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Found 5 results

  1. I don't understand much about drones or their attraction apart from aerial photography. But it seems that airports and the government haven't taken the threat seriously enough. According to this article, there's a piece of kit that can disable a drone. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/dec/20/airports-drone-gatwick-chaos-threat
  2. This weekend my daughter received a parking charge notice from MET Parking Services that her vehicle was parked for 71 minutes , oversstaying the free parking time of 60 minutes. Although she is the registered keeper, she was not driving, I was. We stopped at the restaurant, and had a lot of trouble parking. The car park was full and there were many taxis there. After we found somewhere, we queued for food and we waited about 25 minutes in all to pay and for it to be cooked. After we had eaten, we used the washroom facilities and went back to the car. We had to wait about 10 minutes to reverse out of our space as there was a queue of taxis behind us blocking us in. Imagine my horror when the parking charge arrived, charging us £100 with a discount of £50 if paid within 14 days. What should I do? Do I appeal? I phoned McDonald's customer services, but all they advised was that I should of asked the manager for an extension in time for parking. Thanks
  3. I also got a PCN from ECPs in july 16, for parking at the Shell garage, Gatwick. ANPR demanding £100 - £60 if i pay now On the advice of Money saving expert, i have ignored the letter Now its mid Nov 16, Debt recovery plus ltd have written asking for £160 on behalf of clients ECP, with 5 days to pay or they take to court On basis of what ive read here, im gonna gamble to ignore and see what happens.....am I right?
  4. Hi, my post is relevant as its another MET PARKING CHARGE NOTICE debacle. This time at Mcdonalds, Gatwick As per the previous poster, my first correspondence from MET was a 'reminder' document. Please see the 2 files attached. I have two questions before I lodge my complaint / appeal with MET. First - I received this notification 25 working days after the alleged infraction - yes the car was there on that date however "the driver" was not aware of any parking restrictions, nor did "the driver" notice any signage - which seems a regular theme. Secondly - the notice wording suggests the drivers details have been provided by the registered keeper?????? There must be some telepathy going on here Would appreciate peoples views on whether I should respond to MET using the many templates provided OR just ignore the letter given the 2 points raised above.. Thanks attachment.pdf
  5. I have an issue with Macdonals and their car park along side their restaurant at Gatwick,but cannot find an email address for their CEO or any of their senior management, Any idea's Thanks FS
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