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  1. I don't understand much about drones or their attraction apart from aerial photography. But it seems that airports and the government haven't taken the threat seriously enough. According to this article, there's a piece of kit that can disable a drone. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/dec/20/airports-drone-gatwick-chaos-threat
  2. Got a Drone / Unmanned Aircraft and thinking of flying it in the UK or Abroad? Here we will explain to you the UK Law on using Drones / Unmanned Aircraft and the Drones Code for safe flying that you need to follow. Drones / Unmanned Aircraft have now become so popular in the UK and the laws relating to the flying of unmanned aircraft have evolved and there is now a UK Drone Code by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) which anyone flying a drone must adhere to. CAA Flying Drones: https://www.caa.co.uk/Consumers/Model-aircraft-and-drones/Flying-drones/ Drone Code: http://dronesafe.uk/drone-code/ Drone Code - 400ft (120m) SAFETY AWARENESS OF YOUR DRONE Always keep your Drone in line of sight Always stay below 400ft (120m) to comply with the drone code AWARE OF YOUR DRONE AT ALL TIMES Every time you fly your Drone you must follow the Manufacturers Instructions You must keep the right distance from People and Property --People & Properties - 150ft (50m) --Crowds & Built up areas - 500ft (150m) don’t overfly LEGAL Legal responsibility every time you fly a Drone lies with YOU and failure to fly responsibly could result in a Criminal Prosecution Stay well away from Aircraft, Airports & Airfields, if your Drone endangers the safety of an Aircraft it is a Criminal Offence REMEMBER Don’t fly near Airports or Airfield Remember to stay below 400ft (120m) Observe your drone at all times - stay 150ft (50m) away from People and Property Never fly near Aircraft Enjoy responsibly Sources of Interest for other Countries Australia Australian Government Civil Aviation Authority - Flying Drones Link: https://www.casa.gov.au/aircraft/landing-page/flying-drones-australia Austria https://www.austrocontrol.at/en/aviation_agency/licenses__permissions/flight_permissions/rpas Belgium http://mobilit.belgium.be/nl/luchtvaart Canada https://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/civilaviation/drone-safety.html Cyprus http://www.mcw.gov.cy/mcw/dca/dca.nsf/All/BBFF6A8BE57D3C07C2257F45002657CC?OpenDocument&highlight=drones Czech Republic http://www.caa.cz/letadla-bez-pilota-na-palube/prehled-zakladnich-pozadavku-na-bezpilotni-systemy Finland http://www.trafi.fi/en/aviation/unmanned_aviation France http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/Drones-civils-loisir-activite.html Ireland https://www.iaa.ie/general-aviation/drones Italy http://www.enac.gov.it/servizio/info_in_english/courtesy_translations/info-1220929004.html Luxembourg https://dac.public.lu/actualites/2014/2/General-conditions-for-unmanned-aircraft-system-_UAS_-operations-within-the-Luxembourg-airspace/index.html Netherlands https://www.ilent.nl/onderwerpen/transport/luchtvaart/dronevliegers/index.aspx New Zealand https://www.caa.govt.nz/rpas/index-2/#CAR Norway http://www.luftfartstilsynet.no/selvbetjening/allmennfly/Droner/Use_of_RPASDrones_in_Norway Romania http://www.caa.ro/stiri/guidelines-for-the-remotely-piloted-aircraft-systems-rpas-operation-within-the-romanian-airspace Slovakia http://letectvo.nsat.sk/letova-prevadzka/lietadla-sposobile-lietat-bez-pilota/ South Africa http://www.caa.co.za/Pages/RPAS/Remotely%20Piloted%20Aircraft%20Systems.aspx Sweden http://www.transportstyrelsen.se/en/Aviation/Aircraft/UAS/ United States of America https://www.faa.gov/uas/ Drones - Unmanned Aircraft Guidance.pdf
  3. Here's my GoTo website for anything which takes batteries and which is related to cycling, triathlon et cetera. Ray Maker is an American but he now lives in Paris with his American wife who runs an American cupcake/patisserie business in the centre of Paris - with their young child. A few years ago he started up a blog but being a triathlete – and mostly a cyclist, so far as I can gather, he started reviewing gadgets and he quickly got a reputation for telling it how it is – and in the world of rather over-effusive Internet reviews where almost everything eventually turns out to be pretty good and gets at least four stars, Ray Maker's reviews were pretty refreshing. If you are into sports of any kind and you like gadgets and if you want to read a serious and unbiased opinion before you splash out your hard earned lucre, then the website of DCR is probably one of the best places to go to. He does a lot of reviews about drones and also action cameras as well and these are pretty interesting too. However, I'm a bit disappointed that he hasn't started to do any reviews of some of the more downmarket Chinese/Korean items which are available for a fraction of the price of the big brands and which sometimes really aren't too bad at all. Maybe he'll get round to it. https://www.dcrainmaker.com/ @dcrainmakerblog
  4. I came across this really great video on drones see here this fisherman caught a drone from a pier in the USA... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8IP5HJFwLQ
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