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Found 3 results

  1. I am appealing for advice in this case in which Barclays has failed over a 2 year period to put right errors on my mortgage account and now refuses to abide by the binding settlement terms. To confuse matters, the Ombudsman provided misleading information which led to me agreeing the terms and the complaint being closed while the issues are unresolved. Ombudsman has now washed its hands of the case and told me I need to sue Barclays. The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA 2000) makes an Ombudsman’s decision legally enforceable in court, but I can find no solicitor to take on my case on a no-win-no-fee basis and I am not in a position to incur legal fees. It is an obvious winner with loads of political mileage for any law firm. I assume I need to sue once for the statement which they were supposed to provide under the settlement terms and then again later for my losses- which I can only work out once I see the statement. The complaint relates to Barclays’ failure to credit my account with several thousand pounds of overpayments, even claiming the balance had INCREASED after said overpayments. This was my 3rd consecutive complaint regarding Barclays’ mismanagement of the same account. Under the settlement terms finalised 2 June 15 by the Financial Services Ombudsman, Barclays was to provide “a full breakdown of my (mortgage) account from June 13, showing when each overpayment was applied and a clear and accurate explanation for any amendments made to the account”. Barclays has failed to provide the above documentation, but not before lying to the Ombudsman claiming it had! A misleading letter from the Ombudsman claimed the account was now in order (Dec 14) and I thus agreed the settlement terms, which included a nominal payment (which the bank has made). However, the documentation that Barclays was to provide is obviously central to the complaint, particularly since I now have documentary evidence proving the anomalies on the account have NOT been corrected by Barclays. This may be why the bank now refuses to provide the documentation. This documentation was only made available to me by the Ombudsman AFTER I had agreed the settlement terms, believing the account to be correct, and AFTER Barclays had failed to comply. The Ombudsman provided me with documentation the bank provided to it during the course of the investigation, including a calculation (not a statement) which states “this calculation has been provided to assist with the resolution of the complaint”. This documentation does not tally with an independent audit of the account I was obliged to fund. The document makes it clear NO remedial action has been taken, ie it contains a heading “steps required to rectify the account” as opposed to “steps taken to rectify the account”. Nevertheless the Ombudsman told me in writing the account had been corrected! The document is virtually impossible for a layperson to understand and abruptly ends March 14, giving no clues to the current balance and states “the balances shown on this calculator do not represent the actual balance on the account”, so the information is of little use, hence the instruction from the Ombudsman that Barclays provide me with “a full breakdown of the account from June 13, showing when each overpayment was applied and a clear and accurate explanation for any amendments made to the account”. So I have no idea how much interest I have been and continue to be overcharged by the bank on the incorrect balance I was a diligent overpayer until Barclays mismanaged the account. Based on my previous pattern of overpayments, I have been prevented from overpaying at least 10k to date. I have written to John McFarlane CEO asking him to ensure his staff provide the documentation as per the binding settlement terms, to clearly show how much interest I have been overcharged, what steps have been taken to correct the account, and what the correct current balance is, however, it is highly unlikely I will receive a response based on the bank’s attitude thus far. The FCA said they could not assist. I wrote my MP who says he has written to them but won’t show me a copy of the letter. I made a formal complaint about the Ombudsman, but that won’t rectify the account issues. I contacted BBC watchdog and various consumer columns and got no reply. I guess no one dares take on the establishment. I have posted on Barclays FB page and would now like to post the above letter online as widely as possible – any ideas as to where and how would be appreciated. Also any advice on where to find a law firm to represent me on a no win no fee basis would be appreciated.
  2. Hi all. Maybe I am being a bit over concerned here. A while back someone advised that I should seek a referral to Occi Health. Given that I have been on anti-D's for over 3 years now. I spoke to the employers nurse a few days later and mentioned this to her. She said she would mention it and asked for my permission to contact my gp for my notes, which I granted. Turns out my gp hasn't been contacted by my employer. On Monday I had a disciplinary for missing 3 days since January. In 2012 I missed 18 days in total (sick certificates have no bearing on whether or not you get a warning). Firstly they don't seem interested in helping to try reduce your absence, only reminding you that you need to turn up for work. Secondly, at the end of the meeting I mentioned the issue of my notes from the gp to the HR officer present. Her reply was, "You want us to see your notes?" Sounded to me like she was trying to make out I was doing something wrong. My concern is that by trying to avoid recognising that I am being treated for depression and therefore have a disability. Then they don't have to treat me as such. Whether that would mean more leniancy in regards discipline or whatever. Does this also mean that the duty of care they are so keen to talk about doesn't really exist! That is the impression I get. Thanks in advance for any help. Even if it's only to say I have nothing to be concerned about.
  3. Hello My house flooded due to the landlord not having lagged a pipe in the loft, which then burst in freezing weather. Not my fault in any way. I moved house as the place was going to be uninhabitable for approx 8 months. The landlord has informed me that he will not re-pay the full deposit as he says that there is damage to the veneer on two internal doors under which i had run a cable for a free-standing electric heater. I don't dispute that the heater cable went under the doors, but when I was living there there was absolutely NO damage to the doors whatsoever, and my position is that having 20,000 litres of flood water going through the house has lifted the veneer. They were NOT damaged prior to the flood. Any advice? Thank you.
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