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  1. Hi, I'm really not sure how to fix my problem with Talk Talk and am reaching out to people here in the hope you might have a few ideas. I recently switched to Talk Talk after I was promised a "seamless" switch and no interruption to the broadband service in my house. I specifically asked this question during the sales process and was assured this would be the case. An engineer visited my house 8 days ago and since then the internet hasn't worked. I have repeatedly contacted Talk Talk and they have said (every day for the last 8 days) that the service will be restored in 3 to 5 days. I'm obviously deeply unhappy about this and have asked for my complaint to be escalated. Unfortunately, however, this has just provided them with a get-out-of-jail-free card because now, every time I call, they simply say the issue is being attended to by senior management and they can't interfere in that process. It is impossible (I've tried repeatedly) to be connected to this so-called senior management. I've now discovered that I'm still paying the previous internet provider (PlusNet) even though their service hasn't worked since the Talk Talk engineer visited my house. I honestly have no idea what to do now. I simply can't live without internet access and the last week has seen me camped out in coffee shops and similar. I'm considering buying a MiFi device but really don't want to enter into a long-term contract for something that Talk Talk promised to provide over a week ago. Any ideas will be gratefully received.
  2. Been a customer with TalkTalk for a fair few years, and have three phone contracts with them. One of these expires next month, and I've decided is surplus to requirements. Though I would get in touch today to let them know I won't needed it renewing. Well that proved to be harder than I anticipated ... My complaint below, and the online chat exchange with Sharon, gives all the details. Sir/Madam, I contacted TalkTalk this morning via online chat to give notice that, when my mobile contact for sim 07xxx xxxxxx expires next month (18th March), I do not wish for it to be renewed. The TalkTalk representative however was unwilling to accept this notification, and said that I would have to call back in four days time. Otherwise, if the request was processed, I should be liable for early termination fees. As a busy professional, I do not have time to chase this up again and do not understand why you are insisting I should. Your terms and conditions stipulate that I need to give 30 days' notice of my decision, and I am giving 34 days. The exchange is reproduced below. My suspicion is that insist on this because some people will not call you exactly on the thirtieth day, and you can then charge for an extra month. I hope this is not the case. Regardless, I wish to: a) complain about the unhelpful experience I received today; and b) formally put you on notice, again, that when my contract expires next month then I do not require it to self-renew and expect it to cease. I have been a loyal TalkTalk customer for a good many years, but my experience this morning has done nothing to endear me to your company. Yours, Me TRANSCRIPT Info at 9:28, Feb 12: You are now through to Sharon. How can I help you? Me at 9:28, Feb 12: I would like to cancel one of my phone contracts please Me at 9:28, Feb 12: Contract ends next month Sharon at 9:28, Feb 12: Hi, Martin. Sharon at 9:28, Feb 12: I am sorry to hear that, however I will assist you with regards to the cancellation. Me at 9:29, Feb 12: Thank you Me at 9:29, Feb 12: The number I am cancelling is 07xxx xxxxxx Sharon at 9:30, Feb 12: May I ask the main reason you are looking to cancel your account. Me at 9:31, Feb 12: Because I no longer need this phone; I would like to keep the other two accounts live though Sharon at 9:32, Feb 12: Okay. Sharon at 9:32, Feb 12: Is there any one at home that can use the SIM? Me at 9:33, Feb 12: The contract expires next month and I would like to cancel it for then - is that a problem? Sharon at 9:34, Feb 12: We need 30 days notice to cancel your account. Sharon at 9:35, Feb 12: Your TalkTalk mobile services will be cancelled thirty days from today, and you’ll continue to be billed until this time. Once they’re cancelled on 14th March you won’t be able to use your SIM anymore. Sharon at 9:35, Feb 12: You’ll get your final bill as normal may contain an early termination fee, which is determined by the length of your remaining contract. Any subsequent bill will confirm any remaining credits or balance owed. You’ll lose your mobile number. Please don’t cancel your Direct Debit. We’ll do this for you once your final payment has been taken. If you cancel it, you might incur a fee. These changes will be reflected in My Account within 48 hours. Me at 9:35, Feb 12: Well then I would like to give notice that this be cancelled at the end of the contract - on the 18 March Me at 9:36, Feb 12: That's 34 days notice! Me at 9:36, Feb 12: I don't expect to pay any fees. Sharon at 9:37, Feb 12: You will need to contact after 4 days from today. Sharon at 9:37, Feb 12: That will be the 16th February 2017. Me at 9:37, Feb 12: I don't understand - I am giving you notice that I want to leave on the 18th March. I should not have to contact you again on the 16th. Me at 9:38, Feb 12: If you cannot process this simple request, please put my through to your supervisor. Sharon at 9:38, Feb 12: The system does not allow to choose a specific date, Martin. Me at 9:39, Feb 12: Then please be advised that when my contract expires I do not wish for it to be continued. Sharon at 9:39, Feb 12: I can log a formal complaint for you and a manager will contact you within 24 to 48 hours to discuss the issue. Sharon at 9:39, Feb 12: We need 30 days notice to cancel your account. Me at 9:39, Feb 12: I am giving you more than 30 days notice Sharon at 9:40, Feb 12: Okay. Sharon at 9:40, Feb 12: Your TalkTalk mobile services will be cancelled thirty days from today, and you’ll continue to be billed until this time. Once they’re cancelled on 14th March you won’t be able to use your SIM anymore. You’ll get your final bill as normal may contain an early termination fee, which is determined by the length of your remaining contract. Any subsequent bill will confirm any remaining credits or balance owed. You’ll lose your mobile number. Please don’t cancel your Direct Debit. We’ll do this for you once your final payment has been taken. If you cancel it, you might incur a fee. These changes will be reflected in My Account within 48 hours. Me at 9:40, Feb 12: It is absurd if you say that I must call you exactly and only o the 30th day before Me at 9:41, Feb 12: I would like your confirmation that there will be no "early termination fee" Me at 9:41, Feb 12: As I am not terminating early - just asking my contract not to be renewed. Sharon at 9:41, Feb 12: I am sorry, Martin. however you will be liable for the days remaining on your contract. Me at 9:42, Feb 12: That is not acceptable to me. Sharon at 9:42, Feb 12: I will log a formal complaint for you to escalate the issue. Me at 9:42, Feb 12: Thank you. This is very poor indeed. Me at 9:43, Feb 12: What I am asking for is not difficult - to leave contract at the end of its expiry next month. Me at 9:43, Feb 12: Please record that I have asked for this, and you have said it is not possible. Sharon at 9:45, Feb 12: I have advised that as you have contacted us today to cancel your account, I can place a cancellation for you on the 14th March which is 30 days from today. However you will be liable for the days remaining on your contract. Sharon at 9:45, Feb 12: Should you dispute this, I will log a formal complaint for you to escalate the issue. Me at 9:46, Feb 12: I have asked clearly for the contract to be cancelled when it expires next month. I should have no liability for that. Me at 9:47, Feb 12: You are making this needlessly difficult. Me at 9:48, Feb 12: If you cannot process this request (and it is unclear why you are unable to do so) please ask a manager to get in touch with me. I will also engage TalkTalk on twitter to make my concerns clear. I didn't think this was such a difficult request, but it feels like I slipped down the rabbit hole! I assume this whole process, where you can only give notice exactly thirty days before the contract ends and not a day before and after, is so they can charge you for an extra month at the end of the contract. Pretty poor show, in my humble opinion!
  3. Inside the TalkTalk 'Indian [problem] call centre' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-39177981
  4. This is quite an amazing story, starting back in 2014. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-4422682/How-went-war-TalkTalk-won.html and finally won a whopping £1,500!! The battle tips later in the article are no less that CAG have been saying for years
  5. Hi all,im hoping theres some help around to help me solve our current situation with talktalk. Having had a recorded conversation with talktalk call centre today,and the situation not resolved im unsure what to do next. Unreliable broadband mobile sim network coverage unreliable and talktalks solution is to switch phone to 2g to try and get a signal,and that is their only answer! Unreliable tv on demand and streaming due to unreliable broadband. No email or letter to say the line rental was going up from october 1st. Not able to access billing in accounts section due to site being down,for reasons we are all aware of. Worryingly,the 3rd cyber attack this year,compromising accounts etc. Talktalk call centre response is basically,nothing i can do,they wont release me from contract free from penalties,nor will they release me from contract on 30 days notice of line rental increase. Any ideas please,or is it straight to the CEOs office??
  6. Hi all, TalkTalk phone lines went down to-day. This resulted in me not being able to communicate with anybody including TalkTalk. Nor be able to acquire any phone numbers to contact TalkTalk via the web. to use on my mobile. Had to get my son to report the problem, only to find he was charged premium phone rates to report a TalkTalk problem to TalkTalk. They say on the web site if you are contacting them from the phone number which is on the account, it's free. I would think that most times you would need to contact them, is precisely when the account phone line is down. Another example of ripoff Britain.
  7. I sent a letter to TalkTalk, saying that I within 30 days cancel all my TalkTalk services. I received a call and then a letter from them saying they want to speak to me as I seem to be unhappy with the service. It also said they need 30 days notice because I no longer have a contract with them, which is a somehow weird formulation because it says there is no longer a contract, but that they require notice before cancelling. As I had given them written notice already that I want to cancel all services, I did not respond to the letter. After the services should have been terminated, TalkTalk tried to bill me again. When calling them and asking why, they said they "do not accept written cancellation" and my account was not cancelled because I had not respond to their letter within 30 days. My question now is if from a legal perspective, my account must be considered cancelled because I sent a letter saying I cancel with a notice period of 30 days or if TalkTalk is right that my account cannot be cancelled this way? What should I best do? Thanks for advice, abcdef123
  8. If you're p****d off with TalkTalk's cavalier attitude to protecting customer's data, here's template letter if you want to leave them without penalty: http://www.bitterwallet.com/letter-template-to-cancel-talktalk-account/88825
  9. I was a customer of Talk Talk Mobile for 2 years. Finally got myself a better deal elsewhere and took my mobile number with me. I paid the final bill then received an email saying I was in credit by nearly £12. Not a lot of money but it will come in handy. I telephoned Talk Talk Mobile on the 30th of September asking for my money back. After being passed around several call centre workers offering me new phones I finally got through to someone who said they will process the refund and have it back to me in 10 working days. He took my long card number off a bank card I hold for my savings account. I waited until last Thursday (exactly 10 working days) before I phoned them back as the money had not appeared in my account. I was told it would take another day for it to be paid into my account. Yesterday still no sign of my refund so I called them again. I was furious and demanded to speak to a manager. The manager (foreign call centre) said he would take charge of my complaint and telephone me back. He did phone back today and he said the card number I had given them did not belong to a UK bank and they cancelled my refund. He told me that my refund wasn't processed because I had not given them a number off a Visa card. I asked if they would just pay the money into my bank account and I was told they cant do that. The only way they refund is to a Visa card or by Cheque!!!!! I had to give him the number off my Visa card for him to process the refund. I asked how long before the refund would take and he said another 10 working days. I asked for Compensation and he is sending me a cheque for £5. I am sure that they wouldn't wait that long if I owed them money!!!!
  10. Just looking for any advice. I've had enough of TalkTalk with ever increasing prices and better offers made to new customers rather than loyalty being important (yes I know they are all the same) For an as yet unknown reason I can't port my home number across to a new provider. So this means I either get a new number and all the hassle that entails or have to stick with TalkTalk. In typing this I realise they don't need to show loyalty to long term customers. Holding the number is enough to stop most people switching. In this digital day and age I can't see any reason for it not being a requirement to allow the number to be ported over. Rant over anyone had this before and did you solve it? Thanks
  11. o prior to my line going active on the 19th, I was given an offer for 6 months half price line rental to try and keep me proceeding with the order as Sky had offered me a good deal to stay with them. I was happy with this new offer so obviously told sky I wouldn't be sticking with them. It was at this point they threw out a great offer to which it was back to TalkTalk to tell them I wouldn't be proceeding. On the 13th January, on the live chat, an advisor named Reshan stated ; Reshan: The order is 6 months half price call plan, with line rental and your package. Reshan: Thank you for your patience. Ryan: you're very welcome. Ryan: Yeah, that's the offer I had a note off, that works out just below £65 more expensive than the sky offer. This is absolutely the most you can offer? Reshan: I can offer you 12 months half price on your package. Ryan: that would definitely beat sky so I would be more than happy with that Reshan! Reshan: Please give me a moment. It was at this point the advisors computer stopped working and the offer wouldn;t be applied right away. Notes were being made and it would be applied shortly. I've tried so hard trying to get this applied and advisors are saying what he is saying is 12 months off the broadband cost which is FREE for 18 months so essentially no difference to the package. From the context of the chat I was having, I assumed it was off line rental but TT are insistant that Line Rental is seperate and not part of the 'package'. I've also been on to the Chief Exective Office and they've been so helpful too......not! The person I spoke to said that what Reshan meant was he was extending the offer of FREE broadband from 12 months to 18 (Even although that's not what is said above) ; that's all the person from the CEO team emphasised - I then found my welcome letter which states FREE broadband for 18 months which was generated before any discounts were applied. I just feel that I have been totally misled into proceeding with the order. I have trailled back through all the chat logs and found this gem this morning which again totally contradicts the executive office's stance ; Joan: You're welcome, okay. Here's what I can do for you. Since the account is still not yet active I will need you to contact us right after the 6 months end to add another 6 months of the Half price line rental. Joan: Now if after 6 months it's not available we will just apply a credit for you equivalent to the offer. If I proceed down this route I can absolutely see what would happen 6 months down the line ..... it would not be honoured whatsoever and it would be more of a headache. Can anyone advise me of what I can do as nowhere is being helpful!
  12. Hi my dad has been with talk talk now since August last year and has had hardly any service, engineer several times nothing done but charged £65 per visit and countless excuses he wants to leave but he's breaking his contract doing so he is 79 yrs old and him and mum are getting fed up with the ordeal and causing a lot of arguments. he's not getting what he is paying for and the customer service people he can hardly understand and appalling is there any way he can leave them without paying for the rest of his no service contract?
  13. I've recently paid off a loan and checked my credit record to ensure it was correctly settled.. when I've seen a default from TalkTalk dated Feb. Despite clearing off a £4k loan in 10 months, I've been screwed by a £65 default courtesy of TalkTalk. Essentially I cancelled my TalkTalk package in August, prior to moving house. I thought nothing more of it (and received no correspondence) until this mornings discovery. Apparently I've defaulted on £65, I presume the final payment? Now my issues revolve around the fact that I had no knowledge of this situation, and - to the best of my knowledge - TalkTalk made no attempt at rectifying the situation. I plan to draft off a letter this evening - highlighting the following points: Failure to inform me (via a Default Notice*) and provide me with a means of correcting the decision; Failure to ensure the accuracy of their data, per one of the Information Commissioners principles; Failure to adhere to their own Terms and Conditions, via storing my personal information in an inherently insecure manner with nothing resembling a coherent security policy. Clearly the main point is (1), but working professionally in Information Security - and having used the catalogue of TalkTalk failings as an example in numerous presentations since October, number (3) also seems an interesting point to make. My only query is - do telecoms contracts come under the Consumer Credit Act? I doubt it, and if that's the case - then is there any guidance I can view? I can only seem to find guidance for the Consumer Credit Act, which requires the filing of a Default Notice. I'm not sure if this requirement exists for agreements outside the CCA? I will also be doing a Subject Access Request as per the DPA, to try and work out what actually happened - as I'm stumped. If they refuse to rectify the situation, I'm pondering whether Ofcom or the ICO would be the next step - or if there's anyway I can really fight this? It's absolutely atrocious. Any advice guys and girls? Cheers!
  14. My phone line became very noisey and it was very difficult to hear any conversation. Also my internet kept dropping out. I reported this to talktalk and carried out their equipment checks. I used my friends phone on the line, still the same problem. I used a spare router etc still the same problem. Just to be sure I took my equipment to my relatives house were it all worked fine. Talktalk booked an engineer to come. The outreach engineer came checked the internal wiring which was fine. He then went outside to check the external line which snapped when he touched it! He replaced the line and all my phone and internet faults went away. I have just received a bill from talktalk for £65.00 for an engineer call out. They said it was an unnecessary call out as the engineers report stated that there was no fault! I said why did he replace the line then? They replyed for quality reasons!!! I stated it was such poor condition it snapped in his hand. I then said I still have sixteen feet of it dangling from my house would they like a sample. I have now gone through two or three levels of complaint! I have emailed the CEO, who as replied promising to investigate but I appear to be going nowhere, surely I cannot be made responsible for an external line fault?
  15. Hi all, I recently moved house in november of last year. At that point in time we were signed up with Virgin Media, but as they do not have service in our new area, we had to move over to TalkTalk. Since signing up with them, we have had no end of issues, which i will list below. I am looking for advice RE my next step, as this is causing me undue amounts of stress and upset. For your information we have home phone, tv broadband and mobile with them. - They noted down my email address wrong, which meant i didn't receive confirmation of my account - When the broadband box came, it would not connect. I contacted talk talk, they sent out an engineer 'free of charge' then proceeded to charge me £50. -we went for a month without any services, but they still charged us for this month. This lack of services was due to them not sending out an engineer despite repeated promises that they would. -we asked to return the tv box as it was not compatible, we asked within the 14 day cooling off period, and yet were told no. -The first mobile phone i was sent was faulty. i returned it and received a replacement. The second one was also faulty. The fault was it would switch off the WIFI and only connect to mobile data, which created a huge mobile data bill. After discussing this with the senior management they agreed to waive the mobile data bill, and they offered me the option of a different phone, as the model i had obviously had issues. I was told the data would still show on the bill, but would not come out in the direct debit. Surprise surprise, they tried to take it out with the direct debit. so i cancelled it, and rung them. They said they had no record of this, and would do their best to sort it out. Then they cut my phone off for non payment. at this point in time i was using an old phone as i had sent the faulty one back. After selecting my replacement as a Sony Xperia Z1, it has still not been sent, around 2 months later. instead, they decided to send me back the second faulty one i had returned. So i now have a faulty phone, and cannot use my mobile contract as it has been blocked. Oh, and they have now passed it on to a debt recovery company as i refuse to pay until they take off the £80 charge, and 1 months contract charge, as i have not had use of the contract for at least a month. -finally, to top it all off, their management staff are rude, and some of their support staff struggle to understand me, and as i have poor hearing, i struggle to understand them. -oh, and after being put in contact with a high up customer service manager, i attempt to call her, and she is never at her desk. Any help is most appreciated, i am at my wits end, this has had me in tears many times, as i am just going round in circles!
  16. I have had to resort on legal action against talktalk. In sept 13 I sent them an emailing stating that the dd is cancelled and I have done the 18 month contract so expect no disconnection fee. received an email confirming my 18 months but need to give 30 day notice and if cancelling speak to our customer service and maybe they can offer me something for being a customer. I left it at that and expected to be charged the extra 30 days... at this time and still am off sick with depression . ... i went awol for a few months and had to stay with relatives. In the meantime they had carried on with the landline contract and only now have cancelled it! Even though I complained to the CEO DIDO HARDING in Jan as have had bailiff letters with threat of legal actions. I have tried to explain my side, they are not interested just want money. CEO MANAGER SAMUEL ?? has confirmed they will knock off £50 (a good will gesture) which leaves me to pay £200!!!! As for my mobile .. ... vodafone had network outage for 17 days over xmas (local mast was down in cf43 area) so i had no network and couldnt speak to any of my family who are all in ireland, you could send a text and it may take 2-3 days to be delivered. When it was fixed emailed and rang cs they didnt acknowledge the vodafone issue and argued with me that if I was able to send texts there wasn't an outage even though vodafone did on their forum, I kept screenshots of the non exsistent signal and the forum. Eventually they accepted it after contacting Dido in the same email. I got sick of repeating everything to different cs staff whenever I rang so stopped answering their harressment calls... . its almost like they have "time to kill ..." then this SAMUEL in CEO office has offered £40 off Dec and Jan bill as they placed my phone on restriction even though I was waiting on a manager call back and a complaint is logged on their system and having repeatedly warning them that the dd is cancelled until issue is resolved. My phone is still restricted and expect to be cut off soon so my only option is go legal as can't stay with them for another 14 months and can't afford early termination fee of over £300.. ... anyone got any help or suggestions am at wits end with the idiots and this is really making my health suffer with the worry.
  17. 8 Days now and I've had problems keeping the Internet going as it keeps dropping, I have to keep resetting it every single time, I've phoned them up about 5 times and now I've given up hope The questions I get asked are: 1. Make and Model of Router? Huawai HG523a 2. Am I using wired or wireless connection? wireless 3. Is there any problem with calls, i.e. receiving calls for someone else? Nope 4. Am I using laptop or desktop? Laptop 5. What Operating system am I using? Windows 8 6. What Browser am I using? Chrome 7. Have I tested the test socket? Yes 8. Have I got sky tv? Nope 9. Can you switch your router off and on? do that everytime broadband drops 10. can you access this webpage talktalk.co.uk? yes when I reset router I've no idea what these questions have to do with broadband down time, but when I answer them, they reply with we've done checks our end and you have a connection. So there is nothing we can do. Seems they are oblivious to admit that the router is now faulty. What Is my legal stance on this and can I withhold payment from them, I sure am thinking about switching providers, this is the only time it's happened in 12 months
  18. Hi, Just over a month ago I bought a two TalkTalk mobiles - there were some teething problems which I was assured would be ironed out in 3-5 days. After about 3 weeks, one of the handsets was working and I successfully ported my old number (from Vodafone). However, in trying to fix the second handset they have deleted my old number (which I have had for some years and use for private and professional uses), and given me a default number instead. While I complained and eventually got through to the CEO's office, nothing is apparently being done to retrieve my old number, and they can't promise that they would. Vodafone can't get my number back as it's already been ported. Is there anything I can do to get this fixed? I've tried the "the squeaky wheel gets the oil" approach which just seems to confuse them as they just add action after action onto my account notes which doesn't get done, and I've taken it as high as they're willing to go. What's the going rate in Court for a lost number? Thanks, Frank P.S. The second handset STILL doesn't work, either.
  19. Due to problems with getting incoming calls I want to leave AOL Talk and also AOL although I have no complaint with the broadband service, but they say if I leave before January they will charge £68. I want to leave because they are not providing acceptable telephone service. I have my answerphone set to cut in at 7 rings, and 3 minutes for message recording. It cuts in at 2 rings and the caller is told they cannot leave a message. It is not my phone, when this started happening I bought a new one and it's exactly the same. The message people are getting is not one I have recorded nor is it one of the standard messages stored in the phone, so it can only be coming from Aol Talk. Because of this I don't think they can justify the £68 charge. They are actually losing us money. My husband's customers (and prospective customers) are not able to get in touch unless by mobile which he can't always answer or they don't want to pay the extra charge involved in calling a mobile. The new provider will handle all the changeover details but how do I get Aol to at least reduce that charge?
  20. Hi All I know there are a number of talktalk threads but I couldn't find one that addressed our particular problem and I'm hoping somebody on here can help and advise. The situation, in brief. My girlfriend was with TalkTalk and had been for quite sometime. She was not in any contract period etc. she was moving house and decided to switch to BT after having had a dreadful quality of service for quite sometime, including dreadful phone and broadband quality coupled with industry leading poor customer service practices. after spending hours trying to find a way to cancel the service without ringing their expensive 087 numbers she found an online form for cancellation and filled it in. This led to a phone call during which she cancelled her contract giving one months notice. So far so good. She moved, BT did a fantastic job at the new property and all was well with the telecoms world. she got some redirected mail which showed that talktalk were still billing for the line and hadn't disconnected the services. I won't bore you with full details of what followed, you've read it all before. Endless attempts to call, transfered around departments, hang ups and no help with the upshot being talktalk claiming she needed to ring a week before the end to confirm she wanted to cancel. We are now several months down the line and they are trying with the debt collector threats - thank god she had the sense to cancel her DD immediately. We already know there is no point talking to them, we've tried writing a letter of complaint, all to no avail. They claim she didn't cancel, we know she did and I'm confident any county court judge would interpret the contract in our favour. Now to me it is clear this is simply a racket based upon the fact that enough people will simply cough up to make it worthwhile but my girlfriend is less used to this than I am (I've had my fair share of debt issues over the years and as they had destroyed my credit rating I simply bin their letters and await the legendary doorstep collectors) and she is a little worried about what to do next - and this is where you all come in. I'd like to simply issue some sort of claim in the small claims court for costs and distress but she just wants it to go away. Are there any organisations we can go to who will deal with this or can you offer any additional advice, steps etc etc, other than wasting more hours of your life on the phone to people who are a mixture of the unwilling and unable to help? Thanks for reading.
  21. This is their second increase this year. Other increases are also announced.Customers unhappy and wanting to switch have 30 days after receiving notice to do so. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/bills/article-2222478/TalkTalk-hikes-line-rental-3-1-SECOND-rise-months.html
  22. Hi i would like some help if possible. If i miss a payment or i don't have enough money in bank when they take money out...they charge me £10 for a mispayment and this is AOL/TalkTalk we are talking about let alone the bank...This is just a rip off and i'm wanting to know if AOL have the right to do this? Also they are putting a non-recurring payment of £4.50...this is just ridiculous and its not helping me as an unpaid carer. PLEASE HELP!!
  23. Signed up to a small business package with talk talk for 12 months back in 2011. The salesperson explicitly stated that I could cancel after 12 months, he told me all this was recorded on the system for future reference. So I've rang talk talk asking to cancel, they have told me that the voice recording has "CUT OFF" before the 12 months was agreed, and that they don't do 12 month contracts. Kind of ironic how the recording has cut of just before the 12 months thing. Clueless of what to do next?
  24. Hello, We are having problems with Talk Talk. The situation is as follows. 'We' have a contract with TalkTalk at the moment. It is in an imaginary name. My mum's ex-partner has signed up to TalkTalk as Mr [random intial] [mums name and surname]. And pays on direct debit from his own account. Obviously such a Mr does not exist. Every time TalkTalk phones and we answer we explain to them that such a person as they wish to speak to does not exist, but they refuse to speak to me or my mum, they are only interested in a Mr [as we are both female we do not match the criteria]. The problem is that mums ex-partner is planning on moving out. He wanted to cancel the contract but missed the date and it automatically renewed; he then lied to mum and said that he can either cancel the contract or transfer it into her name [and that it would be better for her to start paying the direct debit herself]. Mum said no, and that she wants to change to Orange. Now he says he will cancel the direct debit and TalkTalk will pursue action against mum since she lives at the address of the contract and initially allowed TalkTalk to set up this contract with her ex-partner [since he needed her permission as the house is in her name]. I phoned up TalkTalk to ask them for what will happen if mums ex-partner cancels direct debit, but after waiting I ended up with the wrong customer service got transferred to a person with terrible manners who after asking me for my house number dropped me back into queue without any explanation. I then had to listen to music for over 30 minutes until I eventually gave up. Not sure how much help they would have been as they have previously refused to talk to us, and when we gave them the correct name of the ex-partner they have done nothing about the matter. Can TalkTalk legally demand mum to pay? She never signed anything or paid them, and she is not a Mr. Can we sign up for Orange now while the phone line is still active? which would effectively cancel TalkTalk contract and her ex-partner would get the bill for early termination? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  25. Hi guys, Ok, Talk Talk took money from my partner's account as per the bill due on the 5th March. All ok so far. Then on the 29th March, they attempt to take out another payment that we had no prior knowledge of. We had no notification of this, so it was unexpected, and my partner had transferred money to my a/c to pay the rent, and hadn't received his wages yet, so there wasn't sufficient funds in the a/c. For this, he was charged an unpaid item fee by his bank ( Co op) for £15. When he called Talk Talk, they said there was no manager to speak to, and that this payment was taken out early due to the bank holiday, but the bank holiday isn't until the 9th March! So that's rubbish. Really, anyone any idea where we stand legally with this?? The bank suggest that we get Talk Talk to pay the £15! I can't believe that Talk Talk can legally just dip into your account whenever they want - twice in one month! I will write to them explaining the issue, but where do we actually stand with this, does anyone know, and what can we demand? Thankyou!
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