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Found 8 results

  1. I can't log into my account today with my PC, although it still works most of the time with my phone. I keep getting a message about AOL being called Oath now and it says that before I continue it wants me to confirm I'm in the UK and to confirm their new privacy policy. When I try to accept their conditions or manage my options, it says 'Oops something went wrong, please try again later.' Every time I try, I go through the same loop. What am I doing wrong please? Thank you for any help. HB
  2. Evening all, A lady has explained to me that her estranged husband had broadband from AOL in his name, but hasn't bothered to pay the bill... AOL have now cut off the broadband, she lives in a rural area and has asked BT for broadband but they have refused, is it possible that there is some kind of adverse marker on the line?? many thanks in advance
  3. OK In October 2007 I signed up for a dial up conection to aol. The next year April 2008 I upgraded this conection to AOLTalkTalk/ Broadband. I can vagualy remember they cancelled the dial up when they changed me over to Broadband, but can not prove it. The problem is since October 2007 they have been charging me £31.99 for the dialup although I have not used it AT ALL since I upgraded to AOL talktalk Broadband, They take this paymeny from my Debit Card. Also charging me between £28 to £30 for Broadband which is not a problem as I am using this one, This comes out as a Direct Debit. So for the last five years I have been charged the £31.99 for a service I have not used at all. AOL are trying to blame me for not cancelling the Dial up back then in 2007, I told then that I was sure i did, and after getting passed on to 5 different people on the phone the last guy said that he would speak to a maneger and call me back tomorrow. Is there a way that I can claim this money back,? as I have not used the Dial up conection at all since I signed up for Broadband, and surley they can see this on my account. Thanks Kevin
  4. I signed up to AOL all the way back in the 1990s and initially connected to their service using a modem. Several email addresses were established with them and I continue to use these email addresses currently. A long time ago we signed up to a broadband account with NTL who went on to become Virgin Media. I accessed AOL through their proprietary software but using the NTL/Virgin Media account for the actual internet access. The narrowband modem dial-up connection to AOL was not used at all after we had signed up to NTL/Virgin Media. I have long since even used their software and have accessed my email accounts through Outlook. It would be fair to say that I haven't kept a close eye on what AOL had been charging me over the years for what was essentially just the provision of email addresses but I recently found out that AOL do not actually charge anything at all for email addresses. Over the last year they have been taking £31.99 a month from me via a credit card continuous authority transaction. Looking back over my records I see various monthly charges of £26.98 and £19.99 going back into 2010. I don't have records of what they were charging me before that but I think it was of a similar magnitude. I believe these charges were actually the sort of charges they make for an AOL broadband account but I have not at any time accessed AOL by their own broadband system. I rang one of their representatives yesterday who wasn't exactly helpful. I asked him why I was being charged all of this money simply for the provision of some email addresses. He wasn't bothered that I have never had a broadband connection with AOL. He also claimed that the £31.99 per month currently being charged was the cost of a narrowband service - something I highly doubt. I believe I have been wrongly charged for a service I haven't received for a great many years and would like to know my chances of claiming this money back. I have written an initial letter to AOL (who are apparently now owned by Talk Talk) but haven't posted it yet. Does anyone have any advice as to how I should go about this?
  5. Due to problems with getting incoming calls I want to leave AOL Talk and also AOL although I have no complaint with the broadband service, but they say if I leave before January they will charge £68. I want to leave because they are not providing acceptable telephone service. I have my answerphone set to cut in at 7 rings, and 3 minutes for message recording. It cuts in at 2 rings and the caller is told they cannot leave a message. It is not my phone, when this started happening I bought a new one and it's exactly the same. The message people are getting is not one I have recorded nor is it one of the standard messages stored in the phone, so it can only be coming from Aol Talk. Because of this I don't think they can justify the £68 charge. They are actually losing us money. My husband's customers (and prospective customers) are not able to get in touch unless by mobile which he can't always answer or they don't want to pay the extra charge involved in calling a mobile. The new provider will handle all the changeover details but how do I get Aol to at least reduce that charge?
  6. Hi Folks I really hope someone can help me. My husband was in a previous relationship that the OH abused his bank account and got him into debt. One of the things she did was use his bank details for an AOL broadband account. The account was in her name but with his account details. This was in 2006. Despite phoning them several times and speaking to his bank they are STILL taking appx £30 every month. We need to get this stopped and would like to claim in back as its fraud. Any help of where to start would be gratefully appreciated. C x
  7. Hello there, this is my first time posting so i hope its in the right place. Approx 8 years ago - 2004 i think - i moved house and (stupidly) signed up for a 1 month AOL trial whilst waiting for my broadband to be installed. this was used for a day or 2 and then cancelled what i thought was the direct debit and now know was a recurring card payment. i started receiving £5 charges to my bank account though did not notice this until a good few months down the line. i called AOL and got through to a foreign call centre who did not have a clue what i was on about and just kept asking me for my username and password. at this point i had forgotton as only briefly used it. they refused to look up my account details through my actual name, address or bank details and as i recall ended up hanging up on me. To be honest i put it to the back of my mind. i was working and earning a good wage and didnt really feel the £5 loss. months later i noticed it had gone up to £9.99!! so again attempted to phone and reason with them, but got the same response, no username = no help over the months and years it was an annoyance to see the money go out my account every month for something i had never use but at the time i was younger, earned alot more money and had a million and one other things to concern myself about. the payments slowly crept up from 9.99 to 15.99 and then 25.99 when i lost my job when i was pregnant in 2007 money started getting tight and i then approached my bank (barclays) again to ask them for help to stop the payments. they attempted this but didnt seem to work. i tried to make it clear it wasnt a 'direct debit' but a continual payment but they always just said they would cancel it - then i would find out the payment was taken again the next month and so on.... 2010 - it was then i started to do some googling and found a complaints department i dont think it was ofcom - but something similar?? i left my home telephone number, mobile number and address with them. I then received an answerphone message to my home phone from an irish guy calling from AOL saying he was contacting me about my complaint and he would try again to contact me tomorrow. left no number for me to contact him, no attempts to call me on my mobile or write to me and most importantly i did not receive any other calls. at this point life rather got in the way and i had an awful lot more to worry about (wont bore you with details) 2011 - i approached barclays again and seemed to get through to someone who understood because she managed to stop the payments. fast forward to end of november and i get a letter sent to my mums from an unknown company asking me to contact them in regards to a debt. i ignored it as it seemed like junk and was sent in my maiden name which baffled me. Months later i get ANOTHER letter to my own address stating they had traced me through the voters register and could i contact them - intruiged i called them and it was debt collecters wanting to recover the ''debt'' i owed AOL by cancelling the payments i spoke to the company and explained the situation and also put it in writing to them Shortly after this, my partner and i split up, he kicked us out his house in February this year, im currently living in a council homeless accomodation with my 2 young children and forced to live on benefits and not doing so great. So im actually terrifed of phoning them again as i fear they will tell me to pay up then take it up with AOL - well that hasnt gone too well in the past..... i have done NOTHING wrong!! If anything AOL owe ME!!! What can i do? thanks in advance and sorry if i waffled.
  8. Hello all, Its quite a long story so I'll try and keep it as short as possible. I moved to an address around May 2008 and moved our AOL broadband with us. After about a month, I phoned them and told them I was going to try Virgin as they were £3.00 a month cheaper. The guy told me he would match Virgins price, so I was happy. Now for the stupid bit, I didn't check that they'd reduced the direct debit until a year later when we were ready to move house again........Doh! They were still charging £17.99 instead of £14.99. Anyway, rather than waste my breath by phoning them (they'd only deny it if I called), I just cancelled the direct debit when we moved, so I had paid up to date. I didn't call or write to let them know, I was just hacked off that they hadn't kept their promise. We moved out of that address in May 2009, and had post on divert to our new address. In April this year, AOL sent a FINAL DEMAND letter to our old address, REQUESTING £53.97. I ignored this. 21 May 2010 Roxburgh Debt Collectors demanded £95.28 - I ignored this 03 Jun 2010 Roxburgh Debt Collectors demanded £95.28 - I ignored this 16 Jun 2010 Roxburgh Debt Collectors 72 Hr Notice £95.28 - I ignored this 29 Jun 2010 Graham White Solicitors - Letter before action £95.28 - I ignored this All of the above were sent to our old address. Now S.R.J. Debt Recoveries have traced me to our new address. 23 Sep 2010 S.R.J. Debt Recoveries TRACE CONFIRMATION Letter, not giving amount owed or who debt is for? - I ignored this. 04 Oct 2010 S.R.J. Debt Recoveries - PENDING LITIGATION PROCEEDINGS - demanded £85.94 for AOL - I've ignored this. I phoned AOL last week (recorded phone call, and I told him), and got through to a foreign call centre, possibly India. I asked what the debt was for and he said that as of April 2010, the account was live and I owed them £71.74. I asked how this was made up and he said he could not tell me, just that this was due as of April this year. I told him we moved from our old address in May 2009 and that phone line was disconnected. I said I wrote and informed them (ok, I lied). He wasn't interested and just kept asking 'would I like to make payment now'. We kept going around in circles, I kept asking what period the debt was for, he kept saying he couldn't tell me. I even told him they owed me money, obviously they are trained to ignore things like that. Can I keep ignoring these demands. I paid for May 09 when we moved out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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