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  1. Hi All, Received an Invoice from Vehicle Control Solutions for allegedly stopping in a no-stopping area on a private access road at Liverpool Airport - I was not the driver of the vehicle. I've read all the posts concerning VCS and no-stopping on private land at the airport and my understanding is I should ignore everything from them until their lawyers get involved. At that stage I should send them something along these lines... "Dear VCS, In reply to your letter sent on xx/xx/2018. There has been no breach of any contractual agreement therefore I owe you nothing. Regards" If it then proceeds to court I should come back here for further advice. Have I got that all right or have I missed anything? Thanks in advance 1 Date of the infringement 16/01/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] posted: 19/01/2018 3 Date received: 23/01/18. 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?} No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Vehicle Control Services 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Liverpool John Lennon airport. For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IPC
  2. Hi all, My dad who is a private hire driver was dropping off a passenger at birmingham airport IBIS hotel. This hotel allows passenger drop offs/pickups only by private hire drivers and is a red route in all other circumstances. My dad recieved a fine i sent off an appeal to APCOA detail that he was a private hire driver and eligible to drop off. No response was received from and in return we got a debt recovery letter. I then sent off another email to APCOA stating that i had sent an appeal but not received a response. 4 months down the line and without a response, i have now had a DCBL letter (although the letter states that this case is not subject to high court or bailiff action). What is the best course of action? For PCN's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement - 5th March 2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - i do not have this to hand as have misplaced it 3 Date received - as above 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes there is evidence of showing my dad doing a drop off, but i have since gone and taken a photo of the sign which states drop offs for taxi only. 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] - appealed on 14th APril 2018 stating that my dad is a private hire driver and is eligible for the drop off Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up - NO response 7 Who is the parking company? APCOA 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Birmingham Airport For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. Hope you can help THanks
  3. ANY ADVICE PLEASE received parking ticket sept 2012 from vcs liverpool didn't admit liability ignored all letters from bwlegal , looks like they have now passed it to dcbl firm from can't pay take it away 6 years later any advice pls I've requested all evidence and proof of contract of landowner, anyone else received a letter
  4. A teacher who drove into an airport worker following a row over a new £3 drop-off charge has been spared jail after a judge said he agreed the levy was an "absolute disgrace". Graham Benbow, 55, flew into a rage at Manchester Airport when he was told he would have to pay a fee for dropping off a passenger at a departure terminal. An airport official tried to stop Benbow from driving his Mazda through an open barrier but ended up on the car's bonnet before he was carried along a road for several hundred yards, Manchester's Minshull Street Crown Court heard. Benbow, a psychology teacher at Altrincham Grammar School, went over a roundabout before he stopped for police. The unnamed worker was uninjured in the incident but said he "genuinely believed he could die from falling off the bonnet." https://uk.news.yahoo.com/judge-calls-airport-apos-drop-172437507.html
  5. In the same mill familiar to all- Vehicle Control Services Limited. Did all the online stuff - rejected surprise surprise. Letter from bwlegal threatening commencement of legal proceedings in the form of County Court Claim Form. bwlegal called my on the 'phone today - I am shaking! How do they get my number?? They asked me to confirm who I was which I did They then asked me to go through some security questions. I declined. I said that I will wait for any court summons and defend myself to the hilt. I said I regard this call as intimidatory. I said they and their customer are charlatans and that their actions are unreasonable and that I will rely on the reasonableness of the court to see through this I instructed them clearly and concisely that they MUST not ever call me again and that any correspondence hereon in MUST be in writing. Specifics are vehicle stopped on red lines for 30 ish seconds on side road to apparent parking location, finding it not the parking location booked, consult satnav, turnaround and drive off. No parking, no picking up, no dropping off, engine always on, brake lights always on, always in gear, no obstruction, no unsafe practice. Can't recall which of us was driving Problem is, how can we stop these crooks? If it gets too problematic, they'll just give up and move on to the next, less challenging victim. Politicians, police, JLA - are you out there? What are going to do about it? Us little people can't.
  6. Good evening, I couldn't see that there was an existing thread for this topic - forgive me if there is as this my first ever forum foray I have received a Letter of Claim from BW Legal regarding a PCN from 7th July 2017. This Letter of Claim is dated 1st March 2018 and I have not responded within the 30 days specified. I have ignored all previous correspondence as per any advice I have read however now this looks more serious, I would really welcome advice on what I should do. My issue with the PCN in the first place is that I paid for long stay car parking at Liverpool John Lennon Airport yet when I arrived, there were no parking spaces and after driving around the car park several times, I ended up parking on a kerb (like a lot of other people) and have been fined for doing so. I was left with little choice seeing as I was at the airport to catch a flight and I had paid for a space that could not be provided. BW Legal are seeking a payment of £160 (£100 for the original fine and £60 for initial legal costs) Any advice on how I should proceed would be much appreciated Thanks!
  7. Hi all - as per thread title, either my better half (car owner) or I stopped at LJA whilst dropping someone off. Didn't stop on a road edge, instead turned into a side road/parking area, spun around, and let them out. Reason for this - never been to LJA before and didn't have a clue what was going on parking wise! Looking around I think this is what I'm supposed to add in here 1 Date of the infringement 26/4/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 1/5/18 3 Date received 8/5/18 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Doesn't appear to? 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up No 7 Who is the parking company? VCS 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Liverpool John Lennon Airport For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IAS I've added a copy of the letter. Suffice to say it was utterly unclear that there was a contract being entered into, and that dropping someone off, whilst lost in a confusing car park, would somehow result in a harge Also suffice to say no money is being sent their way! What is best course of action? Thanks in advance for any help
  8. I booked disability assistance in Stansted Airport. The driver and his colleague of the disability vehicle taking disabled passengers from the plane to the airport building acted unprofessional and reckless. When the car started driving (and speeding!), the driver left the door opened right next to where an elderly passenger sat, she was petrified. After some commotion the car stopped and they closed the door. Then the car started speeding again and then suddenly braked throwing me to the floor, I was wearing a spinal brace at the time. They were saying they drove into a chain that was supposed to have a sign on it and it didn’t, trying to justify that it wasn’t the driver’s fault (although, had they not been speeding, I believe they would've seen the chain and even if they had to break I would not have fallen). Despite the incident, I was not allowed a doctor, any medical help, not even a first aid box for a plaster, etc. When I asked to speak to a manager, I was told the manager wasn’t there. I wanted to log a complaint, but they wouldn’t allow me in any way to record the incident, for various reasons they made up. Absolutely everything was refused, apart from a glass of water. I was travelling alone, and I remember severely shaking at one point. All of this should be on CCTVs. I had refused to leave the airport until a complaint/incident was logged and a first aid box was given. The guy said there were no first aid boxes around, or to that effect, and there was nowhere to log the incident or complaint. As I refused to leave, he then paraded me around the airport in the wheelchair while he (non-enthusiastically) kept asking random employees for a plaster and how to log this incident, this took a long time and it was obvious he was trying to get me tired of this so I would drop everything and leave. It was a humiliation of the first order and I can’t begin to express how stressful this was. In the end, I wasn’t’ going to leave the airport, so he had no choice but to get me a plaster, which he found on a colleague, and apparently logged a report on their computer in the disability office. Still, I wasn’t allowed a copy of the report or a reference number. I was assured that someone would contact me about this. No one ever contacted me. As the result of this incident and how I was dragged around the airport my prebooked transport was already gone. This was not a difficult hour of the night and the airport would not help me with getting home. I had money for a bus that went to Victoria station in London, so I got that, but I have a huge memory blank of how I got home that night, I think I was so stressed or in shock I have a memory loss. For many months I was so stressed about this incident that I couldn’t even fly to my cousin’s wedding in Europe. I couldn’t face contacting Stansted airport to chase up this incident either as when I would think about it I would go breathless and my heart would go into palpitations and out of rhythm (I have a medical heart condition). Some months later, when I could get myself to do it, I wrote to Stansted airport to find out about that complaint someone was supposed to get back to me about. I learnt I was mislead in the airport and there was no complaint on the system. Then I sent them a fresh complaint by email, they accepted everything that happened, but blamed me for it as apparently it was my fault I didn’t put a seat belt on in the disability vehicle. (Note: as a result of my heart condition I often feel dizzy and faint so I can easily overlook things like seatbelts. I book special assistance in the airport to help me physically with basic things like mobility and seatbelts. I don’t understand why this is my fault). The complaint was also not accepted properly because I emailed them just over 6 months after the incident (-apparently what I logged in Stansted airport was an incident not a complaint – a technicality I didn't know about, and apparently I had 6 months to log a complaint – another technicality no one told me about). I felt like I was a victim of some sort of Stansted airport mafia. I found it impossible to complaint to Stansted airport. What can I do about this please? Is there anywhere else I can take my complaint to? Or is this all at the discretion of the airport? I feel the incidents that happened in Stansted airport, how they were handled, and how passengers like me are presented with barriers to complain about such events makes Stansted airport a very dangerous place for disabled passengers. Any advise or feedback is most welcome.
  9. Hi All, Some help please... I was dropping my son off at Liverpool JLA, early morning. Forgot to bring cash for the drop off point. No wallet. So dropped him off a roundabout on a service road. He had no luggage only a small holdall, so made sense. Literally stopped for 20 seconds. Through the post received a PCN (NTK). I have not responded. Date of infringement 18/11/17 Date on NTK 23/11/17 Date received. 30/11/17 No mention of Schedule 4 (2012) PoFA - Mentions the Date Protection Act 1996 (relating to DVLA) They have photographic evidence I have not responded in anyway. IAS is the body they use for appeals / Appeal can be sent via website myparkingcharge Company who have sent this speculative invoice is Vehicle control Services Limited, Sheffield. They are saying I stopped in a controlled area that has clear signage on the entrance to the private land...I would dispute that . I was not causing an obstruction. Its a big fat [problem]. Horrible.. Any tips or what to do next. I wont be paying this in anyway shape or form. Horrible state sponsored [problem]! thanks in advance..
  10. Hey, I've pretty much shot myself in the foot too. I appealed and was rejected, ignored the requests for payment and now have a MoneyOnline County Court claim against me for £160. I'm confused, I used the argument that there was no free parking at Liverpool Airport, but I read stories that say there is .. did there used to be but they removed it?? On my first visit, dropping off my son, I assumed that a simple 60 second drop off/pick up would be free like Manchester, I entered the airport road it led to a roundabout, after following the signs for Drop Off/Pick Up I entered the car park, at this point I was on a one way road were I couldn't do anything but enter the car park. I dropped my son off, I was no more than a couple of minutes, I went to leave and couldn't get out of the car park without paying. A couple of weeks later when I went to pick him up I thought I might have gone into the wrong car park, I followed the same road and realised that I would be entering the same car park and I'd have to pay, I spotted a barrier and pressed the buzzer to get off the road and go back out, I then saw him, pulled over for about 60 seconds to let him in and was nailed. I appealed, it failed, I ignored and now I have a claim for £185.00 Any ideas?
  11. Hi, I am in the same position and have received a 'scary letter' from BW legal. It was alleged at l'pool airport, Vehicle Control Services. I have not acknowledged anything they've sent me so far but now it's with their 'legal team' and the price has gone up to £160 with the threat of county court proceedings etc. Do you have any advice on best course of action please? thanks.
  12. I don't understand much about drones or their attraction apart from aerial photography. But it seems that airports and the government haven't taken the threat seriously enough. According to this article, there's a piece of kit that can disable a drone. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/dec/20/airports-drone-gatwick-chaos-threat
  13. Hi Guys. heres my case. Im not sure what to do. Just pay the £60? 1st got a PCN as Id pulled in (not blocking the road) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i appealed via myparkingcharge.co.uk as requested on the back of the VCS letter..... To whom it may concern. I have received a "PCN" I am appealing against this as I had to stop my car as I had airport car park booking and was looking for the car park and thought that it was where I stopped. You can check our booking if you email airportparking The booking reference and details are below. Regards, ,,,,,,,. Booking reference:.... Name:.... Car registration:..... Flying from:Liverpool Parking:Imagine Outdoor (for 1 car) Parking from:Fri 12th May 2017 at 3:30 pmParking to:Mon 15th May 2017 at 12:30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I then received this on 17.6.17 from VCS....... Vehicle Control Services Ltd Central Payment Oce, P.O. Box 4777, Sheeld. S9 9DJ t: 0114 242 1111 f: 0114 244 5299 Registered in England 2498820 VAT No. 755 7800 06 O P E R A T O R A C C R E D I T E D Dear ...., Re: Parking Charge Notice Number ..... (Vehicle: ....) Site: Liverpool John Lennon Airport Issue date: 23/05/2017 We refer to your appeal in respect of the above Charge Notice received on 06/06/2017. Having considered the points you have raised and reviewed our records, we are unable to accept your appeal. Our main reason(s) for this decision are as follows: Whilst we understand your concern at receiving a Notice, it is entirely the motorist's responsibility to ensure that they adhere to the Terms and Conditions of use for the airports private access roads. The roadway in question is part of a high security zone and as such motorists are clearly advised not to park, stop or wait on double yellow lines, red routes zones or roadways at any time. Such actions may also pose an obstruction or danger to other road users. There are numerous warning signs in place along the private access roads. In response to your comments, you have confirmed to us that on the date in question, you stopped your vehicle in a prohibited area while looking for the car park. Whilst we appreciate the circumstances you have described however, you stopped in an area where you could have caused obstruction to other drivers. Please be advised that our signage located throughout the area clearly state "No Stopping at Any Time". It is the motorist's responsibility to ensure that he/she is fully aware and compliant with the Terms and Conditions of this area. We must advise that there are over 70 high profile signs advising drivers of the consequences of not complying with the highway restrictions located throughout the 'Red Route' areas. All signage exceeds the recognised industry standards, with some as large as 2m by 1.1m (6ft 6in by 3ft 7in) on the airport approach road and other surrounding roads. Signs also contain the nationally recognised Highway Code symbol for 'NO STOPPING' (Clearway). Furthermore, the signage on the approach road is reflective and positioned to face oncoming motorists and the text size is relative to the average approach speed of vehicles, which is 30 mph. We are satisfied that the Charge Notice has been issued correctly and your appeal (representations) is therefore rejected. We will not accept any further appeals. 17 June 2017 What you should do next - Either: 1. Pay the Charge Notice: In order to settle the Charge, the payment of £60 to reach us by 01/07/2017 or £100 to reach us by 15/07/2017 must be made. Failure to pay this charge within the stated times, may result in Debt Recovery Action being taken and further costs up to an additional £60 being incurred. Payments can be made online at myparkingcharge.co.uk by following the links for "Pay Now", or over the phone by calling 0845 226 9138 by using a valid Credit or Debit Card. (If paying by Credit Card a surcharge of £1.00 will apply). OR: 2. Appeal to the Independent Appeals Services (IAS):If you believe this decision is incorrect, you are entitled to appeal to the IAS. In order to appeal, the IAS will need the following information (which is also contained in the subject header of this correspondence). Notice Serial No: .... Vehicle Registration Mark: .... Appeals must be submitted to the IAS within 21 days of the date of this correspondence. Please visit the ias website for full details on how to submit an appeal online. It is important you note that if you wish to appeal to the IAS and your appeal is unsuccessful, the discount offer will no longer apply and the full amount of £100 will be pursued. Please be aware that if a payment is made against the PCN prior to lodging an appeal with the IAS, or receiving adjudication from the IAS, and if it is accepted as Full and Final settlement of the PCN, any appeal to the IAS will automatically be dismissed. It important I also highlight that no further appeals will be accepted at this office; any such appeal must be made to the IAS. Please also note that further costs may be incurred should it be necessary for us to subsequently recover any outstanding charge using debt recovery and/or court action. Yours sincerely, Appeals Administration Team CENTRAL PROCESSING OFFICE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not sure what to do now. Just pay? thanks in advance people.
  14. Aoplogises in advance this is my 1st post, not sure if its in the correct place. Had several letters from vcs and now bw legal latest one dated 6/12. I replied to the 1st vcs one with a template from peppipo but ignored the rest.... .but worried now i should have replied to the latest one? any help would be much appreciated
  15. Hi All, Just another request about our friends VCS We are a haulage company and occasionally deliver to a site next to L'pool airport, which comes under the VCS control area. In the past we have received the letters for stopping on a prohibited road, which we passed to the driver concerned to be paid or ignored as they saw fit to ! The last two however for drivers of Polish nationality, one who said he has to stop for a mechanical breakdown, i appealed this and subsequently to the IAS. Both were rejected and VCS even supplied a photo of the driver stood by the side of his vehicle eating a banana , in between me receiving the final appeal the driver left our employment and returned to Poland. A short while later i received another 'stopped on the road' for another Polish driver for which i have just ignored. Both instances were towards the end of last year and i have now received the first threats of court action from BW Legal ( in the same envelope lol !! ) I was just wondering what i am best doing now, replying to BW Legal or just ignore them ? Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks,
  16. Hi I'm new to forums. I dropped an air passenger off at Liverpool Airport's "Express Drop Off" zone, in a car park that I could not avoid as it was on the end of a No Stopping road. I was stopped for 30 seconds. When I went to the barrier to leave they demanded £2 and went on about a contract and a sign on the road which I had not seen and more .... after about 20 minutes I snapped the barrier by pushing it out of the way and went to leave in my car. The car park called the Police who asked very similar questions about a contract. Now I've investigated and found PoFA S54 and do not like the idea that a person can detain me on the grounds that they demand that I have agreed to a contract of which I am unware. Oh my defence for snapping the barrier is that I was trying to prevent a crime. No further action. So I've begun the Practice Directions pre-action letters and get a reply from the car park supervisor. They have a ParkMark accreditation, but don't bother to display T&Cs, as required. No T&Cs = no contract, not just for me but to anyone. They detained me for 45 until cops let me go. I asked the cop if he was recording his trying to coerce me into agreeing to a contract. He was. Snapping the barrier was proportionate and reasonable in the circumstances cos I felt trapped. Does anyone know where they got the right to detain me from cos it ain't S54(3) PoFA 2012? No one should be confused into accepting a nonsense contract, that is not on offer, by hostile, sneering people claiming that a sign on a 40 m.p.h. road which is only in view for 3 seconds as it flies past means you've agreed a contract and pay up to leave. Already found, item 24 Sch 1 unfair terms, signage is substandard and does not conform to BPA, Fraud by false representation and abuse of position. Thanks in advance. I know I'm a nuisance but I don't want other people barracked like I was.
  17. Hi All, My mother in law was at Liverpool Airport last week and made the mistake of stopping on the road that leads to the roundabout heading into the airport. This week she received a 'Parking Charge' through the mail. What is the best way to fight this? I understand that ignoring is no longer an option. But at the same time, I don't want to write the wrong thing on any appeal. By the way, she is the registered keeper of the car as well as the driver. Any help will be gratefully received. Many thanks all.
  18. As a taxi driver, I sometimes go to BHX 5 times a day in summer, so im no stranger to the chaos there. This August I was dropping off a family of 8 AND picking up a family of 7 at same time. Both families had many young kids As i entered the drop off carpark, I noticed my clients waiting on the left by the disabled park bays. There are 12 or so bays and 10 were vacant. The park has become very busy and dangerous this season due to more flights and its always a worry that someone will get run over, specially as its a free for all with cars going in all directions The car park is opperated by NCP. i pulled into a bay and whilst unloading cases etc, a copper who had been leaning against a fence came to me and asked if I had a disabled badge I told him we cant have them He asked why i was parked in a disabled bay I explained about the mayhem and the danger to the kids and I have a duty of care etc He said those people are nothing to me, and I have no responsibilty to them He continued to be arrogant and rude, asking why I thought I had a right to do as I pleased and park anywhere etc He demande to see my driving licence and then said he WASNT going to write me a parking ticket, but WOULD be reporting it to NCP who own the park On the way home I thought about it and then googled the POLICE and CRIME COMMISIONER for West Mids Police I asked the Lady how I submit a Freedom of Information request She asked why. I told her I want to know how much public money is spent policing PRIVATE car parks She wanted to know why, so I told her the story. She was MOST keen to assist me. I said I would wait and see if I got a ticket, which I didnt. Police have NO right or jurisdiction in a car park like that. I normally dont park in disabled spaces, but under those circumstances I felt it was safest option. 2 weeks later, whilst dropping off a Lady with a plaster cast on one leg, a NCP opperative became abusive because I was using a disabled bay without a blue badge, even though passenger was on crutches and had booked passenger assistance/wheelchair He took my car details and said he would issue a ticket, but i never got one. Seems like they all love being Hitler
  19. Can someone please help me. i have received a letter off BW legal. I pulled up for a few seconds to let me friend in and like you received a fine. I ignored the letters and now am upto BW legal stage. And saying about court proceedings if I don't pay can someone please tell me what to do? Do I pay up? I shouldn't ignore it but don't know what to do.
  20. Hello. My Father in law has taken early retirement and is part of a large social circle of friends. His friends travel often and would like to pay him to be their driver to take them to and from the various airports they fly from. Please can I ask if there will be any insurance issues with this arrangement?
  21. pulled up outside john lennon airport stopped for less than a minute recieved a parking charge notice is this legal ?? help please
  22. Please can you help. I received a parking fee from Vehicle Control Services for parking at Doncaster Airport for 47 seconds. This was due to my 5 yr old niece taking off her seatbelt whilst driving. I pulled into a bus stop to sort it out. It was on Sunday 5th July. I appealed on 18th July and VCN rejected this on 4th August. Then I appealed to the Independent Appeals Service and they rejected my appeal. I've just received a Notice of Intended Court Proceedings dated 22nd September. I would like some advice about what to do asap, as it requests I settle this by 6th October. I've been in touch with Citizens Advice Bureau and have tried POPLA and British Parking Association, but they can't help as VCS is a member of IPC not BPA. From looking on forums, I'm guessing I just wait now for a court date?
  23. Hi Guys, I'm a newbie on here and have had a look at a few advice sites but am now more confused than ever. On Sat 10th Oct I was leaving work (yep, I work at Doncaster airport and should have been more careful) when my mobile rang - my Mum had suffered a stroke a couple of days before and was in hospital -wife had rung to give me an update so I pulled into a BUS STOP to take the call. As I pulled in I could see the camera van ahead parked up on the roundabout which I thought was a daft place to put it and as I only stopped for about a minute I didn't think It would be an issue. Coincidentally another car pulled in right behind me so I guess he got a notice too. Now I'm not disputing that I stopped, yet had I broken the law and taken the call whilst driving I wouldn't have received their £60 parking charge notice. I have 4 days left before it's supposed rise to £100 and initially I decided to totally ignore the letter as I know it's not a highway however I'm now wondering what to do. Vehicle Control Services seem to like to try intimidation, but I've got so much going on with my Mum and a major water leak at home that I really don't have the time to commit to a long campaign. Any advice would be greatly appreciated please? Should I ignore them, pay the price or go in fighting? Mark
  24. Hi Just interested in your views. The car was parked at NCP's carpark at Edinburgh airport, on returning a sticker was applied to the windscreen saying "OOPS you have parked outside the marked bay... this is a warning you may receive a parking charge notice is you do it again" or words to that effect The images is where the car was parked. I believe it was inside the bay, but more importantly the full bay marking was a short line on the ground, on the left side of the image you can only just see the mark and that was in the daylight. It was parked early morning while still dark. The main question, for my own benefit, would you say it's inside the bay, granted near the edge...? I'm just wondering if this is a prelude to them trying to increase revenue through PCN's Thanks
  25. It's all new to me and today went up a level I need advice I was taking my missus from airport while driving my phone were ringing few times + texts. Stopped just before airport gate on blind roundabout exit (road to nowhere). Wasn't long 5min tops and then I went in. No signs about not parking anywhere... Paid for parking on exit (chucked ticket away when i got home) Got pcn from vcs. 60£ if paid within 2 weeks. Looked for advice on internet. Ignored it as advised Another letter 100£. Ignored Now its that "professional debt collectors" company asking for 130£. What can/should I do??????? Please HELP!!!!!!!!!
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