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  1. Latest from the FCA http://www.fca.org.uk/news/statements/agreement-hfo-services-limited-roxburghe-uk-limited-hfo-capital-limited ------------------------------------------- I hope that IF they do apply for a new licence, they will be turned down
  2. Apart from the title... This is a good thing isn't it? https://www.transportxtra.com/publications/parking-review/news/47214/court-clears-roxburghe-of-business-malpractice https://www.fca.org.uk/news/statements/agreement-hfo-services-limited-roxburghe-uk-limited-hfo-capital-limited Gary Osner Email: [email protected] Phone Number: Position: Parking on Private Land Operator representative Group: Parking on Private Land Location: Surrey Parking on Private Land Operator Representative Chair of BPA Standards Panel http://www.britishparking.co.uk/Council-of-Representatives
  3. http://www.roxburghe.com/ This company are well known within the private parking industry and are referred to as the number one debt collection company. This will seriously impact on the matter of private parking tickets issued under the Protection of Freedoms Act.
  4. Yesterday (16th September) administrators were appointed to Roxburghe Debt Collection: http://www.roxburghe.com/
  5. Hi all Just so you are aware Roxburghe and PCN parking services went into administration yesterday. All staff were sacked without pay and sent home. Thought u may like this news Enjoy X
  6. Hi guys, advice on a fine from the famous NGP / Roxburghe crew please. I have had some dealings with these in the past, NGP have tried to fine me 3/4 down the years which i have either ignored or complained about - one of which was on a company private parking owned by my best friend! He told me he had no idea who they were which i relayed back to them and it went away. Another time i was parked somewhere for about 20 minutes and had a photo fine through, i asked them to date stamp these and they again it went away. And another occasion I knew i was playing away some 30 miles away in a football match! The last correspondence for any of this was me writing them an email on 17/03/13 kicking off about all of the attempts above and asked for significant proof. I never had a reply. However one of these has come back to me today via post. Roxburghe have issued me a letter stating i owe a fine of £160 for an over exceeded stay. They have not provided me with any other details than the PCN Number and date of offence - 07/09/13. How do I move forward with this as i'm sick of these attempts to try and con me out of money? Thanks guys!
  7. I thought I might share this news:- The OFT has refused to renew the consumer credit licences of debt purchaser HFO Capital Limited, and two associated debt collectors, HFO Services Limited and Roxburghe (UK) Limited. http://www.oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2014/08-14#.UvM2NIUZNRq.
  8. Hi My grandfather passed away in March last year. He had a telephone line with the post office. The outstanding balance was £48.00. I called the post office who asked me to send in proof of death, which i did and never got back, nor did i receive any further correspondence until January this year, it was a reminder from the post office, i rang them and asked them to send out a bank credit slip to pay the bill, nothing. At the end of February i receive a letter from Roxburghe threatening for payment of £66.80. I rang the post office who apologised and told me that when i first ever contacted them there was a problem with staffing , but did tell me that wasn't my problem! I was promised that because of the inconvenience the account would be cleared and closed. I accepted this and after receiving an invoice from the post office dated 13/3/2014 with a balance of £0.00 i put it down to a bad experience and accepted that things can go wrong. Today i have received another letter from Roxburghe, dated 21/3/2014 threatening my deceased grandfather with legal action. I rang them and they were most rude and unhelpful. I then contacted the post office and was passed through five different call handlers one been a sales handler! and they are now saying that they will contact Roxburghe and stop the letters. I want to find out about others experience of this agency and really if i can believe that these letters will stop? or do i need to escualte this further with Roxburghe. I am absolutely beside myself with upset about this.
  9. According to a Roxburghe Dedt Collectors employee today, Gladstones Solicitors ltd, based in Cheshire now represent them...........We all now wait with baited breath? Do you good people not find it a matter of concern that this is the 3rd lot of solicitors that they have had this year, with the last ones, GPB being closed down by the Solicitors Regulation Authority for dishonest practice!!!!!!!!!! Bearing in mind that the OFT have ' Refused to Renew' their Consumer Credit Licience I personally find this most interesting. Happy Parking People
  10. Hi, hope this is the right place. A few months ago I took out a mobile phone sim card contract with TalkTalk. I changed my mind the same day the sim card arrived and posted it back with a letter saying the same and to cancel the contract. Since then I have been bombarded with bills for this sim card. Despite writing and telephoning numerous times and on one occasion being told everything is resolved I have now received a letter from Roxburghe debt collectors. I have no idea of the way forward here. It's the first time I have ever owed (not owed in this case) money to anybody let alone a debt collector. This could ruin my credit rating maybe. Can somebody please guide me on the next move and any template letter that may be here covering the law on this matter. First thing I will do though is cancel my TalklTalk services for broadband and phone, they really do stink. Thanks.
  11. Not overly concerned about this but thought I would post the situation and an interesting link. I took my father to hospital for an appointment and dropped him at the entrance about 11:00am and then went to park the car to save him the walk back, found the parking spot went and put £3 in the machine for upto 6 hours parking, went back to the car and put the ticket in the dashboard. Returned to the car at about 12:00 and found a ticket, I had only gone and put the ticket upside down on the dashboard, and after checking my ticket it had only took £1 of my money and issued me 30 mins parking. I can only assume that the £2 coin just dropped through and I didn't even notice. Now the minimum parking fee was £2 as far as I can recall so how did that machine issue a ticket when it hadn't had the minimum amount put in the machine ? and you also get 30 mins free parking. I obviously will be completely ignoring it as I did pay so nobody has lost anything, but the interesting item that appeared in the local paper about the new parking regulations, says that the hospital will keep the money from the parking fees and the Enforcement company(APCOA) will keep the fines ..... ........ is this not encouraging them to issue tickets ? http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/local-news/clampdown-starts-on-illegal-parking-at-north-691796 Thoughts anyone.
  12. Hi all, I telephoned the number of our old friends Graham White solicitors aka Michael Sobell, ( 01932 332020), of same address as Roxburghe Debt Collectors, who we all know is the address and telephone number registered with The Solicitors Regulation Authority...... I was surprised to be greeted with the following answer machine message..........." Graham White Solicitors no longer act on behalf of Roxburghe UK Ltd, please stay on line to be transferred to Roxburghe". I contacted the S.R.A. who are now investigating. I have also discovered that Roxburghe are now using G.P.B. solicitors in Statford upon Avon. I telephoned this company who first denied the fact, but then changed their mind and acknowledged that thay did. I then contacted Roxburghe who declined to comment on where Mr Sobell has gone, except to say that G.P.B visit their office. All comments welcome
  13. My partner was recently taken to court by the old vampire Sobell on behalf of East Kent Hospitals. The claim was entirely wrong in the beginning.. Roxburghe stated in their template threatograms that it related to two different vehicles that was not on the obligatory Northampton County Claim form. Despite my partner desputing the original Roxburghe letters, they ignored her and threatened her with a Norwich Pharmacal Order, which in short means that they would take her to court to force her to name the driver. However as the claim related to one vehicle and not the two as sent by Roxburghe, she had no way of knowing who the driver was??? Next the lovely Michael Sobell sent her a letter before claim stating...........Wait for it........That she had admitted being the driver and had not paid despite offering to pay!!!!!!!!!! Naturally a defence and counterclaim was submitted. Subsequently when the hearing got allocated in our local court and they needed to pay the hearing fees, Old Mickey tried to drop the proceedings. But unfortunately did not follow the correct procedure. Now as a so called solictor, surely he should know how to follow the Civil Procedure Rules????? She paid for the hearing fee as requested by the court and sent her bundle 14 days prior to case.My partner had telephoned Roxburge and Graham White asking for their bundle but they were not prepared to talk and stated that "You can speak to Mr Sobell prior to the hearing". The day after receiving her bundle the old vampire tried to ajourn it, however the judge was having none of it and left a message on Graham White solicitors answer machine (who we all know is not there), and told him to appoint counsel for himself in his absence......Basically the judge was not going to be messed about, and quite right to. On the day there was no representation from East Kent Hospitals and needless to say the claim was dismissed, judgement for the defendent and costs awarded. And they call themseleves "Debt collectors of the year 2009" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Here's another victory this year, this time Town & City Parking, ( now Smart Parking) who use Roxburghe for enforcement............ My partner received a £70 invoice on 16th Jan 2013 with regard to an alleged parking contravention on private land. The event allegedly happened in Asda, and we had never been issued with a PCN and parking is free with a maximum stay of 3 hours. Will file drop all correspondence in order.....ENJOY..... http://www.filedropper.com/tcp1 http://www.filedropper.com/tcp2 http://www.filedropper.com/tcp3 http://www.filedropper.com/tcp5 http://www.filedropper.com/tcp4
  15. Hi All, First post on the site and hope that someone can help me with this one. Earlier this year I was unfortunate enough to receive a PCN from APCOA for picking up in the roadway just outside the designated pick-up area. This has vey quickly resulted in a letter from Roxburghe, and now Graham White solicitors, with strong hints about court action. The fee has reached £131. On the day in question I used the pick-up area, paying my £1, but my passenger was unable to locate me within the allotted 10 minutes. Pedestrian signage is poor, it seems. I drove out into the road where he quickly spotted me and jumped in, whilst the traffic was stopped. If I continue to ignore these letters and it eventually goes to court, what are my chances? Has anyone got recent experience of this? I gather that the law changed in Sept/Oct last year which might make things more difficult for the motorist. Thanks, Ratzo
  16. Following the annus horribilis of 2013 when Sobell went awol in may 2013, to be replaced by GPB Solicitors, who subsequently were closed down by the SRA, for dishonest practice, it appears on the Law Society website that the infamous Graham White are no more at KT14 6ND. I did find it rather strange that 2 firms of solicitors were registered at Roxburghe at the same time! However Sobell is still registered but at no addresss. Whats going on Hummmmmmm !!! !
  17. (I'm assuming that the good people of Roxburghe are watching this thread, BTW!) Hello, I have just this week recieved a letter from these characters regarding parking issues that happened in 2012. I'm not going to give too many details as I would rather my case was not able to be identified because of the possibility of you-know-who watching! They are offering me a chance to pay, in the absence of which they will consider legal action against me. Apparently their solicitors have also written to me but this letter is the first I've heard of any problems. Usually I would ignore these people, but given the threads regarding court cases I thought I should get ahead of the game. They request that I phone them to find out how much I need to pay to avoid legal action. They suggest that I do not ignore the letter as it is in my best interests to pay. What do you recommend as a good next step? N.B. I'm happy to defend this should court papers be issued, as the place the so-called infrngement tool place was free parking anyway and blah blah blah. Thanks!
  18. Hi, I received a letter from Roxburghe Debt Collectors today demanding £80. this is in ref to disputed and confusing TalkTalk charges (total £50) for early closure of my broadband/phone account. Underlined in the letter it says: 'do not contact our client as we are now appointed agents'. I have been corresponding with TalkTalk to try and get a breakdown of the disputed charges but have been unable to get any information thus far. I received a 'final demand' letter in Nov which TalkTalk state 'if no attempt is made to clear this balance within the next 7 days; your details will be passed to a Debt Collection Agency for further action'. I referred to this 'final demand' letter in the letter I sent to TalkTalk the same week. Rightly or wrongly, I assumed that because I am trying to deal with the disputed charges, TalkTalk would hold off on debt collection action, so it's surprising to see a sentence saying 'do not contact our client' in the Roxburghe letter. I am very hacked off with TalkTalk and their non-existent 'customer service' dept, who have failed to answer any questions from the 4 letters I've sent. In fact, in my last letter I began charging a fee for time wasted sorting the matter out. So, my questions are: is it okay to ignore this Roxburghe letter or is it better to reply? Apart from threatening letters, what is the likelihood that Roxburghe will pursue this charge if I continue to ignore them? Thanks
  19. I have just checked my bank statement and have found that this company have taken money from my account without my permission, obviously a debt has been passed to them but do they have the right to do that as i have never given this company my bank or debit card details
  20. Hi all I’m writing on behalf of my girlfriend who has a longstanding debt which she has finally agreed she needs to look in to, but does not know where to start. She admits she has been irresponsible and has been scared to look into it for a long time, but having read around these forums for a while I’ve managed to convince her that there are processes that we should follow to see where things really stand, what really needs to be paid, and if there is anything she can claim back. I’m not particularly informed myself, but am prepared to read and invest time and effort into this to try and help her, and any help and advice anyone can give would be really appreciated. The debt is a Barclaycard credit card debt relating to the period May 2004 to January 2005 and was apparently passed to/sold to HFO Services in April 2006. My girlfriend says she spent on the card, and then tried to forget about it/run away from it and obviously at some point stopped paying the minimum payment. She was at university at the time and moved address frequently, and so we are presuming Barclaycard chased her for payment for a period before passing/selling the debt to HFO Services in April 2006. We attended a Barclays branch recently and explained that she wants a full itemised breakdown of all transactions and charges on the account from opening to closure for the purposes of claiming back PPI (which she had) and also any late payment/other charges which were made by Barclays (which she thinks she remembers), and also to find out exactly what the final balance of the account was when it was passed to HFO Services. Barclaycard said that she would need to write to them and enclose a cheque for £10 – so I’m presuming that this is the SAR request that I’ve read about? Barclaycard then confirmed the date in April 2006 that the debt was passed to HFO Services, and also that the amount was circa £3000. So – obviously there are processes to go through to reclaim PPI and possibly charges, what should we be doing here? Next, and most importantly – HFO Services. My girlfriend only remembers the following correspondence with them: January 2011 – They called her demanding money, my girlfriend only remembers agreeing to set up a direct debit which she paid a couple of instalments on before cancelling. March 2011 – This is the date of the most historic paperwork she has from them. It states “72 Hour Notice Of Litigation” – red writing, multiple pages, with lots of scary looking court information and statements saying basically that their solicitors will be issuing court proceedings if not contacted within 72 hours. Looks similar to the correspondence you get from Private Parking Companies (something which I have extensive knowledge on and have accumulated and ignored many unenforceable demands for money over the past few years). It also states “the balance of your debt continues to increase” and states that the debt is circa £5000!! Circa £2000 more than the final figure given by Barclaycard! August 2011 – They called again, girlfriend says she again set up a monthly direct debit to them. This is documented in a letter stating the amount and payment date, and also the debt owed is now somehow circa £4000!! Down around £1000 from March 2011, but still around £1000 more than what Barclaycard said the final balance was. There have been no other phonecalls or letters since and my girlfriend has paid an amount monthly by direct debit since September 2011 without break. I called HFO services on her behalf in March 2012 to ask for some information and was told that the total amount when passed to HFO by Barclaycard a bit over £4000, and this was in May 2006. This is a month later and over £1000 more than what Barclaycard have told us! They also said that the account was “up for review” in April 2012 – whatever that means, mentioned something about being able to offer a reduced amount for a one off payment to settle the account, and that it was being passed to Roxburghe. Sure enough, in April 2012 my girlfriend received a letter which has HFO letterhead, and HFO Capital Limited address (unlike the other letters which have HFO Services letterheads and HFO Services, Surrey addresses). This states “Notice of Appointment” says the account has been passed to Roxburghe Limited for servicing – but also states that: “any correspondence or enquires relating to your BARCLAYCARD debt, owed to HFO Capital Limited, to Roxburgh (UK) Limited” The outstanding balance is now a little under £4000 – with my girlfriend having paid monthly direct debits since September 2011 as stated. The only other information I can currently give is that when I rang HFO Services the guy told me to check her credit report - there will be a default registered and there is a default balance. Should we do this? Is this relevent? Can anyone advise on what to do now? I’ve read things like HFO Services are being investigated and may not have a right to collect these types of debt, the debt is over year and so might not be enforceable, something to do with HFO Capital being abroad so that is something illegal, they may not have the right to collect the debt – something to do with getting CAG?, etc. I’m just looking for advice on what processes to follow now, what letters to send, etc – and what to do/not? Should my girlfriend keep making payments? Etc? We want to find out how much really needs to be paid – if anything – and then if there is an amount to pay – to settle it in full and move on. Many thanks for reading.
  21. Hi guys, There are a lot of threads on this site already dedicated to Roxburghe (RB) / HFO Services (HFOS) and Hutchinson 3G (H3G) but I would like to bring to attention my own case as I have a few issues that I hope to seek advice for (... and apologies if you guys are bored to your back teeth with more of the same recurring themes ). My experience with HFOS and RB has been distressing and upsetting. They appear to use deceitful and dishonest tactics to bully their victims into submission and I am determined not to let them win. I have no knowledge of the alleged "debt" for which they are attempting to recover as I closed my account with H3G with a zero balance back in 2004. Background details (pieced together from recollection and the very little written correspondence I have had with the trio of aforementioned companies): 24 July 2003 : Contract with Hutchinson 3G for a mobile phone handset and monthly tariff underwritten for £38.00 per month 28 December 2003 : Due to extremely poor reception and quality of service (phone call drop-outs, SMS messages not being sent / received) I cancelled the contract via a telephone call. The service centre employee was happy to oblige under these particular circumstances. No written confirmation given. No further written correspondence from H3G (including bills) March 2004 : H3G informed me of an outstanding balance of £49.84 from November 2003 30 March 2004 : Final balance paid to H3G 09 July 2008 : I received two letters from HFOS titled "Notice of Transfer" and "Notice of Assignement of Debt". The letters stated that the debt was assigned by H3G on 31 July 2007 for the amount of £173.20. The signees were 'D Hashan' ("Telecoms Team") and 'Jane Parker' (Manager, "Telecoms Team"). The Assignment letter claimed to include a letter from H3G stating that the debt had been assigned. There was no such letter included in either items of post. 01 August 2008 : I responded to Jane Parker expressing my surprise. I stated that to my knowledge there was no outstanding balance with H3G. I also noted that there was no letter of assignment from H3G included in their correspondence. I received no further mail from HFOS. 24 November 2009 : I received a letter from Jonathan Stock at RB stating that the debt had been passed to them by H3G (not HFOS?) and the amount to be recovered was £298.21 (!) 27 November 2009 : Feeling empowered by various forums (possibly this site) I found a template letter stating that I do not acknowledge the debt and require documentary evidence that the debt exists. I made the schoolboy mistake of signing the letter... December 2009 : RB responded with a compliment note (no letter or explanation, not signed or dated) stapled to a printout of a screenshot of the H3G accounts software with what appeared to be a ledger of my account with H3G. This ledger showed that H3G continued to bill me for 4 months after the account closure. A balance of £163.20 is visible on 28 May 2004 and this is flattened with an adjustment on 6 June 2007 (possibly the sale of debt to HFOS). As this screenshot in no way constituted proof of an outstanding debt I chose not to humour them further and to get on with my life. Oct 09 - Sept 10 : RB continue to send SMS messages to my personal phone and leave voicemails from random mobile numbers pretending to be solicitors and requiring urgent response. Solicitors do not work like this. I ignore them. 25 October 2010 : I received a letter from Nick Krauspe of RB stating that I agreed to make a payment to them as part of a plan to settle my debt. They state this agreement is legally binding and as I have failed to make a prompt payment they will charge me £12.50 for the pleasure. The letter also mentions HFO CAPITAL LIMITED for the first time? I am HIGHLY concerned about this letter as it would appear that SOMEONE has entered me into a CCA without my knowledge or consent (possibly by lifting my signature from previous correspondence?). If this was the case would it reset the timer on the "debt" to avoid being Statute-Barred? Should I send a letter to RB by special delivery demanding to see proof of this "agreement" such that I can forensically analyse the content (if it exists) and thus be in a position to take legal action? I have signed up to CreditExpert to check my credit report and hope to complete this in the coming days. I will attach censored versions of all the correspondence I have had in the next posts in the hope that you can give me the confidence and empowerment to fight these intolerable, abusive, dishonest scalliwags (!). If you can help then I will happily donate the entire alleged debt amount to CAG (and even if you don't I may well dig deep as you give many others the courage to speak up and fight their cases). Many thanks in advance.
  22. Hi guys, i am completely new to the whole forum thing so you will have to bear with me im afraid.. anyway ive been reading other threads on the roxburghe phenomenon which seems to be hitting the natio with a bang, and i just wanted to see if anybody could help me and tell me if i am/am not in trouble or done something i shouldnt have. Anyway a few months ago i was signed up with Post Office home phone and broadband, everything was going great until i ran into a snag, i had run up a bill of £149 or so. after receiving a few phone calls from PO asking me about the money owed even though though i did not think i owed them anything as there service was consantly faulty and it was going off for 2 weeks at a time, i recieved phone calls from PO saying i was to pay the debt in a week or my service would be SUSPENDED to incoming calls only!! however my ENTIRE phoneline was cut off only 3 days later-no outgoing calls, broadband or incomeing calls. When i eventually got the £149 to pay them i asked whether that was my debt cleared and they said yes done dusted. and i was to set up a new phoneline etc with them as they had TERMINATED mine, so i done this. anyway it turned out the new line i set up shouldnt have been allowed as i apparantly owed them another seperate £150 for the termination of my line (which they had done without notifying me). i argued with PO why i had to pay this and they said i was notified i had 1-2 weeks to pay otherwise termination (which as i mentioned above i was not, i was told it would be suspended after a week). I argued with there complaints department and eventually gave up---(i am exhausted arguing about money, i am 20 years old, i have a 3 yr old son which i would die for and my own home to rent, when i learned of my gf pregnancy i started work being a semi qualified engineer and whn the recession hit i lost it despite working my way up to supervisor in only a year and a half!! i have now decided i am smart and capable and am not going to see my family broke and in wanting of something again so am now studying to be an architect whilst living on benefits- planning on making a new life when i finish). So instead of arguing, i decided to save up and pay but if u have commitments like this you will know its not that easy. Now Roxburghe are harrassing me to pay the £150 termination fee, i havent had it as bad as others on here but i had a few letters about the debt, at this point i went to their site and offered to pay £5 a fortnight (not a lot i know but my benefit comes in every fortnight and this is all i can afford) they responded with a phone call saying this was not enough and i was to send them a financial statement as proof of outgoings and they will decide if it is enough!!(im sorry but if thats all i can pay, its all i can pay! nobody is going to force me to take food from my sons mouth to pay them!!) i hadnt had time to get that done and my gf received a phonecall from them and the words they used were "this is roxburghe, ******** is in debt with us can i speak to him?" my gf (who knew nothing of this debt, i didnt want to worry her) flipped out and we were so busy arguing that the phone got hung up. i havent wanted to speak to them until i know what to say but i have been receiving 10-15 calls per day from 'blocked' number, i know its them as nobody rings me witheld, hardly anybody has my num just friends and family. i also got my friend to answer and say i wasnt there. i even received calls after 11 at night for some reason, i thought they would be closed!! but i hung up straight away. The other day i received 1 of their 72 hour notices it was very cheeky!! Can anybody tell what to do, my head is going!! i need to know if me not answering will make it worse or what i can do? Im also debt with another company for an overdraft, which somehow seemed to grow greatly due to interest, but it was taken out a few days after the country was legally pronounced as in recession (i thought there was no interest in a recession? maybe i am mistaken i dont know). They also nicely notified my gf of my debt and tried to get her set up a direct debit from her account on my behalf- i thought they couldnt tell anyone else of a persons debt otherwise it was automatically written off?? Im really sory about all of the rambling but i thought it best to give you all of the details. I am a resident of Northern Ireland also. Anyway if anyone can help it would be greatly apperciated!!! Thank You for reading my......essay!!
  23. Need some general input regarding the legality of Consent orders when claimant did not have right to enter into it
  24. Made an initial complaint to the SRA. they phoned me and asked for further details and gave me the correct e-mail addy to reply to : [email protected] If you have a valid complaint and can document it, then everyone who can complain should do so without delay. I have told the SRA that they will, in due course be receiving daily complaints about our friends fairly soon. I therefore urge anyone who has a problem with TR, get your complaint off now to the SRA. At very least we need to create enough noise to enable the SRA to suspend TR's right to use the solicitors umbrella OFT licence. Without this they will not lawfully be able to carry out the regulated activity of debt collection. Reading between the lines whilst speaking to them, I get the feeling that they already have a significant number of complaints already. If you want action, then help yourself, get writing now !!!!!!!!!! Everything I come accross of significance Im sending them daily. they'll soon get the message. After reading the Silverpoint posts, I cannnot believe how stupid Alice can be for not smokescreening this activity. Is it stupidity or are they having a game with us all, or do they just not give a f*** ??? The net is closing on you Alice, faster than you may think, our secret weapon is about to be launched - aimed at you fella !!! My advice to you Alice - get yourself an Equity Card - you'll be needing it !!!!
  25. I cancelled my account for telephone & internet service with Tiscali in August 2008, when moving home. Two months later, in October 2008, I noticed that Tiscali were still taking Direct Debit payments, so I cancelled the DD (I believe that 2 months is long enough for Tiscali to have collected any outstanding payments for their services). I believe Tiscali 'forgot' to cancel my account, which is why I did not receive a cancellation confirmation letter from them until October 2008. I chased Tiscali for the excess charges they had taken from my account after cancellation (£20.49) & in December 2008 Tiscali paid back the above sum, less the cost of call charges (£0.18) made after the cancellation date in August 2008 (fair enough), making a payment of £20.31 to me. In March 2009 I received a demand from Fredrickson International Ltd, for £20.49. After several phone calls with both FIL & Tiscali, explaining that I could not owe Tiscali any money as they had admitted taking excess charges by DD & had refunded me the charges taken 'in error', by cheque in December 2008. Fredrickson asked me to send them the documentation showing Tiscali's error & refund, which I did in April 2009. I have heard nothing since, until receiving a message from my old address today, saying that they had opened a letter addressed to me by mistake. The letter was from ROXBURGHE D/C's & was regarding the same alleged debt, which they now put at £43.99. (dream on) I have emailed Roxburghe, 'suggesting' that they might like to contact FIL who should have all the documentation I sent to them in April 2009, & from whom I have not heard a word since then! It may be a coincidence, but both FIL & Roxburghe have 'KT** ***' postcodes, which could explain why that part of Surrey has such over-inflated house prices, if it is a fraudsters 'hot-spot'?!
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