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Found 4 results

  1. I came across this really great video on drones see here this fisherman caught a drone from a pier in the USA... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8IP5HJFwLQ
  2. I drive a company vehicle ( recovery truck ) as part of my duties and as with all of the company vehicles it as a tracker fitted for purposes of theft and or monitoring the location of the truck and myself to see if im in a location or area or if im going to be in that location within a time slot to attend another job, I have no issues about this at all as it makes sense and is cost effective to my company to send the nearest truck to attend a brake down, my niggle is this, my employer as given the log in details of the tracker to one of my co workers who when not engaged in work duties logs in to the tracker on his mobile phone and checks other drivers locations including my own, i have asked him countless times not to do this as i see this as an invasion of my privacy and see no reason for him to know were i am, his answer is always the same ( hes not watching me, hes watching the truck ) and this same answer as been repeated by my employer when ive brought the issue up in front of him although the truck is issued to me and parked at my home address when im off shift and not used by other drivers, i also feel as hes doing this during the shift hes also watching me when hes off shift as my shift ends 2 hours after his but i have no way of proving that its just a feeling, i have also brought it to his attention that im sure its a breach of the Data protection act as the information is in fact being distributed by him having the log in details for the tracker, so the question is, is there any laws on this and can i do something to actually stop my co worker spying on me ? or do i just bite my lip and put up with it,
  3. Employee with 9 years service, no disciplinary's, no absence who has recently been signed off with a seriouse injury. Unable to drive which is a major part of her job (Sales Executive), employer contacted her doctor to confirm injuries, then sent her to their own occ Health Doctor who confirmed her own doctors diagnosis. However, the company had her followed by a private detective who filmed her being aided from the house to the passenger side of the car to pick up kids from School. The company then called her in for an "informal meeting" whereby they tried to force her to sign a consent form for the Private investigator. She declined and they got nasty with her. The Company has no Surveillance / Monitoring Policy whatsoever, and under the circumstances they had no reason to have had her followed. They have clearly breached the Data Protection Act along with the Human Rights Act. This is nothing short of constructive dismissal. I know for a fact that the Company has been looking for excuses to get rid of this employee for several years. She is an extremely hard worker, who meets targets and there is no complaints. What can she do?
  4. When visiting my local Tesco, a few days ago, I was approached by the store manager and asked to leave. When I asked why, I was told I was banned for shoplifting. I asked for any proof of this claim and again, was asked to leave the store. I left, promising to take this up with their Head Office, which I did by email and letter. I received a response from them thus: "you have been monitored for the last few months and as a result, he had banned you from entering the store." I find this a mystery as I've never been accused of shoplifting before, nor have I stolen anything. If they suspected me of shoplifting, then why haven't I been arrested for such? What rights do I have, if any? Thanks.
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