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  1. Hi Everyone I purchased a car from a dealer, upon collection the car appeared to be fine, a day or two later a warning light appeared on the dash showing traction control system failure. This has made the car dangerous to drive in the wet. I took it too a dealer who couldn't diagnose the issue. I then took the car to a BMW specialist who told me the car has been in an accident and rear suspension badly damaged, it was repaired with poor workmanship. they advised me that the car should be returned to the dealer or I could pay £1400 to repair the damage but mentioned that this was not guaranteed to correct the issue. I Have informed the dealership of this and they admitted to having worked on the car, this was never mentioned to me before delivery. I have now requested a full refund and they refuse to refund me the full purchase amount due to them not knowing when they will have funds available. I have owned the car for just on 2 weeks. We paid cash (£2000) and did a electronic payment into the dealership account. Please help. Thank you
  2. I bought an item on Ebay, which the seller claimed had only been used 1 time and was in excellent condition, the only reason why i bought the item. The item arrived damaged, i requested a return as item not as decribed and arrived damaged. Seller refused to accept a return, instead she blamed me for the damage, saying i had caused the damaged and had swapped item and the pictures I had shown of the damage were fake. Seller claimed she has a witness who saw her send the item in mint condition, but i told her it arrived damaged with a dent/chipped, with scratches etc and obviously not used the 1 time as seller claimed. Anway the seller then made a threat take me to smalls court (when she had my money and sent me a damaged item) and is still refusing to take the item back and still blaming me and now claims she can get a witness statement to say she sent the item in mint condition - if thats the case as seller claims, why it did arrived damaged!! In the email exchange with the seller, she is trying to make herself look the victim in all of this. The item is of over £250 Raised return request on Ebay, but seller is blaming me for the damage, how crazy is that, she sent an item not as described, anway time to escalate to Ebay and get Ebay involved because the seller is not admitting the item i received is damaged, even after showing pictures and still blaming me, what do I tell Ebay when I escalate item not as decribed, arrived damaged, seller not accepting responsibility, blaming me for the damage? As for the sellers witness statement to say she sent the item in mint condition, that doesn't count because my pictures show the damage, please please help
  3. My wife and I bought a new Marquis Majestic 185 a month ago via the NEC show for £49,995 trading in another van. We were told to pick the new 185 at the Ipswich branch Before we could get it from there, a problem with a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) controlling heating and water occurred we were told We live 70 miles from Ipswich and had to delay picking it up by 4 hours, we were informed the PCB had been fixed when we took possession of the van. We drove it home with no issues. The next day we began our first trip to Lytham in Lancashire, but there were a large number of problems. Within 20 miles the habitation door would not close (a temporary repair was done at a garage on route), the PCB problem reappeared, so we had no hot water, the bathroom door would not shut, the toilet locker door would not shut securely, the tyre pressure warning lights came on the dashboard several times despite inflating the tyres and remained on. The alarm went off several times randomly, whether we were in or outside the vehicle, a hose hanging under the rear of the vehicle was touching the ground and some white tape under the rear of the vehicle was dragging along the ground. As we were near, Marquis Preston agreed to try to fix the bathroom door (failed after ten minutes driving) and the alarm - failed within the day. Under the 2015 Consumer Rights Act we have indicated to Marquis in writing that we want to reject the vehicle (can be done within 30 days of purchase) and either have a refund or a replacement vehicle. Marquis After Care Manager is saying 'No' to either of these. The Legal Helpline at one motorhome club indicates we are completely within our rights to reject under the 2015 Act. As Marquis are 'playing hardball' (to quote the legal helpline), we are planning Legal Action. Any thoughts on this plan of action or alternatives would be very welcome and greatly appreciated. Anyone else experienced this type of problem with Marquis (or other dealers)?
  4. 3 months ago, I hired a plumber to fit my new bathroom. We agreed it would cost £2000 for the labour. I wanted to pay a deposit on my credit card to get s75 consumer credit act protection, but he told me he did not have the credit card machine with him and he would bring it another day. During the work, problems arose, but was assured by the plumber he would deal with it- but he never did. The tiling was not flat and the shower door hadn’t been fixed correctly. He finally brought his credit card machine the day before he finished and I paid £100 on my card. On his last day the plumber demanded that he be paid as he would come back on Monday to fix the problems, but he never turned up and he has since closed down the company. I contacted my credit card provider, Natwest, to make a s75 claim and they declined it. They said that the three-party relationship with Natwest, me and the plumber, had not been established before the work began and that because I had known about the defects before I made a payment on my credit card, that to would invalidate s75 claim! However, my understanding is that if I pay for any part of a bill (for a service or goods) with my credit card, I would be covered. The legislation does not state when the payment needs to be paid, only that it can be for any part of the bill. But the point is I wanted to pay for the builder on day one of the works to get s75 protection, but because he was so slow in bringing his credit card machine to me, it was significantly delayed. Also, how would this be different to say another person in the same situation agreeing to only pay after all the work had been done and on the last day the plumber demands to be paid and promises to come back the following day to rectify the mistakes, and he doesn’t as he goes bust? Surely there would still be s75 protection? I think this is really unfair. Does anyone have any advice on this? Many thanks
  5. Dear Forum members, I’m new here, so please be gentle. I need some help/advice re dealings with a large bathroom supply company. They prepared some drawings for me and my wife for several bathrooms we needed. They were having a sale, and the salesperson said that if I put down some money, they would hold their sale prices for us after the sale. I put down £3000.00 on my credit card as a goodwill gesture and to secure the offer she had made. Later she gave us a quotation with a list of products they hoped I’d buy from them. My wife told the salesperson that she didn’t particularly like the selection of products made for us, and we would look into alternatives. She went to work on it and decided the drawings prepared weren’t to our taste and we went back to her own drawings done before we visited said company. The selections of products likewise, we could get better prices anyway from other local suppliers and on the internet. We had made no orders or purchases, or agreed any items. The salesperson wrote several emails asking for a deposit which we didn’t respond to as there was nothing on the quotation we wanted to order. My wife informed the salesperson we were changing the designs. There was no good reason to stick with this company for designs or product supply, so I notified the salesperson I would like my money refunded. The salesperson refused and said that on the back of their quotation were Terms and Conditions and they weren’t going to refund my money (I understand from this that they consider that I was/am in a contract with them). This was the first I had noticed of their T&Cs, and they had not been pointed out to me/us or even referred to in the meetings - but I hadn’t placed any order anyway, nor have I signed anything. Their T&Cs state that “no order submitted by the buyer shall be deemed to be accepted by the seller unless and until confirmed in writing by the seller”. The T&Cs also state: “Quotations are subject to withdrawal at any time before receipt of an unqualified order and shall be deemed to be withdrawn unless accepted within 30 days of their date”. The quote was in July 2016 and I still haven’t accepted it or ordered anything from the quote, or from the company. Further: "The Buyer may not cancel the Contract without the consent of the Seller which, if given, shall be deemed to be on the express condition that the buyer shall pay the seller for all reasonable loss, damage, claims or actions arising out of such cancellation unless otherwise agreed in writing”. Have I unwittingly entered in to a Contract without accepting the quotation, without having ordered any goods, without having signed anything and without having been shown the T&Cs (although they were printed on the back of the quotation)? Am I in a position to get my money back from them, or will I have to order goods to the value of the £3000.00 I am in credit with them? Am I under any legal obligations under these T&Cs or under any other consumer legislation?
  6. Hi my okd friends I need an EXTREMELY URGENT advice from you good people. Wished to refurbish the old house after 30 years which meant change of everything including wiring and water system etc. I employed a firm of archirects who with a QS sent tenders out and as the result we instructed a firm of contractors to do the job. After a while architects left the scene so we employed a building controller in their replace to interact with builders. There was to be a contract drawn by QS for "minor work project". Unfortunately a copy of it was sent to me last week! As I had signed a Letter of Intent, I assumed that all terms and condictions in darft of contrcat which I has seen would suffice. The builders went throught demolition phase, and should start on construction. The payment is as the follows: The builder gives a list of work and expenditure to QS. He without checking to see whether is adequate or the work is carried out, accepts the payment due and forwards builders' invoice. The building controller we appointed acts in place of architect but her responsibilty has been limited to signing the stage Cetrificate - meaning that the work was done accordingl to existing plans and drawings!. Despite all those safe guards at a lot of expense we now find ourselves in a very bad posiotion. Builder has not followed an iota of terms and conditions in contract, yet keeps naming it as a tool to ex-communicate us and carry on mis-leading the QS and the Controller. The very first part of construction has run into big trouble that he wants through his "uknown to us" sub-contractor charge us for electrical works BUT...he quoted a figure of nearly £50,000.00!(should be max £10k with most expensive products in market)) for a job including rewiring of 5 bedroom very average and meduim size house. They do not specify the products listed nor correct number of products to be used. The list I provided keeps being thrown away. Thus has been going on for past 2.5 months. Meanwhile I amconcerned that they have started to attempt with same approach with other tasks within project. Because of us trying to get a proper & accurate quote to give them the go ahead, they have shut down the site for past 8 days, because of health & safety regs we are not allowed to go in. We finally persuaded all those involved to have a meeting at the site in 2 days time. Obviously we can not work together. We have paid 2 invoices so far which partly may be a loss to us - no hope of getting some back. BUT WHAT AM I TO DO WHEN AT THE TABLE, WE REACH THE END. CAN THEY KICK ME OUT AND KEEP HOLDING THE HOUSE UNTIL WHEN? IS THERE SOMEONE, AN EXPERT I CAN TAKE WITH ME TO PROTECT ME, ASSESS WHAT THEY HAVE DONE ON THAT DAY? I AM SO WORRIED THAT THIS MAY TAKE A LONG COURT BATTLE. I JUST WANT TO PAY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE FAIRLY. OR RETRIEVE PART OF MONEY I HAVE UNJUSTLY PAID. THE MAIN QUESTION IS: WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN AS THEY ARE THUGS. AND HOW CAN I GET THE HOUSE BACK TOMORROW? I do hope there is someone out there who can urgently advise me. Really can not afford to go to lawyers - lost a lot on architects and builders and so forth already, and I am currently left with a shell of the house living in a mice infested flat somewhere else. Please help. Sophie
  7. Hi, looking for some help please. Me and my wife purchased a Peugeot 207 on the 29/1/18 from a New and Used car dealer in Saxmundum near Ipswich .It was advertised on ebay as spares or repair so we contacted them to find out what problems it had, the dealer said we just put that on the advert as it has no warranty and selling on behalf of a customer, but it just needs 2 new tyres! After having the car for a few days we noticed something odd when accelerating from a cold start, the revs appear to drop for a second or so then go back to normal. We took the car back to the dealer and they said they could not find anything wrong as ECU did not show any errors ! After a another week we took it back telling them it was dangerous to move off from junctions if revs die, they still said nothing wrong and even blamed our driving as it has a electric clutch, but they replaced a hose as said was slightly split, but appear to make no difference. We now find it has a gearbox oil leak, we took it in on the 31/03/18 to have this repaired, on collection the dealer said he thought it was the clutch housing so they put mastic around it to stop the leak, he said may not last and would cost £500 to fix. Of course the oil leak is still present and have now lost patience with them and asking for a full refund which he has refused and said any further work will be chargeable. I plan to send the letter below with photos of the oil leak: Complaint about faulty goods On 29/01/2018 we purchased and took delivery of a used Peugeot 207 Registration ..... from you. We paid a total of £1000.00 on a debit card for the vehicle. We now find the vehicle has the following faults: Gear box oil leak and oil leak from engine, also revs drop when accelerating, more severe when cold engine. Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 dealers must supplier goods fit for purpose and satisfactory quality. As there was a problem with the vehicle when we bought it, you are therefore in breach of contract. The vehicle was taken to yourselves on the 03/02/18 to fix the bad running when cold and on the 31/03/18 to fix the oil leak, but you have not been able to rectify either problem. We are now legally entitled to reject the vehicle and to be reimbursed for its full purchase price of £1000.00.I look forward to receiving this amount onto the debit card account that was used for the purchase within the next 14 days. I have attached photos of the oil leaks in support of my claim. The vehicle is now no longer in use. Please respond within 14 days of receiving this letter. Would it be best to send it by post or email it, i would need to email the photos of course. I have attached advert. Many Thanks CarAdvert.pdf
  8. Hi all, I have been on a DMP for a few years, and I have requested a CCA (using the official format and the 1£ fee which was duly sent). The Debt is for an old credit card which I had with Natwest. Moving forward I have been on a DMP for 7 years, currently the debt is managed by Wescot. According to the Debtor I owe about 1.3K on it, however I thought it was lower. Anyhow, I have requested for a CCA and received the following reply: "following your recent request for a copy of the signed agreement, our client has requested you write to the following address and state in your covering letter that this is a section 77/78 request and enclose a postal order or cheque payable to our client CCA requests Card customer services xxxx xxxx There is currently a monthly payment arrangement set on this account ************************************************ Now I am confused! I thought whoever managed my account is lawfully required to send the CCA and so on? I am planning to stop the DMP and I was wondering what the consequences of it would be? Can they put a "mark" on my credit score? ((the account was opened in 2003)...should I send the follow up letter reminding them of their duties and so on? Advice welcome. (PS the reason I asked for the CCA was to ask for a full and final offer etc, but that reply got me slightly annoyed!)
  9. Lots of other companies come here to help their customers but Npower won't. This is the company which has been investigated by the regulator and which is being regulated again, which has been criticised in court, which has been criticised in the House of Commons, which has been fined by the regulator - which has had its competence to hold a licence questioned in the House of Commons, which has sacked its CEO, which is faced with fallen profits, which is the most criticised Utility company in the UK - whihc has promised to address its problems and its attitude to customers - and they refuse to come to a forum and dela with their customers directly. What a rotten company Npower is. What a crappy shambles.
  10. I sent a letter to TalkTalk, saying that I within 30 days cancel all my TalkTalk services. I received a call and then a letter from them saying they want to speak to me as I seem to be unhappy with the service. It also said they need 30 days notice because I no longer have a contract with them, which is a somehow weird formulation because it says there is no longer a contract, but that they require notice before cancelling. As I had given them written notice already that I want to cancel all services, I did not respond to the letter. After the services should have been terminated, TalkTalk tried to bill me again. When calling them and asking why, they said they "do not accept written cancellation" and my account was not cancelled because I had not respond to their letter within 30 days. My question now is if from a legal perspective, my account must be considered cancelled because I sent a letter saying I cancel with a notice period of 30 days or if TalkTalk is right that my account cannot be cancelled this way? What should I best do? Thanks for advice, abcdef123
  11. Hi! I thought I'd use CAG for this one as it's not infested with so much spam and rubbish as the PC help forums! I have a very old PC which I cannot afford to replace as I'm out of work at the moment! Spec:- M/B Asus A7V-600X with 2.1 GHz Athlon CPU; RAM 1.5GB DDR II type; Graphics GeForce FX5500 On-board AC97 Sound 145 GB HDD 16X DVD-RW Multi-drive & 48X CD-RW Optical drives, both IDE I am running Windows 7 Pro at the moment with Google Chrome 26.0.1410.5, and any more recent version refuses to install with an error message "your PC hardware is not supported by Chrome!" I am getting incessant Google Chrome crashes, lockups, pages repeatedly not loading, etc., etc. I am getting the Free Windows 10 Upgrade Offer but this also refuses to install on the grounds of "Unsupported Hardware!" My Broadband is a BT Home Hub connection provided by my landlord and is very reliable, last about 65 MBps when I tried a Speed Check on it! Can anyone suggest:- 1) Is there a way round the Chrome/Windows 10 problems; 2) What other alternative browser(s) can I try in this elderly machine? Many thanks!
  12. Hello Consumer Action Group members, I have been suffering from a mix of problems since last June. Long story short: Summary: 1. I purchased a laptop from Amazon, from a reseller. 2. Laptop's motherboard broke down, and I found out that I can receive a refund/ repair free of charge. 3. Amazon's seller (located in the US) agreed to fix the laptop, and provided US address 4. Sent it via ParcelForce, Amazon reseller cut down every means of contact and I have no clue where my laptop is. Hello everyone, AMAZON I purchased a laptop from Amazon, from a reseller. I needed a new laptop for many years so I decided to invest a hefty sum for a good laptop. I purchased the laptop, and within 2 months, I found out that its motherboard was broken. In order to get a repair, I contacted Amazon support team and they gave me the email address of the reseller. I got the email and I contacted them swiftly. They were based in the US, and told me to send the item to United States. PARCELFORCE After I received their instructions, I sent it to their US address immediately. After a week, I contacted them whether they received it, and the Amazon reseller cut down every means of contact immediately. In vain, I contacted Amazon whether they can assist in the repair. After checking my ParcelForce tracking, I found out that it is still in the depot and the reseller refused to pick up the item. This entire process took two months. Then I found out that there is an option from my Santander bank, which allows for a chargeback service. I contacted Santander and they agreed to look into my case, which took another 2 months (because I was in Korea at the time, and they requested a letter which is sent by post). Now it's October. I contacted Santander again and they told me that due to a mistake from their reps, they told me the wrong timeline and I will not be qualified for a chargeback service. This got me nuts. I contacted Amazon and Amazon refused to handle the case and every one of their reps stopped replying to my emails. I considered the last option, and I contacted Parcelforce to send me my item back. They told me that I should apply for the loss of an item, because they cannot track the item anymore. I did exactly that, and they rejected my claim because I should have applied for the procedure within 3 months. Now I am really angry. Every one of these corporations told me blatantly wrong information and now I am left with -1352 pounds in my budget, huge drain in my time and energy. What should be the next step that I take? Please assist me in the process, that would be incredibly kind of you folks. Best wishes James1738
  13. Partner is a skilled welder/fabricator. Been with current employer for 24 years. Currently on £9.67 per hour. Older brother took over firm some time ago, for 8 years has refused my partner pay rise every year. Boss wont say why he refuses an annual pay rise. Because of the cost of living going up and his wages not reflecting on this, anything my partner can do?
  14. My Mum owns the freehold to her flat - one of 16. Most of the flats are owned as second homes (It is at the seaside) The management committee have a rule that the flats cannot be commercially let/ rented - they can only be occupied by the owners and their families. My question is: is such a rule enforceable ? Thank you for reading !
  15. For my daughters 21st birthday we have arranged a boat party on Thames. We have agreed the price for the boat, food, entertainment and 1 glass of champagne We have also paid £500 for the drinks at the bar so the guests could order what they like. We informed the company that if the drinks will go above that amount our daughter will settle the balance. There were about 35 quests. At the end of the party the company produced a bill on their headed paper for further £1131.50 which she had paid. We thought that £1631.50 for 35 people drinking for 4 hours was rather excessive and asked the company to provide us with itemised bill to see what drinks were sold. This they have refused saying that there is no till receipts for the drinks. We asked how they could come up with this total if the drinks were not recorded in the till. We were told that they only put the drinks through the till if customers are paying, So why we are not classed as paying customers if we had to settle this bill at the end. We had no further response from them. I would very much appreciate for any advice how to go forward with this as we cannot think of any industry that will bill you without any details of what they are billing you for.
  16. A friend purchased some hair extensions online with a regular supplier as she is a part time mobile hair dresser and has used this supplier for approx 18 months. The item purchased was for a booked client. The hair extensions didn't arrive and this is confirmed by Royal Mail who has checked the tracking information. However, the supplier didn't insure the goods for the full amount and therefore the retailer has advised that Royal Mail will only refund for the amount insured. The Terms & Conditions of the online supplier reads as follows; If for any reason, Royal Mail fail to delivery any special delivery items at their required time, we are willing to provide a refund for the postage paid and will make a claim to Royal Mail for the loss of this postage, if proven the item did fail to reach for its guaranteed time. We do not take any responsibility for loss of earnings or any other costs. If items are lost and you are willing to make a claim through Royal Mail, compensation levels are provided at http://www.royalmail.com for special delivery and recorded items. My friend has spoken with Royal Mail but they have advised her that as she is not the customer who purchased the postage for the item, they cannot take a claim from her. She is out of pocket for the hair extensions of almost £100 plus the loss of business from the customer, not to mention the loss of reputation caused by this event. I do not understand the T&C's above of the retailer as they look ambiguous so is there anyone who can kindly advise what course of action can be taken against the online retailer please?
  17. We have had a domestic heating oil escape 6 months ago. Our insurance sent a contractor to do remedial works that would remove the contamination and prevent it from spreading. After 6 months the contamination still has not been removed from the ground but our policy was charged tens of thousands of ££ in costs incurred by the contractor. The only works done to date are: test of the level of contamination, partial structural survey of the house wall, a filtering equipment connected to the water feature that was also affected, and a proposal for works presented but later withdrawn (possibly on the grounds of safety after we asked for clarification of some safety aspects). On top of things, we have issues with their negligent conduct at our property and poor project management. We complained to our insurer and asked that a reputable contractor we found (who worked with this insurer on similar cases before) replace the current contractor under our current claim. The insurer refused. We wonder whether we have the right to have our current contractor replaced on request under the current claim. We would also appreciate some pointers and advice from people who found themselves in a similar position. Thank you very much.
  18. I am appealing for advice in this case in which Barclays has failed over a 2 year period to put right errors on my mortgage account and now refuses to abide by the binding settlement terms. To confuse matters, the Ombudsman provided misleading information which led to me agreeing the terms and the complaint being closed while the issues are unresolved. Ombudsman has now washed its hands of the case and told me I need to sue Barclays. The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA 2000) makes an Ombudsman’s decision legally enforceable in court, but I can find no solicitor to take on my case on a no-win-no-fee basis and I am not in a position to incur legal fees. It is an obvious winner with loads of political mileage for any law firm. I assume I need to sue once for the statement which they were supposed to provide under the settlement terms and then again later for my losses- which I can only work out once I see the statement. The complaint relates to Barclays’ failure to credit my account with several thousand pounds of overpayments, even claiming the balance had INCREASED after said overpayments. This was my 3rd consecutive complaint regarding Barclays’ mismanagement of the same account. Under the settlement terms finalised 2 June 15 by the Financial Services Ombudsman, Barclays was to provide “a full breakdown of my (mortgage) account from June 13, showing when each overpayment was applied and a clear and accurate explanation for any amendments made to the account”. Barclays has failed to provide the above documentation, but not before lying to the Ombudsman claiming it had! A misleading letter from the Ombudsman claimed the account was now in order (Dec 14) and I thus agreed the settlement terms, which included a nominal payment (which the bank has made). However, the documentation that Barclays was to provide is obviously central to the complaint, particularly since I now have documentary evidence proving the anomalies on the account have NOT been corrected by Barclays. This may be why the bank now refuses to provide the documentation. This documentation was only made available to me by the Ombudsman AFTER I had agreed the settlement terms, believing the account to be correct, and AFTER Barclays had failed to comply. The Ombudsman provided me with documentation the bank provided to it during the course of the investigation, including a calculation (not a statement) which states “this calculation has been provided to assist with the resolution of the complaint”. This documentation does not tally with an independent audit of the account I was obliged to fund. The document makes it clear NO remedial action has been taken, ie it contains a heading “steps required to rectify the account” as opposed to “steps taken to rectify the account”. Nevertheless the Ombudsman told me in writing the account had been corrected! The document is virtually impossible for a layperson to understand and abruptly ends March 14, giving no clues to the current balance and states “the balances shown on this calculator do not represent the actual balance on the account”, so the information is of little use, hence the instruction from the Ombudsman that Barclays provide me with “a full breakdown of the account from June 13, showing when each overpayment was applied and a clear and accurate explanation for any amendments made to the account”. So I have no idea how much interest I have been and continue to be overcharged by the bank on the incorrect balance I was a diligent overpayer until Barclays mismanaged the account. Based on my previous pattern of overpayments, I have been prevented from overpaying at least 10k to date. I have written to John McFarlane CEO asking him to ensure his staff provide the documentation as per the binding settlement terms, to clearly show how much interest I have been overcharged, what steps have been taken to correct the account, and what the correct current balance is, however, it is highly unlikely I will receive a response based on the bank’s attitude thus far. The FCA said they could not assist. I wrote my MP who says he has written to them but won’t show me a copy of the letter. I made a formal complaint about the Ombudsman, but that won’t rectify the account issues. I contacted BBC watchdog and various consumer columns and got no reply. I guess no one dares take on the establishment. I have posted on Barclays FB page and would now like to post the above letter online as widely as possible – any ideas as to where and how would be appreciated. Also any advice on where to find a law firm to represent me on a no win no fee basis would be appreciated.
  19. I recently purchased a Playstation 4 for my son for Christmas from my mothers catalog company called Kays. We bought it on credit at £500 over 32 weeks and have paid the first instalment. My son was unable to use it for four days during Christmas as the Playstation network was down. We have now set it up for him to find that the disk drive is faulty and will spit out the game disk or not accept it at all. I contacted Sony who after troubleshooting this with me agreed that the unit was faulty and that they would accept it for repair. I know from working with repairing computers and consoles that sending this back to the manufacturer can take weeks and often months to get it back. Beside that I feel as it is supposed to be brand new I didn't want a repaired console, I wanted a new working console, especially as I have paid £100 more than what they cost in the shop. I asked my mother to contact Kays and have them collect it and replace it. My mother did this and was told that we must return the unit to Sony as they will not accept it back if it has been plugged in, faulty or not! I feel this is outrageous as we did not buy it from Sony and have no contract with them and I have never been told I can't return goods less than 30 days old that don't work correctly and get a refund or replacement. So I wonder can anyone tell me if goods bought on credit from a catalog are subject to special terms where the creditor takes no liability for the goods they supply? I appreciate any help here as Kays won't budge.
  20. Hi, My mum's phone recently got damaged as the screen cracked. She took it to a mobile phone shop which offered a repair service. She told the staff what the problem was and he told her to come back in a week with her receipt to collect it once it's been repaired. No money was exchanged at this point as she was told she could pay upon repair. Now my mum is not very good at keeping receipts and she lost the receipt the shop had given her. Nevertheless, she went back a week later to find out if her phone had been repaired. The manager in the shop remembered her and told her that her phone had not been repaired as they were unable to find the correct parts for it but refused to give back her phone because she couldn't produce a receipt! They told her the only way she could get her phone back is if she gave them a copy of her passport! What nonsense! My mum was able to tell him exactly what phone it was (it's not a popular phone the brand is Alcatel I believe) and exactly what the fault was and it was obvious to the manager that the phone belonged to my mum but he still refused? Can he do this?? Surely not. My mum really would like the faulty phone back as it is still useable despite the fault with the screen. Thanks in advance for any help on this matter
  21. I've taken my 1.5 year old sheepskin jacket to the American Dry Cleaning Company early in February. The lady who served me encouraged me to bring as many items as I could to take advantage of the discount they had in the shop. She also offered to become the member of the dry cleaners so i could get a further discount on dry cleaning service, which I did. She could not find the classification for my jacket leather type in the system and put the normal leather jacket instead of sheepskin in the system and on the receipt. There was a lot of other paper work and she filled in a lot of different forms and asked me to sign lots of them. She said it was just some formality and she needed me to sign it so she can send the items to the specialist for dry-cleaning. When I raised a question about the quality of their service for sheepskin type of leather she said that they send it off to the specialist and he is really good and they never had any issues with him and I should not worry. I've taken her word on that and left my jacket with them. Few weeks later it came back shrunk few sizes, lost color and shine, with disintegrated belt hooks and faded trimming on the button holes and around the edges. It looked horrible! I've refused to accept it and it was sent back to the specialist for investigation and repair. When it was returned few weeks later, it was in not much better condition and I've decided to file for the compensation. The shop assistant filled in the form and sent it to the head office. After not hearing from them for few weeks I called them and was told that it’s being assessed by the specialist and they will come back to me in few days time. I called a week later and was told that it's been repaired again and apparently looks amazing and I should go and collect it from the local shop in the next day. This is not what I was expecting as the jacket was already repaired once and I didn't accept it. Anyway, when I went to the shop to take a look, it turned out they forgot to send it. It's been 2 months since I've left my jacket for cleaning and it's almost April now, the timing it completely unreasonable and the jacket is ruined as far as I am concerned. I had a chat with the customer service person and also with the shop manager who completely refused to compensate me and said that he will only refund the cost of the cleaning, nothing else. He said that I've signed the form where I was warned about the risks and this relieves them of any responsibility for compensation. I've tried to explain that I was not given any copies of such document, and the shop assistant didn't explain in full detail what the forms I was signing were for. I was left under impression it was just to describe what type jacket it was as they had no sheepskin classification in their system and to describe the condition of the item. I feel like complete idiot for being duped like this as the lady who served me seemed so genuine and told me that I have nothing to worry about and the leather specialist they are working with is really good and never had any issues. Today I called the TSA (trading association) for help and they said that this particular company is not their member hence they can't help me. It's very strange as the company's website mentioned that they follow TSA service guidelines, etc... To make things worse, I also don't have a receipt for the jacket as it was bought for cash in a boutique shop abroad almost 1.5 years ago. I paid almost 1500 pounds for it but it never crossed my mind to keep the receipt for such long time. Please help me with some advice; I really don't know what to do now! Shall I go to the small claims court or try to write or talk to any other consumer rights organizations. I don't really know what my rights are in this case. Can I get at least some of the cost of the jacket? My heart bleeds to see that so much money was wasted. I've been saving for a year to buy a jacket like this and didn't get much time to wear it, and now I'll have to buy a new jacket (not as nice and definitely not as expensive) for the next winter. Thank you, Inna
  22. I first viewed a motorhome on 15 October. The salesman told me the motorhome had never been hired out, and was warrantied for 3 months. I made an offer which was accepted. I gave a deposit of £100 I then made a further visit to test drive the vehicle, followed by collection of the motorhome. The day before collection, I was sent a copy of the V5, from which I found that the first registered owner was a motorhome hire company. I didn't like being lied to, but gave them the benefit of the doubt; besides I had 3 month warranty so any issues would be rectified. The day of collection, I was handed an information pack, the majority of which was from the rental company, thus proving that the trader had to know about this. I was also told the warranty covered "the engine only", at which point I decided we need to full test the motorhome. We hooked it up to a generator and added some water; then the first thing tested, the shower, fell apart. Already uneasy, I discussed getting an independent inspection. I later decided to cancel the order. "That's OK", said the trader, "I have someone else who wants it anyway". I asked for my deposit back. I was told deposits are non refundable. "You are not getting the deposit back" Later, it was confirmed by the owner, that the warranty covers everything about the vehicle, apart from the living quarters. I decided to make an offer of £2,000 less than agreed, which I later increased by £1,000 on the basis that there was a very similar if not slightly newer, but slightly higher mileage, same model, motorhome on ebay for £2.250 less ONO which was advertised as being ex-rental. The trader declined my offer, and said the motorhome is now sold....but they still refuse to refund my deposit. I have written to them and requested the deposit be returned by tomorrow. they have replied that they will not refund the deposit, because "if we were going to give it back you might as well have given us a banana". Advice? thanks
  23. We have been chasing Capital One since March 2012 trying to get PPI money back but to date no success. Because of my ill health and poor postal service in my area, even the FOS has decided not to help us Everything was down to time limits and when I got ill, all timings got put aside. Now, Neither Cap One or FOS want to help. Cap One have been charging us PPI since 2002. Has anyone got any good ideas or should I just forget the whole thing
  24. Hi, I've been issued with a valid s21, the letting agent has now sent a follow up letter which states that any deposit will not be returned until I have proof I have paid the water bill up to date. Obviously I will inform water company of reading on checkout day, (and of course pay when a bill is calculated) but I feel it is wrong for letting agent to withhold deposit until I provide proof bill is paid. This could take many weeks! Is this standard? It doesn't specify this in my tenancy, this is the first I've heard of it. Of course I'll pay outstanding utilities, but I'm sure the water company won't send somebody to read my meter when I request, nor will they produce a bill immediately. Any ideas? Thanks Me_too
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