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Found 3 results

  1. Handheld rechargeable vacuum. Purchased (online) 31st March. Initially fully charged in accordance with the instructions, works fine. Used 3 times before fault appears - battery will not charge again, though the charging light comes on as it is supposed to. Reported to retailer (in this case, also the manufacturer, Vax) 24th July after several attempts at getting the battery to charge. Retailer insists the charger must be at fault and have now been waiting 2 weeks for a replacement, which has apparently not even been sent yet as they don't have any in stock. In the meantime I have a useless product sitting around doing nothing when I need a working vacuum cleaner - I didn't buy this one for fun! Am I obliged to wait indefinitely for something which is unlikely to solve the problem (if it was the charger, it's unlikely that the charging light would come on, more likely it's the battery) or is there anything else I can do?
  2. We ordered a cordless vacuum cleaner from Very at a price of £79.99 excluding delivery charge. When the cleaner arrived we charged the battery for the recommended time according to the instructions. we then tested it out on the living room rug but it hardly picked anything up. Its only a small rug about 4ftx3ft but the vacuum was struggling to pick up anything at all. After 10 minutes of trying to vacuum just a quarter of the rug we gave up and decided to try it on the stair carpet, same thing happened it was totally useless. We gave up completely and returned the cleaner the next day stating it was not fit for purpose. Initially Very re credited us after receiving it back a couple of days later a delivery agent tried to give us what we thought was replacement cleaner of the same model which we had not ordered so my wife refused to accept delivery. A few days later our Very account had been recharged for the cleaner, we called them to find out why. They said they had tested it and found nothing wrong with it. Since we refused to accept its 2nd delivery Very have possession of the item and want to charge us again to have it re delivered. They are refusing to remove the cost of the item from our account therefore we are being charged for an item we do not have which which is unfit for purpose in the first place! Can someone please give us some advice. We would be 'VERY' grateful!
  3. Hello, on the 12\05\15 i purchased a VAX vacuum cleaner from my local Argos store. I set about cleaning yesterday to find that the brush roller had seized up, the drive belt was starting to melt, there was no suction whatsoever & it made a loud screeching noise when switched on. I took it to the Argos store today with the intention of obtaining a refund, or credit note, as i had decided to buy a more expensive model. I was told i must contact the manufacturer & that they would not refund......basically they did not want to know & the person i spoke to was arrogant & had a nasty habit of talking over my words. Can anyone give advice on how to proceed? Thank you.
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