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Found 8 results

  1. Hello Friends, I probably cannot regret more leaving my car yesterday with the garage for valet cleaning. When I came to pick car, my battery was dead, time clock was reset and the battery panel was open. When I enquired, they said there was lose connection with the battery and therefore they had to open the battery cover. I was never convinced but I had no evidence as such and came back. Today I found that neck of the stearing wheel was opened as well and it is missing the screws that hold it in place. Clearly they have messed more than what was necessary and without my permission. I suspect they have replaced my original parts with spurious ones. What are my options? Are the garage required to record what ever has been done with my car? Please help me as I am really feeling so helpless and distressed about all this. Thanks.
  2. We ordered a cordless vacuum cleaner from Very at a price of £79.99 excluding delivery charge. When the cleaner arrived we charged the battery for the recommended time according to the instructions. we then tested it out on the living room rug but it hardly picked anything up. Its only a small rug about 4ftx3ft but the vacuum was struggling to pick up anything at all. After 10 minutes of trying to vacuum just a quarter of the rug we gave up and decided to try it on the stair carpet, same thing happened it was totally useless. We gave up completely and returned the cleaner the next day stating it was not fit for purpose. Initially Very re credited us after receiving it back a couple of days later a delivery agent tried to give us what we thought was replacement cleaner of the same model which we had not ordered so my wife refused to accept delivery. A few days later our Very account had been recharged for the cleaner, we called them to find out why. They said they had tested it and found nothing wrong with it. Since we refused to accept its 2nd delivery Very have possession of the item and want to charge us again to have it re delivered. They are refusing to remove the cost of the item from our account therefore we are being charged for an item we do not have which which is unfit for purpose in the first place! Can someone please give us some advice. We would be 'VERY' grateful!
  3. Cleaning Jobs. Well old Tawnyowl decided due to one of my entrepreneurial adventures not moving fast enough yet to pay all the bills to do a little work in the evening. Not in perfect fitness but can graft flat out for a few hours before tiredness creeps up. So thought to myself i know you need work in the evenings or early morning,you will become a office cleaner owl,that is the answer to your problem. So managed to find one,negotiations were held,prices set and went for it. I work with another person in this adventure who is far more experienced than myself. Has been a caravan cleaner on holiday parks,done deep cleaning,govt work,and massive stores.By themselves. Female. Now do not forget i have worked in construction,go to gym perhaps 5 days a week,just a little exercise that is all and used to hard work.Or thought i was. So let us see what i do. Windows,boardroom,hallway,3 toilets,male female,and disabled access toilets. Big 30 metre office,empty baskets,clean desks,hoover.Mop floors. Kitchen,clean fridge,micro,anything in there really,work surfaces,any washing up,clean sink,empty bins,mop floor. Other office,20 metre square.Same procedure. Make sure all cleaning materials are bought and correct for the purpose. Now someone who does cleaning will understand what that entails I tell you this,i come out of those offices aching from head to toe,can hardly walk never mind talk. And after a short while and looking around i see that most cleaning jobs are paid minimum wage. I feel cleaners are very underestimated for the work they do.Vital to a business. Been in some places where you think,how quaint nice grey sinks only to find out they are white really. Some places have not been done for months.Perhaps years on outsides. Nice when people,and they do say ,hell what a difference you have made. So any cleaners out there i now know what it entails and how hard you work for your money. And maybe you then go home and clean there as well. If you are a cleaner,anywhere let us know how you are doing,what you do, and how you feel about things. If you have the strength to write.
  4. Hi, I plan to hire a cleaner and was wondering if there are any legal considerations I should know or bear in mind about as I have not hired a cleaner before? 1) Do I or should I give the cleaner a contract to sign? 2) I presume I give the cleaner a set of keys to my house. I do feel a little nervous about doing that but I guess that would be most convenient for both parties. Many thanks!
  5. Hello, on the 12\05\15 i purchased a VAX vacuum cleaner from my local Argos store. I set about cleaning yesterday to find that the brush roller had seized up, the drive belt was starting to melt, there was no suction whatsoever & it made a loud screeching noise when switched on. I took it to the Argos store today with the intention of obtaining a refund, or credit note, as i had decided to buy a more expensive model. I was told i must contact the manufacturer & that they would not refund......basically they did not want to know & the person i spoke to was arrogant & had a nasty habit of talking over my words. Can anyone give advice on how to proceed? Thank you.
  6. Lenovo says it is changing its ways: The events of last week reinforce the principle that customer experience, security and privacy must be our top priorities. With this in mind, we will significantly reduce preloaded applications. Our goal is clear: To become the leader in providing cleaner, safer PCs. We are starting immediately, and by the time we launch our Windows 10 products, our standard image will only include the operating system and related software, software required to make hardware work well (for example, when we include unique hardware in our devices, like a 3D camera), security software and Lenovo applications. This should eliminate what our industry calls “adware” and “bloatware.” For some countries, certain applications customarily expected by users will also be included. Lenovo will post information about ALL software we preload on our PCs that clearly explains what each application does. And we will continuously solicit feedback from our user community and industry experts to ensure we have the right applications and best user experience. We view these actions as a starting point. We believe that these steps will make our technology better, safer and more secure. That's quite a turnaround, especially when you compare it to their original head-in-the-sand position of thinking people were just grumbling about the irritating adverts that Superfish-afflicted Lenovo computers were displaying, rather than the serious security and privacy issues the software introduced. If they're true to their word, and chuck out the adware and bloatware, and don't try to sneak it in under the umbrella of "certain applications customarily expected by users" then they are doing all of us a favour. In fact, I'd like to see other PC manufacturers take the same approach. Stop putting crapware on the PCs you're trying to sell. Let users make their own choices about what software they want to install, rather than you forcing software on them that takes up unnecessary disk space, hogs memory and invariably is only there to bring incremental revenue to the vendor. Lenovo, you better be telling us the truth. We'll be watching you.
  7. I've taken my 1.5 year old sheepskin jacket to the American Dry Cleaning Company early in February. The lady who served me encouraged me to bring as many items as I could to take advantage of the discount they had in the shop. She also offered to become the member of the dry cleaners so i could get a further discount on dry cleaning service, which I did. She could not find the classification for my jacket leather type in the system and put the normal leather jacket instead of sheepskin in the system and on the receipt. There was a lot of other paper work and she filled in a lot of different forms and asked me to sign lots of them. She said it was just some formality and she needed me to sign it so she can send the items to the specialist for dry-cleaning. When I raised a question about the quality of their service for sheepskin type of leather she said that they send it off to the specialist and he is really good and they never had any issues with him and I should not worry. I've taken her word on that and left my jacket with them. Few weeks later it came back shrunk few sizes, lost color and shine, with disintegrated belt hooks and faded trimming on the button holes and around the edges. It looked horrible! I've refused to accept it and it was sent back to the specialist for investigation and repair. When it was returned few weeks later, it was in not much better condition and I've decided to file for the compensation. The shop assistant filled in the form and sent it to the head office. After not hearing from them for few weeks I called them and was told that it’s being assessed by the specialist and they will come back to me in few days time. I called a week later and was told that it's been repaired again and apparently looks amazing and I should go and collect it from the local shop in the next day. This is not what I was expecting as the jacket was already repaired once and I didn't accept it. Anyway, when I went to the shop to take a look, it turned out they forgot to send it. It's been 2 months since I've left my jacket for cleaning and it's almost April now, the timing it completely unreasonable and the jacket is ruined as far as I am concerned. I had a chat with the customer service person and also with the shop manager who completely refused to compensate me and said that he will only refund the cost of the cleaning, nothing else. He said that I've signed the form where I was warned about the risks and this relieves them of any responsibility for compensation. I've tried to explain that I was not given any copies of such document, and the shop assistant didn't explain in full detail what the forms I was signing were for. I was left under impression it was just to describe what type jacket it was as they had no sheepskin classification in their system and to describe the condition of the item. I feel like complete idiot for being duped like this as the lady who served me seemed so genuine and told me that I have nothing to worry about and the leather specialist they are working with is really good and never had any issues. Today I called the TSA (trading association) for help and they said that this particular company is not their member hence they can't help me. It's very strange as the company's website mentioned that they follow TSA service guidelines, etc... To make things worse, I also don't have a receipt for the jacket as it was bought for cash in a boutique shop abroad almost 1.5 years ago. I paid almost 1500 pounds for it but it never crossed my mind to keep the receipt for such long time. Please help me with some advice; I really don't know what to do now! Shall I go to the small claims court or try to write or talk to any other consumer rights organizations. I don't really know what my rights are in this case. Can I get at least some of the cost of the jacket? My heart bleeds to see that so much money was wasted. I've been saving for a year to buy a jacket like this and didn't get much time to wear it, and now I'll have to buy a new jacket (not as nice and definitely not as expensive) for the next winter. Thank you, Inna
  8. Hi all, my tenant upon moving out hired a carpet cleaner to clean the carpet. The cleaner came a couple of days ago did their job and left, the carpets were still damp after 24hours and not to mention shrunk! The letting agent still has the tenants £1800 deposit and the carpet to replace is around the same amount. 1. Is the tenant able to sue me if the deposit is not returned through small claims? 2. Can I sue the carpet cleaning company as I have suffered Loss/ Damages or does it have to be my tenant whom sues the carpet cleaning company as they paid the fees/ contracted with the carpet cleaners. There is a bit more to the story but that's the main gist of it, in order to keep as succinct as possible. Any help much appreciated
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