds of complaints in reviews of this company, so, this appears to be the first step in the process of being ripped of by this company so i thought i'd make an official note of the situation here. I've used their contact form online and asked if someone can take a look into the status of my request, as i hear back i'll update on here. phone is a galaxy s3 in spotless condition which they quoted as being worth £185.51
  9. Its a catalougue, and I genuinely have no memory of signing a credit agreement. However they have produced a photocopy with something that looks like a bad copy of my signiture, and no date added. The company are insisting this is a true copy. I have never seen it before and I do not own a copy. Please could you tell me what is my next move. I can not find the correct template letter in the library. I think they may have tried to copy my signiture from a previous letter, and the letter they sent is pretty high handed to say the least. I do not trust them in the least and I will take this one all the way. Help please.
  10. Very disturbing http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2231040/Payday-borrowers-face-Christmas-credit-shock.html
  11. So I had a call this morning from the job centre telling me that I got zero points on my medical and that I am likely to be refused ESA. I am devastated and don't know what to do. The man asked me if I had anything to say in my favour and I pointed to be honest I was probably so taken a back that I didn't make a good case for myself. I did point out that earlier this year I was placed in the Support Group under special circumstances and that my health was actually worse now. He said that it was now six months on from that time so things would have changed and that didn't apply any more. I again said that things had only changed for the worse. I did give him additional information about my medication, further appointments and tests I am awaiting but I don't know if it is likely to have any effect. He said he will look again at my claim and I will get a letter in the next week letting me know their desicion. From what I could gather it does appear like information I gave the doctor conducting my assesment was missing so it looked like he was typing it all up but in reality he was missing lots out. I will need to get my ESA85 to confirm this. I was so put on the spot to be honest I feel like I messed up my chance to put my position over to him properly. I was only on the phone to him a few minutes he started off by saying that we had plenty of time to talk but then it was like he couldn't get off the phone fast enough. I just don't think I can take it if I have to appeal and I'll end up going back to horrible problems and sanctions with the job centre who were the ones who pushed me to apply for esa in the first instance. I did tell him that if I was refused ESA I would have no option but to appeal. Is there anything else I can do or is it too late now?
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