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  1. Hi, I have an ebay and paypal account which are both blocked and can no longer be unblocked. I have requested for both accounts to be deactivated and my details removed as i can still login to both accounts. Both ebay and paypal have stated they cannot remove my details or deactivate the accounts, but the accounts are blocked and i cannot use them. I was just looking to see if anyone has any advice for me in regards to whether the above is correct from ebay and paypal?
  2. I buy and sell used spin bikes, I was approached by a customer who I had sold spin bikes to previously, they were expanding their spin classes and wanted to know if I had a particular brand of bike, I didn't have that brand at the time so I told the customer that I would be getting more in within 2-3 weeks for £150 each. I called a few of the companies who supply me but they never had any I searched eBay. I found a seller who had an auction ending that day for 10 bikes of the brand the customer wanted all in good working order, bidding was started at 99p, there was no reserve and no bids but there was a 'Buy it Now' option of £1000. (10 bikes of this brand sell for £1500) I contacted the customer back to tell them I had 10 coming and they agreed to buy them all for £1500 On the day of the auction I bid £1000 with 5 mins to go, I ended up winning the auction with a bid of £280, less than an hour after the auction had ended the seller messaged me to say "sorry I thought I had cancelled the auction, the bikes were damaged and disposed of" He then cancelled the auction, there was nothing I could do but report him to eBay and leave the relevant feedback. I called a few other companies that supply used spin bikes but nobody had any of the bikes the customer wanted, unfortunately, I had to inform the customer that I could no longer supply the bikes so they went elsewhere. Weeks later I was contacted by an eBay user who had seen my feedback, they said they were interested in the bikes but forgot to bid, a day after the auction they contacted the seller to say if the buyer doesn't complete they would be interested in purchasing for £850, I was saddened to hear that the seller messaged them back the same day to say the bikes were still available, they even went to view the bikes at the sellers gym that he owns. I've seen all of the messages between the seller and the eBay user so the seller can't deny that he made a false statement to me and then tried to sell at a higher price. What I would like to know is can I sue the seller for breach of contract and seek damages for expectation loss/loss of bargain, £1500 less my winning bid and collection cost etc? If I can sue him for breach of contract, do I sue him as an individual or sue his company as he was using a private eBay sellers account at the time to list the bikes? Thanks in advance
  3. Hi and thanks again for the forum. I purchased a BRAND NEW Tower T17005 Low Fat Health Air Fryer 3.2L Black 3 year guarantee From Hemsworth Hardware on the 19 February 2017. Just recently the unit started to make an horrific grinding sound. I contacted the seller and he said he would speak with the supplier (like he/she is not the supplier). Since then the seller has ignored my emails. Question is - do I pursue this or am I wasting my time given that the unit is over 12 months old ? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi, I have run an eBay shop for over 15 years now and just had this happen to me: A company purchased a 10kg Netgear switch in September. Opens a case as they have changed has mind and returns item. Item never arrives, the tracking number shows delivered, spoke to eBay twice before the dead line and told them this and got the normal brick wall approach. Buyer then escalates the case and gets his money back. Raise a claim with ebay and Royal Mail. My local post woman finds the item, the buyer had sent it to another address, brought it to me this morning and it is a letter not the 10kg item I was expecting. Ebay's fraud team are looking into this. The return address on the letter is a youth group in London that as I can see has nothing to do with the company that brought the item. In total it has taken up at least 3 hours of my time trying to get this sorted. I am going to report this to Action Fraud as well, tempted to start court action for my time. Rant over JJ
  5. Please offer me some advice if any body has any experience or expertise. My problem is that I bought a chandelier from Chinese seller on ebay on 4/12/17. I received message soon after I would receive parcel between 4-11 January 18 but was not given any tracking number. Parcel did not arrive by 11th January. I assumed because of new year there would be delivery delays. By 20th still no parcel. On 21/1/18 I raised an issue with the seller. He sent me a message that supposedly Parcel Force had attempted to deliver four times, the last time being on 20/1/18. There was no delivery note ever. On 22/1/18 i contacted Parcel Force by phone and they told me there was no evidence of any delivery attempt to my post code. However seller insisted, and supplied a tracking number which effectively showed one attempted delivery before parcel being sent back to china. At that stage seller wanted to refund my money £167 ( minus postage fee £57). I did not agree intially and raised a complaint at ebay resolution centre. After many emails between me and Ebay, the latter stuck to their guns that the seller had supposedly kept to their part of the baragin and therefore Ebay could not compel the seller to refund anything at all. That effectively meant the seller gets to keep their chandelier which they confirmed that they received back and the whole of my money. Ebay finds this 'reasonable' apparently. Since then I have contacted seller again to accept their intiall offer of some refund but now they are ignsoring my emails. I am disgusted by Ebay. Kindly help me recover my money. Abdel
  6. I bought an item on Ebay, which the seller claimed had only been used 1 time and was in excellent condition, the only reason why i bought the item. The item arrived damaged, i requested a return as item not as decribed and arrived damaged. Seller refused to accept a return, instead she blamed me for the damage, saying i had caused the damaged and had swapped item and the pictures I had shown of the damage were fake. Seller claimed she has a witness who saw her send the item in mint condition, but i told her it arrived damaged with a dent/chipped, with scratches etc and obviously not used the 1 time as seller claimed. Anway the seller then made a threat take me to smalls court (when she had my money and sent me a damaged item) and is still refusing to take the item back and still blaming me and now claims she can get a witness statement to say she sent the item in mint condition - if thats the case as seller claims, why it did arrived damaged!! In the email exchange with the seller, she is trying to make herself look the victim in all of this. The item is of over £250 Raised return request on Ebay, but seller is blaming me for the damage, how crazy is that, she sent an item not as described, anway time to escalate to Ebay and get Ebay involved because the seller is not admitting the item i received is damaged, even after showing pictures and still blaming me, what do I tell Ebay when I escalate item not as decribed, arrived damaged, seller not accepting responsibility, blaming me for the damage? As for the sellers witness statement to say she sent the item in mint condition, that doesn't count because my pictures show the damage, please please help
  7. Hi, I have received a letter from solicitors regarding 8 metres of fabric that I sold on eBay and Etsy claiming that I import and sell counterfeit products. I bought this fabric online to make curtains and then changed my mind and decided to sell them myself... They're asking for over £2,000 and the total selling price of the fabric was £250... I don't know what to do! Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you
  8. I got in a convo with a potential buyer of a product after a number of messages we decided to take the sale outside of ebay, it's for about £xxx (hundreds)... It's a little naughty I know and the safeguards are here for a reason but that is not my point. He has over 3000 pos reviews and I myself am genuine. He wants to send money via paypal frineds and family for £xxx. Then I box up goods and post. The worry is he could get the goods and dispute it and get money back.. Should I ask him for some paper work or a signed document that concretes things.. They are records you see, very rare ones. So anything could happen.
  9. Hi all, Bit of a strange one...maybe. I have been repairing on and off for many years - around 10 years + primarily laptops and mobile phones. I have bought an item of eBay primarily on the basis that it COULD fix an issue with a laptop but if it did not, I would send it back and this was the agreement with the seller. During fitting of the board, I felt the socket for the wireless antenna was not as tight as it should be but it was too late as I had now plugged in the cable. Fast forward an hour, it turned out the board did not fix the issue and in actual fact, the laptop would most likely be written off - I let the seller know this. On removing the board, the loose socket did indeed give way and came off. Problem now is quite obviously, the seller is refusing to accept the board back. I have not gone through the returns process and it is all verbal. Where does one stand in a situation like this? On one hand, there is no way that socket should fall off - And I can prove this by simply getting a wireless card or board and plugging in/out the antenna. They're made to handle this and in my test case, I was heavy handed too just to prove a point. There are two sockets and the other one is fine- the original board also has been in and out of the system multiple times and the sockets are fine. My view is it was not soldered on properly to start with and the installation simply ensured it would snap off. Even if it was soldered on, there clearly is not enough strength to hold it down so would have come off either way. Thoughts? Board itself has the wifi onboard and is for a small laptop - board being around the £400 mark and so no small matter Thanks in advance!
  10. I am struggling to close PayPal and EBay accounts of my late Husband. Using the contact us forms doesn't appear to produce any contact from either of them. Has anyone had experience of closing these accounts - thank you.
  11. I'm in a bit of a pickle and am hoping someone can help me work out how to get around this: I bought my partner an Apple laptop via eBay three years ago. All seemed above board, but I collected in person and the seller insisted I pay cash as they didn't want to risk a Paypal chargeback - fair enough, I thought. At the time, they assured me they would send me a copy of the original Apple sale receipt and I asked several times. The seller then stopped responding to my messages. Not an issue, I thought, since I had the laptop and didn't think the proof of purchase would be an issue. To prevent the laptop being used if stolen, we put a firmware password on the laptop - this is a low-level password that effectively locks the Mac altogether if the hard disk is changed, which makes it very difficult for thieves to use the laptop if they steal it and try to wipe the hard drive. Six months later in 2015, we realised that we had forgotten the password. We took the laptop to Apple and, after e-mailing every bit of correspondence I had had from the eBay sale and with the seller of the laptop, a nice chap at Apple Ireland authorised my local Apple repair shop to reset the firmware password. Thinking we were out of the woods, my partner put a new password on the machine, wrote it down safely in a book, and that was that. Fast forward to two weeks ago, and we have realised that we have once again forgotten the password, and, having moved house, have lost the book. However, this time, Apple have refused to reset the password, because we don't have the original sale receipt for the laptop. Apple have said that, since we don't have the original proof of purchase, we will have to pay around £500 to have a new main board (the logic board) replaced. My instinct in this matter is that, having proven once beyond reasonable doubt that we are the legitimate owners of the laptop, a reasonable person would believe that we are still the rightful owners of the laptop, and Apple should remove the password. If somebody could help, we would be most grateful (in fact, if you can help us get Apple to authorise this password removal, I will send you £50 and a crate of beer/cider/wine/fizzy pop of your choice) Thanks ever so much! Alex
  12. Hello! I have won a bid on eBay for a heavy, bulky item and in the listing the seller stated: "· Please only bid if you have a big van to transport · Have at least 2 really strong people to carry, preferred 3 strong people. As it is extremely heavy. o IF this two points are not met, I will not give access to the property, as I don’t want anyone dragging the bed out of it by damaging my floor boards. I won the bid, paid instantly by Paypal, as stated in the listing and THEN the seller said they didn't accept PayPal but would only accept cash on collection. It's a 2.5 hour drive away and based on the seller's threat to refuse entry I wanted to hire a professional and insured firm to collect, the seller suggested I bank transfer payment and refunded my PayPal payment. I hired a firm, having spent a good deal of time getting the ones with the best customer feedback who could meet the sellers requirements of "after 6.30pm during the week or weekend collection" and the movers stated they are insured but did not state for what exactly. I paid by bank transfer just now and the seller has contacted me saying "Please them know. if they do scratch my wallpaper, they have to pay or get this sorted" Grrrr - if this item wasn't quite rare and such a bargain, I'd tell the seller to shove it and buy elsewhere but to save things from becoming a massive pain in the rear for me - what can I do to ensure that if the couriers do cause damage I don't have to deal with this seller to get it sorted? Who is liable if they cause any damage? I have sent the courier the eBay listing AND contacted the manufacturer of the item to find out the weights of each of the elements of this big and bulky item if it does, who would the seller have to sue, me or the courier? Thanks in advance for your help JunieJ
  13. Hi all, I sold a very expensive figurine on eBay and sent the item to the seller very well packed first class next day. Two days later the seller requested a full refund stating the item had been damaged in transit. I requested photos of the damage which showed the packing box (shipper) squashed on one corner, the box inside with the figurine inside appeared to have a cut along the corner running up the side of the box. When I received the item back the damage to the box of the figurine appeared inconsistent with the damage shown to the box that housed the figurine. What I mean bear with me on this, The shipping box was squashed on one corner, however the figurines box had no sign of being squashed and looked like it had been cut. The figurine box was wrapped in bubble wrap at least 5 or 6 times and I am guessing when the buyer tried to remove the bubble wrap say with scissors he has cut the box. Do I have any right to claim the buyer has damaged the item and will eBay see the obvious inconsistency? I have the photos he originally sent as do eBay!
  14. I am a UK national, domicile in UK although I occupy much of my time in the Philippines where I have a business, and with my ebay (UK) account I made a purchase from a listing on ebay (UK) priced in British pounds, for delivery to an address in UK (England & Wales) and paid for from my PayPal account which just happens to be a Philippines PayPal account. My purchase transpired to be a fraudulent one so within their 180 days timeframe I opened a complaint with PayPal only for the (Indian) seller to pull a fast one and they, rather than I, escalated my complaint for PayPal to adjudicate and with no investigation whatsoever PayPal adjudicated against me wrongly believing the lies of the seller … and of course PayPal notify one of this by an email that cannot be replied to, that there can be no appeal etc. etc. etc. so I filed against PayPal (Europe) via Money Claim Online. Now if one attempts to go shopping with any UK retailer that accepts PayPal, Wilkinson to name but one, and one attempts to have delivered to a UK address using a foreign (Philippines) PayPal account then one receives this message: “We're sorry, PayPal Philippines accounts cannot ship purchases to United Kingdom.” But ... If one shops from an ebay (UK) account, on ebay (UK) and with delivery to a UK address using a foreign (Philippines) PayPal account then no problem at all, the transaction approves immediately. Taking PayPal to court their solicitors appear to have dropped their rebuttal that my purchase, the seller, was fraudulent, that they didn't investigate etc. and it seems their only defence is that as an ebay (UK) account holder, making a purchase listed and paid for in British pounds from ebay (UK), with a delivery address in UK, but with a Philippines PayPal account, their solicitors are arguing that I need to be taking this to a court in Singapore (Where PayPal Philippines are registered) and that I agreed to this when clicking to agree to their terms and conditions and all that nonsense. PayPal's solicitors deny that they are in any way the same business as ebay, as ebayer's know when we click to 'resolve a problem' we get offloaded to PayPal for here, in this scenario, PayPal to ultimately reply, to the effect, "Yeah right, but you need to sue us in Singapore and not in your own country and where any fraud took place". So my points, my questions are: 1. Whether they are the same company or not ebay (UK) have sub-contracted PayPal to deal with their customer complaints and PayPal have clearly accepted such a contract with ebay (UK). 2. And for this UK to UK transaction PayPal clearly broke their own rule of using n a Philippines account for delivery to a UK address, whether this is a money laundering law dictated by state or whatever, that a Philippines (Singapore) company has clearly accepted to deal with any customer complaint of a UK to UK contract and purchase. 3. We haven't yet made it to court, we're still in the stages of 'foreplay' but their solicitors are hiding behind "We're PayPal Europe, PayPal Singapore is nothing to do with us buddy". 4. So do I have a case to continue proceeding against PayPal Europe and what should my (legal) angle of attack be? And/or: 5. If I do need to proceed against PayPal Singapore, when indeed that PayPal is a global organisation, if PayPal Singapore are trading in UK, as they did with my transaction, should they not be held accountable to, as necessary, appear in court in UK to answer to any misdemeanour and not hide away in Singapore? Thanks in advance
  15. Hello all A couple of months back, I saw an advert on Ebay for an Epson Stylus 4880 printer. The advert had a 'Buy it Now' price of £120 and was 'collection in person only'. As the seller was located nearly 200 miles away I contacted the seller through Ebay and asked if he'd be prepared to send the printer via courier at my cost and arrangement, he agreed. I paid the 'Buy it Now' price of £120 via PayPal and made arrangements with a courier company to collect and deliver the Epson Stylus 4880 printer at an additional cost of £90. The printer arrived but when I unpacked it I discovered it wasn't an Epson Stylus 4880 but an earlier 4800 model. These sell on Ebay for around £80 and is a completely different printer - it doesn't accept the cartridges I have for the 4880 (I already have 3 of the 4880 printers) I contacted the seller who accepted his mistake and offered to refund my £120 purchase price and leave the printer with me. He started the refund process. This was acceptable to me although I'd spent an additional £90 for delivery of a printer I didn't really want. Several days later I received a PayPal message stating the seller had cancelled the refund of £120 unless I returned the printer at my cost. This was totally unacceptable to me as I'd receive just £120 refund and be out of pocket for 2 x £90 courier fees, all this due to the advertiser's mistake. I started an Ebay claim but was informed I wasn't covered as the advert was 'collection in person only'. I have considered taking legal action and did send a 'Letter Before Action' by recorded mail. I've heard nothing since! What would be my legal position/options? Would I be able to claim: 1. The purchase (Buy it Now) price of £120 2. The cost of courier delivery to me £90 3. Costs, legal & others? Many thanks for reading this. Regards John
  16. I need some help. I was very foolish back in November buying an item off Ebay. The item was a supposedly haunted piece of jewellery from a magickal seller. The item cost me £160. Needless to say I am not happy with the purchase and want to return the item, but because its gone over 90 days I cannot open a dispute with Ebay. The seller is refusing to respond to my messages I have sent. Can anyone please advise what I can do to reclaim my money back over an item which is clearly not as described.
  17. I am very annoyed with EBay, although I guess I only have myself to blame for not checking things for myself. I am having a clear out of my craft space - knitting wool - beads - magazines. My first gripe.. I listed loads of knitting wool - on the Buy it Now format and sold pretty much most of it before I had even finished listing. I was left with 3 skeins. I decided to re list those using the auction format. All my listings have the message that I will only accept PayPal and for only UK buyers to bid. I also clicked on all the countries I would not sell to including Europe The other day I noticed that the 3 skeins of wool had sold - I must not post out until payment received and a Global Priority Shipping reference was given... ! Righto, not a lot I can do about it now - Payment has been received and I don't have to foot the bill for the international postage - EBay do something clever behind the scenes with that. However, why did this sale go through... did the buyer not see my message and how / why did my shipping preferences revert to having to opt out again ? My 2nd gripe I had a buyer win on 3 items and pay by PayPal - I then received notice that they had purchased another item but used PayPal to send an e-cheque. I was told not to send the item paid for with the e-cheque until it had cleared - that it could take 5-7 days. Buyer paid for the 3 separate items 2 days afterwards with the PayPal system - I made the package up with all FOUR items and posted it off - I didn't believe for one moment that the e-cheque would not clear.. well it hasn't, sigh !! again my fault and of course I am not covered by PayPal. I have sent message to buyer asking her to make the payment for the other item by PayPal.
  18. Regarding Ebay. I purchased an item from an American seller. The total cost of the item including postage came to £31. I got a card through the door today from royal mail asking me to pay a customs charge of £14.10. When I looked at royal mail customs online it clearly states on there that goods purchased below £135 would be exempt from customs duty. What should I do!?
  19. Hi All Just looking for advice re a purchase I made via Ebay. I bought a Nutribullet in Sept 2015, it was advertised as an authentic model. It arrived, I used it about three times and put it away. I used it last Sunday and it blew up in my kitchen, plastic and smoke everywhere. On looking further I discovered that some unscrupulous traders were in fact selling counterfeit models on Ebay and alas I had fallen victim to this. I sent photo's of my Nutribullet to Highstreet TV who confirmed that it was indeed a fake. I contacted Ebay who basically said that as it is around 18 months old there is nothing they can do and I should go through the small claims court for the £100 that it cost me. The seller is still active on Ebay I paid for it through Paypal, and Ebay told me there is nothing they can do either. The seller is in China, another point I did not take on board when purchasing it, so I think the court route is a no goer. So do I have to just accept that I bought a dud and have lost my money.
  20. Hey, just wanting to know where I stand. Let me start with saying i'm no newbie to computers and this wasn't a case of me giving away my login details via some [problem]/phishing email. I have more than 20 years computer/internet experience under my belt and even have no use for anti-virus software (put it this way, I know to avoid anything which might gain me a virus and know the system registry and background tasks like the back of my hand). My ebay account has been up and running for just over 15 years without a problem. eBay has always been fine for me. To cut it short, the past few days the money in my bank didn't quite add up. Something was pending for £30. I guessed it might just be their systems catching up. I had a look at my eBay account and shocking to me was a purchase done a few days ago for a computer game priced at £30. I knew it wasn't me or anyone else I knew who made that purchase. Some cheeky sod has well and truly defrauded me out of money. They bought the game (which includes a download code and a disc). They read the eBay inbox message with the download code, redeemed it and got the disc (which is useless as the code has been redeemed) dispatched to my old address that was still saved on my account. They even tried to hide the fact by paying for it, not out of my linked PayPal account direct (which shows on my PayPal account transactions), but via my debit card saved on my eBay account (that processes through PayPal but doesn't show up in my PayPal transactions history). The only way I can imagine this happened was because of ebay's 2014 data breach and now how frequently they require someone to change their password. About a week ago I logged into my eBay account (via a typed address) and was forced to change my password. My current password was secure (7 digits long, 2 capital and 1 non capital letter), but as I would struggle to remember another similar password, I used a basic password I used to use 10 years ago. It's possible that login/password combo was saved by a bot all those years ago and was detected as being my new password and the account was accessed. Where do I stand now? It shows on my bank account as card payment to paypal. The bank have cancelled my card and i'm guessing they could do a chargeback that will likely cause me fees with PayPal and a suspended account. Will PayPal/eBay refund this? Considering the voucher would have been redeemed by now. Thanks
  21. Hi, Just after some clarification that I am perfectly entitled to follow my current path over this issue. I sold an IPad on eBay for £95 back in February, the buyer then told me it was damaged when it arrived. It was in perfect condition when I sent it, so I could only suggest that was damaged in transit. I asked the buyer to return it to me, so I could claim against Royal Mail for the damage & I would issue a refund, all pretty straightforward so far. The buyer contacted me saying the Ipad was packed & ready to be returned & would I issue a refund, seeing as PayPal had prevented me from taking the funds anyway, I issued the refund & asked the buyer to return the item straight away. A week passed & nothing arrived, when I contacted the buyer again he said he didn't have the IPad, he had 'given it away to a charity shop', as ebay sent him an email saying he could keep it! Naturally, I was incredulous at his behaviour, I issued a Letter Before Action & logged a claim against him on MCOL for £125. He has refused to admit responsibility, has refused to settle & will not give me the name of the 'charity shop' he 'donated' my IPad to. I am now taking this matter to court, but he is now claiming I will be liable for his transport costs as he lives in Spain! I am quite prepared to see this through to the bitter end, but I just wanted some assurance that I don't end up on the wrong side of a hefty bill. Thanks in advance for any help & advice. Chris
  22. It would appear that Ebay is to start charging 20% VAT on fees when it changes it corporate structure later this year. Sellers with a turnover under £85,000 will not be affected. https://tamebay.com/2017/05/ebay-uk-spring-2017-seller-release-ebay-to-charge-vat-on-fees.html
  23. Hi I purchased a sofa on eBay from an actual company, as opposed to a private seller. I paid using a credit card, but as it was on eBay, it went through PayPal. I entered my card number directly, rather than using it as a funding source, if that makes sense. I.e. it was a direct purchase with my card rather than PayPal being used as a staged wallet. I make this distinction because I wanted to know whether this gives me any section 75 rights. So anyway the sofa broke after 3 months. The wood supporting the legs broke so the legs went up inside the base.. Although it was only £150, an item should be fit for purpose and not break so soon, especially as the item description said 'high quality materials used'. I contacted the seller but they wanted nothing to do with it, insisting that I should have noticed the defect earlier. As it was over 30 days, they claim I had accepted the item and could not return it. I supplied photographic evidence but they said that someone must have exerted excessive force on it. This is untrue, we have only sat on it normally and not even used it as a sofa bed which it does convert to. So I opened a dispute with PayPal. They heard my side of the story and I asked if they required either the photographs or the correspondence between myself and the seller as proof, but they said not yet, they would request it if they needed it. The next thing that happened is the seller responded to the case (I didn't get to see their response) then PayPal ruled in their favour without me being able to offer any counter argument or evidence. I need to know what I can do next. Should I contact my credit card company? Info on MoneySavingExpert suggests that using PayPal prevents you from claiming under section 75 but it doesn't draw any distinction between PayPal as a wallet and PayPal as a gateway service. I was hoping that using my card directly may help. What other options are available? My wife was successful in using the government Money Claim service so I may do that if the credit card avenue is not viable. The eBay returns process doesn't seem to cover any scenario after 30 days. The company is Furniture In Fashion if that helps or rings any bells with anyone. Any advice welcome! Thanks Burton
  24. Hello, I usually hang around on the rental section, but Mrs Carpet cleaner is having and ebay problem, it is this.. She bought 2 jewellery rings from a seller based in UK, she duly received a small parcel and it only had 1 ring in it, as this was a few days early from the expected delivery date she waited before getting in touch. On the expected delivery day she got in touch with the seller, and said that she had received 1 ring, but the parcel had nothing else in it except for a small plastic bag (empty) and that the parcel had not been ripped or opened. She promptly received a message back telling her that she must have dropped the ring and to look properly... Also that they have CCTV and record all packing of envelopes and can prove that the parcel was complete (utter bullpoo I think) .... Now Mrs carpet cleaner is not stupid, she knows what arrived... and wrote back and told them so.. they then threatened her that Royal mail take a dim view of people accusing them of losing items in the post. Mrs CC then reported the item as not received and has to wait 8 days before going any further with it.. BUT today we received a letter to be signed for from our usually jolly postie... A bit sticker on the front in bold print states: Signature required Mrs CC (full name given here) is claiming that items were stolen from her post in December.... What the hell can we do about all this?? Cheers, sorry it is a bit long winded...
  25. Hi, I have been left rather confused by an ebay transaction recently. I have been ebay-ing for 10 years or more. Basically I won a samsung galaxy s6 edge+ spares and repairs. It had screen burn. I knew samsung would fix it under warranty and they have done. That is not issue as such. The ebay seller I got it from is a on-line cash generator type pawn shop. My hubby didn't realise that at time of bidding. I asked the seller if he'd done a Checkmend report before I paid for the phone but after I'd won it. He said 'No'. I paid for the phone and did my own Checkmend report the day I received it. The Checkmend report revealed a red Asset Watch marker. For those who don't know what a Asset Watch marker is, it means that the phone may be owned by a company and may be under a Hire Purchase agreement. The company who own the phone is Brighthouse (Checkmend contacted them on my behalf). Brighthouse's Fraud department has been in contact with me and have told me that I don't need to return the phone to them, at this time. I know that potentially that the phone could be become blocked in the future and if that happens, the Ebay seller will accept it back and I will get a refund. I am certain that the phone was not stolen and given to the Ebay pawn-broker. I guess that person who had it under Brighthouse HP agreement pawned it for cash. I am thinking should I keep phone or not ? I have done nothing wrong. I don't mind giving up the phone but Brighthouse are giving me no information. I have clearly asked Brighthouse fraud team under what circumstances would need to occur, for them to ask the phone to be returned ? I am still within the 30 days for Ebay protection and 180 days for Paypal protection. The tricky thing is that would require me to return the phone to the seller, which Brighthouse may not like as they own the phone. I don't know what to do ? Advice please. Thanks x
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